WCW Tampa: Round 1, Match 3: #16 Tito Santana vs. #49 Floyd Mayweather

Santana vs. Mayweather

  • Chico Santana

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the WCW Region under WCW Rules from Tampa, Fl. The ring and entrance ramp are equal height.

#16. Tito Santana



Floyd "Money" Mayweather
You're kidding me right? Tito has to win this. Mayweather won a match on, but only because it was booked that way. You can't use brass knuckles here. Santana is one of the greatest workers of the 80's. Floyd has a strength advantage, but he's too small to do anything with it, and Santana is too quick for him to land more than 2 punches on.

Santana wins this in about 5 minutes with a picture perfect dropkick to the jaw.
WTF?, How the hell did Mayweather even get into this thing?!?, seriously, Mayweather isn't even a fucking wrestler, Tito wins, but hell I'd vote just about anyone over Mayweather just to get him out, him even being able to be in this is a joke, Tito wins easily in a squash
Mayweather wins. It doesnt matter how good a wrestler Santana was, Floyd would just knock his ass out in one punch. I gurantee that Tito wouldnt last 15 seconds with Floyd. So just by logical thinking Floyd Mayweather advances.
Of course Tito wins. Tito is one of the most solid workers you'll ever find. I defy you to find a bad match that he's in where he's not jobbing his ass off. Mayweather won't be able to punch him if Santana is flying through the air. Santana wins off the forearm in hopefully a fast match. Get that man a real opponent.
Santana wins here in a quick match.tito has experience and is probably to fast for mayweather to get a punch or 2 in,and how in the hell did he get into the tournament.
How Mayweather made the tournament, God only knows. If you had to have a non-wrestler, you could have had Mr. T, whose been at WrestleMania twice, one of the inexplicable hall of famers, or former WCW World Champions Arquette or Russo.

Mayweather beat the Big Show because a) he was quick enough to avoid getting pummeled and b) he cheated. Here he is against someone that is more than fast enough to take him out quickly. Mayweather loses here, and probably doesn't land a single punch.
I'm voting for Floyd Mayweather. He's one of my favorite boxers of all time and he would just flat out kick Tito Santana's ass. Yeah... he would kick most of the asses in this tournament in real life, but Tito Santana isn't special enough for me to even pretend he could beat Pretty Boy Floyd in a wrestling ring. I was a huge fan of Strike Force when I was young, but other then that... Tito Santana bored me for the most part. He seems like a great guy in real life, but there's not many people I would vote him over in this tournament, and Floyd Mayweather happens to not be one of them.
So how does Tito beat Mayweather then? The guy is 1-0 in a wrestling ring. Floyd could do research on Tito, but what about the other way round? He could look at the Big Show match, fo so. But that's not a great indication of Mayweathers talents. He's small, Big Show is big. Mayweather beat a guy who outweighed him by several hundred pounds and who was about two foot taller. He cheated, but he still won, and he still kicked his arse.

Mayweather wins, easily. He's probably my pick for the whole tournament.
Well I've been fascinated with the arguments made for Floyd, and I actually thought the match he and the Big Show was spectacular. That being said, i'm a closet Chico fan, and have always enjoyed his work in the ring. Was he ever going to be the biggest star, of course not but he was reliable, every time he went out there. The guy got a good match out of the Warlord, so that speaks to his ability. Floyd was a great, one time thing, but I'll go with the former IC Champion.
If Tito was worth voting for you wouldn't be a closet fan. This is a fact Shocky. You don't want to admit you like him because no matter how good he was in the ring, he was the absolute epitome of boring.

Mayweather was more entertaining in one match than Tito was in his whole career. If he was even slightly amusing he'd make to odd showing on Raw. And people wouldn't have skipped him HOF speech.
Mayweather would knock his ass out in one punch. If they really met in a wrestling ring I gurantee that would happen. Santana cant "fly through the air" If Floyd drops his ass as soon as the bell rings.
If Floyd lands one punch it is over. And with that said, I'm voting Money Mayweather. Even if he can't get much offense in, a punch or two would knock Tito out and Money is moving on.
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There is no way that Mayweather would beat Santana in a wrestling match. Anyone that has boxed before (or follows the sport) should know that you can't put your opponents in headlocks or perform any other wrestling maneuver on them. Beating Mayweather in a wrestling match would be easy. Sure, you could chase him in and out of the ring (much like Brock Lesnar did when he wrestled Rey Mysterio, Jr.), but, if you were smart (like Santana is), you would just let him get counted out or back off until he comes back in. And, when Mayweather goes in for the attack, it's just as easy as chop blocking him, pinning him down, and pummeling him.
I can't believe Mayweather is even here. He used brass knucks to win his only match. Santana however fights for good against evil.

Mayweather weights 140 pounds, and while size doesn't always win, it does when the bigger man can match quickness. Mayweather's only chance is to land a punch while Tito is in the air for the flying forearm, but better men have tried. They failed, and so will Money.
Correct me if I'm wrong, ut I was under the impression that closed fists were banned in WCW, and indeed mst wrestling promotions. If they are, then Mayweather's only possible method of attack is completely neutralised and he becomes a sitting duck.

Mayweather is either disqualified, or he loses, simple as that.
I vote Mayweather... he was the greatest heel never to be a proffesional wrestler and Tito Santana is just one man... Mayweather comes to the ring with a whole entourage and if you think Santana could beat down on all of Mayweathers heavies you are completely wrong. Sure brass knuckles aren't allowed in this match... but William Regal won countless matches a few years ago by being crafty and not letting the referee see... It will be so much easier for Mayweather who will get that guy to stand on the ring apron saying "you can't do that, you can't do that" and then KABLAMOW- Mayweather just floored Tito...

Honestly, you might not like it but your crazy to vote against mayweather.
It's too bad that Mayweather lost this. Yes, closed fists are banned from WCW, but have you ever seen anyone disqualified for punching someone? It'd only take one or two punches to knock Tito the hell out. Mayweather also has about 10 guys that come to the ring with him. Have them get the referee, then Mayweather pops Santana between the eyes with brass knuckles. Mayweather should win this.
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