WCW Quarter Finals: Eddie Guerrero vs. Hulk Hogan: Stretcher Match

Eddie Guerrero vs. Hulk Hogan: Stretcher Match

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • Hulk Hogan

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero vs. The Immortal Hulk Hogan

The Following matchup takes place in Atlanta, GA, in the Georgia Dome. The ring is on the same level as the entrance ramp.

Stretcher Match:
A stretcher will be placed at ringside. A person must incapacitate his opponent to place him on the stretcher, and wheel the stretcher past a marked white line near the entrance of the arena.
In what world are people living in that would make them vote Eddie Guerrero ahead of Hogan. There is NOTHING that Eddie Guerrero does better than Hogan. Wrestling, promo ability, charisma, workrate, drawing, moneymaking, even kayfabe win/loss record. NOTHING is what Eddie is better than Hulk at.

Eddie was given his "feel good" title run back in 2004, and now all of a sudden he's in Hogan's league? Please.

Hogan wins this match, and barely breaks a sweat.
I voted for Hogan on ONE reason-Hogasn power makes Eddies high flying style look like nothing!Hogan dominates it with some big power moves,Pushes Eddie up the ramp.

Winner-Hogan in 20 minutes
Hogan wins this match, and barely breaks a sweat.

Oh Hogan breaks a sweat alright - trying to make Eddie look good in the loss.

It would have taken a MASSIVE stipulation advantage for Eddie to go over in this match. Fact is I had him out in round one, but the magical run of Latino Heat is over. This match doesn't favor either man, but there's no way Hogan just lays on a stretcher as Guerrero wheels him over the line. It just doesn't happen. Wake up people, if you wanna hate on Hogan, do it in a realistic setting!
You can argue whether eddie is great or not all you like but he loses here, and he loses for one simple reason. His opponent is hulk hogan. It's that simple, hulk hogan is the biggest star in the history of wrestling, and is simply too big and too strong. There is no way that eddie, as great as he was, can lie cheat and steal his way out of this. Even if he could get hogan on the stretcher and to the line, the immortal would hulk up, his jaws would start puffing, the finger would be shaking, i would be marking out like the hulkamaniac i am, and eddie guerrero would be going back to texas with a loss
Every thing that needs to be said, has been said. Hogan is just to big of a star to be taken down by someone like Eddie. While I think Eddie is overrated, he is still a far better worker then Hogan, but Hogan beats him in every other aspect by miles.
You just can't keep the Hulkster down in WCW, brother. Need I say more? I guess I do, so I'll merely tell you that the only way Guerrero could win this, I don't think there really is a way, short of putting a bible and vitamin tablets on the stretcher as way of a trap. Hogan uses the leg drop to near break Eddie's neck, and Hulkamania stays runnin' wild!
its going to be the most embarrasing loss in eddies life and maybe a bitter pill for eddie fans to swallow.
eddie is OUTMATCHED, OUTCLASSED, OUTPOWERED and more in this match.
there is no way eddie can lie, cheat or steal his way out of this one.

hogan HULKS UP in 5 min then beats eddie with power moves laying his motionless body over the strecher not even bothering to be in a hurry to roll it forward on the ramp. hogan is busy POSING for the fans and rolls the strecher across the line in more time then he spend beating eddie senseless.

an embarassing loss for eddie and exit from the tournament
With Hogan's size Eddie wouldn't stand a chance. First he'd have to get Hogan on a stretcher. Maybe he could. But not easily. Then he'd have to push him. Add fatigue and I doubt Guerrero could push a wrestler who's 100lbs or so a few meters. Hogan would just pick him up lay him on the stretcher and push him. Probably with his bottom. Because he's just that much stronger.
Guerrero is just too outmatched in a match like this. This match favors Hogan almost in every way possible. Hogan is simply too big, and the no selling of Hogan is goign to kick in. i could see a scenario where Hogan is on the stretcher and Guerrero does a sick frog splash from the ring to the outside, but honestly, what good would that do. It would probably knock Hogan off the stretcher and hurt Guerrero in the process. Guerrero had a good run, but it's over.
My hatred for Hogan did play a little role in my vote. I have voted for Hogan before in last years tourney and once in this one maybe twice. I try to not go with the popular pick or by my opinion of the person. I just deep down think that Eddie would find a way to LIE about an injury and while Hulk is questioning this Eddie the CHEATS with a low blow, and then STEALS the victory with some help by Chavo while the refree is not looking. I may be in dreamland but that's my way of seeing it.
I honestly think that Eddie could win this one. After a Hulk dominated match, Eddie will be on a stretcher inches away from the end. Hulk takes this moment of near victory to pose. Eddie limps off, low blows, and finally pushes a very shocked Hogan to the end.
uhhhh eddie doesnt beat hogan in workrate?
No, it's not wrong. Hulk Hogan utterly destroys Eddie Guerrero in workrate. Hulk Hogan destroys just about everyone in workrate. The fact that he was able to make SO many people care about his matches, have SO many people boo whatever heel he was facing, and have so many fans scream their lungs out when he makes his comeback is more than enough proof of his workrate.
No, it's not wrong. Hulk Hogan utterly destroys Eddie Guerrero in workrate. Hulk Hogan destroys just about everyone in workrate. The fact that he was able to make SO many people care about his matches, have SO many people boo whatever heel he was facing, and have so many fans scream their lungs out when he makes his comeback is more than enough proof of his workrate.

Sly's right. The definition of the term "workrate" as I have come to understand and be educated on it isn't how hard some one works or the "work ethic" based off of # of matches or uphill battles. If you google it, it is defined as "The performance level a wrestler puts into their matches judged by both a combination of skill and effort." Eddie was a far better pure athlete than Hogan, but the efforts Hogan made to involve the crowd and tell a story were much better than Eddie. Hogan is one of the best ever with Workrate. Eddie was good, maybe even Above Average, but I could probably name at least 25 better than him at workrate.
Eddie was a great wrestler, but when it comes to Stretcher matches, the stronger guys have the advantage and Brawlers will do better than technicians in this kind of match. The Hulkster wins with a body slam to Guerrero on the stretcher and then moves it across the finish line at the 16 minute mark.
I will preface this by again stating that I do NOT like Hulk Hogan. Too contrived, too corny, and too much a tool to Vince's hype machine.

Having said that, I am quite comfortable in saying I voted for Eddie based on merit. He was far quicker, far more creative, far more devious, and way more fun to watch then the infamous "hulk up, wag your finger, leg drop, pin" that we all saw 10,000,000 times.

I've said my prayers, ate my vitamins and still choose Eddie.

There is just no way that Eddie, even steroid eddie, can incampacitate the hulkster for long enough to push him down the aisle. Likewise, i think that Hogans legendary power offense would be able to incapcitate the much smaller eddie for the win in this. I can see Eddie gettin Hulk about 3/4 the way to the line, before Hogan Hulks up, wags the finger, whips eddies ass, and puts him on the stretcher for the quick push across.
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