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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact got a 1.2, their highest rating since November.

Date: January 7, 2011
Location: Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona
Commentators: Michael Cole, Matt Striker, Josh Matthews

In the first show of the year we have the World Heavyweight Championship on the line in a last man standing match as well as Alberto vs. Rey in a 2/3 falls contest. The most intriguing thing to me is if Kane vs. Edge is finished tonight, what does that mean for the Rumble? Hopefully this doesn’t see a double countout or a tie etc as that would make me rather irritated. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is more or less what I just told you. Now why can’t I get paid to do something like that? I said more or less the same thing minus a few basic lines.

Do you know your enemy? That’s a good question actually and I certainly don’t know mine.

After a brief opening statement from the announcers, it’s time for the main event!

Smackdown World Title: Edge vs. Kane

Edge has the red sunglasses back which I think he’s had recently but not for very long. This is last man standing remember. We get the big match intros here which isn’t something you see that often in WWE anymore. It might be the angle of it but the belt looks quite different for some reason. Kane puts Edge down in the corner with powerful strikes to start us off.

Edge gets a swinging neckbreaker to put both guys down for about a three. Sideslam by Kane gets another three on Edge. The champion hits a spear to Kane while Kane is on the apron and the bald man is down on the floor. It only gets a six though and we hit the floor. Up the ramp they go with Kane in control. Isn’t it amazing how a single shot in one of these matches can send one or both guys off for a good 8 feet?

They go into the back towards the concourse and Edge is slammed into a wall. Why are the concession stands closed? Back into the arena in the crowd with Edge blocking a chokeslam off the stands. They fight up the steps into the luxury suites which have their own concession and merchandise stands. Dude that’s kind of awesome. Trashcan to the stomach of Edge breaks his momentum.

With Edge down after being rammed into various things and hammered a bit, Kane finds a flight of stairs and a wheelchair. I think you know what’s coming here. Edge counters at the last second and only the chair goes flying. A big boot puts Kane down for 5. We take a break with Edge in firm control.

Back with Edge in control still and the fight going on in the crowd near the announcers’ table. Kane clears off the announce table but Edge manages to reverse to send Kane into the steps. That gets a 9 which sounded a lot like ten but they kept it going anyway. Edge does one of those jumps off the top that exist only to jump into a shot from their opponent, in this case an uppercut.

The uppercut is good for 8 and here comes Kane. Top rope clothesline misses though and Edge gets the Edgecution to put both guys down. Cole informs us that if it’s a tie then we keep going. That makes me feel all tingly. Chokeslam out of nowhere has Edge and the title in big trouble. Edge is up and 9 and heads/falls to the floor.

Kane wants a Tombstone on the steps but Edge counters into an Edge-O-Matic onto the steps and the big fried freak is in trouble! Kane gets up at ten but is down at eleven. Edge sets for the spear but runs into a huge boot to the face to put him back down again. That gets 9 but Kane gets a chokeslam onto the table to half kill Edge! Striker was sent flying and is partially pinned under the table in a funny looking visual. Edge uses Striker to pull himself back up and beat the count. That was kind of funny actually.

The challenger is all fired up here and he throws a chair into the ring. Make it a pair of them. He goes up but Edge pelts a chair at his head to take Kane down one more time. That looked sick. BIG chair shots to the knee have Kane in big trouble. The spear hits but Edge isn’t happy yet. He goes out and gets the pelted chair and hits a Conchairto to the knee of Kane, which is enough to end this at 17:20 shown of 20:50.

Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston

They’re certainly pushing this as a huge show with the title matches and all that jazz. Striker calls Vickie the female version of Rosie O’Donnell. Why are so many people obsessed with Rosie? What has she ever done? Nice reaction for Kofi here. We get a quick video of last week’s match where Dolph more or less stole the win from Kofi which is true only to a degree.

Kofi hammers away to start as Cole says that Kofi needs to move on instead of trying to get the title back time and time again. Neckbreaker by Dolph gets two. Off to a clear choke that they’re going to call a chinlock because they want to I guess. Splash in the corner misses though and here comes Kofi. These two have some solid chemistry together to be sure.

A rollup by Ziggler with some tights gets two. They’re moving very fast out there. Trouble in Paradise misses and it’s off to the Sleeper! Kofi simply grabs the hands and rips the hold off and gets the SOS for an incredibly close two. Middle rope suplex is blocked by Dolph. I know it seems like I’m flying through this but there is almost nothing between these fast moves. After Kofi knocks Dolph off the ropes to block the suplex, the HUGE crossbody ends this perfectly clean at 5:31. That came out of nowhere!

The first is that the opener was meant to be a long brawl, as evidenced by giving it nearly four times as long to work with. That match had time to work out spots and to be a brutal fight, whereas this was supposed to be fast paced and exciting. Different styles of match, but both well done.

Second, which ties into the first, was the ending. Dolph literally turned around to get hit by the cross body. Kofi is already horizontal when Dolph sees him. I love matches that end very quickly and with moves that aren’t finishers. To the fans it looked like another big move that Kofi would hit to get a two count. Instead it’s over and the fans are surprised. That’s an excellent touch and it keeps the matches interesting.

As for the match itself, one important thing to make clear is that this was NOT a squash. Dolph was definitely in this the whole time and Kofi got a big shot in to get the win. That’s very important as it keeps Dolph looking strong while still switching the title. This was a very fun and fast paced match which is what you come to expect from these guys. Good stuff.

Dolph, ever the villain, destroys Kofi post match. Vickie gets on the mic and says that since Teddy isn’t here tonight, Dolph gets a rematch RIGHT NOW!

Intercontinental Title: Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler

LOUD Kofi chant but he’s more or less d…..and screw that as he hits Trouble in Paradise and it’s over in 43 seconds! That kick looked great.

After a break Dolph is yelling at Vickie and telling her that was a boneheaded move. Vickie blames him so Dolph says that maybe she should get a new boyfriend. He leaves and she screeches in a terrifying voice. I’ll be sleeping with the lights on tonight after hearing that.

Long recap of the cage match Monday.

Kelly is on the way to the ring when Drew stops her. He says he’s a different person than he is out there. This was allegedly supposed to be used for Tiffany and not Kelly, which means absolutely nothing but this is a short segment and I need something to talk about. Drew wants to earn her trust and wants her support in his #1 contenders match tonight. She smiles and says thanks and leaves.

Cody vs. Drew vs. Show for the #1 contender spot up next.

Cody Rhodes vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Big Show

See I told you it was up next. Cody does look good in the jacket. I have to give him that. Could Drew look any more like a natural face than he does? And here’s Vickie of course. She makes it a fatal fourway with Dolph thrown in too.

Cody Rhodes vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Big Show vs. Dolph Ziggler

Drew has a headache and is still tired from the previous two matches. Show looks very pissed off about the extra person being added in. They all surround Show who is like screw it and beats up all three guys. Drew is tossed to the floor first and then the other two get beaten on a bit as well. Down to Show vs. Cody which is a mini-feud at least. Dolph breaks up a pin by Show which gets him picked up by the hair and slammed down.

All Show for the first two minutes or so. Channeling his inner Bobby Heenan, Cole says Show could have won this five minutes ago. Stinkface to Cody has him gasping for air. Show is busting out some of his old spots here like the Final Cut (Nightmare on Helm Street) and the one where he lifts up his leg and drops it onto the other guy’s chest like a standing legdrop (Wiki calls it the Showstopper but I’ve never heard that name for it before)

Drew has been in the ring maybe 20 seconds so far. Big chop in the corner misses Dolph and Cody teams up with Dolph to beat down the Giant. And that fails completely as Show blocks a double Irish Whip and sends both guys flying over the top with a simple tug. Out on the floor Show is triple teamed and sent through the time keeper’s area. He’s down but so is everyone else as we take a break.

Back with Cody vs. Dolph in the ring. Cody goes for a moonsault but Drew shoves him off the top into the waiting arms of Big Show. Cody gets back in to stop Drew from destroying Dolph and shouts that he’s #1. He’s Paul Jones all of a sudden? Drew back in now but Show is back up to a big reaction. He picks off Drew and sends him flying on the floor and I think we’re about to pick up again.

Cody gets crushed in the corner and down goes Ziggler. Show calls for the Chokeslam and out of nowhere Wade Barrett comes in to destroy Big Show! A few big boots and a top rope elbow take down Show and Wade leaves. Something to note there: Barrett just took down Show when three guys couldn’t. Cody can’t steal the pin after the Beautiful Disaster but Ziggler manages to get the Zig Zag for two.

Futureshock gets two as this is ridiculous. Show took a beating from Barrett, Cody’s second best move, Ziggler’s pin finisher and Drew’s finisher and is up a few seconds later. We get that he’s a giant but don’t make him look invincible. Cody and Dolph team up again but Dolph grabs the Zig Zag on him out of nowhere and gets the pin at 10:12 shown of 13:42.

Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly

Kelly looking GOOD tonight. They’re flying through this show too with maybe two backstage segments so far tonight. Michelle charges into the corner to start but Kelly gets a choke with her legs while hanging upside down over the ropes. Michelle fights that off with ease and goes after Kelly’s leg. Kelly manages to get a headscissors to take her down and sets for the K2. Michelle casually counters into the Faithbreaker to end this in 1:42. Not quite a squash but you could call it that pretty easily.

Laycool beats down Kelly post match until Drew runs down for the save.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio

2/3 falls here. This show has been PACKED with wrestling so far at a level I haven’t see in a long time. Before we start Alberto says that it’s his destiny to win the Rumble. He talks about how there are pure Latinos and then the rest of them, who are car washers, gardeners, and Rey Mysterio. I like that.

Rey starts us off here with some speed moves and wants the 619 maybe 75 seconds in. Alberto ducks and the Cross Armbreaker makes it 1-0 in 1:37. I was under the impression that there would be no math. We get a graphic telling us that it’s 1-0. Are fans really that stupid? After a quick break we’re back with Rey in an armbar and then taking a big backbreaker to put him down again.

Rey gets sent to the floor as we debate if Rey tapped out just to break the hold, which would make sense. A big rana takes down Alberto but Rey can’t capitalize immediately. Alberto gets up and goes for the armbreaker again but Rey turns into it and gets a rollup for two. 619 can’t hit again but a cradle gives Rey the 1-1 tie at 8:12 (total time elapsed) and we take our second break of the match.

Back with Alberto holding another armbar as Rey is in more trouble. Del Rio gets caught by the usual speed and leverage moves from Rey but Del Rio fights Rey off with a Codebreaker to the arm. The fans chant 619 over and over and Rey gets a body scissors into a DDT for two. Rey tries to go up but Del Rio gets to the ropes and down comes the masked man. He’s caught in the Tree of Woe so Del Rio hammers away.

Alberto goes up for a suplex while being on the outside. In other words he’s trying to suplex Rey to the floor. Rey’s arm is really hurting him here. I’m not sure why Alberto isn’t getting back in the ring but rather is fighting from the apron. Rey gets a 619 around the post to take down Alberto. Rey gets a big dive to take out Alberto and Ricardo and get a big reaction from the crowd. Del Rio gets back in but Ricardo grabs Rey’s ankle and it’s a countout to give Del Rio the win at 11:53 shown of 18:53 total.

Rey beats up Ricardo a bit post match including a 619 and the springboard splash.

The announcers recap the show and announce Show vs. Barrett next week.

Edge b. Kane – Conchairto to Kane’s Leg
Kofi Kingston b. Dolph Ziggler – Top rope Cross Body
Kofi Kingston b. Dolph Ziggler – Trouble in Paradise
Dolph Ziggler b. Cody Rhodes, Big Show and Drew McIntyre – Zig Zag to Rhodes
Michelle McCool b. Kelly Kelly – Faithbreaker
Alberto Del Rio b. Rey Mysterio two falls to one


Nothing special.


Genesis 2011
Date: January 9, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

It feels like it’s been forever since TNA had a PPV. Tonight’s main event is a #1 contenders match with Anderson facing Morgan for a future shot at Hardy. Other than that there isn’t a ton happening. The card looks decent but the issue I see coming is that after it happens, I’m not sure if there’s anything worth seeing. Maybe the matches will be good as TNA PPVs can be. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is all about Morgan vs. Anderson which more or less explains that it’s a one match show if there ever has been one.

X-Division Title: Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal

Hey look the X Title is opening the show again! It’s new! It’s exciting! It’s exactly what was expected! They start before the bell rings and Lethal hits a rana and rams in right hands. To be fair a fast paced match is a good way to get a crowd going so I can’t make too much fun of it. Lethal gets a dive to the floor and hits a moonsault to the floor to continue establishing his dominance.

Kaz takes over again and we chop it out. Things speed up somewhat with Lethal taking over after a series of counters. I’m surprised Kaz is moving this fast as he hasn’t done that much recently. Kaz takes over again as this has been very back and forth. It’s the first internet broadcast for TNA also. Lethal gets the handspring elbow to put both guys down.

This is personal of course. Has there ever been a professional fight in professional wrestling? In a very cool spot Lethal was on the apron and Kaz pulled him in using the ropes but moved over in a split second to catch Lethal in a cutter. Flux Capacitor is blocked into a sunset bomb by Lethal for two. Good stuff so far. Apparently Kaz is in trouble if he doesn’t get the title here.

Reverse tombstone is blocked as Kaz rolls through. Kaz gets a slingshot DDT for a close two. He slaps Lethal to fire him up so Jay rifles off chops to the chest. Where else would they go I guess. Lethal sets for the top rope elbow but gets caught by a running enziguri. When did that become the most popular move in the world as everyone seems to use it anymore. Kaz can’t get the reverse tombstone off the top but gets it a few seconds later in the ring for the pin and his fourth X Title.

To the back and….AJ can’t wrestle tonight. Oh great. The ONE guaranteed good match we had tonight is off. He’s out for six to eight weeks. Oh sweet merciful crap.

We recap Mickie vs. Madison which is based off of Tara vs. Mickie which was the setup for this.

Knockouts Title: Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne

Mickie is still insanely sexy. Madison is doing the whole classy chick gimmick thing again after debuting it a few days ago. Or was it ten days ago? Does it really matter? Madison runs away to start but gets caught in an armdrag for two. All Mickie to start of course as Madison shrieks. Madison runs as Tazz makes sex jokes.

The fans say Madison can’t wrestle. I’m so fed up with them it’s unreal. Madison uses the ropes to get two in the corner. This is about as uninteresting as it could be but they’re both hot so that helps a lot. Rana out of the corner by Mickie drops the champion on her head. Since it’s TNA we change camera angles every 9 seconds.

Cravate by Madison as we’re killing time now. There’s a chinlock as this is going way too long, nearly at 9 minutes now. Mickie gets a nice counter and a rollup for two. Boot to the head gets two for Madison. Champ tries the head bounce thing she does but Mickie counters into a wheelbarrow slam for two. DDT is reversed and Madison gets spanked.

Thesz Press gets no cover. Mickie sets for the DDT but here’s Tara because she and Mickie haven’t spent enough time together already. Madison plays possum and loads up her arm with something to get the pin to retain the title. For the love of crap get the title off of her already.

Immortal celebrates and Bischoff says that Abyss fights Williams. That more or less seals Matt freaking Hardy as RVD’s opponent doesn’t it? Sweet damn.

Recap of Beer Money vs. the Guns. Match will be fun but it’s the same feud that went on forever.

Tag Titles: Motor City Machineguns vs. Beer Money

Shelley vs. Roode to start us off here. The announcers try to play up the difference in styles here which is there but it’s pretty clear they’re trying to come up with a way to make this fresh. The fans chant for the Guns. They go back and forth with some nice technical stuff before the Guns unleash the kicks to take over on Roode. Off to Storm who is sent to the floor.

Stereo suicide dives (missed by the cameras) take down Beer Money as this has been one sided for the most part. Shelley misses a double stomp so he kicks Storm in the stomach instead. A big old clothesline gives Beer Money the advantage as the beating is on. Shelley fights Storm off and hits Sliced Bread #2 to…not get the tag as Roode comes in.

That helps a lot as the hot tag would have been ice cold there. Yeah I know how stupid that sounded. They’re going with the formula here and that’s fine for this case. Shelley can’t get out as Storm comes back in. BEER! MONEY! GETS THE CROWD BEHIND THEM EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE HEELS BUT THEY NEED A SIGNATURE THING BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT WRESTLERS HAVE TO DO! If they can chant that I’ll give them all ham sandwiches.

Sabin drills Storm on the floor and there’s the tag. Hesitation dropkick to Roode in the Tree of Woe gets two. Rana by Sabin takes Roode down. Slick double team move by the Guns to set up a tornado DDT for two. Everyone is in now as it all breaks down again. Shelley gets a double stomp on Roode for two.

Backstabber and an enziguri gets rid of Shelley and Storm respectively. There’s the beer spit into the spinebuster for a long two as this is getting very good very fast. Pescado takes out Storm and Roode is in big trouble. Skull and Bones hit but Storm pulls the referee out. Somehow that’s not a DQ as Sabin gets caught in a Northern Lights Suplex on a counter to the tornado DDT. DWI gets two on Sabin. And then the Guns miscommunicate so Roode can roll up Shelley to end the title reign.

D-Von says he’s going to win and invokes the holy Bingo Hall. Oh I don’t want to watch this. Like, at all.

Recap video says the story of it which is boring as hell and hasn’t set up anything interesting at all in it.

Bully Ray vs. Brother D-Von

They can’t just call him D-Von? Ray pulls Val up to hide as D-Von comes at him on the ramp. Val slaps him and the fight is on. They slug it out on the floor to start with D-Von dominating. They brawl for three or four minutes and then we get a bell. Damn it they have even more time to waste here. Ray begs off from D-Von and can’t hit his low blow.

Thesz Press leads to punches by D-Von. Back to the floor again as they’re thankfully not trying to make this a match. They’re up in the stands now as somehow this isn’t a countout yet. A fan throws what looks like a shoe to D-Von. Ok then. Back to the ring and Bubba finally takes over. Ray is busted. He slaps D-Von in the corner and then runs when D-Von Dudleys Up.

Bubba misses an elbow as I try to think of what I’d trade to not have to watch this. Bubba Bomb doesn’t work and D-Von gets two. LOUD chops by Bubba in the corner set up a suplex off the middle rope for a long two. Ray picks up a chain from nowhere in particular. D-Von stops it and picks up the chain and whips Bubba for the DQ. Are you freaking kidding me?

Post match the beatdown continues until the referees come out for the save. A low blow by Bubba ends it.

Jarrett says that since Angle hasn’t been in the ring in 6 months (just go with it) he’s going to lay out his plan for him. They’re doing the rounds thing tonight too.

TV Title: Abyss vs. Douglas Williams

Yeah because this is EXACTLY what the people wanted to see. Williams has a hurt hand here. Sunset flip can’t hit early on as this is power vs. technical here. Abyss rams the hand into the post to take over. Williams slaps away but can’t do anything of note. Chokeslam can’t hit but Abyss puts him down anyway off a big boot. The fans want AJ.

Here’s the majority of this match: Williams tries to fight, Abyss hits him in the hand, Williams gets another shot in. A jumping back elbow from the second rope sets up a top rope knee drop for Williams for two. Running knee in the corner is countered into a big chokeslam for two.

Abyss goes to the floor and finds Janice. It’s merely a ruse though as AJ comes down to clock Williams with the belt. Janice hits the floor again and a Black Hole Slam gives Abyss the damn TV Title. Get on to something else now.

RVD keeps saying he wants Hardy and Bischoff says he’s got him. Cue Matt of course since Eric is laughing his ass off.

Rob Van Dam vs. ???

And of course it’s Matt Hardy with dreadlocks. He still has a gut but it’s not as bad now. After some basic back and forth stuff RVD hits a moonsault to the outside for two. Big crossbody gets two. Tenay tells us that Genesis 2011 is trending on Twitter at the moment. To no one’s shock, that’s bullshit. Matt drops the back of Van Dam’s head into the buckle to take over.

Full Nelson goes on by Matt to work on the neck. GET ON WITH THIS ALREADY. Van Dam fights back and puts Hardy down. Kick and a rollup gets two. Matt has nothing on his arms and looks like he’s half ready to go. Top rope one footed dropkick puts Matt down. Rolling Thunder sets up the Five Star but Hardy’s hand is almost under the rope so they break up the pin. Twist of Hate hits RVD whose foot is out of the ring but they count the pin anyway. Of course they do.

Angle says he’ll win.

Recap of Jarrett vs. Angle which I’m sure you all know already.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

Remember this is MMA rules. We have three two minute rounds here. Punching and striking isn’t allowed here by Jarrett Decree. Jarrett runs for 45 seconds until Angle lays down and says to Jarrett to go for his best hold. Minute fifteen with no contact yet. Angle gets a second of contact after 100 seconds. Angle gets him on the mat with seven seconds left but Jarrett gets saved by the bell.

Angle offers him a single leg which Angle blocks with ease. Over to a key lock which he lets go pretty easily. Head and arm choke goes on as this is ALL Kurt, meaning he’ll likely lose. Cross armbreaker goes on and then into the ankle lock with the grapevine but the ropes save Jeff again. “Angle’s Gonna Kill You” chant during the break.

Gunner and Murphy rub stuff on Jeff’s arm and it gets in Angle’s eyes so he’s in trouble. And then Jarrett punches him for the DQ of course. Angle blades with the camera on him the entire time. Naturally he blades too deep and blood drips off his head. Jarrett hints at there being someone else involved in this and I really hope it’s not Karen. There’s talk of a retirement party.

Jarrett yells at Tazz and Tenay that he’s going to have a retirement party for himself as he’s retiring undefeated.

Jeff Hardy talks about how both guys are great wrestlers and welcome to Chapter Genesis where anything can happen.

Recap video tells us nothing we don’t know already and haven’t heard a dozen times on any given Impact in the last month.

Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson

I really hope this has an actual ending instead of a screwjob of some point. Morgan grabs a headlock to start after the big match intros. There was a fifteen minute time limit announced and I have a bad feeling that’ll come into play. All of a sudden we’re talking about Ray Lewis and what he has next to his bed. You get multiple sports in this company I guess.

They head to the floor with Anderson in trouble. They have a ton of time here which means they’re likely going to stretch this out as far as they can. A main point here is that Anderson’s head might not be right which has people scared. Anderson works on the leg for a long time. Tazz thinks Immortal wants Anderson to win here because he has a chink in his armor. Makes sense.

Morgan gets a swinging chokeslam off the top and a clothesline to take over completely. They slug it out from their knees and neither guy can take over. Carbon Footprint out of nowhere takes Anderson down for two and Morgan isn’t happy. Since one finisher gets two the other one has to as well. They hit heads and Anderson gets a small package for the pin. Yep that’s it.

Bischoff comes out and the title is on the line RIGHT NOW!

TNA World Title: Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson

I have a really bad feeling the title is about to change hands. Jeff comes to the ring smoking….a joint? I must be seeing things. Maybe they’re afraid of the drug charges? Twist of Hate gets two as that move is killed more and more every match. Another Twist of Hate gets two. Anderson sends him to the floor by the belt as they’re making this kind of competitive.

Morgan takes Hardy’s head off with the discus clothesline out of nowhere. He sends Hardy in for a close two. They slug it out and Anderson takes over with a neckbreaker for two. Jeff grabs a chair but Foley pops up to grab it away. Here’s Flair to counteract Foley and get us our run-in quorum of the main event. Hardy gets crotched on the top but manages to shove Anderson off. Swanton gets two.

Anderson, of course, is bleeding from the head. Hardy’s jeans are ripped. He takes Anderson down and calls for Matt. RVD runs out for the fourth run-in of the match and fights Matt off to the back. Bischoff becomes the seventh person involved in the match by bringing in a chair but gets caught in a Mic Check. Twist of Hate is countered into the Mic Check to give Anderson the title.

A fan runs in during the celebration and security takes him away.

Kazarian b. Jay Lethal – Reverse Tombstone
Madison Rayne b. Mickie James – Pin after a punch with a loaded glove
Beer Money b. Motor City Machineguns – Rollup
Bully Ray b. Brother D-Von via DQ when D-Von used a chain
Abyss b. Douglas Williams – Black Hole Slam
Kurt Angle b. Jeff Jarrett via DQ when Jarrett used punches
Mr. Anderson b. Matt Morgan – Small Package
Mr. Anderson b. Jeff Hardy – Mic Check

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
The Miz b. John Morrison – Skull Crushing Finale
Natalya/Brie Bella/Eve Torres b. Melina/Maryse/Alicia Fox – Spinning neckbreaker to Melina
Uso Brothers b. Vladimir Kozlov/Santino Marella – Samoan Drop to Marella
Alberto Del Rio b. R-Truth – Cross Armbreaker
Randy Orton b. Sheamus and Wade Barrett – Orton escaped the cage

Dolph Ziggler won a Pro’s Battle Royal
Byron Saxton b. Jacob Novak – Sitout Half Nelson Slam
Conor O’Brian won the Battle of the Mic
Brodus Clay b. Johnny Curtis – Tongan Death Grip Slam
Jacob Novak was eliminated in 6th place.

Motor City Machineguns b. Kazarian/AJ Styles – Sliced Bread #2 to Styles
Sarita/Madison Rayne b. Velvet Sky/Mickie James – Punch to Sky
Douglas Williams b. Rob Terry via DQ when AJ Styles interfered
Jay Lethal b. Abyss via DQ when Abyss refused to break a choke hold
Jeff Jarrett b. Rob Van Dam – Twist of Hate from Jeff Hardy

Edge b. Kane – Conchairto to Kane’s Leg
Kofi Kingston b. Dolph Ziggler – Top rope Cross Body
Kofi Kingston b. Dolph Ziggler – Trouble in Paradise
Dolph Ziggler b. Cody Rhodes, Big Show and Drew McIntyre – Zig Zag to Rhodes
Michelle McCool b. Kelly Kelly – Faithbreaker
Alberto Del Rio b. Rey Mysterio two falls to one

Genesis 2011
Kazarian b. Jay Lethal – Reverse Tombstone
Madison Rayne b. Mickie James – Pin after a punch with a loaded glove
Beer Money b. Motor City Machineguns – Rollup
Bully Ray b. Brother D-Von via DQ when D-Von used a chain
Abyss b. Douglas Williams – Black Hole Slam
Kurt Angle b. Jeff Jarrett via DQ when Jarrett used punches
Mr. Anderson b. Matt Morgan – Small Package
Mr. Anderson b. Jeff Hardy – Mic Check

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