Week of 10/24/2011 - 10/30/2011 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 2.2 with over 3 million viewers. It's down a bit but still high.

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 24, 2011
Location: Frank Erwin Center, Austin, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

We're past Vengeance now and everything is about as it was before hand. Alberto is still champion, Henry is still champion, Nash is still irrelevant, Miz and Truth are still causing trouble and everything else is still the same. Like I said for weeks, Vengeance didn't need to exist. Anyway, now things are all leading towards Survivor Series so the hype machine is being cranked up. Let's get to it.

After a quick recap of last night's events, here's HHH to really get us going. He's in serious Game mode tonight and the fans all cheer for him. He says it's a tough business and he was taught from the beginning that you can make friends or you can make money. HHH however has made both. He thought there were guys that could be real friends after the cameras went off.

There were guys like Waltman and Nash but somewhere along the way things changed. For them it became about money and power. When HHH got power, some of those guys wound up just being there to latch on. He thought Nash was one of the good ones but then that started to change. Nash broke his heart last night and tonight HHH wants to take it out on him. He knows Nash is here tonight and he calls the big man out.

HHH shouts for him for awhile until here's Johnny Ace. Ace does his usual talking thing and HHH says shut up in his angry voice. Even though Ace is the boss of Raw, he still answers to the COO, as in HHH. So tonight, Ace is going to find Nash and bring him to the Game. HHH says give Nash a contract or do whatever it takes to get him here. HHH doesn't care what or where it is, but he's going to get back at Nash and he's going to go to jail for what he does. HHH goes up the ramp and looks back at Ace, allowing Nash to come through the entrance with a sledgehammer and whack HHH in the back with it.

HHH is all shaky and can't stand as we cut back to Nash. Everyone is looking away and he walks down the hall in the back. We cut back to HHH who thinks he can stand but collapses and starts foaming at the mouth as we go to our first break.

Back with Cole and Lawler being all solemn about what they just saw. After some replays HHH is being loaded into the ambulance when Nash pops up again. He pulls HHH off the stretcher and stands him up against a wall where he pops him in the head with the hammer again. He's loaded in again and we take another break.

Back with more replays. We're 25 minutes into this and this is the entire show so far.

Randy Orton/Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes/Christian

Orton and Christian start us off and that goes to Randy. Sheamus comes in via a slingshot shoulder block for two. Cole drops in the Irish name for whatever those forearms to the chest are called. Off to Rhodes but Sheamus manages to fire off another shoulder off the apron to the Canadian. Cody gets a Russian legsweep for two and hooks a chinlock as we take a break.

Back with Christian trying a Killswitch but Sheamus escapes with power. Cole starts up the talking about Twitter stuff. Didn't he get most of that out of his system last night? Hot tag to Orton who fires off the powerslam on the Canadian. There's the over the shoulder neckbreaker for two. Christian gets in a shot but is caught in the elevated DDT. RKO misses on Rhodes and Christian takes over with the pendulum kick and a jumping elbow from the middle rope.

The Americans slug it out until Cody hits a dropkick so he can tag in Christian. Off to a chinlock which eats up a little time. Christian goes up but jumps into a dropkick and here's Sheamus. Irish Curse gets two on Rhodes and ORTON IS TRENDING BABY!!!! Beautiful Disaster staggers Sheamus and the spear from Christian gets two for Cody. Everything breaks down and Christian takes the RKO. They botch the finish as Rhodes was supposed to try the Beautiful Disaster and jump into the Brogue Kick. The kick hit the knee though so Sheamus hits a quick High Cross to end it at 9:00.

We get some pictures of Awesome Truth jumping Cena last night.

Ace is on the phone and has Otunga with him in the back. Ace is on the phone with Stephanie and says HHH is ok. Cena comes in and makes fun of Otunga, implying he's Carlton from Fresh Prince. Cena demands a match with Awesome Truth so Ace makes Awesome Truth vs. Cena and a partner that Ace picks. Cena: “As long as he doesn't carry a skateboard, he'll be fine.” Old NWA fans will get that joke.

Santino Marella vs. Dolph Ziggler

Non title. Santino loads up the Cobra quickly and Dolph runs. He's back in the regular trunks tonight instead of the weird ones from last night. Dolph takes him down with the dropkick and Santino starts up his usual stuff. Swagger gets up on the apron and the Zig Zag ends it at 1:46. Just a squash.

We get a double heel beatdown until Mason Ryan makes the save.

The Bellas are talking about HHH's attack and Ryder comes up, screaming that he's Cena's partner.

Del Rio has a victory speech up next.

Alberto talks about how he said he was going to do it and did. It's the start of a new era or something and that he'll be champion for a very long time. Cue the Cult of Personality and that's Survivor Series I guess. He points out that he beat Alberto four weeks ago on Raw and mentions he never got a one on one match after getting MITB cashed in. Del Rio says he'll fight any worthy opponent but Punk isn't one. Come see him again when Punk has a better victory.

At this moment, Punk is at the back of the line. Punk says he'll put Del Rio to sleep anyway. Cue Ace who makes the match for some reason. Punk wants to know the catch and it's that Punk has to say he respects Ace. Punk: “Are you Aretha Franklin?” He goes on a rant about how things aren't any better with Ace in charge. He actually references the Pillman/Sullivan Bookerman moment and says he respects you “Fun Man”.

Punk goes on a rant about Ace's career in the ring and how he never was any good but got where he is by brown nosing everyone. He respects that someone who has done so little has gotten so far. No title shot for Punk now but Ace will take another week to take about it. Punk says cool, but think about this. He jumps Del Rio and loads up the GTS but Ricardo takes it instead.

Natalya vs. Alicia Fox

Make it quick even though Fox's hips look good. Beth sits in on commentary for this. Total squash to start and Natalya works on the legs as Beth talks about cleaning the Divas Division up. Cole talks about Tweeting and JR because he doesn't know what else to talk about. Natalya says tear time but gets kicked in the face and a sunset flip gets the pin at 2:11. Fox escapes the double beatdown.

Wade Barrett vs. John Morrison

Barrett runs as JR talks about tweeting even more. There are going to be photos that JR tweeted in a bit. Oh for goodness sake. Out to the floor and Barrett sends him into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Barrett in control and hitting a big boot for two. All Barrett so far other than a dive. Another kick puts John on the floor.

Morrison makes his comeback with his flippy offense and the running knee for two. Sunset flip gets the same but Barrett grabs a Bossman Slam for two. Wasteland is countered into a Russian legsweep. Starship Pain misses but Morrison lands on his feet. He tries the Flying Chuck and is supposed to jump into Wasteland but Barrett drops him. Regular Wasteland ends this at about 8:30.

We look back at the HHH/Nash stuff from earlier and hear that HHH has a concussion and a neck injury, possibly even a broken neck.

Time for Cole to talk. He gets up on the table and talks about JR tweeting and being in a live chat or something. Oh come on. This now needs its own segment? Cole shows some pictures JR tweeted and they're making fun of JR. I hate this show right now. I really do. Cole is tired of JR so next week Cole is challenging JR to the Michael Cole Challenge. He doesn't say what the rules are but if JR wins, Cole quits and JR gets his job back. Jerry is thrilled.

The Muppets will be on Raw next week. I have never been this happy. Truly, never.

Ryder is happy about being in the Raw main event when Awesome Truth jumps him.

Here are Awesome Truth for the main event but first of all, let's talk about HHH. They talk about how HHH deserved it and Truth says nothing saves Cena until he gets got. Catchphrases take us to a break.

Awesome Truth vs. John Cena

Back and it's a handicap match now. Miz starts off and does as well as you would think. Truth does about the same so the double teaming beings. Miz comes back in and hammers away a bit and the problems he has become more and more apparent every time he's in the ring. Miz simply isn't that good on offense. He's not bad or anything, but offense isn't his strong suit. Part of that is due to his size though as he's kind of small.

Truth comes in again and is caught in the Protobomb for no cover. Back to Miz who misses his running shot in the corner. Cena starts up the finishing sequence but Truth comes in with the water bottle for the very lame DQ at 4:30. I guess they're setting up for something later with this? They better be after this lame ending.

Miz and Truth both get chairs so here's Ace again. He says stop it because it's disrespectful. Ace throws them out to a surprising pop. He then stops them and says Cena can have a rematch with a partner of his own choosing. Cena yells about how anyone he picks is going to get beaten down or taken out, but then he stops and asks if he can choose anyone he wants. It was like he had a revelation. His choice: The Rock. Let me check. Yeah, just as I suspected: it's on.

Sheamus/Randy Orton b. Cody Rhodes/Christian – High Cross to Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler b. Santino Marella – Zig Zag
Alicia Fox b. Natalya – Sunset Flip
Sheamus b. John Morrison – Wasteland
John Cena b. Awesome Truth via DQ when R-Truth hit Cena with a water bottle


Raw got a 3.3, up a bit higher than last week.


Gerald Brisco has suffered a stroke. No word on his recovery.

Barry Windham has suffered a heart attack. It doesn't look good for him.

Date: October 26, 2011
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Commentators: Jack Korpela, William Regal

We're past Vengeance now and there are actually signs that some things are starting to wrap up on this show. I can't say I'd be complaining, as this show is almost the length of a full term pregnancy at this point. Anyway, according to the card that I've seen we might have four matches on here which almost has to be a record for this show. Let's get to it.

At least they're trying to make it look like this show is still coherent by not changing the opening credits.

We open with Bateman, JTG, Maxine, O'Neil and Watson in the ring. O'Neil makes fun of Maxine and calls her a dolphin or something. It's time for the Talk the Talk Challenge. Bateman goes first and talks about football and the Cowboys, who are mostly booed. He makes fun of Titus' trunks. This is pretty weak. Titus says the trunks are for breast cancer awareness because he lost two grandmothers to it. He says he's awesome and that Bateman won't stop him from winning this competition. O'Neil wins with ease.

Titus issues a challenge of his own. He and Watson make fun of Maxine and JTG and a brawl breaks out. Two singles matches are made.

Percy Watson vs. JTG

The fans start booing loudly for some reason at the start of the match but nothing has happened yet. Regal buries the talking skills of both guys as Watson takes it to the mat. Watson knocks him to the floor and we take a break with JTG clubbering him. Back with Watson in control again and getting two off some punches. Out to the floor again with JTG hitting a running clothesline that gets two back in the ring.

Off to some choking and we hear that JTG has been in the WWE for about six years. That doesn't seem possible to me for some reason. It still makes me smile when I think of people saying he was going to be something once Cryme Tyme broke up. Off to a chinlock as Regal keeps burying the challenge. JTG goes up but jumps into a facebuster to put both guys down. Watson takes over and hits a clothesline and the spinning splash for two. The fireman's carry into the pancake (called the Persecution) ends this at 6:47.

Hawkins is ranting about his injury and Striker comes up with a suspension due to something related to the walkout. No idea what that's about. Nor do I particularly care.

The Muppets are coming to Raw. I'm going to get bashed for this, but I haven't been more excited for a show in YEARS. No sarcasm or joke there at all.

Jey Uso vs. Tyson Kidd

Hawkins is with Kidd here for some reason. Regal talks about Kidd spending the past week in Calgary training with Bret on a rolling Indian Deathlock. Cool sounding move. Uso takes over quickly and puts Kidd in the Tree of Woe for two. Kidd comes back as we compare Harts vs. Samoans. Korpela brings up a good question: if Hawkins is suspended, why is he at ringside?

Tyson hammers away and hooks a chinlock. Regal says he's the darling of Twitter. My goodness it's nice to not hear about trending topics for once. Alley-Us doesn't work so Jey kicks him in the face instead. The Superfly Splash hits knees though and a spinning fisherman's neckbreaker ends this at 4:33.

Tatsu makes the save from a post match beatdown. We're waiting on the six man I guess.

Ad for Cena vs. Rock which really is going to be huge. I know that's a really obvious statement but it's starting to sink in just how big this match is.

Raw ReBound eats up a few minutes. The announcement would have been a bit better if it hadn't been told to us at the end of Vengeance.

Rock will make his decision on Raw.

AJ and Kaitlyn talk in the back and DANG those are some big old boobs. Kaitlyn talks about how she's going to destroy Tamina. Tamina pops up behind her and Kaitlyn knows she's there. This is stupid but that goes without saying.

Kaitlyn vs. Tamina

Kaitlyn is the hometown girl. Not that we're told that but I guess it's implied. Tamina hits a superkick to kill Kaitlyn for two. Tamina beats her down as this is a very dull Divas match so far. That covers a lot of ground too. Tamina goes for a fireman's carry and Kaitlyn gets her only move of the match with a sunset flip for the pin at 2:58. This was as boring as it sounds.

Derrick Bateman vs. Titus O'Neil

AJ is on commentary because....eh who cares she's cute. AJ lists off reasons why Maxine isn't nice, including she's wicked. I want AJ to call me wicked. Maxine sits in on commentary as well. The girls get into an argument of course and Regal says go ahead and fight. AJ: “Fun fact about Maxine: she feeds off the souls of babies.” Maxine suggests AJ was caught between a midget leprechaun and a large black man in pink underwear that barks like a dog in some very non-PG positions.

Bateman slides to the floor to talk to Maxine and then hits a big dive on Titus when he comes out to see him. Bateman hammers away back in the ring and it's off to a chinlock. This is all about the commentary and to be fair it's far more interesting. Regal talks about the match and he's just outnumbered. The couple's name is BetaMax. I give up. O'Neil misses something from the ropes and Bateman rolls him up for the pin at 4:40.

Post match, Bateman proposes to Maxine (Regal: “I think I might start self-harming.”) and gets slapped. Then he gets kissed. O'Neil covering AJ's eyes on the floor is pretty funny. Maxine says yes. There's your main angle for three weeks. They hug and Maxine looks like she's in big trouble.

Titus O'Neil won the Talk the Talk Challenge
Percy Watson b. JTG – Persecution
Tyson Kidd b. Jey Uso – Spinning Fisherman's Neckbreaker
Kaitlyn b. Tamina – Sunset Flip
Derrick Bateman b. Titus O'Neil – Rolling Cradle


Impact Wrestling
Date: October 27, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tazz

We're in the James Storm as champion era now which is what a lot of fans have wanted to have happen for a very long time now. It's nice to have some fresh blood in there because there's no reason to have Angle as champion anymore. His reign was becoming stale so having the change was a good thing. That being said, let's see if TNA can keep up their hot streak. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of last week's title change as Storm won the world title in a shocker, providing you don't read spoilers.

Here's the champ to open the show with a new video, a new song and the belt. He talks about watching Wrestlemania III with his dad and saying he wanted to be a pro wrestler. He couldn't do it without all of the fans. However there's another group of guys he wants to thank, so get out here Fourtune. Storm wants to set a few things right, and that means Roode gets the first shot at the title.

That brings out Joe of all people. He says he used to be part of the group that was always held down. James has broken out of that role though because he's now the champion. Joe sees the same four people before he got that belt. He looks at Fourtune and sees a group trying to keep it all in the family. Incest is implied. Storm says Joe hasn't earned anything so why is he running his mouth? Joe says because Storm is about to give the title shot to a failure.

Cue Sting who makes Roode vs. Joe for the title shot tonight. The winner gets the title match next week.

Hardy vs. Ray tonight in his first match since March.

Daniels says he didn't say he quit at BFG. AJ doctored audio allegedly, which is what Rock/the Corporation did in 99. He fights Van Dam next.

Christopher Daniels vs. Rob Van Dam

Feeling out process to start with both of them having control for a bit each time. AJ pops in for commentary a few minutes into things. Standing moonsault gets two for Van Dam but Daniels takes over again with a release Rock Bottom. BME doesn't hit so Van Dam fires off some kicks. He loads up Rolling Thunder but Daniels rolls to the floor. Van Dam is like whatever man and dives out to take Daniels down again. Five Star misses but RVD lands on his feet. They go to the floor where Daniels finds a tool box. A shot to the ribs of RVD draws the DQ at 5:23.

AJ comes down for the save from a screwdriver.

Here are Gail, Karen, Madison and Traci. Gail talks about how she did what everyone told her to do for years until Karen brought her back and told her that it's all about Gail. Karen makes Gail vs. Velvet for the title at Turning Point. Gail says get someone out here for her to beat up.

Gail Kim vs. Tara

Gail jumps her to start and it's all her in the opening. Tara is sent to the floor and Traci is yelled at for trying to help her. After a break we're back with Gail still in total control. Tara fires off some basic stuff but Gail uses the same finisher she used back in WWE, which is that boot to the jaw where she drops the other girl down onto the side of her boot. That's good for the pin at 6:57.

Bischoff and Flair are here. Didn't they hate each other or something like 13 years ago?

TV Title: Eric Young vs. Robbie E

Eric starts by locking up with the referee and now we're ready to go. Eric gets a sunset flip for two. A crucifix ends this at 1:00.

Rob Terry and Robbie E beat Young down with little Rob saying he'll win the belt. Eric gets on the mic and says a Jersey Shore guy is coming next week.

Daniels is on the phone and says he wants his title match after beating RVD. Kaz comes in and says he wants AJ and Daniels to make up. He offers Daniels a mini vacation in California and Daniels says he'll call him about it.

Ray says he's going to take care of Hardy tonight and make his first match back his last.

Garrett Bischoff recaps the story of his dad making him be all evil. I'm not sure I buy that but it works for a backstory.

Here's Eric who says he has important family business to take care of tonight. He calls out Garrett and after awhile here he is. Eric talks about how he raised Garrett to follow him instead of to think for himself. He says about what you would expect him to say to his son. Garrett says this isn't what he wanted. Eric says he has half an hour to either apologize or it's child abuse time.

We cut to Flair in the back where he rants about Garrett a bit and says he's going to yell at him.

After a break Flair and Garrett miss up (Garrett: “Yes Mr. Flair?” Flair: “Not Mr. Flair. God.”) and Flair says Garrett is a punk. He rants for a long while more and says he might beat Garrett up later.

We recap Jeff Hardy's return and all of the people reacting to him. Jeff Jarrett's voice is over the video, talking about how no one wants him here.

Here's Jarrett who says someone forgot a piece of video in that package. He's talking about Victory Road which Jarrett will never forget. We also can't air the main event of Turning Point 2006 when Jeff no showed there too. That brings out Hardy for another pull apart brawl. Bully Ray jumps Hardy and it's time for their match.

Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray

Ray gets in a chain shot and we go to a break almost immediately. Back with Hardy hammering away a bit and hitting a Whisper in the Wind. Twist of Fate is countered and Ray hits a big boot to take him down. Ray pounds him down and a big elbow drop gets two as does an avalanche splash. He hammers in with some crossface shots but a charge gets feet in the corner. There's a Matt screaming legdrop for two. Twist of Fate and Swanton give him the clean pin at 9:42.

Jeff is being interviewed post match and Jarrett comes through the crowd to blast him. Immortal sets to put him through a table but Anderson makes the save.

Roode says this is another obstacle in his way and he'll go through Joe tonight.

Robert Roode vs. Samoa Joe

Roode has a new entrance as well. Winner gets the shot against Storm next week. They take turns beating each other down in the corner and Roode gets a neckbreaker for one. Crossface is countered as Joe heads to the floor. Joe hooks him into some chinlocks on the mat but Roode fights up and hits the spinebuster.

They slug it out and Roode gets the best of that because he's the good guy. Blockbuster gets two but Joe escapes the Payoff. Death Valley Driver gets two for the fat boy. MuscleBuster is countered into a crossface but Joe escapes. Joe goes after the knee but Roode snaps off a fisherman's suplex for the pin at 7:00.

Storm comes out for the post match staredown.

Here's Bischoff (older version) for the big showdown with his son. As he's coming to the ring, it's announced that next week that we get Hardy/Anderson vs. Ray/Jarrett. Eric calls out his boy and is all happy because he's sure Garrett is going to apologize. Garrett says nothing and Eric gets testy. Eric keeps shoving him and saying to apologize until Garrett grabs him with a fist pulled back.

That brings out Flair because he has to be out here for some reason. He rants and raves for a bit until Garrett hits him. Eric hits him low and Garrett gets beaten down. Remember, this is what is ending the show. My goodness. Flair and Eric stand tall to end the show.

Rob Van Dam b. Christopher Daniels via DQ when Daniels hit Van Dam with a toolbox
Gail Kim b. Tara – Eat Defeat
Eric Young b. Robbie E - Crucifix
Jeff Hardy b. Bully Ray – Swanton Bomb
Bobby Roode b. Samoa Joe – Fisherman's Suplex

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