WEC 47: Bowles vs Cruz


Is for the children

Main card

  • Bantamweight Championship bout: Brian Bowles vs. Dominick Cruz
  • Bantamweight bout: Miguel Torres vs. Joseph Benavidez
  • Featherweight bout: Jens Pulver vs. Javier Vazquez
  • Featherweight bout: Deividas Taurosevičius vs. LC Davis
  • Lightweight bout: Bart Palaszewski vs. Karen Darabedyan

Preliminary Card

  • Bantamweight bout: Scott Jorgensen vs. Chad George
  • Featherweight bout: Chad Mendes vs. Erik Koch
  • Lightweight bout: Danny Castillo vs. Anthony Pettis
  • Featherweight bout: Leonard Garcia vs. George Roop
  • Featherweight bout: Fredson Paixao vs. Courtney Buck
  • Lightweight bout: Ricardo Lamas vs. Bendy Casimir


Anybody else looking forward to this like I am? There is so much good MMA this month that its crazy and the March 6th showdown between Dominic Cruz and Brian Bowles is no exception.

Bowles-Cruz I think Bowles takes this one, there both good, but this is my first thought about this, one of these guys last 4 wins are by decision, and the other guy has finished every fight of his career. Bowles has some power and those hands, and I don't think Cruz can out work him for 25 minutes without eating some of those shots. He KO'd Miguel Torres, who I have seen take devastating shots(especially in the Mizagaki fight) so I don't think Bowles will have a problem here.

Torres-Benavidez I know Benavidez is a great fighter, but this isn't Rani Yaya, so I would throw the come out guns blazing method out the window. Torres may be a bit over hyped at times, or at least he was, but he is still a beast at 135, I see him either knocking Benavidez or just controlling in every way till the fight ends and he gets the W.

Pulver-Vazquez Pulver hasn't won a fight in god knows how long, and I will always root for Pulver from his UFC days, but Vazquez takes this, he is coming off 2 close split decisions losses from Deividas, and LC Davis, but he looks like a guy with a little work could rack up some wins. Pulver looks like he needs to hang the gloves up. Vazquez by decision.

Deividas-Davis Don't really care who wins this one, should be a fight though thats for sure, these guys have to feel they are getting close to contender status and a convincing win here might but put them there.
I guess if I have to pick though, Deividas by decision.

Palaszewski-Karen believe it or not this is the fight I am looking forward to the most. I am a Karen fan even though I have only seen one fight, the one where he beat Razor Rob. His striking was great, and his grappling is rumored to beat great. He beat a former champ in his first WEC fight at his own game. I was a instant fan. I hope he takes out Bartimus, he is a tough son a bitch though, Im not sure about a KO but a sub or decision is not out of the question.

As far as the Undercard, I expect wins from Castillo, Lamas, and Scotty Jorgensen, and I wouldn't mind seeing wins from Roop, and Courtney Buck, lets just hope Courtney has learned some ground game since last time.
Thanks a lot for posting this, man.

I don't know what my problem is, but I can never get myself into these WEC shows anymore, especially now that I don't have Versus. These days I just read the results and watch the best fights the next day.

Anyway, I only really know 4 people on this card: Brian Bowles, Dominick Cruz, Miguel Torres, and Jens Pulver.

Dominick Cruz vs. Brian Bowles is obviously the one fight on this card I'm looking forward to. I honestly still can't believe Bowles beat Torres in his last fight, so it's going to be interesting to see just how legit he is, because Dominick Cruz is the real deal. I've only seen two of Cruz's fights (at least.. that I remember), but judging from those performances, and looking over his bio, the guy can bang. So, it'll be interesting to see how this one turns out.

Miguel Torres... I know his work quite well, but I'm not too fond to be quite honest. But I am a fan of Jens Pulver, so I really hope he can FINALLY get a victory. It feels like he hasn't won a fight in 5 years. I don't know too much about his opponent though, but hopefully Pulver will be able to put him away quickly and give us one of those Little Evil knockouts from way back in the day. :)
Interesting to put both Torres and Bowles on the same card, albiet in two different fights. My knowledge of WEC is very limited, but because WEC fights are shown a lot in Canada, especially it seems in th elast few months, I managed to watch a copule of Torres's fights from before the Bowles fight. The Bowles/Torres fight is an incredible fight, and for that comeback by Bowles, makes me think you should never leave the man alone.

Bowles, just for his ability to finish fights, and to take beatings, yet come back and win, I never count out. Never seen Cruz fight, but it sounds like he has endurance. If this fight goes long, I wonder who will last.
L.C. Davis is a beast. I expect some big things from this kid and cannot wait to him fight this Saturday. I really think he could be a huge star at his weight class so I guess we will see this Saturday.

It will also be nice to see Torres back in the ring fighting. I am very interested to see how he rebounds from being beat by Bowles. I expect him to win but who knows, maybe his loss took something out of him. It isn't that rare to see a fighter dethroned and then become a shell of their former self.

I am also very intrigued to see how Bowles does in his first defense. I hope he wasn't a fluke champion but I guess we will find that out on Saturday as well.
Good show, very good show, these kinds of cards have to be why I think WEC might be my favorite promotion.

Surprised at Karen D's lost, but hey, he did beat the shit out of Bartimus. I still think Karen is the better fighter and I believe he will be back better then ever. Bartimus pulled through with heart, chin, and experience, I am a fan of Bartimus too, have been seen since he took the crazy beating by Ricardo Lamas, and didn't get finished. So I am not really upset that he was the one who beat Karen. I am still a Karen fan, even bigger one now then before after I seen how truly destructive this guy can be. He lost because he got a little to confident and careless after the ass whipping he was handing out. I'm sure he will learn from this mistake.

I knew Javier would beat Pulver, he just didn't have it anymore. I love Jens as much as the next guy, but I think its time. The speech he gave afterwards was great. Even though some may dispute, he is a true legend. The first ever UFC lightweight champ will be missed, and never forgotten.

The LC-Deividas fight was not the most entertaining fight, and it really didn't accomplish much for each fighter. Neither one really mounted good offense. Hell, they couldn't stay out of the clinch long enough to do so.

Whoa. Thats all I have to really say about Torres fight. He got schooled from the opening bell. Great fight from Benavidez. After he seen that cut, his killer instinct kicked in and that guillotine was beautiful. Maybe Torres should have stuck with his old camp LOL. I say the most appropriate thing is a match between Benavidez and Scott Jorgenson to see who fight Cruz for the strap.
(BTW, Indy totally called this one.)

It was cool to see Cruz take the belt here. Man, Bowles just couldn't handle his speed, and counter punches. Dominicks foot work was amazing too, for real, I know I talked some shit about he doesn't finish fights but I'l be damned if he didn't prove me wrong. Great showing from Cruz, he might be holding that title for a little while, if he keeps fighting like that.

Awesome Highlight reel KO by Pettis. Good to see Scotty Jorgenson just kicking ass like normal with that mind blowing choke, and Ricardo Lamas winning is great, as I really like the guy. A wrestler winning a fight by flying knee in the first round? I smell a main card trip after that one. It good too because Lamas belongs there.

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