WCW: One More Night


Cena fan since Word-Life
Something came to mind the other day when I was watching The Network. I was watching the first of the ECW One Night Stand PPV's and it got me thinking...

Could we do the same for WCW???

Now that the network has been live for just over a month, people (such as myself who didn't watch WCW as a child) could be intrigued and interested in the old days of WCW.

So why not get the band back together? One night, we get ALL the ex WCW stars and let them go at it one more time? Chris Jericho v Big Show, Scott Steiner v DDP, heck even go and get Billy Kidman back and make him fight Booker T.

MODS: Feel free to move this, this is a PPV concept, so don't know if this is allowed or not
Something came to mind the other day when I was watching The Network. I was watching the first of the ECW One Night Stand PPV's and it got me thinking...

Could we do the same for WCW???

Now that the network has been live for just over a month, people (such as myself who didn't watch WCW as a child) could be intrigued and interested in the old days of WCW.

So why not get the band back together? One night, we get ALL the ex WCW stars and let them go at it one more time? Chris Jericho v Big Show, Scott Steiner v DDP, heck even go and get Billy Kidman back and make him fight Booker T.

MODS: Feel free to move this, this is a PPV concept, so don't know if this is allowed or not

No. Try finding ONE ex WCW guy that actually liked WCW. I doubt any of the WCW guys would want to participate in this reunion show.

I am surprised at the amount of people that miss WCW; mostly fans. None of the former WCW guys miss it and are still happy is it gone.
Try finding ONE ex WCW guy that actually liked WCW. I doubt any of the WCW guys would want to participate in this reunion show.

Thats bullshit. Most wrestlers who speak negative about WCW are under WWE contracts. Guys like Goldberg, Sting, DDP etc still praise WCW.

WWE still spews negative propoganda/biased revisionist history about WCW because they nearly put them out of business.

On to the topic, the majority of the talent that represented WCW, that would be considered WCW guys are too old/past their primes (Ric Flair etc) or won't sign with WWE (Goldberg,Sting). This show would have been a good idea 10 years ago, not now.
A lot of theirs stars are retired, too old or dead. Jericho, Booker T, Big Show, Chavo, Rey, Booker T, Sting could all go. I suppose there are guys like Goldust and William Regal. Would Austin do it? Probably not. DDP and Goldberg maybe. Dean Malenko? Lance Storm? Finlay? Clutching at straws a bit. Triple H doesn't really count. People barely wanted to see Nash in his prime never mind now. Scott Hall.... nope.

ECW worked because a lot of the roster never relied on being in amazing shape and the company only folded 4 years prior. They also had a lot of guys, in their prime, wrestling for WWE. Jericho, Benoit, Eddie and Rey were all involved and really added to the quality. The rest could use their passion as well as weapons and the incredible atmosphere that could never be replicated.

This would have been great 10ish years ago. Back then people would still have wanted to see these guys and the majority would have been in ring shape. 03/04 they had a lot of the WCW talent working for them and it would have been a bit more plausible. Goldberg, Steiner, Nash would all be in better condition. Benoit and Eddie still alive. Mick Foley still around as well. If there was ever a time in would have been then but now it is way too late.

Maybe a special edition of Raw where they bring back some old names but not an entire PPV.
NO thank you on the WCW reunion show. Most are too old,retired,or passed on. MCMG brought up some names,maybe just maybe we could get Booker T,Jericho,Show,Chavo. Those are the four that could still relatively go IMO. Booker looks like he still keeps in shape,Show,Jericho,Chavo most definitely could still go. The man of 1,000 holds has anyone seen him lately? I dont think he is in shape anymore to do any kind of show anymore.

DDP from my understanding while he has rehabbed himself,still is in pain due to his wrestling career. SO he is out IMO. Regal I dont think he would do it. Hall not with his plastic hip. Nash,people didnt wanna see him in his prime. Rey no way not with this 8 surgeries or whateve he has had on his knees!

This would have been great 12 years ago,as most if not all the guys could have still put on a awesome show,were in ring shape and it would have been a great nostalgia moment. But definitely not now
Should've happened some time in 2002 or 2003. IMO, Vengeance 2003 should've been the time and ppv that should've brought back the WCW name, simply by giving it a WCW theme and having half a card devoted to ex-WCW(including current WWE wrestlers) wrestlers performing in matches, as a test to see if people still care. The Vengeance set should've reflected that, heck, even the name of the ppv should've been something from WCW, like The Great American Bash or Bash at the beach.
Only if they offer free hip replacements as part of the contract.

This would have been great if, as mentioned previously, done ten years earlier, I think it would have made money then, but I wasn't in the loop and can't know that for sure.

Reason being is a lot of the wrestlers are either dead, injured, or simply too old to wrestle.

And a lot of people may have publicly bashed WCW, but that doesn't change the fact that a paycheck is a paycheck, and not everyone there left set for life.
Now I all I can see is slow-motion video of Sting, Goldberg, Booker T, DDP etc. with that awful Phil Collins song playing...
ok so according to alot of yall. the only people left that can still go are as follows
Jean-Paul Lévesque
Robbie V
booker t
maybe buff bagwell and alot of those guys have been mostly known as wwe guys wouldnt work now
Could it work? Sure... Should they do it? No

What I would rather see is them revamp some of their own old concepts like King of the Ring and get Survivor Series back on track, then cherry pick a few WCW ideas like War Games and MAYBE Battle Bowl/Lethal Lottery instead of this. The only way it could work and be fun is if it was part of one of the Themed Raw nights and have a few matched with guys like Hugh Morris and Kidman, all leading up to a big reveal like a Jericho interview followed by a Sting run in....

I would like to see them bring back The Clash of the Champions as a Network exclusive event every few months on a thursday night with some meaningful stuff going down, could boost the network and give people stale on the content another thing to look forward to
There's a possibility that such a show could draw via nostalgia and sheer morbid curiosity, but I don't think it'd be that much of a draw. Even if it is though, I have a feeling that the quality of the matches wouldn't exactly be top shelf.

Most of the top stars in WCW from the 80s through early 2000s are well into their 50s & 60s, are no longer physically able to wrestle, probably wouldn't be medically cleared even if they were physically able, haven't been remotely relevant since the early 2000s or are dead. Other guys who weren't huge stars like Scotty Riggs, Shane Helms, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, Chavo Guerrero, Jr., Johnny B. Badd, Disco Inferno, etc. aren't exactly names that'll get people clamoring to see the show. I mean...I can't exactly say that Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero, Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Sid Vicious or DDP vs. Steve McMichael excites me.

Shows like this work out on the indy circuit, but it'd come across as looking extremely bush league produced by WWE.
The issue isn't even that the guys are too old... it's that Vince would NEVER want to do it in a million years... if he was to do so it would be tantamount to admitting he fucked up by not keeping it a seperate company in 2001...that it's legacy IS worth keeping...and he killed it.

Nah, Vince has done all his "experiments" now, ECW was the last shot at something along those lines and it didn't work... now he just wants to sell to Disney, stay in charge for the rest of his life so Shane and Steph have the cash and when he's gone Disney can do what the hell they want...
The reason they did the ECW show was 3-Fold:

1) The extreme concept was still compelling to people and the ECW DVD had become the top selling DVD of the time so there was a major push of people interested in seeing ECW related stuff.

2) Vince had helped keep ECW alive and likely felt he was a big part of any success it ever reached (whether real or imagined).

3) The bulk of the ECW roster could be bought at discount prices to be able to properly recreate the atmosphere.

WCW's stars would be overpriced, unexciting, and there is no cult following left to capitalize on. Outside of the potential backstage chaos that such an event would create and the eventual DVD about what a train wreck the entire effort was, there is no good financial incentive for this, never was. And, be honest, would YOU buy a WCW reunion show? Nostalgia is big but even it has it's limits.
I don't think it would happen and I don't think that, if it did happen, it would be all that good.

But if they did do it...

They would have to get Schiavone in on it, David Penzer, maybe Mean Gene, to recreate the announcing atmosphere.

Sting and Goldberg HAVE to wrestle, probably each other.

The following guys can and should be in matches: DDP, Steiner Bros, Kidman, Buff Bagwell, Booker T, Kevin Nash (I know he sucks but you gotta put him in there), Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho

Also involvement from the remaining 4 Horseman, Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Vader, Ron Simmons, Teddy Long, Sid

Skip on HHH, RVD... they were never important in WCW.
I would have liked to have seen a WCW reunion "One Night Stand" idea about 10 years ago, in about 2004/5. The problem with doing one now is that WCW's top stars were almost all veterans when the promotion ended- Flair, Sting, Nash, Luger etc and are a hell of lot older now, and many are retired/semi-retired. They could still appear as special guests, but most wouldn't be able to compete in the ring.

I think there is just enough talent to make this work, but it would have to be done very soon, rather than waiting any longer.

If WWE were really serious about doing this, here is a list of performers I could see them contacting:

Kevin Nash- still wrestles occasionally on the indies- would probably come back for 1 match
"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan - Back with WWE, could dress in the black/white one more time
Goldberg- WCW's last great star, may not be interested but WWE would love to get him
Sting-We all know the story with Sting, and if he does sign a WWE deal, this could be one of his rare appearances.
Ric Flair- Would almost certainly appear, probably as a manager or as guest host
Chris Jericho- On good terms with WWE and would be open to return.
Rey Mysterio- Still in WWE and could add the "Jr" back to his name for the night
Big Show-Still in WWE and could be renamed "The Giant" again
Booker T- Still contracted to WWE and could get back in the ring for 1 night
Paul Heyman-Still in WWE and could be renamed "Paul E Dangerously" for 1 night
Steve Austin- Contracted on a WWE legends deal
DDP- Contracted to WWE on a legends deal and still makes the odd indie appearance
Sean Waltman-Contracted to WWE on a legends deal and still wrestles on the indies- could be renamed "Syxx" for the night.
Bret "Hitman" Hart-Contracted to WWE on a legends deal, often appears on TV.
Sid Vicious-Appeared in WWE last year- could wrestle a short match
Vader- appeared in WWE last year- still wrestles on the indies.
Scott Steiner- Still active on the indies
William Regal-Still in WWE, could be renamed "Steven Regal" for the night.
Scott Hall-Healthy again and could manage Nash/Waltman
Norman Smiley- Works in WWE developmental- could appear and do the "big wiggle"
Mick Foley- Still contracted to WWE and could be renamed "Cactus Jack" for the night
Bill DeMott-Works in WWE developmental- could be renamed "Hugh Morrus" for the night
Dusty Rhodes-contracted to a WWE legends deal, could manage his son.
Goldust- Still with WWE, could be renamed "Dustin Rhodes" for the night.
Harley Race-Contracted to WWE legends deal- could manage someone.
Stacy Keibler-Rumoured to be open to a one-off return to WWE.
Ron Simmons-Contracted to a WWE legends deal, could manage someone.
Torrie Wilson- Would almost certainly be offered a 1 night return

There are plenty of other wrestlers that could appear who are still active/semi-active:

Juventud Guerrera
Terry Funk
Lance Storm
La Parka
Stevie Richards
Perry Saturn
Buff Bagwell
Ultimo Dragon
Shane Helms
Billy Kidman (I think he may still be with WWE in some role)
Shannon Moore

This is the card I would like to see if the PPV happened.

Sting w/ Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho w/Bret Hart

Kevin Nash & Sean Waltman w/Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan vs The Steiners

Goldberg in a gauntlet match v all of 3-Count, then a final challenger comes out, giving us:
Goldberg vs Diamond Dallas Page

The Giant w/the nWo vs Booker T w/Stevie Ray & Sharmell

Dustin Rhodes & Cody Rhodes w/ Dusty Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio Jr & Chavo Guerrero Jr

Juventud Guerrera vs Pcicosis vs Ultimo Dragon

Lance Storm vs Steven Regal

15 man Battle Royal featuring:
Sid Vicious, Vader, Fit Finlay, Norman Smiley, Raven, Jim Duggan, Crowbar, Saturn, Stevie Richards, Terry Funk, Buff Bagwell, Ron Simmons, Scorpio, Chuck Palumbo, Vampiro, Billy Kidman

A WCW version of Piper's Pit featuring Stunning Steve Austin & Paul E Dangerously

Eric Bischoff would introduce the show and be the "Host"

"Mean" Gene Okerlund and David Penzer would share announcing duties

Tony Schiavone and Paul E Dangerously would be the commentators

"Little Naitch" Charles Robinson and Nick Patrick would referee.

There would be cameo appearances, interviews and skits with Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko and others.
I would have liked to have seen a WCW reunion "One Night Stand" idea about 10 years ago, in about 2004/5. The problem with doing one now is that WCW's top stars were almost all veterans when the promotion ended- Flair, Sting, Nash, Luger etc and are a hell of lot older now, and many are retired/semi-retired. They could still appear as special guests, but most wouldn't be able to compete in the ring.

I think there is just enough talent to make this work, but it would have to be done very soon, rather than waiting any longer.

If WWE were really serious about doing this, here is a list of performers I could see them contacting:

Kevin Nash- still wrestles occasionally on the indies- would probably come back for 1 match
"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan - Back with WWE, could dress in the black/white one more time
Goldberg- WCW's last great star, may not be interested but WWE would love to get him
Sting-We all know the story with Sting, and if he does sign a WWE deal, this could be one of his rare appearances.
Ric Flair- Would almost certainly appear, probably as a manager or as guest host
Chris Jericho- On good terms with WWE and would be open to return.
Rey Mysterio- Still in WWE and could add the "Jr" back to his name for the night
Big Show-Still in WWE and could be renamed "The Giant" again
Booker T- Still contracted to WWE and could get back in the ring for 1 night
Paul Heyman-Still in WWE and could be renamed "Paul E Dangerously" for 1 night
Steve Austin- Contracted on a WWE legends deal
DDP- Contracted to WWE on a legends deal and still makes the odd indie appearance
Sean Waltman-Contracted to WWE on a legends deal and still wrestles on the indies- could be renamed "Syxx" for the night.
Bret "Hitman" Hart-Contracted to WWE on a legends deal, often appears on TV.
Sid Vicious-Appeared in WWE last year- could wrestle a short match
Vader- appeared in WWE last year- still wrestles on the indies.
Scott Steiner- Still active on the indies
William Regal-Still in WWE, could be renamed "Steven Regal" for the night.
Scott Hall-Healthy again and could manage Nash/Waltman
Norman Smiley- Works in WWE developmental- could appear and do the "big wiggle"
Mick Foley- Still contracted to WWE and could be renamed "Cactus Jack" for the night
Bill DeMott-Works in WWE developmental- could be renamed "Hugh Morrus" for the night
Dusty Rhodes-contracted to a WWE legends deal, could manage his son.
Goldust- Still with WWE, could be renamed "Dustin Rhodes" for the night.
Harley Race-Contracted to WWE legends deal- could manage someone.
Stacy Keibler-Rumoured to be open to a one-off return to WWE.
Ron Simmons-Contracted to a WWE legends deal, could manage someone.
Torrie Wilson- Would almost certainly be offered a 1 night return

There are plenty of other wrestlers that could appear who are still active/semi-active:

Juventud Guerrera
Terry Funk
Lance Storm
La Parka
Stevie Richards
Perry Saturn
Buff Bagwell
Ultimo Dragon
Shane Helms
Billy Kidman (I think he may still be with WWE in some role)
Shannon Moore

This is the card I would like to see if the PPV happened.

Sting w/ Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho w/Bret Hart

Kevin Nash & Sean Waltman w/Scott Hall & Hollywood Hogan vs The Steiners

Goldberg in a gauntlet match v all of 3-Count, then a final challenger comes out, giving us:
Goldberg vs Diamond Dallas Page

The Giant w/the nWo vs Booker T w/Stevie Ray & Sharmell

Dustin Rhodes & Cody Rhodes w/ Dusty Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio Jr & Chavo Guerrero Jr

Juventud Guerrera vs Pcicosis vs Ultimo Dragon

Lance Storm vs Steven Regal

15 man Battle Royal featuring:
Sid Vicious, Vader, Fit Finlay, Norman Smiley, Raven, Jim Duggan, Crowbar, Saturn, Stevie Richards, Terry Funk, Buff Bagwell, Ron Simmons, Scorpio, Chuck Palumbo, Vampiro, Billy Kidman

A WCW version of Piper's Pit featuring Stunning Steve Austin & Paul E Dangerously

Eric Bischoff would introduce the show and be the "Host"

"Mean" Gene Okerlund and David Penzer would share announcing duties

Tony Schiavone and Paul E Dangerously would be the commentators

"Little Naitch" Charles Robinson and Nick Patrick would referee.

There would be cameo appearances, interviews and skits with Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko and others.
Oh... can we also have "Mean" Mark Callous, Bruiser Mastino and Jean-Paul Lévesque???

All kidding aside, I think it would be better to stick with people who were most known for their time in WCW. Steve Austin had a nice run, but is most remembered as Stone Cold. Same goes for Paul Heyman.... he's more remembered for ECW and not for his time in WCW as Paul E. Dangerously (though I'd love to see the giant cell phone again!). In regards to broadcasting, it would be epic to hear Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross again. Furthermore, guys like Raven, Vampiro, Bagwell, etc don't make sense since they have a bad relationship with WWE and would most likely not be welcome back.

All that being said, I'd love to see a tribute to WCW in some way, but I doubt Vince could do it was the proper respect it deserves. Instead, the show would be centered around The Shockmaster and most likely feature WWE stars mocking WCW and its legacy. In that case..... PASS.
I think this ship has sailed. The time to do this was a decade ago.

Goldberg hasn't wrestled in over 10 years
Hogan is crippled
Sting is going bald and wrestles in a t-shirt
Flair is retired and has saggy bitch titties
Nash can still go but will tear a quad or get indigestion
Hall is bad out of shape as far as wrestling goes
Steiner is a lunatic and doubt WWE would go near

Apart from DDP and Booker T there really isnt anyone else people care about.
This would have been a great idea 10 years ago. WCW should have gotten a PPV before ECW did. Despite how Vince might have felt about his competition, I'm sure that the WWE would have made a fortune off of a WCW show back when it was possible. However, this is 2014 and not 2002-2006. WCW has been gone for over a decade. They shut down in 2001. There's nowhere near enough wrestlers available who were relevant back then and could put on a show worth seeing on PPV today. Had this happened any time from the moment WCW shut down until about Wrestlemania 22, or so, it would have been something I really would have wanted to see. By the time ECW got its One Night Stand PPV and its revival as a brand, it was getting to be too late. Now? It's way beyond too late. That ship sailed LONG ago.
I think apart from the fact that it would mostly be a bunch of 60 year olds killing themselves in the ring, it would be very tough to get most of the WCW guys (who were actually WWF guys) to honor the memory of WCW. I think somebody said it in another post, but MANY wrestlers couldn't stand the way WCW was run and a lot of them were honestly done wrong. People who MIGHT be willing to participate in this would be Nash, Goldberg, Steiner, Mysterio, Flair, Dusty Rhodes, DDP... who else? Hall had problems right off the bat with the way he was booked in WCW, Dibiase, Heenan, Hart, X-Pac, Perry Saturn, Big Show, Regal and so many more guys have talked out about their dislike of WCW and how they were treated. Honestly? NWA and WCW pre-1993 deserve to be honored, the WCW that ruined wrestling does not.

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