WCW Starrcade 97 Aftermath


Dark Match Jobber
December 29 Monday Night Nitro

Tony Schievone:Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro, and fans after last night's Starrcade main event. There has been a lot of talk about the controversial ending in the Hollywood Hogan and Sting.

Mike Tenay:That's right, Tony. In fact, the WCW Executive Committee has been meetings all day wondering if and what to do about the status as the World Heavyweight Championship. It is expected that they will make their announcement at some point on this Nitro.

Tony Schievone:Of course, fans we will keep you notified as soon as we hear any word on this developing situation.

An hour later on Nitro,

Mean Gene: After last night's controveresy at Starrcade, all the talk has been about what will happen to the World Heavyweight Championship. The executives have had their meeting and a decision has been made. So let me introduce to you, chairman of the executive committee, JJ Dillon.

JJ Dillon: First, I would like to apolgize to all of the fans that did not see a fair fight last night between Sting and Hollywood Hogan. I have two major announcements to make. First, and foremost, as of this moment, Nick Patrick has been suspended indefinately without pay. We will have no biased officials in this organization, and we will not stand for it.

And now, for the decision you all been waiting for, after much deliberation, we have decided that the title should be held up, and forfeited.

In order to determine ourselves a new world champion, we will have a 26 man tournament, and to make it fair both Mr. Hogan and Sting, they both will be given double byes.

Mean Gene:Wow, that is some shocking news, so before you go JJ when will this tournament begin?

JJ Dillon:The executive committee has decided we needed something special to start the tourney, and we couldn't think a more special place, then on the debut of Thunder, one week from Thursday on TBS. Then, the tournament will commence until a champion is crowned at Souled Out on January 25.

So Sting, I hate to do this, but I need OUR belt back.

Sting music hits and he comes down to the ring.

Sting: Before I give this belt back, I just got one thing to say. For the next month, I will let you borrow this belt, but when that day comes at Souled Out, I am going to take my belt back.

Mean Gene:What a major announcement, Tony, Mike, Brain back to you.
Thunder January 8

Tony Schievone: Welcome everyone to the debut of Thunder on TBS, and the beginning of one of the most anticipated tournaments in professionial wrestling. As tonight, we begin a battle for a new World Heavyweight Champion.

Mike Tenay: As we have heard for the past week, we have heard the details of this tourney where 26 men will compete for the ulimate prize in our sport, now the only details in the bracket, we have is that Sting and Hogan have double-byes and are placed on opposite sides of the brackets to ensure if they win, we will see a rematch, but whether we see that or not, we have to wait and see.

Tony Schievone: And let's start tonight's Thunder with the First Match of the tournament.

First Round Match: British Bulldog vs Lex Luger
-The two former tag team partners go and back and forth early. Bulldog picks Luger up for the Running Powerslam, Luger is get out of the arms of Bulldog, and puts Bulldog in the Torture Rack and Bulldog taps.
Winner: Lex Luger by Submission

First Round Match: Scotty Riggs vs Buff Bagwell
Bagwell and Riggs fight for only a couple of minutes, when Luger attacks Buff and the ref rings the bell. Luger puts Bagwell in the Rack and puts him down and escapes before the nWo runs in to attack. Luger screams that Buff will pay for the nWo's actions next round.
Winner: Buff Bagwell by DQ

First Round Match: DDP vs William Regal
Regal gains the advantage early by trying slowing the match down. Regal puts DDP in a armbar submission, but DDP is able to get up and push Regal off, but Regal clotheslines DDP to the ground. Regal, then tosses DDP, to the ropes, when Regal tryes to clothesline DDP again, Page ducks and delivers a Diamond Cutter, and DDP advances.
Winner: Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall

First Round Match: Meng vs Barbarian
The two teammates start the match trading blows, and neither man selling a move. Then they battle to the outside throwing chairshots, but the ref allows it, and Meng delivers a vicious chairshot to the Barbarian. Meng then pulls Barbarian in the ring, and gives him the Tonga Grip.
Winner: Meng by submission

Tony Schievone: The 1st round in this tourney will continue on Nitro this Monday, as the race to the title continues on TNT.
What we know so far:

1st Rd
Monday Night Nitro January 12

First Round Match:Randy Savage vs The Giant:
Giant physically dominates this match early, nWo members Vincent and Konnan try to interfere but Giant attacks them and the referee sends them to the back, meanwhile while the ref is destracted Savage hits Giant with a steel chair, Giant no sales it, and chokeslams the Macho Man and picks up a victory and moves on to the next round.
Winner:The Giant by pinfall

First Round Match: Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig:
Ric Flair is foaming at the mouth, getting screwed in matches with Hennig due to interference, he gets his hands once again on the man that was once his friend. Flair goes mental in his attack on Hennig, and refuses to stop when the ref tells him to break the choke hold, and Flair is disqualified, Flair then takes a chair and repeatly hits Curt with it, nWo trys to make a run down but is attacked from behind by the Horseman.
Winner:Curt Hennig by DQ

First Round Match: Kevin Nash vs Chris Benoit
Benoit gets the advantage early and trys to make it a slow, technical style matchup, during the match, Benoit applies the sleeper, however, Nash pushes him to the ropes and delivers a big boot and delivers a Jackknife for a victory into the next round.
Winner:Kevin Nash by pinfall

First Round Match: Ray Traylor vs Jim Duggan
Quick match, Traylor goes for his Spinning Side slam, but Duggan ducks it and punches him to the ground, then Duggan gets his three-point clothesline for the win to advance.
Winner:Jim Duggan by pinfall

First Round Match: Scott Hall vs Bret Hart
A very contested matchup between these two, Hall and Bret go back and forth for most of the match, near the end, it looks like the end is near for Bret, Hall has him up for The Outsiders Edge, but Bret reverses it for a rollup, and Hall kicks it out, Hall runs after Bret, but Bret applies a hip toss, and then he gives his signature elbow drop over the ropes. Bret then applies the sharpshooter, and Hall taps.
Winner:Bret by submission

First Round Match: Booker T vs Rick Martel
Booker accompanied by Sherri, Sherri distracts Martel on the ring apron, and Book scissor kicks Martel to cover and win the match.
Winner:Booker T by pinfall

First Round Match: Mongo vs Raven
The match never officially begins as the nWo attacks Mongo before he is able to make it to the ring. Raven wins by forfeit.
Winner:Raven by forfeit

First Round Match: Mortis vs Konnan
Konnan wins a quick squash match with the Tequilla Sunrise.
Winner:Konnan by submission

End of First Round

2nd Round
Thunder January 15

Second Round Match:Lex Luger vs Buff Bagwell
Luger looks pissed as the match starts, and Buff starts to run around the ring trying to escape Luger as he is running to attack him, and Luger finally catches him hits him in the back and tosses him in the ring, Luger furcuirlous has the upper hand most of the match and can goes for pinfalls for a couple of times, but raises Buff's head up after a 2 count to do more damage, and as Luger finally gets Buff up for the rack, the nWo runs down to try to stop it, but Luger is able to make Buff tap and escape as nWo gets to the ring.
Winner: Lex Luger by submission

Second Round Match: DDP vs Meng
Meng attacks DDP when his back is turned while motioning the diamond sign to the crowd, Meng, takes DDP into the corner, and proceeds to attack him in the turnbuckle area, Meng then picks up a chair, attempts to swing it at DDP, but he swings and misses, and the chair falls to the ground, as Meng tries to pick the chair up, DDP composes himself and delivers a Diamond Cutter on the chair, and gets the pin.
Winner: DDP by pinfall

Second Round Match: The Giant vs Curt Hennig
Curt comes out to the ring with Kevin Nash with him at ringside, Curt throws a few punches and tries to irish whip The Giant off the ropes, but of course is unsuccessful, The Giant grabs Hennig's throat for the chokeslam, but Nash gets up on the apron, and Hennig low blows The Giant while the ref is destracted, Hennig, goes for the "Plex" and gets it, but Giant kicks out at two, then all of a sudden, Nash gets into the ring, and clotheslines Hennig, and the bell rings. Nash "winks" at the Giant telling him, 'You're welcome" as he helps Hennig out of the ring and into the next round.
Winner: Curt Hennig by DQ

Second Round Match:Kevin Nash vs Jim Duggan
As Nash is walking back to the locker room area with Hennig, and meets with his fellow nWo members backstage, they walk past Duggan, holding his 2x4, Hall and Hogan start chanting U-S-A with Duggan as a distraction, as Nash, Konnan, and Scott Norton attack Duggan, even stealing his 2x4 and hitting him with it, and mocking him as they walk off. Duggan is unable to compete in the match, so Nash wins by forfeit.
Winner: Kevin Nash by forfeit

Second Round Match: Bret Hart vs Booker T
Bret and Booker lock up and it goes back and forth the first couple of minutes, but then Bret gets on a role with a clothesline, then his Hart Attack from the second rope, he goes for the Sharpshooter, but is too close to the ropes and Booker is able to break the hold, a couple of minutes later, Booker is able to punch Bret Hart in the stomach and go for his Scissor Kick, but Bret moves at the very last second, and puts on the Sharpshooter, and Booker T taps out.
Winner: Bret Hart by Submission

Second Round Match: Raven vs Konnan
Raven sits in the corner b4 his match cutting a promo that nobody thinks he is going to become the new champion, then konnan comes from the crowd, and attacks Raven during the promo, tossing him into the stairs, and a ddt on the concrete, and tosses him back in the ring for the Tequilla Sunrise, and Raven taps.
Winner: Konnan by submission

The third round will conmense at the next Nitro
Monday Nitro January 19

Quarterfinal Match: Sting vs Luger
Two friends shake hands before the match to show their respects, and then start the action. Near the end of the match, Sting whips Luger towards the ropes, but knocks down the referee, and the impact forces Luger out of the ring, while Sting's back is turned from Luger, and the ref is down, Buff comes from the crowd, and hits Luger with a chair, and knocks him out. Sting, not knowing what happened, pulls Luger back in the ring, and gives him the Death Lock, the ref gets back up, and sees Luger is unconscious and unable to continue to fight.
Winner:Sting by submission

Quarterfinal Match: DDP vs Curt Hennig
Curt comes out first with the nwo, however, DDP shocks them by bringing out the Horsemen with him. And there is action everywhere as, not only is their a match in the ring, both the Horsemen and nwo fight on the outside, DDP gets the Diamond Cutter, Buff goes up on the apron and in the ring to distract the ref, Benoit comes in with a chair to get Buff out, he swings, and clanks Buff. DDP and Benoit toss Buff out of the ring, and then Hennig comes back up and rolls up and grabs ddp's tights, and gets the pin.
Winner: Curt Hennig by pinfall

Quarterfinal Match: Kevin Nash vs Bret Hart
Bret wins the match when The Giant jumps up on the apron as Nash is about to deliver a powerbomb, Bret rolls up Nash and gets the pin.
Winner: Bret Hart by pinfall

Quarterfinal Match: Hollywood Hogan vs Konnan
Konnan agrees backstage that he doesn't deserve to be in the same league as the leader of the nwo, so he forfeits his match to Hollywood Hogan.
Winner: Hollywood Hogan by forfeit

The tourney semis are set and a champion will be crowned at Souled Out
Souled Out January 25

Semifinal Match: Sting vs Curt Hennig
Hogan and Nash accompanies Hennig to the ring, Sting late in the match applies the Death Lock, Nash jumps on the apron to distract the referee, and Hogan hits Sting with a lead pipe, Hennig then does the Plex to advance to the finals.
Winner: Curt Hennig

Semifinal Match: Hollywood Hogan vs Bret Hart
Hogan, is accompanied by Nash, and Bret, brings Sting to the ring to make sure there is no funny business. The match ends when Hogan goes off the ropes for a leg drop, Sting grabs his leg, and Bret quickly rolls Hogan up and gets the victory.
Winner: Bret Hart by pinfall

WCW Championship Final: Bret Hart vs Curt Hennig
Hennig tells Hogan and the nWo backstage, that he can do this on his own, that he has had his history with Bret, and that he will bring the belt back to the nWo. The match goes back and forth with reversals and submissions. Then, near the end of the match, Hennig has Bret set up for the plex, but Bret reverses out of it for a pinfall, and Hennig is unable to kick out.
Your Winner and New World Champion: Bret "Hitman" Hart

As Bret is walking to the back, Hennig is in the ring, and the nWo runs to the ring, they attack Hennig, Bret runs back to the ring, as well as The Four Horsemen, Bulldog, and Anvil come to the ring and run the nWo out of the ring to end the show.

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