We Need Threats


Layeth The Smackdown!
After watching Summer Slam tonight, what really seemed sad was the fact that Lay Cool are really the only credible competitors in the Woman's division on SD. I mean for them to come out and pick on a RAW diva just shows that the Diva's division on SD is just crap. I mean Kelly Kelly has had about 10 chances to win the Woman's title and lost, Tiffany is arrested, Beth is injured, and Rosa Mendez just no comment. It is time to bring someone over to the blue brand or split up Lay Cool. I see the woman's division on SD nothing more than a bathroom break, but at least on RAW the woman's division is somewhat decent. Hell bring Eve over she can wrestle and now her recent push has been stopped by Melina. Bring Eve over to SD and have her feud with Lay Cool for the belt.
I think they should just put all the divas on one brand, I say this because I don't think there is enough of them to spread around. I think it would be a good thing for the division because we'll have the top divas together so it will make it seem better.
By the looks of things it could be possible that they'd attempt to have some kind of Women's/Divas' championship unification somewhere down the line or at the very least a feud between the 2 divisions to name the best diva in the business. I for one hope that it includes a lot of non wrestling "challenges" that King would go crazy for and would hopefully make him entertaining again. If they were to make the women's championships similar to how the tag titles are now then they could have the champion go from brand to brand feuding with any diva that gets in her way. It could open up room for better champion and normal feuds while bringing the quality of the division up as well since there wouldn't be an influx of women's champions as there are now. Feuds between Beth/Laycool/Melina could be some of the best ever and they could take the time to build up the divas that have some good ability in the ring but have been jobbed out constantly on Raw/Smackdown such as Jillian and Gail Kim.
The divas have struggled lately, big time. It would be beneficial to have them all on one show so that Beth, Melina, Lay-cool, Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, etc can all fight each other rather than just having two or three on each show. They could build interest together with storylines rather than having on again, off again feuds as they seem to have.

I went to a few shows in the past year and it's become custom for the unofficial bathroom break/intermission to happen when the Diva's come out for a match. It's just not interesting anymore because there's no story behind the rivalries anymore. It seems forced each week just so that they can say they had a match.
While it would definitely be a good idea to unify the Women's and Diva's championships and put all of the Diva's under one brand, I'm not sure the WWE would do this. For one, I think they would see the Diva's belt as a failure since it only debuted two years ago.

I found it interesting to note that on the List of WWE's Diva's Champions page on Wikipedia, the first reign was Michelle McCool. The interesting part of this is the fact that she won it in a match from Natalya. I think that right there segues into a possible solution. Introduce Natalya and Serena into the mix. In addition, if the WWE does indeed introduce 4 new divas on NXT3, that could also help the division.
I've always held the opinion that they should unify the Women's titles and the Tag team titles and put them on opposite shows though, so my opinion is very biased. The tag team titles are already unified but only on one show, which I just flat out don't understand. Why not just put the two divisions on opposite shows and build storylines and rivalries within each other?
There bringing AJ Lee in,
Her vignettes will start airing when Alberto Del Borring is done,
Though I heard she was pretty awesome,
IDK if she's good enough for the Womens Championship,
So if she's not she'll hold them off until Beth.P comes back
I think they should just put all the divas on one brand, I say this because I don't think there is enough of them to spread around. I think it would be a good thing for the division because we'll have the top divas together so it will make it seem better.

that is exactly what i said yesterday in a different post. move all of the that wrestle to one brand and keep the ones that valet...tamina,bellas, and as much as i would love to see her with the womens title, natallya on raw. and then bring back the cruiserweight division. i mean think of the potential classics u could have....bourne, mysterio, CHAVO...who is doing nothing right now could have a ppv bout...gabriel when he is done witht the nexus angle, and kaval after nxt, primo who is a jobber on superstars, the dudebusters... i think they fall into the crusierweight divison.
I've always held the opinion that they should unify the Women's titles and the Tag team titles and put them on opposite shows though, so my opinion is very biased. The tag team titles are already unified but only on one show, which I just flat out don't understand. Why not just put the two divisions on opposite shows and build storylines and rivalries within each other?

I like this idea, since I think the divas could all fit on one show, since there's never really more than one rivalry going on at a time, it seems. Usually, it's two diva's going at it on each show and then the rest of them are just filler for the 3 on 3 tag matches.

However, while I think the tag teams would be a good alternative to the women's division, I would rather see the Hart Dynasty defending the titles across the brands, since you could could group people from either brand together for a team. However, I really dislike the divas so keeping them all on one show (Superstars, preferably) would probably be the best bet.
They don't need additional threats to the Women's Title; the most logical course for WWE to take is to pit Laycool against each other... McCool vs Layla.

They have the most character development, and the most credibility out of any of the women on the Smackdown roster. Not only that, but both are exceptional workers... a solid feud between the too between PPV's would be more than enough to invigorate the division.
Here's what we need to do. We need to shoot LayCool right between the eyes. I...hate them. So much. Almost as much as I hate Michael Cole. And that is truly saying something.

Break them up. Yes. I like Michelle McCool. I liked her when she was a serious competitor, not when she was some "flawless" diva (and I mean that in the negative way, not the...well...I guess being a WWE diva isn't all that positive either...oh well). I would love to see McCool beat the hell out of Layla, and send her packing. She's the weak link. She's terrible. She's annoying. I hate her. I want her...and Michael Cole...and...pretty much them. And want them to get in a boat and go to wherever Gandalf and crew went at the end of Return of the King...never to be seen or heard from again.
Well if you haven't noticed already there are pretty much no threats in the women's/diva's division at all. There are some definite top gals within the division but beyond that there are no threats in there at all. The only threat to the division would be Beth Phoenix due to her power and strength advantage she has. Then you have hard workers in Melina, Michelle McCool, and others who are pushed to the top consistently as well. Then beyond that you have a bunch of Barbie faced models who are learning their jobs on the spot. Which really doesn't make for good in ring action. Due to this fact the women's division as a whole has been watered down and looked upon very low by the wrestling audience as a whole. Many people actually refer women matches as their bathroom breaks, which just proves how much the division has sunk over the last five years.

The biggest thing they can do about the issue of the women's titles is to unify them. Which I think is the reason behind this recent LayCool vs. Melina feud they seemingly have cooking up. They will argue and build a rivalry over who is the true top female champion in WWE, as well as say there can only be one for which will lead to a match that will unify the diva's and women's titles together. Which will be a good thing for the division. Have the women's champion's boundaries be the same as the tag champion's boundaries. Meaning she can appear on any show and defend the title on any show. Which will provide better options for matches and story-lines for the division. That joke of a title may only be two years but no takes it seriously and it truly is laughed upon by almost everybody. When they unify the two into a women' title than can be defended on any show, then we will at least make the female division of WWE a tad better than it is now.
I don't know how many of you know this but the original idea of Smackdown was for it to be an all diva show maybe they should go back to that idea.

Maybe they should make a brand for only the divas they would be able to have great storylines and they would have a lot more air time and their matches would be longer. I think that would really benfit the divas.

If not that bring over some face divas from Raw since raw has all of the divas except for a few of them and some of the divas on raw are hardly used. Bring Eve to Smackdown shes good enough to compete for the womans title or change Jillian to a face and move her to Smackdown and let her challenge for the womans title.
Yea i'd have to say this, for the first time, put all divas on one brand. this will give a chance for another division such as a tag division or cruiserweight division on Smackdown. Having a cruiserweight division on Smackdown will help sign alot of the NXT superstars to a smackdown contract because most of them would fit in this division, not all but enough for it to be more successful than the diva division that is on Smackdown at the moment

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