Week of 10/25/10 - 10/31/10 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Dana White has more or less killed Lesnar vs. Taker. I can’t say I’m surprised.

Some PPVs have been altered for next year but nothing major.

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 25, 2010
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler
Guest Star: Toby Keith

It’s the night after Bragging Rights and for once we’re FOUR WHOLE WEEKS away from Survivor Series which blows my mind. This will probably start setting up some stuff for that show and have Barrett vs. Cena for a lot of the show as well. This should be interesting as they kind of have to reset things now. Let’s get to it.

We open with Nexus and Cena heading to the ring. Barrett introduces everyone and we see stills of Nexus burying Taker. The reasoning: it’s none of your business and Nexus has its reasons. As for Orton vs. Barrett, Barrett won and Cena has to explain why he did what he did. Barrett says that he obeyed orders and isn’t fired, yet.

E-Mail comes in and Barrett gets a rematch. There will be a guest referee, chosen by the winner of tonight’s main event which is Orton vs. any member of Nexus. Naturally Cena is picked, as we get Orton vs. Cena AGAIN.

Otunga grabs a mic and says Cena should be fired for not being nice last night. Barrett says they’ll never be able to co-exist, so we’re having a tag title match RIGHT NOW, with Nexus defending against…Nexus? Apparently so.

Tag Titles: John Cena/Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater

Barrett stops this before it starts, saying that someone has to lay down and do the right thing because this is Nexus vs. Nexus which can’t happen. He says that person is…..David Otunga? David doesn’t like this at all and Barrett has to order him to get in and lay day. He finally does it, making Slater and Gabriel the champions.

So was there ANY POINT to having Otunga/Cena win the belts in the first place? No? Ok just checking.

We recap Ziggler vs. Bryan and Vickie with the GORGEOUS Kaitlyn, smoking in a red dress, introduce Ziggler.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan

Kaitlyn has some guns on her. After Ziggler’s entrance, here’s….Punk? He’s in a DARE shirt which is a nice touch. He’s limping a bit here and he was rumored to have hurt his back or hip last night. Punk sits down on commentary and says he’s here to scout talent. If he goes after Bryan the IWC will in face, explode. Surfboard by Bryan which I love. That move looks painful as all hell and always has.

Punk makes fun of Shawn Michaels saying he took Bryan’s money and did almost no training with him as William Regal did all the work. Suicide dive has Ziggler reeling and Cole actually praises him. Yeah I’m shocked too. We take a break with Bryan screaming to the crowd. Back and it’s more Daniel in control.

Ziggler begs off ala Ric Flair and eats boots as a result. Ok so he doesn’t actually eat them but they connect with his face. Punk insults Miz as Dolph gets a rollup for two. Sleeper goes on for half a second but Ziggler kicks his HEAD off with a sweet (no pun intended) superkick for two. Punk doesn’t remember Kaitlyn because she’s on NXT. I would say he’s stealing the show but the match is good so it’s hard to say that.

Sleeper goes on again but Bryan counters into the LeBelle Lock. Vickie puts his foot under the rope but he taps anyway. The referee doesn’t see it and just lets it go. Punk says who cares, the dude tapped. He’s right too. Punk gets off headset and we get a staredown kind of. Dolph slips back in but runs away when Bryan sees him coming.

Ad for the reading thing WWE is doing. Eight more days. Just eight more days.

The Bellas give Toby Keith a toy belt after he gives them CDs. Santino comes in dressed as a cowboy and sings a song about the girls he’s dated on screen. And here’s Sheamus to get on Santino for losing the match last night. Match tonight of course.

Cena FREAKS at Barrett. Nice thing of him to wait half an hour to do this and just in time for there to be a camera there. Cena rips off the armband and says that this isn’t worth it. Barrett says if Cena beats Orton he’ll make Cena an mutually beneficial offer.

Laycool vs. Melina/Gail Kim

Please make this quick. Cole got an e-mail during the break and the Sheamus vs. Santino match is on. Layla and Melina start. As I type that Michelle comes in and kicks Melina’s head off for the pin.

Register to vote! And don’t wear a WWE T-Shirt. No they really said that.

Miz and Riley come out to complain about losing last night. Miz’s face is extra red here. Miz will be on the cover of the new Smackdown vs. Raw game which is pretty cool actually. He’s on there with Show and Cena but that’s still a pretty big deal. Miz challenges Rey to a match next week….and here comes Eve? What the hell?

Apparently everyone wants to kill him and he’s a flash in the pan. That’s very amusing from EVE TORRES. This is one of the worst arguments I’ve ever seen. Riley gets on her too and easily out talks her. And of course it’s R-Truth. Damn it for the love of crap I do not want to see these two fight even more.

The place is DEAD for Truth’s entrance. Oh and Eve still can’t dance. Truth says Miz is Kermit. Lawler informs us that Kermit is a frog. I hate this segment. E-Mail says ding ding ding. Great. Let’s get this over with.

R-Truth vs. The Miz

This match starts with Truth putting Miz on the floor and we take a break. Damn it they’re giving this match time. Back and this match is just sucking the life out of the place. Miz goes from captain of a team to an R-Truth match? It wasn’t THAT bad. Big boot during the break gives Miz control.

The match isn’t that horrible but at the same time we’ve seen these two fight so many times and none of them have been good, making this just uninteresting. Granted that might be R-Truth who is apparently good because he says he is. Truth gets an over the shoulder stunner for two.

Miz gets knocked to the floor and Eve slaps Riley. Suplex back in by Miz, who somehow got back in first, is countered so Truth takes out Riley. A few finishers and big moves are avoided and the Skull Crushing Finale ends this.

And here’s Toby Keith to waste our time. He talks about liking being in Green Bay and mentions the game last night. His eyes are closed almost the whole time.

Sheamus vs. Santino Marella

Yep Toby is hammered. He gives Santino, who is scared, some words of encouragement. Morrison comes out as Santino keeps falling down as Sheamus goes for the kick. Morrison pulls Santino out of the way and he gets a rollup win on Sheamus.

New Stand Up For WWE video which is about all these superstars talking about how they wanted to be in wrestling. Everyone wanted to be in WWE. No one ever wanted to be in any other company or anything. Nope, just WWE. Oh and of course these people are all being COMPLETELY legit. No one would ever lie on camera. Nope not at all.

Otunga freaks on Barrett again and threatens to tell the world why they attacked Undertaker last night. Harris and McGillicutty, officially in Nexus now, come in as muscle and more or less say they’ll end Otunga if he talks. Otunga says he’s Nexus.

Taker has a funeral on Friday.

Pee Wee Herman is the guest star next week. Eight more days. Just eight more days.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton

Barrett is out there with him. Orton controls early on and does so as we take the required first break. Back with Cena in a chinlock. FU is blocked by Orton and he stays on offense. Both counter finishers and Orton goes into his clothesline mode. Scoop powerslam has Orton IN THE ZONE BABY!

Barrett tries to get involved but Cena knocks him away. Top rope Fameasser gets two. Basically nothing but counters here but there’s the STF. Barrett pulls the rope away from Orton so Cena comes out to yell at him. Elevated DDT hits Cena on the way back in. FU gets two after another comeback and both men are down.

RKO hits but Cena hits the floor. Orton throws him back in and Orton sets for the punt, as Barrett pulls him out and clotheslines him to give Cena the win and Barrett the referee spot. Orton half kills him and here’s Nexus complete with new members to beat the hell out of Orton. Cena comes in for the save but Barrett has something to say. Naturally Cena is the referee. If Barrett doesn’t get the title, Cena is fired. Oh and if he wins the title, Cena is free.

Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel b. David Otunga/John Cena – Otunga laid down for Slater
Daniel Bryan b. Dolph Ziggler – LeBelle Lock
Laycool b. Gail Kim/Melina – Big Boot to Melina
The Miz b. R-Truth – Skull Crushing Finale
Santino Marella b. Sheamus – Rollup
John Cena b. Randy Orton via DQ when Wade Barrett interfered


Raw got a 3.1. Considering this was against a monster Monday Night Football game last night, this should be considered a big win.

Vince sued the state of Connecticut to allow people to be able to wear WWE merchandise and more or less the state gave in. Can’t say I blame them as it’s faster to just give in and let Vince go away.

Date: October 26, 2010
Location: Bradley Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews

This is yet another filler episode before we get to the eliminations. That’s the one drawback to the online shows: they really don’t have a set limit on how many episodes they can have in a week. The good thing though is that they’ve said we’re over halfway done. This almost can’t be as bad as last week’s though, so let’s get to it.

Well it poured today in Lexington so maybe the girls had something to do with it.

Cole’s opening line: It’s good that it’s Halloween week because this is going to be horrifying. Well at least they’re not trying to hide it anymore.

Striker brings out the girls and AJ is dressed as a NINJA TURTLE! Yeah I’m in love. Naomi is the Hamburger Helper hand. Kaitlyn is Vickie which is awesome looking. Maxine is an ice queen which is really weak looking. Aksana is the devil and again nothing special. AJ or Kaitlyn is by far the best here. Voting starts tomorrow.

Next week is the first elimination. I know people get erased from history when they leave the company but their eliminations are erased too? The first contest is just for who has the best contest. You get 15 seconds to show off/impress the audience.

Aksana goes first as Josh asks the right question: what is the actual contest? She just kind of stands there and does nothing.

Maxine goes second as Cole and Josh are losing it on commentary. She talks a bit about what cold does to a man. Oh and her on top. That’s it.

Kaitlyn is third and impersonates Vickie. She has a huge ass and falls down on purpose. It’s much better than it sounds.

Naomi has a joke for us. What did the glove say to the face? SMACK! (she hit Striker). She more or less does a commercial for Hamburger Helper. I have no idea what the point of that was.

AJ is a Ninja Turtle and Striker says she’s giving him a splinter. She’s Raphael for you TMNT fans (such as myself). She more or less just shakes the sais and her ass a bit.

Kaitlyn and AJ are the only two that get any kind of positive reaction but Kaitlyn wins pretty clearly which is the right choice as she was the best choice. Striker: now back to Todd Pettingill and Sean Mooney at ringside! Striker is a treat to old school fans but at times he can be annoying as hell. This is the former.

Ted DiBiase and Maryse are here.

Naomi vs. Maxine

Cole says happy Marty McFly Day as it’s the 25th anniversary of the movie. Why must they talk about more entertaining things such as those? Oh and they’re wrestling in their costumes. A few seconds into the match, Tony Chimmel brings a computer over so Josh and Cole can watch Knucklehead on it. Ok that’s kind of awesome.

Naomi, in a giant hand costume, is sent to the floor. This turns into a brawl as they fight on the floor and clear out the announcers. They head back into the ring and the different style is almost working here. It would be a bit better if they weren’t in costumes but that’s NXT for you.

As almost always the commentary is far more entertaining than the match. Naomi can’t do much in the costume as Josh isn’t sure what Hamburger Helper is. Naomi hits her with part of the costume to end it in about 3:45.

Goldust says we have to be careful because THEY are in the house and coming for the belt. TNA CROSSOVER!!! An immigration agent comes up and says if the marriage doesn’t happen next week she’s gone. Didn’t we know that already? I’m not sure.

Knucklehead ad.

Wrestlemania Reading Challenge thing.

Brie Bella vs. AJ

The Bellas have split up and aren’t living together anymore. Oh hey Primo is here again. I forgot he existed. Big clothesline by Brie gets two. I know I’m in the minority here but the Bellas are gorgeous and this is no exception. AJ gets two feet up to block a charge so Brie hits the floor. Nikki gets on her and Primo says DON’T DO IT!

AJ gets a half rear naked choke (what kind of a name is that anyway?) half sleeper which gets her nowhere. AJ is all aggressive here but not in a heel style. Nikki pulls Brie out when the referee isn’t looking and a bad looking X Factor ends it for Nikki in a little over 4:00.

Maryse and Ted bicker about being here. Maryse suggests he just buy a new belt which makes sense.

Survivor Series ad which for some reason they wouldn’t say the name of last night other than at the end.

Same Stand Up For WWE video from last night. I’m fine with WWE talking about how great they are, but do we need to spend five minutes of an hour long show doing it? The last Raw before the elections could be very hard to watch.

Josh says a line that made me groan: when people ask I say I went to school at WWE University.

Time for a candy eating contest. Most you can eat in a minute and Horny is here too. He’s a cowboy this time. They can use their hands so this is a bit odd looking. Vickie keeps yelling at Kaitlyn and distracting her. Maxine wins. AJ and Horny annoy Maxine. Kaitlyn starts choking and Horny gives her the Heimlich and of course she spits it on Vickie.

Maryse/Ted vs. Goldust/Aksana is the main event. That shouldn’t be that bad.

Vickie is freaking out on Dolph behind a closed door and Kaitlyn comes up. Dolph comes out and hits on her as Vickie continues to scream and shout.

Maryse/Ted DiBiase vs. Goldust/Aksana

Aksana does look sexy in red. I’ll give her that. And just as the bell rings the video freezes. Ah there we go. The girls start us off. They yell at each other and Cole says his producer told him that if they’re talking let us hear them. AMEN! Maryse knocks off the horns and rips off the tail so now Aksana is just in a skin tight red suit. I’m sold.

It’s a mixed tag so the men have to fight each other. Of course we’re just talking about the wedding here which I guess makes sense here. We head to the floor with DiBiase being all ticked off. Why doesn’t he just grab the belt and run if that’s why he’s here? Maryse helps her man as Aksana plays cheerleader.

Goldust plays Ricky Morton for like a minute until the girls come in. The guys go to the floor and Aksana gets a small package out of nowhere for the pin. Is that her first win? DiBiase goes for the belt but Aksana slaps him and gets it back. The good people get away with it, proving that faces can get away with anything. Ventura and Heenan were right all along! Match ran about 6:30.

Kaitlyn won a costume contest
Naomi b. Maxine – Pin after Naomi hit Maxine with part of her costume
Brie Bella b. AJ – Nikki Bella pinned AJ with a facebuster after switching places
Maxine won a candy eating contest
Goldust/Aksana b. Ted DiBiase/Maryse – Small Package to Maryse


Punk apparently will be out at least to the end of the year with a hip injury. That sucks.

King of the Ring is coming back on November 29 on a three hour special. Cool….I think.

Eddie Guerrero’s daughter has signed with FCW.

There are going to be two more three hour Raws: 11/15 which is an Old School theme and 12/13 which is the Slammys. Busy day today.


Night of Champions got about 160,000 buys which is absolutely awful. Good chance it’s done which would suck.

Date: October 28, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Episode Title: Chained To Fate

This is another show that appears to be another of the exact same thing that they’ve had last week. Odds are that we’ll get more Turning Point set up which is probably a good thing. The main advertised match is Jarrett vs. Anderson in a chain match. Why a chain match between these two you ask? Probably because it’s a gimmick match and there is no real feud going on between these two. Let’s get to it.

I’m turning off Brock vs. Eddie to watch this TNA. Don’t screw me over again.

We open with Jeff talking about forgiveness and his pain and being the anti-Christ of wrestling. Yeah that’s not overkill at all. We also see the cut on Anderson’s head which is a legit injury it seems. Anderson is hurt. I’m stunned too.

Tara and Mickie are brawling in catering and it’s a big old fight. What an original way to open this show. It appears that Tara is winning but we go out to the backstage area and Mickie pulls the jacket over her head like a hockey fight. Madison runs in to help out Tara as the Beautiful People run in to help out Mickie.

The heels take over and Angelina appears to be out. At least they’re hot I guess. Sarita is in this too from somewhere. She and Velvet are up by the booth as we have three separate fights going on here. Somehow we manage to talk about Immortal out of all of this. We’re into the ring now as this has been going on for like 8 minutes now.

Here comes Flair and SECURITY to stop this I guess. TARA SLAPS FLAIR as he tries to break all this up. Now Mickie slaps him around a bit. He grabs a mic for no apparent reason to yell at him and threatens to make a woman out of anyone that slaps him. They start going at it again and Flair makes the obvious six person tag. Good night Mickie is beautiful. They start it up again and hey let’s play that theme song.

Lethal vs. Robbie tonight in a street fight. If Robbie wins he gets a regular match for the title at the PPV.

Guns defend the titles in a three way.

Jarrett vs. Anderson in a chain match. Sure why not.

Pope is wheeling a casket to the ring. Tenay: what’s he doing with that? Tazz: maybe he’s a bad ass going after some MMA guy. Cute Tazz. Very cute.

We get another video about Hardy, which is more or less the same thing that opened Impact but with more of a focus on the Anderson injury.

Flair is in Bischoff’s office and makes more ex-wives jokes. Bischoff says that Hogan isn’t here but is looking for some new acquisitions for Immortal. That scares me. If Angle gets to the set tonight then the security guards are fired. The head trainer comes in and says Anderson is too injured to fight. Eric says it’s still on of course. Anderson has a concussion and the trainer says it’s not safe.

Pope is in the arena, not that we saw his introduction or anything, with a casket. There’s a monster on the loose with demons running through him so Pope is going to pimp slap him. So a street pope is going to put a demon monster in a casket by pimp slapping him. TNA: SERIOUS BUSINESS BABY!

Abyss pops up in the crowd and has orders from Hogan and Bischoff to take care of Pope. Abyss says he’ll need a priest to administer last rites. He says that the congregation isn’t safe either so he kidnaps two fans.

Jarrett says he knew how far he threw Joe. Anderson is out next and Jarrett doesn’t care about his concussion. Joe vs. Jarrett at Turning Point.

After a break, Flair is talking to some chick that might have been Tessmacher and here comes Morgan to make jokes about Brett Favre and text messages. He says that Anderson shouldn’t wrestle with the concussion tonight. Morgan knows about concussions from playing football and that it’s not worth the risk. Flair kisses Hogan’s ass of course and says he’ll forget what Morgan just said.

Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal

This is a Jersey Shore Street Fight and if Robbie wins he gets a title shot at Turning Point. Yeah we’re going to have a gimmick match to set up a regular match. Of course we talk about J-Woww some more because we need to get that 15k worth. Lethal is in street clothes and it’s on immediately. Big suicide dive to take out Robbie. There are weapons at ringside too.

Lethal is dominating so far which more or less seals his loss. Back in the ring as Robbie gets a bit of control. He shouts at Cookie to bring him something so he gets a kendo stick. Lethal gets it though and Robbie is in trouble. Whenever I say Robbie I hear one of the Highlanders saying “I’m Robbie” in that weird voice of his. Lethal is dominating here but Cookie sprays some stuff in his eyes. Neckbreaker ends it. Taz thinks this is an upset. Yeah a guy who has been around a month beating a champion is almost an upset.

The Beautiful People chat a bit and Winter pops up again and apparently loves Angelina.

After a break we recap the RVD/Sabu thing from last week. EV is in the ring and says RVD hasn’t answered any attempts at contacting him so could he please come out here, which he does. RVD wanted Tommy to come to TNA and last week was an accident according to Dreamer. Kendrick is in the corner reading some book. DILLIGAF perhaps?

Jeff is a scumbag according to Dreamer. This is Bischoff we’re talking about and he wanted to kill “our old company.” RVD gets after Raven who is in a military jacket or something. He suggests getting off the weed and says that Bischoff is like him: a super genius. RVD goes after Raven and here is Fourtune. OH COME ON MORE OF THIS FEUD? Fourtune vs. EV 2 FOR THE LAST TIME at Turning Point. RVD/Raven vs. AJ/Kaz later tonight. Williams isn’t happy.

Knockouts fight next.

Fourtune is arguing in the back about Williams and Morgan walks off. Apparently it’s AJ/Williams instead of AJ/Kaz. Flair wants a beer and says he’ll never get iced again.

Beautiful People/Mickie James vs. Tara/Saria/Madison Rayne

Sweet damn Sarita looks great. It’s 10 PM and the second match is just starting. The faces run down to start a brawl in the aisle but the security dudes are here. No bell that I heard at least and it’s just a big mess. The security dudes are in there too and Hebner hates his. Ah there’s a bell with Madison vs. Angelina starting us off. Great to see those new feuds building up in the division.

Mickie comes in and beats up Sarita a bit but gets kicked in the head by Tara to shift control back as well as getting a two. Hot tag to Angelina who stays on offense all of a second and brings Mickie back in. Thesz Press off the top to Sarita but she gets triple teamed in the corner. This is a huge mess. Velvet gets a DDT on Sarita for two. Lacey is now training Tessmacher. Oh good grief. Mickie gets her jumping DDT but walks into the Widow’s Peak but everything falls even more apart and Sarita gets a Tiger Bomb on Velvet to end it.

Pope hears screaming and chases after it as we go to a break.

Back and Pope is brawling with Abyss and there just happens to be a casket there too. Abyss dominates and puts Pope in the casket. Casket match anyone? He looks for Janice and beats on the casket with it after the camera cuts away from it.

Generation Me says it’s all about them. Ink Inc comes out and says they’re Hardy Boys rip offs. Oh wait it’s a break first.

Tag Titles: Ink Inc vs. Generation Me vs. Motor City Machine Guns

So yeah no way the titles are changing here. Amazingly we don’t have this started during the break. Neal vs. Max (I think as I can never remember which is which) starts us off. Tenay goes into his old man rant about how this generation does nothing. The Guns haven’t been in yet which seems to be the theme going here. They finally come in and of course the match and the crowd picks up.

Moore almost gets a pin on Max for an Asai moonsault. Mooregasm is avoided and the crowd dies when the Guns aren’t in there. Of course there is no sense of coherency in hits match as Sabin takes a Mooregasm but Jeremy pulls the referee out. Skull and Bones out of nowhere on Neal ends it.

Team 3D comes out and long story short, the match is on for Turning Point.

Morgan comes in to talk to Eric about the chain match later. Eric says it’s about ratings and Morgan says it’s about more than that. Matt mentions giving Hernandez his concussions and says it’s bad. Eric doesn’t care and throws Matt out.

Matt wants to talk to someone whose name wasn’t clear enough.

Tazz and Tenay argue over the chain match. They then run down the Turning Point card which only has Mickie vs. Tara as anything new.

Hardy says he’s better than everyone else but wasn’t accepted until Eric and Hulk. Oh ok he was accepted but didn’t get money or fame until he won the TNA Title. Not touching that one.

Rob Van Dam/Raven vs. AJ Styles/Douglas Williams

No RVD to start as Raven is double teamed while his music is still playing. That has to be against a wrestling law from somewhere. RVD’s music hits but he casually walks out there and lets the double teaming go on. There he is and lands Rolling Thunder on Williams for two. Slow start to the match as there is no Raven in the match officially.

Tazz and Bischoff bicker like an old married couple over Bischoff and why Tenay worked for him. After a lot of nothing, Flair comes down and drills Raven with the Legends Title which RVD didn’t see. RVD finally gets over for a tag but there’s no Raven. Double teaming and the flying forearm take RVD down. A flying kneedrop from Williams gets the pin but AJ steals it.

Raven and RVD argue as we go to a break.

TNA people are going to be on Family Feud.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Mr. Anderson

It’s a chain match and Jarrett’s music hits at 11pm. And there’s no Anderson as Morgan comes out TO END IMPACT! Oh wait we can watch ReAction immediately after it. Words can express how much I hate that. Morgan says he’s a card carrying member of the Sports Legacy Institute which is Chris Nowitski’s group. This turns into a PSA and we throw in a reference to Jeff’s kids because that’s required.

Morgan says this is more important than wrestling. Jarrett freaks on him and says this is about survival and nothing else. He doesn’t care about Morgan anymore and says the massacre of Mr. Anderson happens tonight and there’s nothing Morgan can do about it. Morgan picks up the chain and puts it around his wrist, threatening to kick Jarrett’s ass and it’s on. This is a match apparently.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Morgan

Morgan is in street clothes. Morgan dominates early on as Jarrett gets nothing. A shot into the post busts open Morgan as Tazz and Tenay bicker even more. Jeff jumps into a chokeslam though but the Carbon Footprint is blocked into the Stroke to end it. No rating of course as this was like 3 minutes long.

Matt gets up and beats down Jarrett, choking him with the chain. Cue Fourtune for the big beatdown as I guess Morgan is now a face. They hang him with the chain as there is no one to save him.

Robbie E b. Jay Lethal – Reverse Neckbreaker
Sarita/Tara/Madison Rayne b. Beautiful People/Mickie James – Tiger Bomb to Velvet
Motor City Machine Guns b. Ink Inc and Generation Me – Skull and Bones to Neal
AJ Styles/Douglas Williams b. Rob Van Dam/Raven – Top rope knee drop to Van Dam
Jeff Jarrett b. Matt Morgan – Stroke

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