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Week of 10/20/2014 - 10/26/2014 (Thursday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Date: October 23, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Jason Albert, Alex Riley, Rich Brennan

NXT continues to be the show gives me the most hope in wrestling as you can see the big stories building and they're as well put together as anything else in wrestling today. You can see Zayn vs. Neville coming and you can hear the roar of the crowd for the near falls. There's other good stuff coming too so let's get to it.

Opening sequence.

Ascension vs. Jason Jordan/Tye Dillinger

Jordan takes Viktor down by the waist to start but gets chopped hard back into the corner. Off to Konnor for a double shoulder and a big stomping in the corner. Konnor charges into an elbow and Dillinger comes in off the tag, only to walk into the flapjack. Fall of Man is good for the pin at 2:30.

Hideo Itami comes out post match but gets destroyed with ease.

CJ Parker vs. Tyler Breeze

Parker is quickly sent to the apron and then out to the floor as Breeze is more aggressive than usual. Back in and Parker hammers away before a top rope ax handle gets two. An injured Mojo Rawley comes out as Breeze punches CJ out of the air. A rollup gets two for Parker before the Beauty Shot is good for the pin at 2:56.

Vaudevillains vs. Buddy Murphy/Wesley Blake

English cranks on Blake's arm to start before it's off to the partners. Gotch takes him down and the fans call him manly. The villains start taking Murphy apart by the arm, including slamming it onto the mat for two. Blake slips over Aiden's back and teases a rollup but crawls over to make the tag instead. Smart move there. Wesley cleans house but Aiden makes a blind tag, setting up a European uppercut from Gotch to the back of the head and a running neckbreaker from English (combined to form the Gentlemen's Congress) for the pin at 4:21.

Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

Bayley chases her into the ropes a few times before finally taking her down and slamming Sasha's head into the mat. A knee drop gets two on Sasha and she armdrags Sasha out of the corner. Sasha finally kicks her in the ribs to take over and stands on Bayley's hair for good measure. A running slap gets two and Sasha cranks on both arms at the same time. Back up and Bayley sends her into corner and gets two off a middle rope back elbow to the jaw. Not that it matters though as the Backstabber sets up the Bank Statement to make Bayley tap at 5:13.

Sasha goes after her post match but Becky Lynch runs down, only to turn heel and beat Bayley down herself.

NXT Title: Titus O'Neil vs. Adrian Neville

Titus is challenging and we get some big match intros. The champ grabs a headlock to start before dropkicking him into the corner. Adrian tries to flip again and finally gets caught by a charge to take over very slowly. Titus sets Neville on the top rope and kicks him down to the floor for a big crash and two back inside. We take a break and come back with Titus putting on a bearhug. Adrian slaps him in the head to escape and nails a kick in the head. O'Neil charges into a boot in the corner and the Red Arrow retains the title at 10:02.

Post match Sami comes out for a congratulation but says he's on a mission to become NXT Champion. Adrian says anywhere and any time because Sami can't win the big one.

Ascension b. Jason Jordan/Tye Dillinger – Fall of Man to Dillinger
Tyler Breeze b. CJ Parker – Beauty Shot
Vaudevillains b. Buddy Murphy/Wesley Blake – Gentlemen's Congress to Blake
Sasha Banks b. Bayley – Bank Statement
Adrian Neville b. Titus O'Neil – Red Arrow


Date: October 24, 2014
Location: Intrust Bank Arena, Wichita, Kansas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Tom Phillips, John Bradshaw Layfield

It's the final show before Hell in a Cell and things are all set. The main story coming out of Raw is Seth Rollins finally attacking Randy Orton, his partner on Monday, by Curb Stomping him to end the show. This is likely going to help set up Orton's face turn and then Orton vs. Rollins, which could be some very interesting stuff down the line. Let's get to it.

Here's Ambrose to open things up. Ambrose talks about defying the laws of physics because he keeps getting back up no matter what the Authority does to him. Yeah it hurts to get knocked down so many times, but the difference between someone like he and Mick Foley is that Foley is a nice guy. Dean doesn't have anything to live for beside hurting the people that hurt him. He's been waiting for this day since Rollins stabbed him in the back for business so if Rollins has any final words, come out here and say them now.

Rollins pops up on screen and says Dean can't call him out. Seth is the one that does the calling out and he'll be doing that later tonight. It was always Dean believing that something special was coming from the Shield but Seth was just using it to get ready for his big moment. On Sunday, Dean Ambrose goes away and Rollins can cash in his contract to become World Champion. Dean wraps it up by saying they'll burn together on Sunday, but Seth will burn alone.

Miz/Damien Mizdow vs. Los Matadores

Sheamus is on commentary. Damien hammers on Diego to start and it's quickly off to Miz who gets chopped in the corner. Miz comes right back with ten forearms to the chest to annoy Sheamus but the champ is just bored. It's back to Damien, but Fernando kicks him in the face to take over and make the tag to Diego. They head outside for a Figure Four on Diego as Miz puts one on Fernando for the submission at 2:56.

Bo Dallas interrupts the Dusts' odd chat of the week. They're in a six man later and Bo thinks they just need to Bolieve. Goldust: “What a weirdo.”

AJ Lee vs. Alicia Fox

Still non-title despite Fox pinning AJ on Monday. Fox takes her down to start but gets caught in a guillotine choke. Paige, in Fox's corner, shouts instructions to get out of the hold and Fox takes over for the first time. Lee fights out of a chinlock but gets slammed down with ease. Paige gets on the apron but AJ slams them together, setting up a rollup for the pin at 2:04. So AJ now needs heel miscommunication to beat Alicia Fox?

Remember that Wyatt Family video where the Family is free but Bray is never free? Well it's airing again here.

We get a sitdown interview from earlier in the week with Big Show to talk about what happened with the soldier on Monday. Show asked for the interview and we see a clip from the incident to get things going. Big Show talks about how personal some of the things Rusev say can get but Rusev attacked the soldier when the incident was over. He has a lot of friends who are Russians (seriously) and he's had to apologize to them more than once.

Show has been lucky enough to go around the world and meet some wealthy people, but those aren't his heroes. He gets to meet his heroes when he goes around the world and meets the servicemen and women who defend this country. A few years back he met a two star general who broke down when meeting Big Show because it was such a big deal.

Now we get a clip of Big Show's “idol” (to be fair Show laughs this off) Hulk Hogan saying no one is more American than the Big Show. On Sunday, Show is going to feel the power of America and it's going to carry him to victory. We close out the interview where Show says he can't keep his emotions under control but he'll knock Rusev out for a pin on Sunday. This was longer than it needed to be and I see no reason for it not to take place in the arena.

Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro

Cesaro is challenging after pinning Dolph on Monday. Why the Divas didn't do the same isn't quite clear. They hit the mat to start with Ziggler actually in control but getting nailed in the ribs. Dolph flips out of a monkey flip attempt and gets two off a rollup. A nice pinfall reversal sequence ends with Ziggler nailing a dropkick for two but Cesaro sends him shoulder first into the post.

Back from a break with Cesaro putting on a sleeper but having to break up Ziggler's sleeper a few seconds later. Dolph's hurricanrana is countered so he comes back with a sunset flip for two instead. The running DDT is countered into a spin out slam for two as Cesaro is getting frustrated. A big boot and powerbomb get two more but the Swing is countered into a small package for two. Cesaro loads up an uppercut but gets Zig Zagged to retain the title at 11:25.

Nikki Bella/Cameron/Summer Rae vs. Brie Bella/Naomi/Natalya

Only Brie gets an entrance because we need BRIE MODE. Brie and Cameron get things going and Cameron actually manages to not botch anything in the first ten seconds. She elbows Brie down and starts a YES chant before it's off to Summer for a clothesline. We get a totally genuine Brie chant as she kicks Summer down but Cameron takes Naomi off the apron. Nikki comes in for the Rack and the pin on Brie at 2:02. Well that happened.

Post match Nikki says for thirty days, she'll be the evil sister and Brie can be the Cinderbella. This is what I sit through for you people. Remember that.

Hell in a Cell by the numbers.

Video on Orton vs. Cena.

Hogan picks Cena to win on Sunday.

Usos/Mark Henry vs. Goldust/Stardust/Bo Dallas

Dallas runs from Henry to start so it's Stardust and Jey starting instead. A headbutt has Stardust in trouble so it's off to Jimmy vs. Goldust. The Usos clothesline Goldust out to the floor and we take a break. Back with Stardust clotheslining Jimmy before it's off to Goldist for some choking. We hit the chinlock for a bit but Jimmy fights up for an enziguri. The hot tag brings in Henry for clotheslines as everything breaks down. Jey dives onto Goldust and it's Dallas alone with Mark. Henry throws him into the corner but has to World's Strongest Slam Stardust, allowing Bo to hook the Bodog for the pin on Henry at 8:00.

Ziggler is in the back bragging about his wins when Cesaro comes in and says Dolph got lucky. Cesaro calls the title the most prestigious in the company and asks for a 2/3 falls match for the title on Sunday.

Here are Rollins and the Stooges to the ring where there are some tables covered with weapons. Rollins says he bought in for the millionth time and says it's foreign to everyone here in Kansas. There are no rules on Sunday so let's have a preview of what Ambrose is in store for on Sunday. Seth starts with the handcuffs because Dean has surprised him from different places. Now he can have Ambrose in one place.

Next up is a screwdriver to prove that Dean has been a screwup all along. Seth picks up a lead pipe to prove that Dean is indeed destructable before moving on to a chair which stared the whole thing. We get to the point now as Rollins calls Dean out because this is his chance to have things one on one.

There's no Ambrose though so maybe he's smarter than Seth thought he was. We see a clip from the end of Raw as Ambrose sneaks up behind Seth and nails him with a kendo stick shot. The Stooges come in but Dean fights them off and tries a powerbomb through a table. The Stooges finally do their job and take Dirty Deeds before being elbowed through the tables to end the show.

Miz/Damien Mizdow b. Los Matadores – Figure Four to Fernando
AJ Lee b. Alicia Fox – Rollup
Dolph Ziggler b. Cesaro – Zig Zag
Nikki Bella/Summer Rae/Cameron b. Brie Bella/Naomi/Natalya – Rack to Brie
Goldust/Stardust/Bo Dallas b. Usos/Mark Henry – Bodog to Henry




Hell in a Cell 2014
Date: October 26, 2014
Location: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield

It's a double main event this year as we have two matches inside the Cell for the sake of having two matches inside the Cell. First up, in what should be the main event, we have Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose in a well built feud that belongs in the Cell. On the other hand, we have Cena vs. Orton in a match that is in the Cell to fill in a spot on the card. Let's get to it.

Pre-Show: Bo Dallas vs. Mark Henry

This is a bonus match and seems to have replaced MizdowTV. Bo declares himself the new World's Strongest Man after beating Henry four times in a row. He's immune to Ebola (not said by name here) and is ashamed that this city shares his name. Therefore his last name is Bo Washington (the Washington Redskins are playing the Dallas Cowboys on Monday Night Football tomorrow night). Henry hammers away to start and almost throws Dallas out of his shirt. World's Strongest Slam ends Bo in 34 seconds.

Bo says he wasn't ready and that Henry cheated. Cheaters never win, so Bo is the winner in the record book of life and is 5-0 against Henry. Mark throws him into the barricade for good measure.

The opening video focuses on how violent the Cell can be. Most of the focus is on Orton vs. Cena, which hopefully doesn't mean that's the main event. Ambrose vs. Rollins gets its share of time too though.

Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro

This is 2/3 falls with Ziggler defending after they traded wins in the last week. Ziggler comes out first for some reason and Cole actually brings up the title being won for the first time in Rio de Janiero. Cesaro looks to have shaved the rest of his hair. We get some grappling to start with Cesaro taking him down to the mat and cranking on a chinlock. Off to a chinlock as Cesaro does some of the most obvious spot calling I've seen in years.

Back up and they trade rollups for two each until Ziggler gets caught in the Swing for two. Dolph kicks out but hangs on to Cesaro for a rollup and the pin at 3:43. Cesaro is furious and hammers away but misses a middle rope elbow. A STIFF right hand puts Ziggler down and we hit a kneeling reverse chinlock on the champion. Cesaro goes after the arm but still can't tie things up. He sends Dolph to the apron for the superplex but Dolph his arm across the top rope to take over.

Dolph actually stays on the arm with a cobra clutch but Cesaro spins him around into a suplex attempt. Ziggler turns that into something like a Kimura until Cesaro drives him into the corner. The hold stays on as Cesaro climbs the ropes and throws Ziggler up for a superplex. That looked great but Cesaro can't cover due to the arm. Ziggler is up at two and avoids a charge to send him arm first into the post, setting up the Fameasser for two. The running DDT is countered into Swiss Death for two but the Neutralizer is countered into a Stunner on the arm and the Zig Zag to retain the title at 12:24.

We recap the end of Raw where Rollins attacked Orton in a big surprise.

The Authority is in the back and Orton is looking for Rollins. Stephanie tells him to use his anger on Cena tonight but Orton wants to get his hands on Seth. HHH tries to calm things down again by saying Orton and Rollins are a lot alike. Randy leaves, but says if HHH doesn't deal with Rollins, he will.

Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella

Loser is the winner's servant for 30 days. They lock up to start with Brie sending Nikki into the corner but missing a charge. Nikki runs her over for two and a facebuster gets the same. The fans start chanting JBL because NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS STORY. Brie plants her face first for two before hitting a few dropkicks. A running knee to the face has Nikki in trouble but she misses a charge and falls out to the floor.

She comes up clutching her knee and heads back inside to take a missile dropkick for two. Nikki pops back up and hooks the Rack for two. Brie slaps on the YES Lock but Nikki gets her feet on the ropes. Nikki comes back with a hard forearm to the face and a second Rack for the pin at 6:21.

WWE2K15 ad.

The expert panel of Renee, Booker T., Heyman and Alex Riley talk about what we've seen so far.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Goldust/Stardust

The Dusts are defending. Stardust and Jimmy get things going with the twin getting slammed down. Jimmy comes back by missing a kick but gets two off a flip splash. Off to Goldust vs. Jey as the challengers take over, only to have Jimmy get sent knee first into the post. Goldust slaps on a chinlock and gets two off a powerslam. The release gordbuster drops Jimmy and we hit the chinlock again. Back up and Stardust's bulldog is countered before Goldust is backdropped to the floor.

The hot tag brings in Jey to clean house as the Usos hit their big dives. Goldust takes the running Umaga Attack in the corner for two but Jey has to go after Stardust, allowing Goldust to get two of his own off a spinebuster. Jey superkicks him down for two more before the Usos hit stereo superplexes. There's a Superfly Splash to Goldust but Stardust makes a save at two. A quick kick to the back of the knee sets up the Final Cut from Goldust to retain the titles at 10:25.

Some singer cares about breast cancer. November can't get here soon enough.

We recap Orton vs. Cena with a nice package on rivalries. They're playing this up to be amongst the greatest rivalries ever but the amount of times they've fought hurts it a lot.

Randy Orton vs. John Cena

In the Cell and the winner gets a match with Lesnar at some point in the future. Before the match the camera picks up on a Cena vs. Orton sign then zooms out when we see that it's complaining about how many times they've fought. Orton takes over to start and hammers away to send Cena out to the floor. John goes face first into the steel before they head back inside. Orton brings in a chair but Cena kicks it away for a breather.

That's fine with Randy as he headbutts Cena down and gets in a few chair shots for two. Orton drives the chair into the ribs a few times before taking Cena outside to rub his face against the Cell again. A few more rams are good for two and we hit the chinlock. Cena fights up for his comeback but walks into a kick to the head and the powerslam. The Elevated DDT is countered with a backdrop and now it's Cena ramming him back first into the Cell.

John tries one too many times though and gets crotched against the post to change advantage again. They stay on the floor with Cena sending him back into the cage and pulling out a table. It's set up in the corner but Orton gets in the first few blows to take over again. The RKO gets two and Cena being thrown through the table gets the same. Randy's next weapon of choice is the stairs but Cena slams him onto the steel for two more. The AA is countered though and a low blow gets two for Randy.

The STF goes on but Orton makes the ropes. This is the Cell though so it means nothing, meaning Orton has to crawl under the ropes to escape. John picks up the steps and throws them as hard as he can through the ropes, only to hit the Cell by mistake. Back in and they trade finishers for two each, including the AA countered into the RKO. Even the fans knew to expect that spot. Another AA gets two but both guys are down. Randy brings in another table and crotches him on the top but a middle rope RKO is countered into a middle rope AA through the table for the pin at 25:50.

Cena stares Heyman down.

Big Show and Henry are getting ready in the back.

US Title: Miz vs. Sheamus

Sheamus is defending. Apparently the MizdowTV did happen as the pre-shows are now all an hour long. There doesn't seem to be much to it as Miz praised Mizdow and Sheamus might have Brogue Kicked a cameraman. Sheamus starts the match with a Brogue Kick attempt but Miz bails to the ropes. That's fine with Sheamus as he grabs the ten forearms, complete with Mizdow grabbing the bottom rope and selling them as well.

They head outside with Miz taking out Mizdow by mistake but actually using the distraction to nail Sheamus and take over. Sheamus quickly fights back and hits the rolling fireman's carry on the floor for two. He motions that it's time for the face but Miz takes him down and gets two of his own off the low DDT. The fans chant for Mizdow as Miz counters White Noise into a failed Figure Four attempt. Sheamus scores with a powerslam and calls for the Brogue, only to have to go after Mizdow. Miz's rollup doesn't work but the Skull Crushing Finale gets two. Not that it matters as the Brogue Kick retains the title at 8:25.

Post match Mizdow lays next to Miz so Sheamus has some fun with them by making Miz, and Sandow as a result, do the YMCA dance.

Brie has to load up Nikki's bags in the car and is all evil about a smoothie. You can guess where the smoothie winds up.

We recap Rusev vs. Big Show. In short: America good, Russia bad, repeat for six to eight weeks and throw in Rusev kicking a US soldier.

Rusev vs. Big Show

Lana is in pink tonight. They slug it out to start with Rusev getting the better of it by going after the leg to put Show down. Rusev stays on the leg with the wide variety of leg stuff that you often see used on giants as this isn't off to the hottest start in the world. A nice suplex drops Show again for two. The Accolade is countered into something like Charlie Haas' Haas of Pain but Rusev is right next to the ropes.

Back up and Show hits a spear as Henry comes out. There's the chokeslam to Rusev and he rolls outside, only to have Show call Henry off and throw Rusev back in. There's the jumping superkick to Show and Henry, followed by two more to Show. The Accolade goes on and Show gives up at 8:04.

You know breast cancer? It's still bad.

Ambrose goes on a rant about Seth Rollins as a Halloween costume resembling roadkill and oatmeal on a pogo stick. It didn't make any more sense when he said it.

Divas Title: AJ Lee vs. Paige

AJ is defending and Alicia Fox is in Paige's corner. They trade knockdowns to start until Paige kicks her in the ribs to take over. AJ comes back with a rolling cradle for two and they head outside with AJ having to nail Fox. Back in and Paige takes over with some shots to the back and a double arm crank to kill some time. They get back up and Paige stays on her, including a fall away slam (complete with skipping) for two. Back outside with AJ sending her head first into the barricade, setting up the Black Widow to retain at 6:55.

The Cell is lowered and we recap Ambrose vs. Rollins. Seth turned on the Shield and joined the Authority, sending Dean on a quest for revenge. The Authority kept interfering so let's lock them in a big box.

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

Dean is out first and throws a bunch of chairs and some bags in the ring before climbing the Cell. Rollins comes out but doesn't want to go up so he sends the Stooges up instead. They go up and get the beating you would expect, only to have Rollins sneak up and destroy Ambrose with the Stooges' help. There hasn't been a bell yet. They slowly climb halfway down the side of the cage and we get the first major spot of the match as they ram each other into the Cell and fly through the announcers' tables.

Both guys are put on stretchers as the match stops. Dean realizes what's going on though and gets off his stretcher. He goes after Rollins and drags him into the Cell to officially start things off. Dean busts out some duct tape but blasts Seth over and over again with a chair instead of using it. He tries the screwdriver to Seth's face but Rollins snaps his throat across the top to escape. Dean pops back up and dropkicks Rollins into the Cell to take over again. They get back inside so Dean can clothesline Seth out to the floor.

The suicide dive sends Seth into the Cell wall and Rollins is almost dead. Back in again and Dean piles up chairs but gets suplexed onto them instead. Dean gets right back up and puts Seth across a table at ringside for a middle rope elbow ala Cactus Jack. He rubs Seth's face into the steel but Kane pops up with a fire extinguisher to blind Ambrose. Seth powerbombs Dean through a standing table against the Cell and they go back inside again.

The Curb Stomp gets two and Seth is frustrated. He goes outside for the briefcase but instead just destroys Dean with chair shots. Rollins puts him head first on the briefcase but Dean counters with Dirty Deeds, only to have Seth escape with a kick to the head. Dean comes back with a Rebound clothesline and a briefcase shot to the face for an even closer two.

Now it's cinder block time with Dean loading up a Curb Stomp of his own but we've got Wyatts. Well at least Bray speaking in tongues and now a lantern in the ring. Smoke fills the ring and we have what looks like a ghost in the middle of it. Bray pops up and nails Ambrose as the lights go out again. Back up with Bray spider walking over to Ambrose and laying him out with a release Rock Bottom to give a shocked Rollins the pin at 13:48.

Dean takes Sister Abigail to end the show.

Dolph Ziggler b. Cesaro – Zig Zag
Nikki Bella b. Brie Bella – Rack
Goldust/Stardust b. Usos – Final Cut to Jimmy Uso
John Cena b. Randy Orton – Middle rope Attitude Adjustment
Sheamus b. Miz – Brogue Kick
Rusev b. Big Show – Accolade
AJ Lee b. Paige – Black Widow
Seth Rollins b. Dean Ambrose – Pin after a Rock Bottom from Bray Wyatt

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Damien Mizdow/Goldust/Stardust b. Usos/Sheamus – Rollup with a handful of trunks to Sheamus
Alicia Fox b. AJ Lee – Rollup
Rusev b. Big E. – Accolade
Brie Bella b. Summer Rae – Bella Buster
Cesaro b. Dolph Ziggler – Swiss Death
Authority b. John Cena/Dean Ambrose – RKO to Ambrose

Impact Wrestling
Hardys b. BroMans – Swanton Bomb to Jesse
Samoa Joe/Low Ki b. Gunner/Samuel Shaw – Koquina Clutch to Gunner
Bram b. D-Von – Metal pole to the head
MVP/Kenny King b. Chris Melendez/Mr. Anderson – Rollup with a handful of tights to Melendez
Ethan Carter III/Tyrus b. Rockstar Spud/Eric Young – Tongan Death Grip Slam to Spud

Ascension b. Jason Jordan/Tye Dillinger – Fall of Man to Dillinger
Tyler Breeze b. CJ Parker – Beauty Shot
Vaudevillains b. Buddy Murphy/Wesley Blake – Gentlemen's Congress to Blake
Sasha Banks b. Bayley – Bank Statement
Adrian Neville b. Titus O'Neil – Red Arrow

Miz/Damien Mizdow b. Los Matadores – Figure Four to Fernando
AJ Lee b. Alicia Fox – Rollup
Dolph Ziggler b. Cesaro – Zig Zag
Nikki Bella/Summer Rae/Cameron b. Brie Bella/Naomi/Natalya – Rack to Brie
Goldust/Stardust/Bo Dallas b. Usos/Mark Henry – Bodog to Henry

Hell in a Cell 2014
Dolph Ziggler b. Cesaro – Zig Zag
Nikki Bella b. Brie Bella – Rack
Goldust/Stardust b. Usos – Final Cut to Jimmy Uso
John Cena b. Randy Orton – Middle rope Attitude Adjustment
Sheamus b. Miz – Brogue Kick
Rusev b. Big Show – Accolade
AJ Lee b. Paige – Black Widow
Seth Rollins b. Dean Ambrose – Pin after a Rock Bottom from Bray Wyatt

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