We Hate Cena Shirts

Aeon Mathix

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LOL really? i was watching wrestlemania 26 today and i know this isnt the first time people have done that but i was just laughing at it. Hes a character on a television show, i dont go see a brendan frassier movie and sit in the front row and wear an "I hate frassier" shirt or get a front row ticket to lady gaga and get a "I hate Gaga" shirt
What's even funnier, I'm going to a SD show that's taping and have front row seats behind the announce table...I'm gonna make a sign/shirt proclaiming that Matt Striker and Todd Grisham for tag team of the year, or just proclaiming Striker is greater than all others....lol. Those who know me understand the joke.. ;)

I wonder what would've happened if WWE decided to sell these shirts.......
I would totally wear a T-shirt that says "I hate Brendan Frasier". He's fucking terrible.
I liked The first two Mummy films as a kid(I thought the third one was an abomination), because they were fun films to watch,but yeah, Frasier is awful. Elizabeth Hurley is the only reason why I liked Bedazzled. She was still in her prime back then.

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