We need to see this Vince McMahon on the Network after Raw


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CM Punk's interview made headlines. Washington Post, TMZ, Yahoo Sports, etc.

The smart move by WWE is promising a response from Vince, making people want to tune into the Network to see what he has to say about it. It'd be beyond ******ed for Vince not to do something like this...


Strike while the iron is hot!

But of course, today is different from yesteryear. If the interview with Austin is just a ******* fest where all they talk about is WWE beating WCW in the 90's then oh the fuck well. The Network will continue to fail and WWE will remain stagnant... that's Vince's problem, not mine.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? If Vince doesn't capitalize on this then he truly is out of touch and needs to go. How much you wanna bet this show will mostly be the 'Kiss Cena's A$$' hour?
Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? If Vince doesn't capitalize on this then he truly is out of touch and needs to go. How much you wanna bet this show will mostly be the 'Kiss Cena's A$$' hour?

It would actually be smarter for Vince to ignore it. Punk isn't making them money anymore so to promote him does nothing for the WWE. It also would give Colt's podcast a whole lot more views and bring more attention to a podcast episode that really shined on the WWE in a negative light.

So the smart thing to do is ignore it.

But the fan in me definitely wants Vince to do a "Punk screwed Punk" moment on the podcast, and the best part about it would be us not knowing if it was in kayfabe or not.
^^I disagree because all Punk is doing right now is sitting on his ass and writing comics that only a small number of people will end up reading anyway.

It'll benefit Vince more to give his two cents on it since it'll draw attention to the Network, and it'll also cue up the "It's a work!!!!" audience, which benefits WWE since it makes people believe Punk is full of shit.

After all, it did wonders for Vince and WWE for him to publicly address the Bret Hart situation after the Montreal Screwjob, so I don't see how this would be any different.
I can't see how that would benefit anyone, Punk doesn't deserve any attention if the guy doesn't want to be there and apparently hates wrestling now just let him go it would be insane of the WWE to keep dwelling on him leaving a year later, I can't think of anyone who would want to watch WWE still talking about him every week as if he were some kind of god.
He can address it, but he doesn't need to dedicate the whole podcast to Punk. It's just another disgruntled former employee with an ax to grind against the big bad machine.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? If Vince doesn't capitalize on this then he truly is out of touch and needs to go. How much you wanna bet this show will mostly be the 'Kiss Cena's A$$' hour?

So original...
Vince will give a sentence response and move on to something from the past no one is interested in and the network will continue to be virtually useless.

This unfortunately isn't a time in which controversy is used by WWE to gain viewership. Instead they attempt to sweep it under the rug and pretend everyone doesn't know about it.
It would actually be smarter for Vince to ignore it. Punk isn't making them money anymore so to promote him does nothing for the WWE. It also would give Colt's podcast a whole lot more views and bring more attention to a podcast episode that really shined on the WWE in a negative light.

So the smart thing to do is ignore it.

But the fan in me definitely wants Vince to do a "Punk screwed Punk" moment on the podcast, and the best part about it would be us not knowing if it was in kayfabe or not.

I think WWE and Punk reached a settlement where WWE can continue selling Punk's merch on WWE store. So, they can still make some money off him. Also, if I am right, they have some sort of settlement to use Punk's likeness in their W2k15 game.

WWE needs to address some part of it. By coming out at this time, Punk has kinda forced their hands. They need something explosive for their network, no?
If Punk's shoot did anything, it's confirm what was known. WWE is run by idiots, Triple H still has ego problems and McMahon has an outdated view on life. The podcast on Monday is most likely gonna make it all more apparent.
I can totally believe that part where Vince tells Punk that someone is gonna die in the octagon.
You know what would be freaking awesome?

That if this were all a work. That Punk always meant to take time off after the Rumble and this is how he is coming back. Think about it. Vince announces a podcast and Punk decides to have an interview with Cabana just a week before that. It all seems awfully convenient. I mean, it would be like the Summer of Punk, only much much bigger this time round. I wish they could somehow tie this up to the authority storyline and we can all have Punk back. I tell you, if Cult of Personality, were to hit Raw now, it would blow off the freaking roof.

This would also show that Vince still has it, that despite everyone knowing that wrestling is fake, he got us yet again.

I know I'm being all smarky and imagining stuff, but it would be awesome if this happened.
Vince McMahon tricked Bret Hart into losing a fake championship.

The allegations Punk has made are about a hundred times more serious. When your employees are literally accused of saying "What do you want me to do about it?" when told about a concussion, coming out and going "Go fuck yourself" isn't really great press.
When your employees are literally accused of saying "What do you want me to do about it?" when told about a concussion, coming out and going "Go fuck yourself" isn't really great press.

Obviously that part he can't address, nor should he since he wasn't directly involved in those conversations. Yeah it's his responsibility of course but there's still plausible deniability there.

The creative differences and how Vince viewed Punk as a performer... that's all fair game and that's what I would like to hear from him anyway.
Vince McMahon tricked Bret Hart into losing a fake championship.

The allegations Punk has made are about a hundred times more serious. When your employees are literally accused of saying "What do you want me to do about it?" when told about a concussion, coming out and going "Go fuck yourself" isn't really great press.

I'm unsure on this part, as was Cabana, in that situation he(the ref) could be checking if punk wants to be pulled out. Punk didnt give tone at all, but if its anything close to a 'i dont give a fuck finish the match' tone than the ref should be fired.

And if this is all a work then i will literally drink my own piss and you can quote me on that.
Vince needs to take the high road and barely address the situation. It's the professional thing to do.
If Vince has any "grapefruits" at all, he'll spend at least half the show talking about the Punk situation from his point of view and being completely 100% honest. So I'm thinking it will just be us getting the privilege of hearing about him taking the first Stunner, the beer bath and all the other Attitude Era stuff fans have already heard about 64,829,029,546 times.
Like when the Nacho Man and The Hukster both said Liz is not doing so well?

That was a much different time without shareholders and such. Things are far more corporate now, and that requires much different sensibilities.
Nope. I've thought it was legit since the first day the story broke. WWE could never pull off a work this good in this era. Punk is really gone forever.

Yes, but it would be awesome to think of all this as a work. Otherwise, it's just WWE getting bad press. I know some people are comparing it to a Bret situation, but I just cannot see how WWE are going to be able to convert this to an advantage and if they aren't able to do that, it's just them getting bad press. I just don't see how it can be turned into a storyline like they did with Bret. As Sam says, the situation is much more serious.

On the other hand, if this were a work, I could see the sky as the limit for the WWE.
That was a much different time without shareholders and such. Things are far more corporate now, and that requires much different sensibilities.

I think it should be HHH doing the interview. If he's to be the one to take over running the company, he should address the situation and how he is going to/is fixing some of the issues Punk spoke about, for other, new wrestlers. Vince as face of WWE should start to fade out and HHH should be fading in, this is a perfect oppurtunity for HHH to set a tone.
Overall it's HHH that needs to respond to most of this. Vince wasn't painted in that bad of a light in the interview, just a guy who is obviously out of touch in some places.

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