WEC 42


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Javier Vazquez vs. L.C. Davis

Round 1
They touch gloves. Davis fires two right jabs but they miss. Davis misses a left hook and then a loopy right hand. Vazquez fires a punch but Davis ducks under and tries a heel hook, and Vazquez flips him over. After a slight scramble, Vazquez reverses and quickly tries a heel hook but misses. They scramble and are back up to their feet. Vazquez fires two loopy overhand rights that graze Davis. Vazquez shoots in but Davis sprawls. From there, "Showtime" pulls guard. Davis scoots Vazquez up against the fence. After about thirty second, Davis is able to stand back up. They circle in center cage. From his southpaw stance, Vazquez lands two decent right hands. Nice right, left from Davis, but Vazquez moves forward, unfazed. It’s turned into a kickboxing match. Vazquez lands a nice right cross on the inside. Davis is now cut under his right eye and Vazquez lands another right hand. Hard straight right by Vazquez backs up Davis. Another. Davis desperately tries a flying knee but misses wildly. Davis looks flustered. 10-9 Vazquez.

Round 2
They square off again. Vazquez lands a stiff-right hand. Davis misses a right and a left. Vazquez shoots in and scores a double leg. Davis scrambles back up. Vazquez just misses a big right hand. Davis clips Vazquez with a right. Vazquez shoots in again but Davis stuffs it, only to be pulled into guard. Before Vazquez can close his guard, Davis scramble back up. Davis switches to southpaw. Right leg kick by Davis. Davis lands a decent right hand. Davis is now breathing heavily. Davis misses a right head kick and Vazquez counters with a right cross. There is now a mouse under Vazquez' right eye, but he's in total control. Vazquez peppers Davis with two more right hands. Davis tries a flying knee from too far and misses. He tries a jump kick, too, but is way off target. Davis fires a right and a left, but misses and is countered by a hard right hook to the gut. Vazquez scores a takedown at the horn. 10-9 Vazquez.

Round 3
Vazquez comes out firing just as Davis is. Davis misses a right uppercut and is countered by a right cross. They clinch and Davis is pulled into Vazquez' guard again. Davis lands two hard right hands, but Vazquez scrambles away. During the scramble, Vazquez sucks him back into his guard. Davis lands two more right hammer strikes and backs out to let Vazquez up. Hard right leg kick by Davis. Davis fires a three-punch combo, but nothing lands. He tries it again and misses. Vazquez answers with a vicious left-leg kick. Davis again fires the three-punch combo and misses. Hard counter straight-left hand by Vazquez lands square on Davis' face, but he's not bothered. Vazquez shoots in for another takedown and is stuffed. The pace has slowed with 90 seconds left. Davis needs a stoppage of some sort to win. They clinch and Vazquez backs away and misses a wild spinning back fist. Davis counters with a flying knee to the chest that forces Vazquez into the cage. They circle out. With 8 seconds left, Davis desperately tries a flying knee. Another. The horn sounds to end the fight. 10-9 Vazquez.

The official scores: 30-27 Davis, 29-28 Vazquez, 29-28 Davis. L.C. Davis takes the split decision. The media section at the Hard Rock is baffled by the scores, as is the crowd. Some of the fans are jeering the scores; and as Vazquez walks to his locker room in disbelief, fans are telling him that he won.

Rani Yahya vs. John Hosman

Round 1
The fighters stalk each other slowly. Yahya connects with a teep kick and Hosman backs away. Yahya shoots and Hosman stuffs it easily. Hosman works for a guillotine, but he can’t secure it. Yahya scores a takedown and quickly passes to side control. Yahya sneaks around and swiftly locks on a north-south choke. It’s deep, but Hosman is defending. Yahya keeps squeezing and Hosman is forced to submit at 2:08 of round one.

Ed Ratcliff vs. Phil Cardella

Round 1
The fighters circle. Ratcliff is darting in and out, avoiding the clinch. Cardella finally gets a hold of his opponent and move him to the fencing. Cardella trips Ratcliff up, but can’t hold him down. After the fighters trade knees to the body and thighs, referee Steve Mazzagatti separates the fighters. Cardella begins to work the legs of Ratcliff with low kicks. Ratcliff returns low kicks in the round’s final moments. 10-9 Cardella.

Round 2
Cardella charges in and seizes Ratcliff’s back before putting him against the cage. Cardella knees the thighs and hamstrings. Cardella misses a whizzer, thus letting Ratcliff escape the fence. The fighters continue to clinch and Mazzagatti separates the fighters again. Ratcliff misses a flying knee and right back to the clinch go the fighters. Knees to the body are traded. 10-9 Cardella.

Round 3
Cardella kicks Ratcliff in the groin, but he opts not to rest. Cardella clinches and hops on Ratcliff’s back. Ratcliff lands a right hand on the way to the fence and delivers a pair of elbows. Ratcliff scores a takedown. Cardella looks for a triangle and Ratcliff easily escapes. The fighters clinch before the horn. 10-9 Ratcliff.

Official scores: 30-27 (twice) and 29-28 for Ratcliff, who takes the unanimous decision.

Marcus Hicks vs. Shane Roller

Round 1
Hicks scores a takedown and Roller scrambles before putting Hicks against the fence. Hicks has a guillotine, but he can’t pull guard. Roller frees his head and begins to work from guard. Referee Josh Rosenthal stands the fighters after a lull in the action. Hicks charges in and connects with four hard body shots before time expires. 10-9 Hicks.

Round 2
Roller triples up on his jab and is hit with a right hook. Roller is bleeding badly over his left eye. Roller shoots and is stuck in a guillotine. Roller exsapes the deep hold and passes to half guard, where he unloads a torrent of leather from both hands. Roller mounts. Hicks rolls and is getting pounded on. Hick finally stands after a beating before the round closes. 10-9 Roller.

Round 3
Roller is the fresher fighter entering the final frame. Hicks connects with a hard uppercut. Hicks puts the pressure on with some stiff hooks to the body. Hicks loses control and starts winging haymakers that miss wildly. Roller returns to his jab as Hicks swings for the fences. They clinch and Roller scores with a big slam just before the horn. 10-9 Hicks.

Official scores: 30-27 (twice) and 29-28 for Roller.

Fredson Paixao vs. Cole Province

Round 1
Paixao jabs and closes the distance to clinch. Knees to the thighs are traded. Province trips Paixao to the mat. Province is looking to pass and Paixao is having none of it. Paixao goes for an omaplata. It’s deep and Province is in trouble. Province finally frees himself and ends up back in the guard. Province scores with punches from the top. An elbow from Paixao busts open Province’s nose. 10-9 Paixao.

Round 2
Paixao attacks the legs of his opponent with two low kicks. Province scores a takedown from the clinch. Paixao quickly moves to a crucifix-to-armbar transition that is defended beautifully. Province is pouring blood all over Paixao. The Brazilian looks for an triangle that fails. And another. 10-9 Paixao.

Round 3
The fatigued fighters clinch until Herb Dean separates them. Then they circle for what seems like minutes. Finally, Province charges forward and moves Paixao to the fence. Dean moves in again. Province is pressing the attack, but he’s not letting his strikes go. 10-9 Province.

Official scores: 29-28 across the board for Cole Province.

The decision is booed loudly.

Leonard Garcia vs. Jameel Massouh

Round 1
Massouh goes after Garcia’s lead leg with a low kick. Massouh is connecting with the leg at a decent frequency until he switches and goes to the body. Garcia unloads with a right hand that catches Massouh cleanly. Massouh crumbles, but survives. Garcia tries to swarm with punches and Massouh clears the cobwebs. Massouh gets to his feet and trips Garcia to the canvas. Massouh punches the body from half guard. Now back in guard, Massouh rakes the face with elbows. Left for dead a minute earlier, Massouh ends the round in control.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Garcia
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Garcia
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Garcia

Round 2
Massouh looks for a single and he’s caught in a guillotine. Massouh frees his neck and elbows the head from the top in his opponent’s guard. Massouh passes to half guard and looks to clear his isolated foot. From half guard, Massouh locks on a brabo choke. Garcia flattens out and then stands, but he’s caught in the hold. Garica drops to his knees and Massouh lets him go. Now back on their feet, Massouh knees the body and controls from the inside.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Massouh
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Massouh
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Massouh

Round 3
Garcia has a head-kick attempt blocked. Massouh cracks Garcia in the body with a kick. Garcia attempts a “Superman” punch and Massouh again goes to the body with a hard kick. A “Superman” punch connects clean for Massouh. Garcia applies pressure with a strong flurry, but nothing lands flush. Massouh has taken over this fight. He punches and knees the body from the clinch. Massouh jabs effectively while Garcia swings for the fences. Massouh is blocking everything.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Massouh (29-28 Massouh)
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Garcia (29-28 Garcia)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Massouh (29-28 Massouh)

Official scores:
Lester Griffith 29-28 Garcia
Tony Weeks 29-28 Massough
Dave Hagen 29-28 Garcia

Leonard Garcia takes the split decision.

Takeya Mizugaki vs. Jeff Curran

Round 1
Curran catches a Mizugaki low kick and works for a single-leg. Mizugaki hops to the fence and defends the takedown while balancing on his free foot. Curran switches to a double and Mizugaki responds by elbowing the kidneys. Mizugaki gets off the fence and lands a knee to the head from the clinch. Mizugaki trips Curran to the floor. Mizugaki tees off with elbows to the head from Curran’s closed guard. Curran goes for a fast armbar and the scramble is on. Mizugaki is swept and Curran ends up briefly on his back with a single-low hook. Mizugaki turns into his opponent and secures the top position before the bell.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Curran
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki

Round 2
Curran lands a right hook to start round two. Mizugaki connects with a right hand after eating a head kick. Curran drops levels and is stuffed before he can shoot. Mizagaki trips Curran to the canvas. Mizugaki is scoring with clean punches from the guard. Curran is showing an offensive guard, but Mizugaki is one step ahead. Curran misses on a triangle and sinks in an arm-in guillotine. Curran closes his guard, but it running out of time.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Mizugaki

Round 3
A wild punching exchange starts the final stanza. Nothing connects. Curran clinches with his opponent, but is turned against the fence. Mizugaki easily trips Curran to the canvas and begins to work from the top in guard. Curran kicks the midsection from his back, but Mizugaki is smothering him with tight positioning. Curran locks on a triangle, and it’s deep. He transitions to the arm and Mizugaki turns over. Curran lands some bombs from the top and then goes back to the arm. The round ends with Mizugaki in danger.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Curran (29-28 Mizugaki)
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Curran (29-28 Curran)
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Curran (29-28 Mizugaki)

Official scores:
Adalaide Byrd 29-28 Mizugaki
Glenn Trowbridge 29-28 Curran
Sal D'Amato 29-28 Mizugaki

Mizugaki takes the split decision.

Ricardo Lamas vs. Danny Castillo

Round 1
Castillo lands a right hand. Minutes pass before another clean strike is landed. Lamas slips a jab in. Lamas gets in a low kick. Castillo misses a straight right to the body by a foot. Castillo turns it up with a body, head combination. Lamas goes to the lead leg of Castillo with a low kick. From the clinch, Castillo connects with Lamas’ body with a knee. Lamas grazes a left hook off the head of Castillo. Lamas lands two hard low kicks before the round ends.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Lamas
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Castillo
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Lamas

Round 2
Castillo starts the round with a snapping low kick. Lamas drops levels for a single, and is stuffed. Lamas connects with a stiff jab. A low kick from Castillo is checked clean. Lamas lands a right hand and beautifully defends a bulrush-single leg. Both fighters are moving well on their feet, but Lamas has better lateral movement. The advanatage is allowing him to land the cleaner strikes through eight minutes in the cage. The fighters exchange punches with their feet planted and both score. Castillo steps forward in the pocket with a right-hand lead that lands. Castillo rocks Lamas’ world with a counter-right hand. Lamas crumbles and Castillo swarms. Punches from the top rain down and referee Herb Dean steps in to save Lamas at 4:15 of round two.

Joseph Benavidez vs. Dominick Cruz

Round 1
The fighters trade wild kicks. Cruz sends Benavidez to the mat with a right hand, but he doesn’t close in. Benavidez stands and returns fire against the fencing. Cruz has an extreme reach advantage and he’s starting to put it to use. Cruz lands a right hand and maneuvers away with his footwork as Benavidez came forward. A whizzer from Benavidez sends both men face first to the canvas. Cruz stands and defends the clinch against the fence. Cruz scores a takedown, but he can’t hold Benavidez down.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Cruz

Round 2
Benavidez is applying more pressure in round two. He closes the distance by charging in and getting off leather. Cruz rocks Benavidez with a pretty punching flurry that ends with a knee to the chin. Benavidez looks for a takedown and is tripped to the floor. The fighters stand and Cruz continues to use his reach to outpoint the Team Alpha Male fighter. Cruz begins to show different angles before firing a right-hand lead. The tactic is effective. Cruz puts a stamp on the round by scoring a takedown at the 15-second mark.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Cruz

Round 3
Cruz connects with a right-hand counter. Benavidez lands a one, two. Cruz kicks Benavidez’s legs out from under as he goes for a head kick. Cruz trips Benavidez to the floor and begins to work from side control. The fighters stand. Benavidez is getting frustrated with the reach of Cruz. Benavidez eats a kick directly on the mouth. Cruz gets another takedown, but stands. Another takedown follows, and Cruz gets in three punches from the top before moving to Benavidez’s back. Cruz flattens his foe out and punches the head. Cruz dominated the round.

Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Lotfi Sariahmed scores the round 10-9 Cruz
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Cruz

The official judges see the fight 29-28 and 30-27 (twice) for Cruz.

Miguel Torres vs. Brian Bowles

Round 1
Torres breaks a minute-long feeling-out process with two low kicks. Bowles cracks Torres with a right hand. The champion fires back and the fight is on. Bowles gets a takedown and Lands a punch from the top. Torres looks for an armbar and lands three upkicks to the head as Bowles stood. Torres attacks with a barrage of punches. He lands clean, but Bowles drops Torres to the floor with a counter right. Torres tries to transition to an armbar and Bowles unloads. Torres is out. Rossenthal saves Miguel Torres as Brian Bowles takes the WEC bantamweight crown with a first-round knockout at the 3:57 mark.

Just got done watching the two main events.... great, great shit, guys. Seek it out as soon as you can. I promise you will not regret it. If you have any trouble finding the fights, PM me and I'll hook you up with a link.

I'm still stunned at Miguel Torres getting his ass handed to him. Personally, I haven't liked the guy since he talked shit about Floyd Mayweather Jr. and called boxing a "fake" sport or some shit like that, so I've been hoping he would get his ass kicked eventually, but I didn't think it would have been this soon against someone like Brian Bowles. While I don't like him, Torres is a GREAT fucking fighter, and I'm sure no one expected him to get his ass handed to him like he did. Unbelievable. Much props to Brian Bowles. Hopefully he doesn't turn out to be a one hit wonder and can take over the Bantamweight Division from this point on.

And Joseph Benavidez vs. Dominick Cruz.... WOW! I don't know much about either fighter, so I wasn't going to watch this at first, but a friend of mine told me it was a FOTY candidate, and trust me... he wasn't lying. Great, great fucking fight, and if these two ever fight again, I'll make sure to tune in for that one.
WEC 42 "Torres vs. Bowles" was live on the Versus network in the United States last night and featured the shocking upset, with Brian Bowles knocking out Miguel Torres in one round to become the new WEC Bantamweight champion. That knockout earned Bowles the knockout of the night bonus, which was in the amount of $10,000.

The fight of the night bonus honors went to both Dominick Cruz and Joseph Benavidez for their bantamweight title eliminator bout that turned out to be a crowd-pleasing battle. Each man was awarded a bonus of $10,000 for fight of the night for the bout, which Cruz won via unanimous decision after three hard-fought rounds.

And finally, the submission of the night bonus in the amount of $10,000 was awarded to Rani Yahya for his north-south choke tap-out victory over Josh Hosman in the first round of their fight, which featured the only submission on the card.

Did you see how massive Brian Bowles looked infront of Miguel Torres, damn he looked like a 155 pounder. I'd have to say the WEC will be understandibly annoyed now with Torres, considering I have been saying to people for years that his record was very padded with people who couldn't aim at the toilet let alone a moving target..... WEC had to have seen the real calibre that Miguel really is.... Maybe Miguel shouldn't have tried to turn it into a brawl and kept it precise, but sometimes things just happen.

Who is going to be next contender for the Bantamweight Title.... thats what I want to know.
Decent event, better then UFC 101 for sure. I was shocked really to see Torres lose. I was even a bit more shocked that it was by TKO. While I'll give Bowles his props for having some nice counter punches, and power, I think Torres cost himself that fight. Torres clipped Bowles, staggering him, then Torres decided to charge and finish Bowles, but Bowles showed he has a great chin, and was able to catch Torres with a hook while Torres was pounding away at him to end the fight. Torres got too overconfident in my opinion, and underestimated Bowles chin and power, costing him the fight. Looking forward to Bowles's reign, maybe he'll shock us like Brown did.

Takeya Mizugaki looks like he might be next for a title shot. Mizugaki likes to bang, and showed great submission defense tonight against Curren, he's also apparently a pretty big guy, being able to manhandle Curren. Though maybe he'll face off against Torres for number 1 contender. I would love to see a rematch of Mizugaki Vs. Torres. The Bantamweight order in the WEC is gonna be interesting to watch over the following months.

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