WCW/nWo Saturday Night - 1998


Dark Match Winner

Back when WCW had 200,000 guys on the roster (half of them never even getting used) and about as many shows, the war between WCW and nWo would reach boilling point as we went into Starrcade 1997.

But on the C-Shows, things were different. Improbable matches like Atlantis vs. Len Denton were nothing out of the ordinary and your card featured people who you thought died six months ago taking on people whose retirement you swear you watched twelve months ago.

This booking thread will focus entirely on WCW Saturday Night, and the D/E/Z-shows that are Worldwide and the soon-to-be cancelled {Pro} and Main Event. I will not be booking Nitro or Thunder because I don't really have much of an interest in doing a full-scale WCW BTB with all the main eventers. I will however do Nitro recap/highlights as segments during the shows.

Apart from the star-studded debut episode, I doubt you'll be seeing much of the likes of Hogan and Sting in this book. It really helps if you watched these shows at the time in terms of knowing who's who and what's what because there will be guys who will be seen once then disappear and then there will be the five-year Villano power-trip where they win every belt in existence. Rosters are pointless because of the WCW Open Door policy. If I tried to list everyone, it'd just look like a phone book. Expect loads of midcard luchadore action, Goldberg squashes and the nWo B-team larking about though.

Everything that happened before 1st January 1998 stays the same, except for Hogan vs. Sting, which I changed to Sting squashing Hogan at Starrcade because that's the way it bloody should have went. Details of the following Nitro are in the first episode.​
WCW Saturday Night
3rd January 1998
Georgia Mountains Center - Gainesville, Georgia


Scott Hudson and Dusty Rhodes welcome us to the first WCW Saturday Night of 1998 and hype up the ultra-huge supercard for tonight. Sting's here, Hogan's here, Flair's here. The Outsiders are in action too. I don't know what happened, but I think someone in the legal department deserves a raise for pulling out the sort of contractual obligation loophole that makes Hogan, Nash and Hall appear on Saturday Night along with Flair and Sting. We begin with cruiserweight action.


The two of them begin by trading headlocks and scissors, which each man flips out of. Wright takes control, reversing another side headlock with a belly-to-back suplex. Juvi fights back with a flying headscissors. The two exchange suplexes, with Alex landing a vicious belly-to-belly. Juvi fires back with two dropkicks. Wright counters with a bodyslam, following it up with an elbow, a suplex and a backbreaker, before hooking the leg for a one-count. Wright attempts a backdrop, but misses, giving Juvi the opportunity to hit a neckbreaker over the top cable. TOP ROPE HURRICANRANA... but it only gets a two-count. Wright attempts a powerbomb, but Juvi reverses it into a DDT! He lands a springboard bulldog, but Wright comes back with a clothesline. JAWBREAKER! TWO-COUNT! Alex Wright tries to cradle Juvi, but Juvi rolls through. Wright kicks out at two-and three quarters, springs right up and goes for a flying headscissors of his own. Juvi yet again rolls through though and is able to pin Wright for the 3!
Winner - Juventud Guerrera via Pinfall @ 7:21

*Commercial Break*


The two begin with a few lock-ups, with each man winning one apiece, and the referee forcing a clean break on another. The two exchange chops and forearms. Booker takes control with some knees as well as a body slam and some knee and elbow drops on the ground. An armbar sees Mysterio grab a rope break and he is able to turn the tide. Booker tries to regain momentum with a clothesline, but Mysterio ducks under it. Mysterio gets a two after a top-rope crossbody. Mysterio continues the offence and eventually gets a blisteringly close two-and-three quarters with a tornado DDT. Then, Booker reverses Mysterio into a cross-corner whip but Mysterio kips up on the turnbuckle and hits Booker with a headscissors when he comes in. Booker gets right back up and ducks a Mysterio clothesline, turning round and hitting him with a scissors kick! Sidewalk slam by Booker T! Belly to back suplex. Spinaroonie! He hits the Harlem Sidekick on the second attempt, and then finishes off with a Missile Dropkick! 1! 2! 3!
Winner - Booker T via Pinfall @ 8:21

Flair and Mortis lockup. Flair pushes Mortis to the corner. Mortis takes an early advantage with a headlock and an irish whip, leading to a shoulderblock. The match is slow-paced, with both men trading armbars as well as a full nelson. Mortis takes control, hitting Flair with an impressive fireman's carry which he turns into a neckbreaker. Flair takes a few gloating chops from Mortis in the corner. Mortis then goes for a top-rope frankensteiner, only for Flair to counter and shove him off. Flair gets back in the match by clipping Mortis' knee then following up with some chops and further shots to the knee, targeting Mortis' leg. Flair goes for a figure-four, but Mortis nearly pulls off the scalp as it's reversed into an inside-cradle. Mortis tries to follow up with a kick attempt, but Flair grabs the leg and sends him to the mat... FIGURE FOUR! Mortis is about to tap, when Wrath appears and leg drops Flair for the DQ.
Winner - Ric Flair via DQ @ 5:47

Wrath and Mortis beat down Flair in the ring, with Wrath adding the full stop in the form of a Death Penalty. Flair might have won the match, but he really doesn't look like the victor.

*Commercial Break*

In a week dominated by crushing victories, Goldberg yet again picks up the "micro-squash of the week" award with his spectacular devestation of Roadblock. The bell rings and Roadblock immediately goes for broke with clubbing blows to the head that Goldberg no-sells. Irish whip from Roadblock is reversed into a SPEAR! JACKHAMMER! 1! ... 2! ... 3!
Winner - Goldberg via Pinfall @ 0:19

Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage with Curt Hennig for an interview. Hennig gives his (not very positive) views on Sting defeating Hogan at Starrcade and rips into DDP

Villano IV and V give a spirited fight, taking it to Scott Hall in the early going. They even got a two-count on Da Bad Guy, but it's soon curtains for the masked brothers once Hall make the tag to Big Sexy. Nash fights off a double-attack and floors both of them, it's only a matter of time before we see Nash splatter Villano V with the JACKKNIFE to pick up an easy victory. Too Sweeeeeeeet.
Winners - The Outsiders via Pinfall @ 4:08

*Commercial Break*

Sting and Chono circle around each other to begin, before locking up. Sting sends Chono into the corner but is forced to break not once, but twice. Chono twists Sting's arm for the general heel bully submission, but Sting turns it back on him to the crowd's delight. Sting milks the arm wrench as the two begin to trade restholds, including a sleeper hold and several headlocks. Just as it looks like the pace is picking up after a Sting facebuster. Chono exits and stalls on the outside, discussing tactics with Muta to boos. A few moments later and it looks like Chono is set for a shock upset, when he catches Sting with a drop toe hold as both men run the ropes, which he uses to lock on an ankle clutch, transitioning into an STF! Sting flails for a moment or two, before reaching the ropes for the break. As Sting clambours to the feet. Muta tries to interject, spraying Green Mist, BUT STING DUCKS! A blinded Chono stumbles into the corner for a Stinger Splash! Chono wanders into an adjacent corner afterwards for another Stinger Splash! SCORPION DEATH DROP signals the end.
Winner - Sting via Pinfall @ 7:43

*Commercial Break*


After the Outsiders' impressive showing earlier on, the Steiners come out and show them up by flattening Disorderly Conduct in just under 3 minutes. Both Tough Tom and Mean Mike suffer early clotheslines, and they never really recover. Impressive quick tagging sees Rick and Scott take control, launching their opponents around the ring various suplex and despite one or two attempts at a spirited fightback, which sees Rick hit with an impressive double team suplex, Scott Steiner quickly wraps it up when he puts Tough Tom in the Steiner Recliner for the tap out.
Winners - Steiner Brothers via Pinfall @ 2;57

Mean Gene shills the hotline. TOP HOTLINE TIP: Make sure and use a friend's phone to call the hotline when they're in the bathroom or just not looking, to save yourself expensive phone bills.


We begin with an exchange of arm wringers and hammerlocks. DDP takes Hennig down with an armdrag, sending him to the mat. Hennig begins the tricks and claims that DDP pulled his hair. Later in the match, DDP rolls up Hennig and Hennig claims Page used the tights. In typical heel fashion, Hennig also spends the majority of the match cheating himself, with an eye poke, some Rick Rude stall tactics and a low blow featuring throughout. Hennig nearly pulls off a shock finish when Page starts to fire back. An inverted atomic drop and a clothesline put Hennig on the back foot, and when Page ducks his head for a back body drop attempt, Hennig catches him in the Hennigplex and hooks the leg! 1! 2! NO! Page uses his ring instincts to break the pin in the nick of time by placing his leg on the rope. The fans really bought that as the finish. The end comes as Hennig bundles Page into the corner and tries to grab him, but Page reverses into a Diamond Cutter to pick up the pin!
Winner - Diamond Dallas Page via Pinfall @ 8:37

*Commercial Break*

After the match, we are shown exclusive footage of what happened when Monday Nitro's live broadcast ended this week. Nick Patrick came out and counted a pin for Hogan, but Randy Anderson came to and stopped Nick Patrick just before the three. Sting and Hogan continued to wrestle, as Randy Anderson and Nick Patrick argued outside, with Anderson clocking Patrick out on the floor. As this happens, Sting locks Hogan in the Scorpion Deathlock. Hogan taps and the crowd goes ballistic. Sting has retained. After this, the nWo rush the ring, and in retaliation the WCW locker room empties out for a massive brawl. Hogan quickly exits as the battle unfolds. Back on Saturday Night, Scott Hudson and Dusty Rhodes speculate as to what this means for the World title picture, the nWo and the Souled Out PPV. And speaking of Hogan and the nWo...

I don't know what Hogan is less pleased at: Having to appear on Saturday Night or having to work this match against a lowly Jericho who, by contrast, looks delighted at the prospect. The two begin with a test of strength, which Hogan wins easily, causing Jericho to retreat to the outside. Back in the ring, Hogan takes control with a headlock, but Jericho reverses into a hammerlock. Lionheart mocks Hogan with some of his Hulk poses, which sees the Hulkster stiff him with a huge slap to the face. Jericho explodes and unloads on Hogan, who no-sells everything, refusing to even drop to his knees for Jericho, never mind take a bump. Eventually, Jericho takes him down with a missile dropkick. He goes for the Liontamer, but Hogan pokes his eyes and hits him with A BIG BOOT! LEG DROP OF DOOM! Hulk covers for the 3.
Winner - Hollywood Hogan via Pinfall@ 5:34

After the match, the nWo make their way down and beat down Jericho. Hogan takes off his belt and destroys Jericho's back with belt shots, before spray painting him and talking trash into the camera at Sting, as Saturday Night goes off the air.​
WorldWide/{Pro}/Main Event Results
3rd January/4th January 1998


Marty Jannetty vs. Syxx
A quick cardiovascular exercise for Syxx that sees him win with relative ease. Jannetty takes first blood with some scientific wrestling, but it doesn't last for long as Syxx is able to finally get his hands on Jannetty. The advantage is exchanged quickly a few times, with Jannetty nearly ending it with a superkick, but only getting a 2. Jannetty goes for a Showstopper and misses, allowing Syxx to lock in the buzzkiller for the submission victory.
Winner - Syxx via Submission @ 5:36

Lenny Lane vs. Jerry Flynn
Flynn charges to start, but Lane moves out of the way. Flynn kicks at Lane's legs, but Lane throws forearms to his face. Flynn shoves Lenny down and charges at him towards the ropes. It backfires though, as Lane pulls the top rope down, leading Flynn to tumble to the floor. Lane goes for a suicide dive, but Flynn catches him in mid-air and hits him with a vicious body slam! A moment's downtime sees Flynn bundle Lane into the ring and goes for a cover, but only gets a two-count. Flynn tosses Lane's carcass at the ropes, upside down, and gets a 2-count again. Flynn goes for a vertical suplex but Lane floats over and is able to reverse it into a roll-up for a surprise pinfall!
Winner - Lenny Lane via Pinfall @ 3:29

High Voltage vs. Mortis/Wrath
High Voltage immediately get off to a bad start as James Vandenberg hits Kenny Kaos while Ronnie Rage is making his way into the ring. Wrath rolls Kaos into the ring as the four of them brawl. The referee pulls them apart and gets the match started with the dazed Kaos as the legal man. Mortis and Wrath immediately cut the ring in two, proceeding to mug Kaos with quick tags and a wealth of powermoves, including a backbreaker and a powerslam. Wrath locks in a reverse Boston Crab as Mortis hits him with a guillotine leg drop. It's all looking fairly academic until Kaos kicks Wrath in the midsection and hits him with a desperation DDT! He is able to scramble to the corner for the hot tag! Ronnie Rage is in and clears house, clotheslining Mortis over the top rope and knocks down Wrath with a superkick. Rage plays to the crowd to a lukewarm reaction, as Kenny Kaos returns for a possible POWER SURGE. Mortis is able to grab Rage's leg and stop him as Wrath gets back up and destroys Kaos with a Meltdown, before hitting him with a DEATH PENALTY! The full stop comes from a combined Wrath powerbomb and Mortis neckbreaker. The inevitable pinfall puts this one to bed.
Winners - Mortis and Wrath via Pinfall @ 3:10


Disco Inferno vs. Joey Maggs
Disco completely dominates in this squash. Inferno doesn't allow Maggs even a minute to breathe, never mind get any offence in. A few forearms and a knee to the stomach is as much as Maggs gets, with Disco ending the misery with a diving elbow drop for the three-count.
Winner - Disco Inferno via Pinfall @ 2:37

Psicosis vs. Super Calo
Psicosis sends Calo to the floor with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, before driving him down with a baseball slide to the outside. Back in the ring, Psicosis sets Calo up on the rope for an attempted hurricanrana, but Calo is able to shove him off. Calo dives off the top rope and DESTROYS Calo with an INSANE tornado DDT. Standing moonsault from Calo gets a 2-count. Calo goes for a fisherman's suplex, but Psicosis is able to block it and counter it into a BRAINBUSTER which drops Calo on his head! Psicosis goes up top and ends it with a corkscrew senton! 1-2-3! It's over!
Winner - Psicosis via Pinfall @ 4:03


John Nord vs. Len Denton
John Nord dominates from the beginning with a big boot to the face, following up with a gut wrench and a shoulderblock. Denton tries to fight back though, avoiding an elbow drop, then thrusting Nord's head into the turnbuckle. He takes control with a backdrop and a clothesline, and even gets a two-count with an awesome modified jawbreaker, but misses with a fistdrop. Nord throws him to the outside where he nearly kills Denton with a fallaway slam onto the concrete. Back in the ring, Nord hits a front suplex and then ends it with a CAMEL CLUTCH to earn the submission victory.
Winner - John Nord via Submission @ 2:39
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WCW Saturday Night
10th January 1998
Forum Civic Center - Rome, Georgia


Even as Gomez makes his way into the ring, Hector Garza starts with a vicious superkick as the bell rings with Gomez down on the outside. Garza vaults over the top rope with a Plancha onto the recovering Gomez, who's already on the back foot. Garza takes the action back into the ring where he takes control with some weak slams and quick kicks into the corner. Garza hits Gomez with a nasty Baseball Slide while in the Tree of Woe. Garza continues to toy with Gomez with kicks while he's still down and taunts to the crowd.

The tide turns though when Garza goes for a dropkick in the corner, and Gomez is able to dodge it and send Garza into the turnbuckles legs first. The two trade the momentum from then on, with Garza getting the scare of his life during an attempted hurricanrana from the top rope, when Gomez counters it into a brutal Jackknife powerbomb that sees Hector land on his neck. The commentary team lose it as Gomez gets a 2.999 on the bridging pin. Gomez sees the end in sight and goes to the top rope. This out-of-character move costs him as Garza is able to jump up and knock him to the floor with an INSANE enziguri!

Gomez gets in at 8. Garza stomps at him when he gets in and just will not let up. Garza climbs onto the apron, leaps over the ropes and attempts a Springboard Legdrop, BUT GOMEZ GETS OUT THE WAY! Garza springs back up and falls to a hiptoss! Gomez tries to go up top for a second time AND CONNECTS WITH A MISSILE DROPKICK! Can he?!? 1! 2! NO! The crowd even gasps at the kick out! Gomez tries to follow with a running boot, but gets tangled in the ropes! Enziguri from Garza! CORKSCREW MOONSAULT! And it's done. A spirited effort from Gomez, but it's not enough!
Winner - Hector Garza via Pinfall @ 8:29

For those keeping score at home, the offence total for Vincent today was 2 no-sold clubbing blows to the head and an Irish whip which was reversed into a Spear. Jackhammer. Goodnight.
Winner - Goldberg via Pinfall @ 0:16

We see footage from Nitro of Rick Martel debuting on Nitro, defeating Brad Armstrong with a Boston Crab. Dusty and Hudson discuss Martel being involved in the running for a TV title shot, as well as Chris Benoit who also won on Nitro. Dusty mentions that both Finlay and Hugh Morrus, competing in a match tonight, are also being watched.

*Commercial Break*

Mean Mike locks up with Rocco Rock to start us off. Mike bursts out the traps with some punches and clotheslines, dazing Rocco. Mike goes for a crossbody, but Rocco catchem him. Before he can do anything tough, Tom takes out his legs. They double whip Rock, who ducks the double clothesline and uses one of his own. Rocco tags out to Johnny Grunge. They both bring the table into the ring and lean it against the turnbuckle. Grunge goes for a corner-to-corner whip, but it's reversed and Grunge plunges into the table! The action spills outside and there's some brief brawling that sees Rocco Rock grab a piece of the broken table and waffle Mean Mike with it. Rocco rolls Tom into the ring and occupies Mean Mike with some more scrapping as Johnny Grunge makes the pin.
Winner - Public Enemy via Pinfall @ 3:42

After the match, Public Enemy celebrate on the outside, eventually catching sight of The Flock. The two groups trash talk, UNTIL THE FLOCK GRAB PUBLIC ENEMY! It's a mugging as The Flock outnumber Public Enemy 3-to-1. Doug Dillinger takes his damn time coming out with his security cornies, and by the time they arrive, the damage is done. The Flock members struggle against security but are eventually led away from ringside.

Nagata controls from the outset, kicking, chopping and stomping Smiley to dust, even having time to strike a cocky heel pose to the delight of Onoo. A relative comeback from Smiley sees him dropkick Nagata out of the ring, leaving Nagata irate. It looks like Smiley has it won when he locks in a strange octopus lock. Nagata taps, but Onoo's on the apron to distract the ref. Smiley releases the hold to get rid of Onoo, but Nagata kicks him in the back of the leg to take him down. NAGATA LOCK! Smiley taps! The reuvenated Nagata-Onoo alliance gets off to a great start!
Winner - Yuji Nagata via Submission @ 2:57

The nWo are backstage (The Giant, Curt Hennig, Syxx, Konnan, Scott Norton, Buff Bagwell and Vincent). Giant, Hennig and Syxx take turns to diss their opponents tonight. It's all waffle. Konnan drops the segment's rating with his usual Viva schtick, despite the fact he never gets the mic. The Giant singles out Goldberg, after Vincent's humbling at the hands of DA MAN, as the next target for the nWo and the Giant in particular. Mr T. Giant vows to end the streak, stop Goldberg dead and prove that he is the true dominant force around here.

*Commercial Break*

This is a Number 1 Contenders match for DDP's US title. Malenko begins immediately with a kick to Hennig's leg. This is a recurring theme throughout the match as Malenko targets the leg of Hennig mercilessly. What follows is a few minutes of impeccable chain wrestling, with Malenko taking every opportunity to batter Hennig's leg. Nonetheless, it looks game over for Malenko, when the referre bumps after catching a wild forearm by accident. HENNIG-PLEX with a hooked leg... BUT THERE'S NO-ONE TO COUNT. Malenko comes back with more kicks but misses with a clothesline. DELAYED SUPLEX FROM HENNIG! 1! ... 2! ... NO! Malenko kicks out in the nick of time. The Iceman retreats to the ropes and Curt ties him up! He's choking him! The referee tells him to break it, but he doesn't. The referee counts to five and Hennig doesn't release. Malenko wins by DQ and is the new Number 1 contender, but Hennig continues to choke him until the referee finally pulls him off.
Winner - Dean Malenko via DQ @ 9:21

The crowd boos as Hennig walks up the ramp and Malenko tries to regain his breath. The WCW medical minions make an appearance to check Dean's alright. He'll live, but will it affect his title match with DDP?

Raven sits in the corner of the ring. Spicolli tells him if he tries any of his crap with him, he'll kick his and everyone in the Flock's ass. Spicolli starts with the early offense, before hitting him with a hotshot. Sick Boy goes on to the apron, but is suplexed back in. Lodi tries to distract Spicolli and gets nailed off the apron. Sick Boy uses the distraction for a springboard elbowsmash. We go to a break mid-match and when we return, Sick Boy gets a two with a Sunset Flip. Sick Boy tries to keep on top of Spicolli with a backdrop, but he then misses a dropkick. Spinebuster from Spicolli and an nWo hand sign. Sick Boy comes back with a Lou Thesz press, and goes for The Cure, but Spicolli worms his way out. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! 1! 2! 3!
Winner - Louie Spicolli via Pinfall @ 4:11

Booker T's in the back with Okerlund. Okerlund asks about Martel's debut, Chris Benoit, the upcoming Finlay-Morrus match and who he thinks will be the next number 1 contender. Booker says he's watching the match wth a keen eye, but feels all four guys are worthy contenders. Stop being so democratic, Booker!

A match that doesn't really have much story behind it. Both guys are obviously veterans, so as you would expect, they put on a solid, enjoyable short match to keep the crowd's spirits up. Hudson mentions again that the WCW backroom staff have their eyes on this match, with the winner becoming a strong contender for a shot at the TV title on a future taping. They square off in the middle of the ring, but it almost immediately spills outside and descends into a brawl. FInlay rams Morrus' head into the ring step, as Nick Patrick counts to ten. Finlay breaks the count, although I suspect he could have got a countout victory there if he'd just went back in the ring, but instead decides to continue pounding on Morrus on the outside. Morrus is launched into the ring post with an Irish whip before Finlay picks up what's left and rolls him into the ring. FInlay oddly goes to the top rope, looking for a high-risk move, but Morrus is able to crotch him on the ring ropes. Morrus takes the initiative and goes on the offensive, but it's not enough as Finlay soon ends it with a tombstone piledriver for the 1-2-3.
Winner - Finlay via Pinfall @ 3:23

At the bell, Rick Fuller starts us off with some initial offence, but it really does not have any effect. He hits him with two of his harshest big backhand chops, but it doesn't have much of an effect. Giant kicks him and forearms him to the mat. Fuller comes back with an eye rake and goes for some shots on the throat. Giant bounces off the ropes and Fuller lifts him up looking for a powerslam? It fails miserably as he fumbles and can't get a good grip on Giant, eventually just falling flat on his face as the horrible-looking move fails. Giant grabs Fuller by the neck and sets him on the top rope. SUPER CHOKESLAM! 1! 2! 3!
Winner - The Giant via Pinfall @ 1:49

*Commercial Break*

The two men lock up and Syxx immediately hits a kick to the gut and throws him into the cornerl and nailing him with a running dropkick. Syxx goes for a Bronco Buster early, but DDP moves out of the way and Syxx crotches himself on the turnbuckle. DDP immediately capitalises, hammering away with shots and hitting a suplex for a 2. He follows up with a hip toss and then locks in an armlock, which Waltman reverses into a roll-up for a 2 of his own! SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM SYXX! 1! 2! NO! Page bails to the outside as Syxx looks annoyed that didn't get the three. SOMERSAULT DIVE FROM SYXX TO THE OUTSIDE! Both men are out, but manage to get back in at the count of 8. Waltman tries his luck and goes for a cover, but Page kicks out. Syxx goes up top and attempts a crossbody, but Page catches him in midair... FALLAWAY SLAM! 1! 2! THR-NO! Syxx kicks out again, he's not going down that easy. DDP knows what he needs to do and calls for the Diamond Cutter. The crowd cheer, BUT WALTMAN REVERSES IT! Inverted DDT! Cover! 1! 2! THRE-NO! 2.999! Page somehow kicks out and Syxx lets his frustration take hold. He begins hammering the canvas and shouting at the referee, before leaving the ring and grabbing a chair. He goes back into the ring and is about to whale Page with it, but Mark Curtis won't allow it! He grabs the chair and the two engage in a tug-of-war. Syxx and the referee shout at each other as DDP crouches towards Syxx from behind. The two men drop the chair and Syxx turns round to pick it up... DIAMOND CUTTER ON THE CHAIR! DDP makes the pin, and gets the 3-count.
Winner - Diamond Dallas Page via Pinfall @ 8:55

Curt Hennig makes his way out on to the ramp as DDP celebrates in the ring. Saturday Night ends with the two US title rivals staring each other down intently.​
WorldWide/{Pro}/Main Event Results
10rd January/11th January 1998


You may know Tenzan from his status within New Japan, but he's here tonight to represent nWo Japan with Muta and Chono and he's not going to let Jerry Flynn get in his way. Tenzan attacks from the bell. Flynn tries to keep him at bay with his trademark repertoire of kicks, but Hiro soon catches his leg and levels him with a stunning enziguri! Muta and Chono eventually call time on the match, giving Tenzan the signal to wrap it up, which Tenzan does with a soaring diving headbutt off the top. Tenzan gets the 3!
Winner - Hiroyoshi Tenzan via Pinfall @ 1:59

After the match, Tenzan crouches down and spews red mist into the air, much like his stablemate Muta, who tells Hiro to prop Flynn back up. SUPERKICK FROM MUTA! Flynn was out already. This was just adding insult to injury. Sonny Onoo can be seen at the top of the entranceway, looking on with great purpose. What's his purpose here? The crowd boos as Muta, Chono and Tenzan posture in the ring, nWo 4 LIFE.

Roadblock tries to use his weight to push around Taylor, but Dave focuses on the lower body of Roadblock, hitting a big chop block to Roadblock's knees, sending him crashing to the ground. Taylor focuses his attack on the left knee and while Roadblock tries to fight back, he can't put weight on that targeted knee. Taylor soon picks up the victory with an STF.
Winner - Dave Taylor via Submission @ 3:24


This match has less selling in it than a cocktail bar in a mosque, as adamantium cyborg Meng is punched and kicked by Renegade and even takes a cartwheel elbow in the corner, but doesn't even flinch or raise an eyebrow. Meng decimates Renegade with headbutts and chops, before finally putting him out of his misery with the dreaded TONGAN DEATH GRIP!
Winner - Meng via Knockout @ 1:52


LeRoux takes the early advantage flooring Iaukea with a scoop slam and a middle rope knee drop. Iaukea retaliates with a float over DDT and a spike DDT for a 2-count. Iaukea goes to the apron, avoids a spear and hits LeRoux with a guillotine leg drop. Iaukea follows up with a slingshot body splash for a near fall. LeRoux fights back with a swinging neck breaker and a missile dropkick. LeRoux attempts the Whiplash but Iaukea blocks it. He goes to the top rope and hits a diving DDT to get the duke.
Winner - Prince Iaukea via Pinfall @ 3:41


A fairly even contest sees the debuting Borga come close on a couple of occasions, even after Martel whips his leg around the post and crotches Borga. A lot of this match consists of long tie-ups, basic moves and sluggish restholds. Borga traps Martel in a Full-Nelson, but Martel is able to jack him in the jaw to break free. Martel boots him in the gut and DDts him down for a 2-count. Martel goes for a waistlock on LB, but Borga swings his elbows to try and break free, with Martel ducking. Borga comes back with a clattering bodyslam and climbs to the top for a Big Splash... WHICH FINDS THE KNEES! Borga recoils up and slumps into the ropes. He bounces off and right into a SPINEBUSTER! He keeps hold of the leg and turns it into a Boston Crab! Borga taps and Martel wins!
Winner - Rick Martel via Submission @ 5:01


An uninspiring match which sees the Barrio Brothers go to town on Doc Dean. Dean has a few opportunities to come back, but the double teaming tactics of Sierra and Santana are just too much to overcome. Fernandez tries to get involved a few times, but this just distracts the referee into sending him back to his corner and let the Cubans double team Dean more. When Ricky misses with a middle turnbuckle elbow drop, this allows Fernandez to get the lukewarm tag and clear house (taking an age to do so). It's no use though, as Fidel and Ricky eventually pick up the win with Fidel putting Dean in a Castro Sleeper. The arm falls 3 times, Doc is out.
Winners - Fidel Sierra and Ricky Santana via Knockout @ 4:16

WCW Saturday Night
17th January 1998
Thibodaux Civic Center - Thibodaux, Louisiana


We are seven days away from nWo Souled Out II and it's been a strange week in WCW. Savage went mad, the Souled Out main event was announced and lots of other things. We have a packed show, as Public Enemy take on Saturn and Kidman, Rick Rude makes his first in-ring appearance for 3 years and the Cruiserweight title is on the line. Dusty and Hudson make small talk as Yuji Nagata makes his way to the ring with Sonny Onoo at his side. His opponent is already in the ring.

Nagata continues his winning streak ever since he has been revitalised by Onoo's managerial advice by squashing poor Australian Mark Truran. Dusty and Hudson pass the time by discussing the announcement by JJ Dillon on Nitro that Sting and Hogan will face off in the cage at Souled Out for the title. He's not quite Goldberg just yet, but Nagata pulls off an impressive showing, finishing off Truran with the Nagata Lock in just under two minutes.
Winner - Yuji Nagata via Pinfall @ 1:48

Dusty and Hudson discuss the TV title scene and show footage from Nitro of Chris Benoit and Finlay destroying each other in a brutal scrap full of stiff shots and physical moves. Finlay puts up a hell of an effort, but it just isn't good enough as Benoit is able to scratch and claw his way to the victory, earning the submission victory with the Crippler Crossface. Hudson mentions that as a result of his loss, Finlay is now out of the running for the TV title shot at Souled Out, and that Benoit will take on Rick Martel in a number one contender's match on Nitro, with the winner taking on Booker T at the PPV.


Saturn starts against Johnny Grunge, hitting Grunge with a series of kicks and following it up with a suplex. Kidman is tagged in and takes the advantage and catches Grunge with a facebuster from a Canadian backbreaker position. Both teams get tags, which allows Public Enemy to double-team Saturn. Saturn tries some gut shots, but Rocco Rock no-sells them. Leg drop from Rocco Rock, but Saturn kicks out at 1. Public Enemy continue the assault, however Rocco Rock misses a springboard move, allowing Saturn to get the tag on Kidman. Rocco Rock continues to batter on Kidman, tagging in Grunge. Slam and a big splash from Grunge gets a two-count. Kidman comes back with a dropkick. Both corners get a hot tag, and it's Saturn who cleans house as the action disintegrates to a brawl on the outside. Johnny Grunge grabs a table from ringside and places it in the ring, before hitting the Drive By on Saturn. Johnny Grunge goes up top as Rocco Rock tries to put Saturn on the table, BUT KIDMAN THROWS POWDER IN HIS EYES AND BLINDS HIM! Kidman nails Rock with a stop sign to the head, and replaces Saturn with Rock on the table. The blinded Grunge dives through the table and takes out his own partner. SPICOLLI DRIVER TO GRUNGE! Double pin... 1! 2! 3!
Winner - Saturn and Kidman via Pinfall @ 7:05

*Commercial Break*


They begin by locking up with an collar-and-elbow tie-up, and Konnan gets the advantage, putting him in a headlock. It's reversed and Silver King hits a clothesline. Konnan gets up and is booted in the mouth. He comes back with a dropkick, but Silver ducks it and comes back with a PLANCHA off the ropes! Konnan rolls out and Silver seems to have injured himself. Konnan goes up top, but Silver smacks the rope and crotches Konnan on the turnbuckle. Konnan rolls out to the floor and SILVER KING WITH A SUICIDE DIVE SENDS KONNAN INTO THE BARRICADE AND THROUGH IT! The barricade comes loose and both men go into the crowd. Konnan's hurt his ribs too, but don't worry! Vincent floors Silver King with a clothesline as Buff Bagwell distracts the referee. El Dandy's here! He takes down Vincent with a clothesline of his own and chases Buff into the crowd! Konnan grabs Eandy and pulls him into the ring, BUT HE'S HIT WITH A SUPERKICK FROM SILVER KING! 1! 2! 3! SILVER KING PICKS UP A SHOCK VICTORY!
Winner - Silver King via Pinfall @ 6:31

We see footage from a Nitro party. I always have a different idea in my head of what a Nitro party consists of. This is just fat smarks repelling women, when really it should be Jerry Flynn tanking whiskey with the Armstrongs.

Both Meng and Barbarian starts beating down Goldberg, but Goldberg is able to swerve the Barbarian and nails him with a sweet shot that sends him to the outside. Meng tries to blindside Goldberg with a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks it and both men bounce off the ropes. DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE... DOES NOTHING! Both men no-sell it. Meng goes for a dropkick and misses, Goldberg hits both Meng and the Barbarian with a clothesline each and then Meng with a second. Meng hits the Kick of Fear. TONGAN DEATH GRI-NO! SPEAR! JACKHAMMER! 1!2! 3! The streak is now 24-0.
Winner - Goldberg via Pinfall @ 2:13

*Commercial Break*

The announcers hype up one of the other big talking points of the week, that is the tag team title rivalry between the Outsiders and the Steiners and the rifts in the ranks of both the tag champs and the nWo. We see the ending of Rick Steiner vs. Scott Hall where Kevin Nash tries to get involved, which brings down Scott Steiner to the ring. The referee is knocked out as Scott drops Nash to the floor. Scott grabs one of the WCW tag titles from ringside and heads into the ring. He goes to nail Scott Hall, who ducks, and he ends up hitting Rick with the belt! Hall kicks Scott and hits him with the Outsiders Edge, before tossing him out of the ring. Hall lays back on Rick, who is out, as the recovered referee makes the three count to give Hall the victory. Fast-forward to Thunder and after a brief confrontation where Rick asks Scott if he's on his side, Scott takes on nWoite Konnan and Scott's got a fire in his belly. He picks apart Konnan with quick shots and varied offence including a Military Press Slam plus Exploder and overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplexes. Steiner grabs Konnan in a vertical suplex position. However, in midair he changes it into a Steiner Screwdriver! The crowd gasps. He locks in the Steiner Recliner as if it was needed. Konnan is passed out and the ref rings the bell. Nash and Hall rush the ring and start to beat down Scott. Hall grabs Scott by his non-existant neck and chokeslams him WHEN SUDDENLY RICK APPEARS FOR THE SAVE. Rick comes in like a house on fire. He floors both Nash and Hall. Nash tries to hit Rick with the Big Boot, but he misses and clatters Hall! RICK THEN LIFTS NASH OFF HIS FEET! POWERSLAM! The crowd becomes unglued as Rick has steamrollered the Outsiders. Macho Man makes his way down to the ring and nails Rick with an elbow. Savage points at Nash and blasts him with a right hand. Savage walks out as we return to Saturday Night.

This is a strange match. It starts out with some normal chain wrestling, each man trading restholds and weak slams, and tagging in and out regularly. Absolutely no high-flying offence from the Villanos and the fastest action they engage in is a criss-cross from rope-to-rope with their opponents. The match is going absolutely nowhere, when suddenly Sonny Onoo appears at the top of the ramp with his clients Yuji Nagata, Kaz Hayashi and Jerry Flynn in tow. Hudson and Rhodes wonder what the hell is going on as Onoo stands at ringside, chatting to Nagata and taking photos of the match. A few moments in, Nagata, Hayashi and Flynn climb onto the apron with all four competitors brawling in the ring. Onoo enters the ring and walks right into the middle. All four men stop and turn as Onoo mutters a few things that aren't picked up by the cameras. Onoo produces four business cards for his new agency "Onoo Sports Enterprises" and gives them to both teams. The referee hasn't got a clue what to do as we go to a commercial break.
No Contest @ 3:50

Mean Gene is backstage and we're going to have an interview with... HECTOR GARZA? Wait, what? Who's been tampering with the booking sheet? This is the first ever time Garza has been given a moment to put himself over, or even been shown to speak English. Okerlund introduces him, talking about his gruelling match with Joe Gomez last week and says that Hector has something he wants to say about Gomez. Garza opens his mouth to speak, when suddenly BUFF BAGWELL storms into view, still looking puffed from being chased out the arena earlier. Bagwell shoves Garza out of the way and grabs the microphone. Bagwell's pissed at El Dandy running him out the ring and challenges him to a match later on tonight!

*Commercial Break*


Rude starts with DDP, and the two talk smack for a few moments, until Rude charges at Page. DDP dodges it and Rude looks annoyed. DDP motions the diamond sign to the crowd and Rude tries to attack him from behind, but Page sees him coming and moves. Page goes to lock up with Rude, who scrambles back to the corner and tags in Hennig. Page and Malenko work Hennig's arm for a while, using quick and frequent tags. Rude is able to get a cheap shot or two in. Malenko charges at Hennig, but misses and goes flying to the outside. Rude takes the opportunity to chuck Malenko into the barricade while he's down. Back in the ring, Hennig and Rude work over DDP (the legal man) in the corner. In the final moments, Malenko goes to the top rope for a dive onto Hennig, but Rude shoves him off. HENNIG-PLEX! Hennig tries to pin Malenko, and has the three count, but he's not the legal man. DDP's back up and goes for a Diamond Cutter! Hennig grabs the ropes and Rude holds onto Hennig's hand for stability. Wait! The referee's calling it a tag! DIAMOND CUTTER TO RUDE! Tag to Malenko and we're getting the Texas Cloverleaf. Hennig isn't waiting around as Rude taps out.
Winners - Diamond Dallas Page and Dean Malenko @ 6:19

*Commercial Break*


The bell rings and Juventud Guerrera goes immediately for a bicycle kick, but Ultimo is able to dodge it. Juvi lands on his feet and turns back round straight into a hurricanrana! Dragon doesn't even get a one-count before a kick-out. Both men get back up and Dragon chops Juvi HARD, to which Juvi replies with a chop of his own, although a bit weaker. The two exchange a few chops, but Ultimo wins the battle, unleashing a number of unanswered chops on Juvi. When Juvi refuses to go down, Ultimo waffles him with a forearm strike. Juvi gets back up and flips over Dragon, before dropkicking him into the corner. Ultimo comes back with a knee to the midsection. Juvi gets dropped on his neck early with a brainbuster, but Juvi somehow kicks out and rolls out the ring. ASAI MOONSAULT, but Juvi avoids it! Ultmo lands on his feet, and Juvi leaps onto the apron and moonsaults off onto him!

Back in the ring, and we get a backbreaker from Juvi. Guerrera goes up top and tries for a split-legged moonsault... BUT IT HITS THE KNEES! Ultmo hits an impressive tilt-a-whirl reverse DDT and goes for the cover. 1! 2! KICK OUT! Dragon goes right back with a running back elbow. Dragon doesn't let up hitting Juvi with an impressive combo of kicks and chops, but Juvi dodges and as Ultimo turns round, he is LEVELLED with a Superkick from Guerrera! Juvi hooks the leg, and it's another two-count! Dragon is sent into the ropes... TILT-A-WHIRL HEAD SCISSORS! Juvi bounces back up and this time, he goes to the ropes. Yakuza kick from Guerrera misses, AND ULTIMO DRAGON COMES BACK WITH A RUNNING KICK TO STRAIGHT TO JUVI'S MUSH! Guerrera blocks a move through the possibly concussive haze. He hits a snap half nelson suplex out of sheer desperation and hooks the leg! ONE! TWO!

TH-NO! Dragon kicks out! Juvi tries a brainbuster, but it's blocked... AND DRAGON REVERSES INTO A CRADLE! 1! 2! Juvi reverses it into a cradle of his own! 1! 2! Dragon cradles again! 1! 2! And Juvi reverses too! 1! 2! Kick-out! SUPERKICK FROM JUVI! Another two-count from a pin. Juvi smells victory and goes for a hurricanrana, but Dragon is able to block it. He holds on to Juvi, lifts him up and runs across the ring. RUNNING TIGER BOMB! That nearly killed Juvi! 1! 2! THR-NO! Guerrera kicks out AGAIN! Guerrera tries to catch him off guard with a backslide, but Ultimo rolls through and goes for a German suplex! Juvi is able to counter it into another backslide... But Dragon slips out before the referee can even count 1 and BOOM! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON JUVI! This move sends Guerrera halfway across the ring though, and Dragon is unable to capitalise and make the cover. After getting his bearings, Dragon crawls over for the cover. 1! 2! THRE-NO! Juvi kicks out again! Ultimo Dragon goes up top and goes for a crossbody... BUT JUVI CATCHES HIM AND ROLLS THROUGH! JUVI DRIVER! Juvi goes up top... 450 SPLASH! 1! 2! 3!
Winner - Juventud Guerrera via Pinfall @ 11:11


Buff Bagwell makes his way down to the ring with nWo cronies Konnan, Scott Norton and Vincent. El Dandy makes his way out alone, like a fool. Both men limber up and the bell rings. El Dandy goes for the ropes, BUT KONNAN GRABS HIM OUT OF NOWHERE! They pull El Dandy to the outside and Konnan, Norton and Vincent pummel him on the outside, with Bagwell joining in. The referee calls for the ball and it's a DQ in record time!
Winner - El Dandy via DQ @ 0:07

Silver King makes his way down to the ring and is pummelled by the 4 nWo members. El Dandy and Silver King look done for UNTIL HECTOR GARZA APPEARS WITH A STEEL CHAIR! He wipes out all four members, and gets a measure of revenge for Buff Bagwell taking away his one moment in the spotlight to finally let his voice be known. We go off the air with Garza standing tall in the ring, chair in hand, and the nWo retreating on the outside.
WorldWide/{Pro}/Main Event Results
17th January/18th January 1998


Before the match, Sonny Onoo cut a promo with Hayashi, Yuji Nagata and Jerry Flynn in tow introducing his new stable of clients "Onoo Enterprises", saying they will be the next big force in wrestling and says the New World Order is old news and that people will be talking about the "New WorldWide Order". Ha! Wright dominates most of the match and looks to be gearing up for his finisher. The two men criss-cross a few times, when Sonny Onoo trips Wright up. Wright flips and grabs Onoo through the ropes and turns his back to the debuting Hayashi. Kaz dropkicks him out to the floor and follows. KAZ SENDS HAYASHI HEADFIRST INTO THE RING POST! He struggles back into the ring, and Wright can't answer the ten count. HAYASHI WITH THE COUNTOUT UPSET!
Winner - Kaz Hayashi via Countout @ 5:08


In a surprising turn of events, Glacier's entrance turned out to be shorter than his match. Thankfully, our hero was able to power through this 2 minute and 26 second endurance test to dominate the match with his trademark arsenal of kicks and martial arts moves. The philistines in the WorldWide audience weren't able to fully comprehend the sheer greatness of Glacier, stunned into silence for most of the match. A Cryonic Kick seals the deal to give an exhausted Glacier the victory.
Winner - Glacier via Pinfall @ 2:26


Lord Steven Regal makes his return after a 3-month absence. He gets heat, but there's a smattering of cheers, because everyone gets something of a face reaction when they come back. Much to the surprise of the crowd, it's Regal who takes control of proceedings, who used his technical wrestling wizardry to seize momentum. What follows is a slog from Luger, who builds up energy and wills the crowd to get himself back into the match, leading to a furious hot sequence where Luger proceeds to smash through Regal. Luger soon is able to get Regal into position for the TORTURE RACK! Regal submits quickly!
Winner - Lex Luger via Submission @ 6:19


ORALE! ARRIBA LA RAZA! The nWo's resident latino stereotype got on the mic and stunk up the atmosphere with the same spiel he's been peddling since the day he was born and the world keeps turning. This was a nothing squash for Konnan who got an easy submission victory via the Tequila Sunrise.
Winner - Konnan via Submission @ 3:33


Both men lock up and Disco was to knee Hardwork in the gut. Inferno was able to amuse the fans with his disco dancing antics, whilst still keeping on top of Walker, who put up a spirited fight. Walker managed to kick out of a bulldog in the nick of time, but it wasn't long before Disco was able to put him away with a DDT for the pinfall.
Winner - Disco Inferno via Pinfall @ 5:32


We start off with both men trading blows. Silver King wins the exchange with a flying clothesline. Silver King dominates the match, and even though Villano V tries a couple of times to get back into the match, King is able to keep him under wraps and sows up the match with the standing leg-drop to get the victory.
Winner - Silver King via Pinfall @ 4:09

WCW Saturday Night
24th January 1998
Hara Arena - Dayton, Ohio


We open with an exterior shot of the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio from earlier on in the day as we see a queue of fans stretching around the block waiting for the doors to open. Tonight's episode is a special one, as we have a PPV on Saturday for once, so this edition of Saturday Night is an extra-early live pre-game show for nWo Souled Out II. We see shots of fans entering the building, swamping the merch stands, eating hot dogs and nachos and drunkenly cheering any time the camera comes near them as Dusty and Hudson hype up the biggest rematch in sporting history - Hogan vs. Sting III IN THE CAGE! We then see a hype video reviewing the Sting vs. Hogan rivalry from way back in December '96 all the way to Starrcade, Nitro the night after and beyond. We come back to find Sonny Onoo with his MVP, Yuji Nagata, making their way to the ring.

It's a tentative start. La Parka threatens to waffle Yuji with the chair, while Nagata tries to goad La Parka into a test of strength. Neither man is falling for it and we have a few uneasy moments of tension. When the match finally gets properly underway, it seems La Parka might actually have cracked the code and be able to hand Nagata his first loss of the Onoo Enterprises era, with La Parka using a series of high risk Lucha Libre moves to keep the stiff Japanese style of Nagata at bay. However, Nagata is able to turn the tide with a nasty dropkick to the face out of thin air. The move knocks La Parka for six and before you can even say "Onoo's Polaroid collection", Yuji has the Nagata Lock in tight. La Parka has no option but to tap.
Winner - Yuji Nagata via Submission @ 7:26

Mean Gene is backstage with Randy Savage. There's no time for snapping into Slim Jim's, because Savage is all business. He's asked about his match with Luger, which sends him into a frenzy. He bags on Luger for a while, saying that Luger better watch out, as he's about to be hit by a freight train because the MA-CHO-MAAAAN will come out on top at Souled Out. Okerlund asks about the tension with Nash, but Savage palms him off saying that the nWo's business is for the nWo, but that there is no tension and everything is rosy in the New World Order camp. OOOOH YEAH! As Okerlund signs off for us to head back to the ring, we can hear commotion as Eddie Guerrero shouts at Silver King and El Dandy to hurry over as something's happening in the locker room. The camera crew and Okerlund follow as we see Nash, Hall, Spicolli, Syxx, Norton, Buff, Vincent and Konnan beating the snot out of Hector Garza. Hall and Nash have baseball bats. Doug Dillinger and the rest of security arrive and escort the nWo members away. Okerlund is sickened and Hall threatens him. Garza's been thrown into the lockers, powerbombed through the table and just all round mugged in an 8-on-1 assault. There's no way in hell he's competing tonight. Guerrero, Silver King and El Dandy stay by Garza's side as the medics arrive and the segment ends.

*Commercial Break*

Lord Steven Regal and Dave Taylor are backstage in the office of JJ Dillon. Regal wants to know why there's a blank next to his name on the card for tonight. Dillon says they can't confirm his opponent just yet, because they are still filling out all the paperwork before they can clear him to wrestle. Regal demands to know who it is, Dillon says that would be a breach of confidentiality and that he is sworn to secrecy until he gets the OK. Regal walks out disgusted, muttering "typical Americans" under his breath as Eddie Guerrero walks into the office. We never hear what Guerrero has to say, however, as we head back to the ring.

Both announcers hype up the Souled Out match between the Giant and Goldberg. Dusty likens it to those old Japanese monster films. Hudson calls it the most colossal battle in the history of sport. The main talking point is: Can Goldberg hit the Giant with the Jackhammer? Dusty seems to think so. The Giant starts off the match by headbutting and chopping all three Armstrong brothers. This match is all Giant, as he mocks Goldberg throughout, with the only fleeting glimpse of Armstrong offence coming from a Brad missile dropkick. All three men pile on top for the pin, but the Giant kicks out with authority and throws them off. Brad and Scott get a double chokeslam and Steve gets a chokeslam all to himself. Giant places a massive paw on Steve for the three-count
Winner - The Giant via Pinfall @ 4:10

We see highlights from Nitro as Hogan cuts a promo from inside the locked cage, with the rest of the nWo (including Bischoff) on the outside guarding the cage. There is no way anyone is getting past the nWo cronies and even if they did, they still would have to smash throught the locked cage door. Hogan says he is sick and tired of all the "gaga' around the nWo falling apart and makes clear that everyone is back in the nWo fold and that he wants to take care of some family business, saying Hall, Nash and Savage are on the same page. The three hug, it's all very sweet. Hogan says that the nWo follows Hollywood's rules, which gets an odd look from the Outsiders. As for Sting, Hogan has a lot to say about him, saying that he was robbed at Starrcade and that Nick Patrick was robbed on Nitro the night after too. He says that the World title should be his and that if the Stinger thinks that hiding in the rafters and cheating his way to the title is enough to bring down the nWo, he's got another thing coming. Hogan gets cocky from the safety of the steel cage, and starts calling out Sting asking where he is. Hogan says that Sting isn't there, because he doesn't care about WCW or care about the fans. As Hogan says all this, suddenly a knife bursts through the canvas and tears the ringmat in half! STING APPEARS FROM UNDERNEATH THE RING! Hogan bricks it as the crowd roars. Sting chases Hogan to the door, but it's locked! He can't escape! Sting goes to town on Hogan and beats the utter shit out of him with a bat. The nWo is reduced to onlookers as Bischoff is having a fit outside, screaming at people to try and unlock the door so they can save Hogan, but no-one has the key! Curt Hennig even scales the cage, trying to find a hole in the cage to try and get in, but it's an impenetrable fortress! Nitro ends with Sting standing tall and the nWo in a fit of fury on the outside.

*Commercial Break*

Wright wins the opening test of strength, but Calo pulls him down to the mat then uses him to get back up and leap on Alex's shoulders for a sunset flip that gets a 1-count. Calo uses lucha quickness to take advantage, eventually sending Wright to the outside. Wright tries to ground him with some chain wrestling, but Calo has his number every time, with counter after counter, even getting a 2 on a roll-up. Wright gets into the match, eventually reversing Calo's attempted wheelbarrow bodyscissors into a vicious backbreaker, then following it up with a kick to the face for a 2-count. Wright takes control with some power moves, making sure to stomp down on Calo when prone. Super tries to comeback with aerial offence, but Wright shuts him down with more high-impact offense. Eventually, the momentum shifts back to Calo who is whipped into ropes and connects with a headscissors. The crowd pop for the comeback, getting a mass clap to get behind him. Calo goes to the top, but Wright chucks him off. Calo manages to toll onto the mat. Wright comes charging, but Calo rolls under, then handstands back and takes Wright down with a headscissors which sends him to the floor. PLANCHA TO THE OUTSIDE! The crowd wakes up with that and gives Super Calo a big cheer. He drags Wright back into the ring, and then hits Wright with a moonsault! 1! 2! No! The match swings back and forth, Calo uses more lucha offence as Wright comes back with more power moves. Calo gets a couple of nearfalls, including a roll-up hurricanrana! Super Calo goes up top and sets up for another moonsault. Wright moves out of the way and Calo lands on his feet! CROSSBODY FROM WRIGHT! Calo goes for a forearm, but Wright goes behind. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Calo gets dropped on his neck! Wright ends it all with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. 1! 2! 3!
Winner - Alex Wright via Pinfall @ 8:31

Highlights from Nitro as we see a rematch from last week between Scott Hall and Rick Steiner. Both men lock up, with Steiner taking the advantage early with a boot, before planting the champion with a DDT. Rick plays to the crowd, who bark in appreciation, as Hall gets back to his feet. Hall reciprocates with a DDT of his own to lay out Steiner. It seems the two of them are evenly matched in the early going. The Dog-faced Gremlin lays Hall out with a clothesline, which causes Hall to bail to the outside. The crowd boos as Hall tries to leave, BUT SCOTT STEINER'S OUT TO STOP HIM. Scott refuses to let him past, but Kevin Nash appears and hits Scott with an axehandle. Nitro takes a commercial, so we fast-forward to find that Nash and Scott Steiner have been booked in a match during the break. Nash attacks at the bell and hits a sideslam for an early pin attempt, but only gets 1. Nash sends him to the corner, hits him with some kneelifts then frames the elbow, before capping it off with the bootchoke. Steiner whips Nash into a clothesline, before booting him in the side. The action descends into a brawl on the outside where Steiner sends Nash into the rail. Back in the ring, Nash goes for a powerbomb, but it's interrupted by Randy Savage's music hitting. Nash is distracted as he's expecting Savage to turn up, instead he turns round into an overhead belly-to-belly suplex followed by...THE STEINER RECLINER! Nash taps, Steiner wins! Hudson mentions that the Steiners and the Outsiders will meet tonight at Souled Out for the tag titles and asks Dusty who he thinks will win. Dusty says that he's seen enough fighting spirit from Rick and Scott over the past couple of weeks to think they can go all the way.

We go backstage to Gene Okerlund who is standing by with Jerry Flynn, Yuji Nagata and Sonny Onoo. Mean Gene mentions that it was Flynn who specifically requested this airtime, because he has something to get off his chest. Flynn says that a couple of weeks ago on WorldWide, he got humiliated by nWo Japan and that night, he had an epiphany. His career was going nowhere, it was directionless, and he was losing left, right and centre. He says that another guy felt the same way about him, Sonny Onoo, and that ever since they had a chance meeting in the locker room afterwards, Flynn's life has changed. He feels rejuvenated and his like has new purpose, thanks to Onoo. Onoo takes the mic and cuts a promo saying that, as the greatest agent in professional wrestling, all of his clients are at all-time career highs and that guys like Jerry, Yuji and Kaz Hayashi are the future of WCW. This is a wake-up call to the rest of the locker room, the Onoo Enterprises Gravy Train is leaving the station soon and those who want to succeed should get on board now.

*Commercial Break*


Public Enemy bring plunder to the ring as ever, but are jumped by Riggs and Sick Boy who batter them down the ramp. Sick Boy and Johnny Grunge battle in the ring as Riggs and Rocco Rock brawl on the outside. No Raven at ringside tonight. Hrrrrrrrrm. Both guys on the inside repeatedly get the upper hand as the momentum changes over and over. Riggs thwacks Rock with a trash can lid and then blindsides Grunge in the ring with some flying forearms, but Grunge comes back with a harsh spinebuster onto a trash can. Rocco Rock comes in and destroys Riggs and Sick Boy with a kendo stick. Sick Boy fights back with a stop sign, and then strangely goes for a takedown on Rock. The two of them trade grapples for a while, as on the outside Johnny Grunge chucks Riggs in a wheelbarrow and drives him into the guardrail, sending Riggs into the front row's laps. Lodi comes down and distracts Grunge as Reese and Van Hammer attack from behind. Raven, Kidman and Saturn follow suit and it's a mugging on Johnny Grunge. Rocco Rock grabs a broomstick from behind and snaps it over Reese's back. Rocco is able to distract the Flock for long enough so that Johnny Grunge CAN HIT THEM WITH THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER! A blinded Raven orders a retreat with Lodi and Kidman departing. Both members of Public Enemy grab chairs and start waffling the remaining Flock members with chairshots, sending Saturn, Van Hammer and Reese through the crowd. There's a lull in proceedings SO PUBLIC ENEMY BRING OUT THE TABLES! Rocco Rock sets up one in the ring, as Johnny Grunge stacks two on the outside. Public Enemy puts Sick Boy on top of double-stacked tables and hit... THE DRIVE-BY! And just to add the final full stop on things, they drag Riggs into the ring... POWERBOMB OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE! 1! 2! 3!
Winners - Public Enemy via Pinfall @ 7:37

We go to a skybox in the Hara Arena, where Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan, Harley Race and Ted DiBiase are at a roundtable to discuss their predictions for Souled Out. Schiavone begins with the Outsiders and the Steiners asking the panel if the Steiners can keep it together and win the belts. Heenan says once that suspicion sets in, it's hard to fully trust someone again. Tenay says that blood is thicker than water, the Steiners have a brotherly bond so we should also take into consideration the fact that the nWo have had problems of their own with Savage and the Outsiders having disagreements recently. DiBiase adds that he thinks these problems will plague Savage in his match with Luger too. Race disagrees, saying he fully expects Savage to be victorious. Schiavone moves on to the main event between Hogan and Sting. Heenan says he's never seen Hogan this desperate in his entire career, and there's no way in hell he's going to let Sting walk out with the title. Tenay says that, with the cage locking the nWo out of the match, all of Hogan's leverage is gone, but Race argues that even with the cage, the nWo will always find a way to interject themselves into the match. DiBiase adds that Sting has had Hogan's number twice already and that; with the rifts in the nWo, if Hogan loses tonight. It could be the beginning of the end for the nWo.

*Commercial Break*

This 6-man tag was supposedly designed to defuse the tensions between the nWo and the Luchadores, but just ended up making things a whole lot worse. After Hector Garza was taken out earlier in the back, Eddie Guerrero has volunteered himself to fill the vacancy. At ringside on the night, sat Eddie's wife Vickie, their three children and an associate of Vickie. Konnan immediately pushes Eddie's buttons, referencing their presence in the front row. During the match, Scott Norton is hit with two consecutive suicide dives to the outside and doesn't even fall off his feet. The three Mexicans triple team Norton with three simultaneous planchas taking him down finally. As this is happening, Buff makes his way over to Vickie and begins complaining about her being there, yelling at her. Eddie makes his way over and confronts Bagwell. This catches the ref's attention long enough to Vincent to hand Konnan brass knuckles with which he wallops El Dandy and knocks him out. Konnan makes the pin and gets the 1-2-3!
Winners - Konnan, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton via Pinfall @ 8:12

Konnan rolls out of the ring as Bagwell and Guerrero argue. He lunges at Guerrero with a double axehandle and shoves him into Vickie in the front row, knocking her to the floor! Vickie is injured! Bagwell and Konnan realise what's happened and quickly make their exit along with Norton and Vincent. Eddie looks on the verge of tears as Vickie is out, with their kids looking on confused about what's happening as Konnan addresses the camera saying she shouldn't have been out there.

*Commercial Break*

Scott Hudson introduces us to the WCW Control Center as Mean Gene Okerlund runs us through the rest of the Souled Out PPV line-up. He discusses the Flair open challenge, Hennig and DDP's recent tension including DDP's title match victory over Malenko on Nitro, the TV title number 1 contender hunt as well as hear from Zbyszko ahead of his big match with Louie Spicolli. The full card is:


WCW/nWo Souled Out 1998:
WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Steel Cage Match:
Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger

WCW World Tag Team Championships:
Kevin Nash/Scott Hall vs. Scott Steiner/Rick Steiner

Louie Spicolli vs. Larry Zbyszko

WCW Television Championship:
Booker T vs. Rick Martel vs. Chris Benoit

WCW United States Championship:
Curt Hennig vs. Diamond Dallas Page

WCW Cruiserweight Championship:
Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera

Nature Boy's nWo Open Challenge:
Ric Flair vs. Mystery Opponent

Ray Traylor vs. Konnan

Super Caló, Lizmark, Jr. and Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Rey Mysterio, Psychosis
and El Dandy

We return to the arena and Lord Steven Regal is making his way to the ring, with Dave Taylor in tow. They ham-up the English gentleman routine, much to the chagrin of the fans in attendance. Regal waits patiently in the ring as his secret opponent is about to revealed. Drums kick in and then the bagpipes! Yes, that's right, Rowdy Roddy Piper is here, back in action after a lengthy hiatus. Piper comes out to a huge reception, bedecked in the kilt with half his face painted blue ala William Wallace and a claymore in hand! It's the Auld Enemy - Scotland vs. England in a battle of Braveheart-esque proportions!

*Commercial Break*

In one of the best lines in Saturday Night history, Scott Hudson remarks that after 674 years, we finally have our Bannockburn rematch. Where the hell he got that from, I'll never know, but it's a great reference. Piper starts off with some chops and an eye poke, before following up with a backdrop. A series of punches follows, with Piper biting Regal in between. Regal begs him off, then nails him with a low blow when the referee's not looking. Regal works over Piper in the corner with several clubbing blows. An overhead belly-to-belly suplex gets a two-count. Both men get back to his feet and Regal is right back on it with a series of vicious uppercuts. Piper is dropkicked through the ropes to the apron. Regal joins him on the apron and looks to suplex him onto the floor! Good lord! Luckily, Piper is able to block it and eye rake Regal along the top rope. Back in the ring and Piper locks on the sleeper! Regal fades and it looks like Piper might have this won, but Dave Taylor gets up onto the apron and distracts the referee! Piper lets go of the sleeper hold and grabs Taylor, tossing him into the ring! Taylor scrambles around the canvas as Piper looks to batter the hell out of him... BUT REGAL ROLLS PIPER UP AND GRABS THE TIGHTS! 1! 2! 3? NO! Piper just kicks out! Regal and Taylor can't believe it. Taylor charges at Piper but is tossed over the top rope to the outside! Regal with more uppercuts to Piper followed by a Butterfly Suplex! Regal goes for the stretch! The STF is applied and there's no way Piper's making the ropes, but he doesn't need to! Piper's biting at Regal's fingers! Even the grizzled Regal has to let go of the hold eventually. Piper's fired up now! He hits Regal with an offensive flurry of punches, followed by a shoulderblock. He hits a sunset flip which takes him an age to complete. 1! 2! NO! Piper hits the high knee and a belly-to-back suplex... FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Regal submits, Piper wins!
Winner - Roddy Piper via Submission @ 9:31

As the countdown clock ticks down to 0:00, there's still time for one last shill. Scott Hudson begins to sign off when suddenly we cut to the back where a limo drives into shot. It stops and the driver gets out and opens the door. After a few seconds, a black, pink and white boot steps out of the car and the crowd goes insane! Bret Hart is in the building! Dusty nearly has a heart attack at the prospect of the Hitman here at Souled Out! You really don't want to miss out on all the action! Get a ringside seat for nWo Souled Out now! Call your local cable operator now! If you hurry, you might catch the Lucha six-man. We'll stall for you while you make the phone call.​
Hello Equimanthorn. I am going to be reviewing your WCW/nWO Saturday Night 24th January 1998 show that you posted. I'll be completly honest with you, I didn't watch WCW. Never but I know many of the wrestlers from other there so I'll try and get into it.

Nice opening paragraph to start the whole thing off. The paragraph did what it needed to with getting us hyped up for the show.

Nice match between Yuji and Parka. I wish La Parka won because I actually really like his ring skill. He has got a nice gimmick and look about him.

Nice set of promo's their with Mean Gene backstage interviewing Randy Savage. Nice to hear that Savage is all business. A serious Savage is a big threat. Nice whole thing with Regal too.

Nice couple of matches to fill up the show. I liked the Philly Street Fight. Would have liked to see a bit more build for some matches too. By this I mean why was this match made? Recap some matches and what happened in previous weeks.

Nice show with some good promos and interviews. Some exellent matches here too and it did a good job at getting us ready, excited and hyped up for your big Pay Per View. By the way, really looking forward to Sting v. Hogan for some reason. Lock em in the cage!

nWo Souled Out II: Predictions
Sting def. Hogan
Savage def. Lugar
Nash/Hall def. Stieners
Larry def. Louie
Chris Benoit def. Book and Rick
DDP def. Curt
Jericho def. Guerrera
Flair def. Bagwell
Konnan def. Traylor
Rey, Psy and El Dandy win 6 man
Hey Choxy, thanks for commenting! I know it was a while ago, but better late than never, I suppose. It's always great to get some constructive criticism, and I've definitely taken the comments about building matches and recapping on board, so expect to see that take effect over the next couple of weeks.

Just so you know, the PPV will be in the form of recaps on the next Saturday Night. That said, they're all really quite hefty recaps, so you could probably pass them off as full matches on their own card, to be honest. I've still got WorldWide/{Pro}/Main Event coming before that though, in the next couple of days.
WorldWide/{Pro}/Main Event Results
24th January/25th January 1998


In a rematch from last week, Wright dominates in a similar fashion. Jerry Flynn joins the commentary desk with a notepad. Flynn announces that he will be facing Goldberg on WorldWide in a few weeks and after coming out with Kaz, Onoo and Yuji, he wants to take the time to scout DA MAN in his match later on tonight. Sonny Onoo continues to interfere. After distracting the referee, breaking pins up by placing Kaz's foot on the ropes and other such rule bending, the referee is accidentally caught in a corner splash. Onoo brings in a chair and hands it to Kaz. Wright is able to wrestle the chair out of his hands. Wright has had enough and unloads on both Hayashi and Onoo with the chair. The referee has woken up, he sees Wright's chair rampage and DQs him. Kaz wins again!
Winner - Kaz Hayashi via Disqualification @ 6:44


Norton controls from the outset in what is a bowling shoe ugly brawl of a match. McMichael tries to chop Norton, but it does absolutely nothing to him. Norton takes over and manhandles Mongo until the action spills to the outside. They brawl on the outside for a while until Mongo grabs the haliburton and swings at Norton who is able to avoid it. Back in the ring, and Mongo gets some momentum behind him hits Norton with a flurry of offence, ending with Mongo going for the three-point stance. Norton wisely drops to the floor before Mongo can hit it and we go back to the outside. The referee has a very lenient approach to counting these guys out as they spend an awful amount of time on the floor. Mongo floors Norton and goes over to Vincent. The engage in trash-talk until Mongo shoves Vincent down, only for Norton to jump him from behind. He pounds him on the floor and clotheslines him when he gets back up. Norton grabs the steel ring steps and aims at Mongo, who is resting against the post and charges. MONGO EVADES and Norton crashes the steps into the ringpost with a massive clang! Mongo throws Norton back in and takes him down with some clipping lunges. Mongo goes to the second rope and hits him with a shoulderblock, but Norton no-sells it. He retorts with a grounded shoulderblock before slamming him to the mat. Norton then puts him away with the gutwrench powerbomb to get the pinfall.
Winner - Scott Norton via Pinfall @ 6:21


We begin with an exchange of right hands. Smiley manages to slow down Goldberg with a low blow before grounding him with mat wrestling. Vertical Suplex from Smiley sees Norman get cocky, flexing his muscles for the booing crowd. Wuh-oh. Goldberg is immediately back up, no selling the suplex at all. Smiley turns back round and the smile disappears as Goldberg just plows through Smiley with the... SPEAR! The crowd goes mad as Goldberg lifts Smil-ey and hits him with THE JACKHAMMER! Good effort, Norman, but there's no way in hell you were stopping DA MAN! 26-0. Jerry Flynn remains silent throughout proceedings, choosing instead to focus intently on Goldberg's every move, scribbling down everything he can possibly extrapolate about DA MAN.
Winner - Goldberg via Pinfall @ 1:32


Collar-and-elbow tie-up to begin with. Guerrero locks in a headlock, before taking Morrus down to the mat, keeping the headlock held firm. Scott Hudson takes the time to shill Souled Out, discussing the main event. Larry Z takes about four seconds to start hyping his match with Spicolli. This is a really long headlock, but Morrus manages to soon get back to his feet. Guerrero is sent into the ropes and is floored with a shoulderblock on his return. Zbyszko is still talking about himself. Morrus bounds into the ropes and hits Guerrero with a running leg drop for a two-count. European uppercuts-a-mundo from Guerrero who takes Morrus down with a backbreaker for two. Poor Guerrero, he's an amazing wrestler, but he's stuck doing matches on the {Pro} against Hugh Morrus. Morrus gets a second wind late on and powerslams Guerrero with authority. He goes to the second floor for the No Laughing Matter moonsault, but Guerrero rolls out of the way. Guerrero soon goes to the top himself for a frog splash. The fans didn't care about this match, neither did the announcers, but Guerrero got another paypacket bonus. The world keeps turning.
Winner - Eddie Guerrero via Pinfall @ 5:25


Man, this was just an utter mess. Someone's clearly been locked away in the cutting room with some glue, a pair of scissors and this can of film because this match went seven minutes, but on the TV it was actually four at the most. I don't know if Juvi had been out on the town and had a bit too much of the juice the night before, but he just wasn't on the ball here. Chris Adams boots Juvi in the face with an amazing superkick, and goes for a pinfall, only Juvi forgets to kick-out, causing a moment of panic as the referee doesn't count the three. Later, Juvi tries for a springboard plancha to the outside, only for the cameraman to cut to the audience as he's about to leap, and when we return, Juvi is on the outside brawling. Thank your lucky stars you didn't watch this live, because the finish (Adams on the top rope, with Juvi leaping up top and attempting to take him down with a hurricanrana, only for Adams to turn it into a super powerbomb) was botched TWICE and they still went back and did it a third time, before pasting the best bits from each take together to create a very odd conclusion to a cobbled match.
Winner - Chris Adams via Pinfall @ 4:01 (7:10 if you're reading the live report)


We begin with a lock-up, and a go behind from Mean Mike. Disco busts a few moves and is able to disco wriggle out of the waistlock. Naturally Mean Mike is not happy about this and charges at him, only for Disco to counter it into an armdrag, before cutting the rug once more. This is repeated another two times and Mean Mike has had enough. He drops down to the floor and discusses tactics with Tough Tom, formulating a plan. Tough Tom gets on the apron, trying to divert Disco, but recieves a dropkick down to the floor. Mean Mike tries to sneak back into the ring, but gets caught... CHARTBUSTER! 1! 2! 3!
Winner - Disco Inferno via Pinfall @ 3:05

WCW Saturday Night
31st January 1998
FleetCenter - Boston, Massachusetts


Saturday Night opens with a video of the Souled Out main event World title megaclash between Hollywood Hogan and Sting. Epic action movie music, Michael Buffer being Michael Buffer and Tony Schiavone calling this match a matter of life or death for the nWo. Sting is attacked on the aisle by Hogan before he can even get into the ring. They brawl on the outside, with Hogan using his belt on Sting, whipping him in the back. Hogan uses Sting’s coat to choke him and then poses for the crowd. Sting comes up behind and steamrollers Hogan, taking the belt off Hogan and beating him from here to Venice BEach with it. Hogan tries to flee, but Sting chokes him with the belt and pulls him towards the ring. He then goes for a Stinger Splash on the outside, but Hogan moves out of the way, sending Sting crashing into the railing. When they're finally both in the cage, Hogan tries to ram Sting into the cage and blocks a suplex, before taking over completely for a while. Hogan goes for a leg drop, BUT MISSES! Sting rams Hogan into the cage and busts him open, before taking him down with a shoulder block. Hogan flops into the corner, STINGER SPLASH! NO! Hogan ducks out of the way and Sting smashes into the cage! BIG BOOT FROM HOGAN! LEG DROP OF DOOM! 1! 2! NO! Hogan looks terrified that Sting kicked out! He can't believe it. Hogan tries in vein to come back with punches, but Sting no-sells everything as he gains momentum. Sting Hulks Up! Stinger Splash... And another! Scorpion Death Lock... But Hogan reaches the ropes. LOWBLOW FROM HOGAN! Hogan heads for the cage door and tries to make his escape, but here comes Bret Hart! Hogan calls for him to open the door and Hart does. Hart's nWo! BUT WAIT! As Hogan makes his way through the door, Hart slams the door shut on Hogan's head! Hogan collapses into the ring as Hart locks the door shut. The nWo try to come down but they're stopped by two men in all black with balaclavas! Scorpion Death Drop to Hogan. 1! 2! 3! STING HAS DEFEATED HOGAN AND RETAINED THE WORLD TITLE! Sting celebrates as Bret Hart enters the cage, faces off with Sting and shakes his hand as the video fades out to a capacity crowd in the FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts. Tonight sees the arena hosting Boston Brawl, an internet PPV. The set is a cool depiction of the Boston city landscape, replete with cardboard skyscrapers and monuments. We'll have all the fallout from Souled Out and all the hype for Boston Brawl but before all that, we're heading to the ring for our first match of the night.

Wrath dominates from the bell, battering Parker in the corner. Parker reverses a corner-to-corner whip and Wrath is propelled across the ring to the other corner. A few punches from Parker are useless, as they have no effect on Wrath who boots him in the face, sending him flying over the top rope. The Sarge desperately slams Wrath into the ring post and rolls Wrath back in. Parker goes up top and misses with a top rope clothesline, ONLY FOR WRATH TO NEARLY DECAPITATE HIM WITH A CLOTHESLINE OF HIS OWN! Wrath hits Parker with several knees and elbows. Sarge is whipped into the ropes, shoulder tackle from Wrath, followed by more knees and chops. Death Penalty from Wrath means it's time for... THE MELTDOWN! 1! 2! 3! Wrath picks up a routine squash victory without even breaking a sweat.
Winner - Wrath via Pinfall @ 2:11


Hacksaw Jim Duggan is back in WCW after a hiatus from in-ring action! The crowd (as always) absolutely love Hacksaw, and if anything, the extended absence has made the crowd fonder of Hacksaw, because he is over like rover. Hacksaw stalls with some "HOOOO!"s, but Armstrong jumps him from behind, taking the advantage and using some illegal tactics to keep Hacksaw at bay. But as the match continues, the "USA!" chants grow louder and louder until Duggan gets a burst of energy and rallies back, steamrolling Armstrong in the process. A three-point-stance clothesline is followed up with an Old Glory kneedrop that gives Hacksaw the pinfall victory.
Winner - Hacksaw Jim Duggan via Pinfall @ 3:33

*Commercial Break*

We see still photos as Dusty and Hudson talk us through the US title match featuring DDP and Curt Hennig. It descends into a brawl as the locker room empties out to clear the nWo members constantly trying to interfere. Referees and officials make their way out to break up the brawl. DDP gets the Diamond Cutter, but Rick Rude makes his way on to the apron to distract the ref. Malenko makes his way in with a chair and lays Rude out with it, before chucking him out of the ring. In the commotion, Hennig is able to roll up Page and grab the tights to steal the victory and the title. The rematch on Nitro never officially begins as the nWo attacks DDP before he is able to make it to the ring. Hennig wins by forfeit, but his celebration is short lived as JJ Dillon announces that Page will receive his rematch at Boston Brawl and if the nWo lay a finger on Page before the match or interfere in the match, Hennig will lose the title.

The match begins with Taylor taking on Doc Dean in a mismatched fistfight. Dean tries some weak offence, most of which misses, but Taylor dominates with stiff shots. Eventually, Dean tags in Fernandez, and we get a showdown between Taylor's stiff European uppercuts and Fernandez's good old fashioned American rights. Fernandez gets the upper hand of the exchange, which brings Regal into the ring. Dean dropkicks Regal over the top rope, sending him to the floor. Fernandez also clotheslines Taylor over the top rope as Dean and Fernandez stand tall in the ring. Regal and Taylor stall on the outside, taking their time getting back in the ring. Dean's had enough and bounces off the top rope and hits them with a crossbody, but the Blue Bloods catch him in midair! Fernandez looks round and then does something very peculiar for him by leaping through the second rope and hitting them with a suicide dive! Wow! All four men go down, but we find out the reason why Manny Fernandez shys away from this sort of high-risk offense. Fernandez cries out in pain, holding his wrist, before calling for the referee. It looks like Fernandez has taken a bad fall and has injured something in his hand. The referee calls an audible and gets the ringside doctor to take a look at Fernandez's hand, but Regal interrupts his checks. The referee restrains him, but this just gives Taylor the chance to sneak in a shot at Fernandez too. Regal and Taylor take down Dean and throw Fernandez in the ring. Taylor tags in Regal who goes to work on Fernandez's arm, stomping him in the hand and locking in various submission holds on the clearly injured Fernandez. The referee tells Regal to lay off the arm, but Regal ignores him. Regal and Taylor cut the ring in half and work over Fernandez with wristlocks, tagging in and out frequently. Eventually, Fernandez somehow manages to make the hot tag to Dean who comes out flying. Regal and Taylor try to intercept him with a double clothesline, but both men get speared for their troubles. Dean throws Taylor out of the ring with Dean and Regal going head-to-head back and forth. Every time Dean gets the advantage, Regal angrily blames the referee and the fans for distracting him. Regal executes a brutal snap suplex on Dean but Dean somehow kicks out, sending Regal into a rage. He turns his attention to arguing with the referee, the diversion allows Dean to roll Regal up. It's a close near fall, but he can't get him. Dean charges for a running clothesline, Regal dodges and shoves Dean into Fernandez! Fernandez tumbles off the apron awkwardly. Taylor then grabs Dean, pulling him under the ropes to the outside and chucks him into the steel barricade. Regal's arguing something to the ref... Wait! He's saying that was a tag! Well, Fernandez was in position in the corner, and Dean made contact with him, but come on! It wasn't a tag, it was accidental contact! Fernandez is up on the outside and he's pleading with the referee. He's in no condition to wrestle, if he keeps going, it could cause a serious injury. Regardless, the referee is saying it was a tag, so Fernandez is now the legal man. The very instant Fernandez makes his way into the ring, Regal grabs him, pulls him into the middle of the ring and locks in an armbar. The cameraman focuses in and we can see that Regal is actually also pulling Fernandez's fingers back as well. Fernandez has to flail his legs and somehow connects with a knee/shin to the head, causing some seperation. Fernandez tries to crawl over for the tag, but Regal just tries to apply an STF! Fernandez manages to push him, but Regal gets a hold of Fernandez's arm FOR ANOTHER ARMBAR! Regal smells blood and is going to keep going back to the arm until he gets Fernandez to submit. The referee realises that this is going to continue until Fernandez is critically injured or taps and calls for the bell. Fernandez doesn't give up, but the referee has seen enough, he's stopping this match before it goes any further.
Winners - Lord Steven Regal/Dave Taylor via Referee Stoppage @ 10:37

*Commercial Break*

More Souled Out stills from the Souled Out megaclash between Goldberg and The Giant. Giant is reticent as the two face off for the first time, circling each other. Giant stalls in the ropes to begin with, before stiffing Goldberg with two right hands to the face, but not even an extra big boot can take Goldberg off his feet as the two go nose-to-nose in the ring. Giant dominates Goldberg in the corner, but Goldberg grabs him by the throat on an attempted corner clothesline, with Goldberg looking especially mental sticking his tongue out and yelling at Giant before forcing him into the center of the ring. Goldberg hits Giant with right hands and even takes Giant down to one knee before booting him in the head to take him to the ground. Goldberg finally has the advantage, rushing Giant into a corner and shoulder barging him. Giant tries to punch his way out, but Goldberg dodges and floors him with an amazing spinebuster. The atmosphere becomes electric as Goldberg then picks the Giant up slowly and scoop slams all 500lbs of him! The crowd is now unglued as Goldberg readies for the Spear... but The Giant bails out of the ring. The crowd boos as The Giant walks out on the match, having had enough. Goldberg wins via countout, but the fans have been robbed of seeing the Giant being Jackhammered! Scott Hudson tells us that, as a result of the Giant walking out, there will be a rematch at Boston Brawl with no countout!

As well as Goldberg being in action at Souled Out, Louie Spicolli fought Larry Zbyszko at the PPV too. Spicolli would get the win, after Dusty Rhodes tried to interfere on WCW's behalf, but ended up inadvertenly walloping Larry with a chair before Spicolli chucked him out of the ring and pinned Larry. A week on, and Dusty is now forced to commentate on Spicolli's match on Saturday Night. The American Dream looks embarassed as Spicolli makes his way out, trying to avoid making eye contact, but Louie isn't going to let it lie. He goes over to the announce desk and thanks Dusty for the help, holding his hand out for a high-five, but Dusty tells him to go to hell. Why am I telling you all this in the match description? Well, because when the referee rang the bell, Spicolli was still goading Dusty from the ropes. As Spicolli turned round to start the match, he was met with a SPEAR from Goldberg. Dusty is absolutely ecstatic, and actually leaps out of his seat. All commentator impartiality goes out the window as he wills Goldberg to "pick that dirty rat up off the mat" and plant him with... THE JACKHAMMER! 1! 2! 3! Goldberg continues his streak to 30-0!
Winner - Goldberg via Pinfall @ 0:14

Mean Gene is standing by with "Lionheart" Chris Jericho who is brandishing a massive folder of documents. Okerlund mentions that Jericho came up short in his quest to become Cruiserweight champion at Souled Out, losing to Juventud Guerrera and asks what the folder is all about. Jericho mentions that he did indeed lost to Juvi last weekend but that this wasn't because Juvi was the better man. Chris Jericho is the Lionheart... He doesn't lose to scrubs like Julio Herrera. Instead, Jericho lost because of a conspiracy orchestrated to keep the title on Juventud Guerrera. He opens the folder and shows us some documents including:

1. A clearly forged sick note from what is supposed to be Jericho's doctor (although he does seem to have suspiciously similar handwriting to Jericho) claiming that Jericho was too ill to compete at Souled Out, which Jericho claims WCW ignored.

2. Incredibly blurry security stills of what Jericho claims to be Guerrera injecting steroids. Jericho says that Juvi is a ball of nandrolone and he's surprised that he's even able to walk, he's so gassed up.

3. Eyewitness accounts from ringside of Juventud supposedly pulling Jericho's hair, using the ropes for leverage to get the pin, hitting a lowblow, biting Jericho in the forehead and putting his thumb in his eye. It's all nonsense, Juvi won cleanly but that won't stop Lionheart from making up allegations. In the words of Lionel Hutz, Attourney at Law "Don't worry, Homer. I have a fool proof strategy to get you out of here: surprise witnesses, each more surprising than the last. I tell you, the judge won't know what hit him!"

Jericho has reams more evidence, but he doesn't show us what else he has, only saying that he has passed it on to the WCW Championship Committee who have decided to grant him a rematch at Boston Brawl. Jericho says that he doesn't believe this ends with Juvi and that this is part of a widespread conspiracy which goes right to the top of WCW. Jericho says that forces higher up the company are conspiring to keep him from becoming the main event star champion that he should so obviously be and that he isn't going to let them stop him. Jericho says that Bret Hart has moaned and whined about Montreal since the day he left Stanford, but the real screwjob happened to him at Souled Out, something he calls "The Dayton Screwjob". Jericho says he'll get his revenge and win the title later tonight.

Hector Garza is out first, closely followed by Buff Bagwell who has something to get off of his chest. Buff is still reeling after answering Ric Flair's open challenge to any nWo member at Souled Out, only for the Nature Boy to hand him his ass in just under 4 minutes and make him tap in the Figure Four. Poor Buff grabs the microphone from David Penzer and begins to rant at the fans about how the nWo is number 1 and no two-bit acrobat from Enchiladaville was going to beat him because he's Buff and he's the stuff. Garza realises this isn't ending any time soon and decides to get comfy and sit on top of the turnbuckle, waiting for Buff to finish. He goes on for an age, dissing the fans in Boston, WCW, his opponents later on tonight at Boston Brawl (Ray Traylor and Steve McMichael), Ric Flair, the luchadores, Hector Garza and even the referee. Bad move, because as soon as Buff is finished his tirade, he hands over the microphone to Penzer and the referee calls for the bell. Buff begins to turn round as Garza stands up on the top turnbuckle and launches himself off! FLYING BODY PRESS! Buff's shoulders are down and the ref counts! 1! 2! 3! Garza pulls off an amazing upset and leaps out of the ring, as Bagwell goes ballistic at being embarassed!
Winner - Hector Garza via Pinfall @ 0:05

*Commercial Break*

It's time to have a look at Savage/Luger from Souled Out. After Luger chased Savage around the ring, Savage scarpers inside and hits an eye poke, taking over control, and taking Luger down with a top-rope axehandle. One of the main stories here is Liz's reluctance to interfere against Luger. Kicks and punches from Savage to Luger's midsection, constantly beating him down every time he tries to get up. Savage bounces Luger's head off the turnbuckle and punches away to his head. Luger blocks a haymaker, but Savage regains control with a shoulder block. Savage charges into the corner and gets a boot to the face, allowing Luger to take over. Luger punches away at the head and chest of Savage, causing the Macho Man to roll violently trying to get an opening, but Luger delivers quick elbows to Savage. Savage comes back with a lowblow. The action goes into the crowd, as they brawl amongst the fans. Back in the ring, and Luger starts his series of clotheslines before hitting the big forearm, and Scott Hall comes down with a steel chair. Luger hits the powerslam on Savage as Kevin Nash appears to stop Hall from interfering. Hall climbs onto the apron, but Luger shoves Savage into Hall, before locking Savage in THE TORTURE RACK for the victory. Scott Hudson goes on to hype up the main event for Boston Brawl and the fact that the Mega Powers, Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, will be joining forces to take on the team of Sting and Lex Luger. Dusty says this is a dream match for every fan of tag team wrestling, two tag teams who embody two different generations clashing together here in Boston tonight on Internet Pay-Per-View! Scott takes us through how to view and order Boston Brawl, showing us the website, where to click, how much it is and what you need to order. He also tells us that once you've ordered the event, all you need to do is log on just as Saturday Night finishes.

On the subject of ordering Boston Brawl, I can't possibly imagine how much of a headache trying to watch a WCW live stream on dial-up would be, but it can't be as painful as this next match. I think Vincent has been watching too many Malenko/Benoit tapes, because this match is their attempt at a submission epic. Pinfalls are legal, but both guys are looking for the tapout victory. Vincent genuinely spends about three minutes working over Greg Valentine's shoulders. Greg Valentine locks in the figure-four leglock and Vincent writhes, before he is able to shove him away and cradle him for a nearfall. Vincent actually uses an Indian Death Lock later on! Who has ever actually won a match with an Indian Death Lock past 1959? They brawl outside the ring for a while and Valentine backdrops out of an attempted piledriver. A drunk man three rows from the front has actually fallen asleep. Vincent mercifully ends the match with the only move in wrestling that is a less-credible match-ending submission than the Indian Death Lock, the armbar! Greg Valentine actually taps out to an armbar! Who does that? Really? This lasted nine minutes. NINE MINUTES. We could have had ten Goldberg matches instead of this! An absolute waste of everyone's finite existence.
Winner - Vincent via Submission @ 9:01

*Commercial Break*

We're in the ring with Mean Gene as he introduces Konnan who, after promising an apology on Nitro and Thunder and not delivering, has been given a mandate by WCW backroom staff that he must apologise to Eddie and Vickie Guerrero for what happened last week. Hudson mentions that Konnan is annoyed that everyone is focusing on what happened on Saturday Night, when he went on to defeat Ray Traylor at Souled Out later that night. Eddie and Vickie make their way out, Vickie's clearly still shaken up about the whole ordeal. Mean Gene asks him about what happened last week and K-Dawg says what he said last week, she shouldn't have been out there. Vickie looks upset. Mean Gene says that while that may be the case, Konnan should act the bigger man and apologise anyway. Eddie grabs the mic and says that, despite him being WCW and Konnan being nWo, he still sees him as a great friend who has helped him through a lot of tough times. Eddie says he doesn't want to throw away those good memories for nothing and asks Konnan if he can just accept what happened, apologise to Vickie for the distress caused and then both of them can move on still good friends. Konnan says he feels that he is being targeted for something that wasn't his fault. Eddie replies that he understands and just wants to put the whole thing behind him, before extending his hand. Konnan hesitates to accept the handshake but after a few moments, he finally shakes the hand and the two of them hug. Eddie turns to pull away... But Konnan still has his hand gripped tight! LOWBLOW FROM KONNAN TO EDDIE! Cradle DDT from K-Dawg! The crowd goes mad as Konnan begins to shout and scream at Vickie saying that this is what happens when fans continue to disrespect the nWo and if Vickie, Eddie or anyone else for that matter takes offence to that, they'll have to answer to the nWo. Konnan grabs Eddie's leg... TEQUILA SUNRISE! Mean Gene flees as referees and security try to make their way down, only for Buff, Norton, Vincent and the Outsiders to intercept them on the ramp. Konnan keeps the move locked in as Eddie cries in agony and Vickie begs him to stop. A good minute or so passes until security can finally get to the ring and try and break the hold. Konnan finally relents nearly 2 minutes after initially locking the hold in. Konnan screams that he apologises for no man and that Eddie is not his friend as K-Dawg and the rest of the nWo leave the scene.

As Benoit makes his way down to the ring, Hudson brings up Chris Benoit's involvement in the Television title 3-way dance at Souled Out with Booker T and Rick Martel. The contest was meant to be one-fall, however Booker T would eventually find himself in the Quebec Crab at the hands of Martel. Benoit decided to save the match for himself and locked on a Crossface at the same time. Booker T can't survive being racked by both submission holds at the same time and taps. But who's the champion? The referee calls an audible and decides the match will continue one-on-one, Martel vs. Benoit for the title. We have an exciting five minute passage with both men attempting finishers only to have them reversed. Martel eventually locks in the Quebec Crab again, but Benoit fights out of it, rolls him up and turns it into a Crossface! Martel reaches the ropes and forces a break. Another few moments follow with Benoit going up top for a diving headbutt, but Martel recovers and hits a Superplex! Martel then goes for the Quebec Crab and Benoit has no option but to tap. Martel is the Television champion! Hudson says that there is a lot of consternation in the back about whether the match should have been restarted or deemed a draw and replayed. Dusty believes the referee made the right call, but JJ Dillon doesn't seem to think that is the case. Hudson says that, regardless of what anyone thinks, Martel is the TV champ and will not be stripped of the title. However, Benoit is lobbying for another shot at the gold. It won't be at Boston Brawl though, because Martel will face Mike Rotunda in his first defence later tonight. Instead, Benoit is stuck facing Mortis on the pre-show. We begin with a tie-up, which Benoit wins, sending Mortis into a corner, where he hits him with a series of knife-edge chops. Mortis is able to escape, using an eye-rake and then an Irish whip. However, Benoit is able to reverse it, hitting Mortis with an elbow when he bounces back. Benoit plants him with a snap suplex, before putting the boot into him and landing another snap suplex. Mortis tries desperately to fight back with some wild shots, before eventually getting a waistlock, but Benoit switches behind him... GERMAN SUPLEX! He keeps a hold of Mortis... GERMAN SUPLEX #2! He still holds on... GERMAN SUPLEX #3! Benoit goes for an Irish whip, but Mortis reverses it, looking for a superkick, but Benoit grabs hold of the leg and takes him down with a Dragon legwhip! It's only a matter of seconds before Benoit has the Crippler Crossface locked in, forcing Mortis to tap.
Winner - Chris Benoit via Submission @ 1:25

Dusty and Hudson talk about another big talking point from Souled Out, that is the shocking outcome to the Tag title match between the Outsiders and the Steiners. We see Scott and Rick in the ring, barking when Scott nails Rick from behind! Scott Steiner has turned on his brother Rick and joined the nWo! Scott powerbombs Rick and Hall goes for the pin, but Rick just won't die. He fights back and tries to take on all three of them, but it's no use. Hall eventually takes Rick down with the Outsider's Edge, as Scott mocks his brother. Scott hands the belts to the Outsiders, hugs them and leaves with them. We see reaction from DDP, Booker T and Ric Flair. On Nitro, Mean Gene stops Rick Steiner and asks his feelings about last night. How the hell do you think he's feeling? Geezo, Gene! We soon find out how Rick is feeling as he is in action against Vincent. Rick just beats the shite out of Vincent with a load of stiff shots that will really hurt in the morning. Rick wins with a bulldog from the top rope and pins him with his knee on his chest. He then bites Vincent. In the main event, Luger challenges Scott Steiner, who attacks Luger from behind and gives him a belly-to-back suplex. Scott is boasting a new blonde hairstyle and goatee. Luger is in control, until Scott Hall runs in. Rick Steiner appears and has a face-to-face confrontation with his brother, before Kevin Nash attacks him and the rest of the nWo hold him in place for Scott Steiner. Suddenly, HARLEM HEAT appear at the top of the ramp! Stevie Ray has returned from injury with his brother Booker T and they both go straight for the Outsiders in the ring. More WCW mid-carders (Benoit, Barbarian etc.) come out to even up the fight, but the nWo still hold down the fort UNTIL STING DROPS OUT OF THE CEILING! He turns the tide and fends off the nWo, Scorpion Death Dropping Hall and Stinger Splashing Hogan, who Savage pulls out of the ring. Back at the announcer's desk, Dusty says he can't believe that Scott Steiner would betray his brother like that after all they've been through. Hudson mentions that at Boston Brawl tonight, Rick Steiner and Harlem Heat will take on Scott Steiner and the Outsiders in a six-man tag match before running down the rest of the card:

Boston Brawl
Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage vs. Sting/Lex Luger

Ric Flair vs. Bret Hart

Scott Steiner/Kevin Nash/Scott Hall vs. Rick Steiner/Booker T/Stevie Ray

WCW Television Championship
Rick Martel vs. Mike Rotunda

No Countout Match
Goldberg vs. The Giant

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera

WCW United States Championship
nWo banned from ringside. If any nWo member interferes on Hennig's behalf, he will lose the title
Diamond Dallas Page vs. Curt Hennig

Buff Bagwell/Scott Norton vs. Ray Traylor/Steve McMichael

*Commercial Break*

We return from commercial as La Parka struts for the crowd and treats us to a The Thinker pose. Scott Hudson mentions that this will be the last we will see of La Parka for a while, as he will be taking a leave of absence for the next month or two in order to shoot his upcoming Lucha movie debut "La Parka vs. The Tijuana Vampire", which will see the Skeleton battling head-on with supernatural forces, with his trusty chair in hand. The announcers also mention that Silver King was in action at Souled Out, teaming with Lizmark Jr. and Chavo Guerrero, Jr. against Rey Mysterio, Psychosis and El Dandy. We see some highlights including Lizmark whipping Psicosis into the corner then somehow walking up him and back-flipping off him. There's a load of dives to the outside with Lizmark wiping everyone out with a moonsault to the floor. The match's final moments sees Lizmark, Silver, Rey and Dandy hurl themselves to the floor with Chavo hitting a spinning tornado DDT on Psicosis for the win.

We begin with Villano V hitting Ciclope with a big suplex, before tagging in his brother IV for a double kneedrop on Ciclope. La Parka tries to get involved, but the referee's not having it. Villano IV hits Ciclope with an elbowdrop and poses for the crowd, who aren't very pleased. As this is happening, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Syxx make their way out to the announcers' desk. IV locks in a hammerlock, but Ciclope escapes. Villano V enters and the two brothers hit Ciclope with a double clothesline, much to the chagrin of La Parka who tries in vain to interfere again. However, after a Villano IV belly-to-belly, Ciclope hits an elbow strike off an Irish whip and tags in La Parka. Villano is tagged and catches the fired-up La Parka with a powerslam for a two-count. Nash says that it was nice of the manager in the construction yard to give Ciclope the time off for this match. Scott Hall has a cocktail in his hand. Syxx asks Dusty and Scott if these guys have all their immigration papers in check. La Parka hits an Asai moonsault bodyblock for a two-count. La Parka follows up a spinning headscissors with a clothesline that is countered into a crucifix pin attempt, which only gets a one. Silver King's in and Nash refers to him as Burger King from here on to the end bell. Hall asks where he got the cowboy hat, Nash says he should try the thrift store. Silver King sees a spinning backbreaker countered into a cradle for a two-count. Oddly, La Parka hits a powerslam and only gets a one count. Silver King tags out to Villano V and they hit a double bodyslam on Parka. La Parka hits a spinning leg lariat on V, and tags out to Super Calo. Scott Hall shouts at security to get him another drink. Nash says he saw the Villano family album recently and he couldn't tell who was who because they were all in masks. V spinebusters Calo and tags to IV. Super Calo hits a top rope hurricanrana on Villano IV. Nash tells us about how he invented that move and talks a bit about his high-flying heritage, referring to the Asai Moonsault as the Oz Moonsault and regaling the time Vinnie Vegas taught Mil Mascaras how to suicide dive to the outside. Villano tries to rip Calo's mask off unsuccessfully. Silver King hits a low blow. Ace Crusher from Villano IV. 1! 2! 3!
Winners - Villano IV, Villano V and Silver King via Pinfall @ 11:20

After the match, Nash, Hall and Syxx get bored, enter the ring and attack everyone. Nash jackknifes Ciclope, Silver King and Super Calo. Hall and Syxx take out the Villanos. La Parka stands tall with his chair in hand, but Nash clubs him from behind and takes him out. Hall and Syxx hold La Parka as Nash smashes him in the head with his chair. The nWo leave, happy with the carnage they have brought.​
WorldWide/{Pro}/Main Event Results
31st January/1st February 1998


Chris Jericho fires up the non-wrestling crowd at Universal Studios by calling them fat tourists. He says that while he's out winning titles and getting the ladies, they are all at home sitting on their massive behinds eating nachos and wasting their life away. He berates an old woman in the front row and says she must be at least 100 years old. Malenko cuts the tirade short to a big cheer and we have a match on our hands. It's an exciting cruiserweight contest. Jericho gets a close near-fall with a snap suplex, but Malenko isn't going down that easy. Jericho gets frustrated and kicks the ropes, ONLY FOR MALENKO TO CATCH HIM WITH AN INSIDE CRADLE! 1! 2! THR-NO! Jericho kicks out somehow and this match is still alive. Malenko goes to town on Jericho's right knee, trying to weaken it for the Cloverleaf, but Jericho bails to the outside. On the floor, he comes across the old woman he insulted earlier on and decides she's not had enough, going over for a further dissing. The tongue lashing lasts for a moment or two UNTIL THE GRAN THROWS HER DRINK IN JERICHO'S FACE BLINDING HIM! Malenko comes over and slams Jericho's face into the guardrail, before holding him for the old woman to hit him several times with her handbag! Malenko grabs Jericho by the hair and leads him back into the ring. Jericho hits Malenko with a lowblow in the ring and takes a moment to get his bearings and wipe the drink off his face, using the referee's shirt, before posing like usual. Jericho goes for a clothesline, but it misses and Malenko hits him with a dropkick! A swinging neckbreaker leads into the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Jericho taps straight away, no questions asked.
Winner - Dean Malenko via Submission @ 7:28


The war between the nWo and the luchadores rages on as Konnan takes on the mysterious El Local. In actual fact, El Local is a new gimmick from the WCW back office designed to allow WCW to give tryouts to luchadores not under contract without risking the wrath of their current promotions, much like when a football/soccer team plays prospective players under the name of "A. Trialist". This week, it's Shiima Nobunaga, one of Ultimo Dragon's students who's been given the task of test-driving the gimmick, but you can expect El Local to have rapid changes in weight, height and ethnicity from week-to-week. Konnan and El Local begin by running the ropes, criss crossing, with El Local running under a few leapfrogs and taking Konnan down with a hook kick, getting a 1 count. El Local locks in a headscissors resthold, but Konnan is able to roll into a grapevine submission. El Local is able to reach the ropes and comes back, hitting Local with a side Russian leg sweep. A standing bow-and-arrow is transitioned into a figure four sleeper. El Local manages to rake the eyes and get himself loose from the hold. Local is hiptossed, before Konnan bulldozes him with a lariat. Splash Mountain from Konnan, before K-Dawg locks in THE TEQUILA SUNRISE! Local taps out not long after.
Winner - Konnan via Submission @ 3:11


Kevin Northcutt is a big guy who looks a bit like Diesel and was a regular in the PWI 500. However, it doesn't matter if he was in the PWI 500 or the FTSE 500, because he's taking on Bill freaking Goldberg. Northcutt begins immediately with some weak punching offence, all of which is no-sold. Northcutt soon gets Goldberg into a toe hold, which is then transitioned into a half crab by Northcutt. Goldberg fights out of it and gets slapped by Kevin square in the face. What a stupid move. More punches weaker than a straight edge cocktail, nothing is sold by Goldberg. T-Bone suplex from Goldberg. Northcutt goes for a desperation clothesline that misses. Kevin goes into the corner and Goldberg charges. Northcutt is able to backdrop Goldberg onto the apron and cracks him in the head with a vicious superkick. Goldberg isn't even phased by the kick. From that moment on, the match is over, because while the slap to the face may have upset Goldberg, the kick has just sent him over the edge. The look of fear in Northcutt's eyes is an amazing picture as Goldberg enters the ring again. Northcutt charges desperately. SPEAR! JACKHAMMER! 1! 2! 3! Goldberg goes 32-0.
Winner - Goldberg via Pinfall @ 2:07


Scott Putski, as you may know, is the son of Ivan Putski (also known as the Polish Hammer). Hacksaw Jim Duggan is Hacksaw Jim Duggan. I think you can see how this pans out. The crowd cheer Duggan from bell-to-bell and chant "USA!" non-stop. Putski is from Austin, Texas and is probably likely to know more about Mr. Sheen than he does Lech Walesa, but to this crowd, he could probably commit a terrorist attack and still not have anymore heat than he does here. If World champions were based on overness, Duggan would have a reign longer than Sammartino. Putski begins with some armdrags, but Duggan retaliates with some right hands. USA! USA! Putski sends Duggan to the outside with a lariat and smashes Hacksaw's face into the guard rail, but Duggan no-sells and powers up. USA! USA! The entire match sees Putski hitting Duggan with his best offence, only for Duggan to turn the tide every time. Putski eventually gives the entire nation a scare when he hits THE POLISH HAMMER! The president is setting up a press conference to declare a state of emergency as Putski goes for the Putski Bomb, BUT WAIT! DUGGAN BACKDROPS OUT OF IT! Putski gets back up and walks into an airplane spin! This spin honestly lasts about 45 seconds. I think Putski needs a bag to ventilate into, he looks like he's about to heave. Putski staggers as the patriotic audience laugh at the Texas-born foreigner dazing around, dizzier than a NASA pilot after one of those high-speed pendulum test things. Putski bumps into the referee. INSIDE CRADLE! Putski is too dazed to realise he's grabbed the wrong man. Duggan counts the pin! 1! 2! 3!
Winner - Scott Putski via Pinfall @ 4:21

Erm, wait a minute. Putski is celebrating like he's scored the game-winning touchdown with a second to go in the Super Bowl. No, that's not right. It's meant to be the other way round! Putski hasn't quite realised yet what's going on. He wonders why the bell has not rang and why his music is not playing. He turns round bemused AND WALKS RIGHT INTO A THREE-POINT STANCE CLOTHESLINE FROM DUGGAN! 1! 2! 3! USA! USA! USA! USA!
Winner - Hacksaw Jim Duggan via Pinfall @ 4:49


Morrus begins by drop toe-holding Valentine and faceplanting him down to the mat as the referee calls for the bell. Morrus hits Valentine with several shots as Greg tries to take his robe off, tying him up in the ropes. The referee manages to force a break and give Valentine time to disrobe and get his bearings. Morrus is still in control as Greg tries to rally himself. Valentine takes control when Morrus charges at him on the outside, but Greg sidesteps him and Hugh goes crashing into the ringpost. Back in the ring later on and Valentine is crotched with an atomic drop onto the ropes, which makes Morrus (and the crowd) laugh with glee. The funnies don't last forever though as Morrus goes up for the No Laughing Matter moonsault, only for Valentine to grab the ropes causing Morrus to slip and crotch himself, returning the favour! Valentine locks in the figure-four leg lock on Morrus, but after a moment of danger, Morrus reaches the ropes. Morrus manages to rock Valentine after the break with a kneelift, before hitting him with a few more. Morrus hits a brainbuster and goes for the pin! 1! 2! NO! Valentine with a desperation kick-out! Morrus knows what he needs to do to finish this off, he needs to go up top! NO LAUGHING MATTER MOONSAULT! Morrus gets the pinfall!
Winner - Hugh Morrus via Pinfall @ 4:34


Adams is repenting for his sins after his horrid match with Juventud Guerrera from last week, taking on David "The Punisher" Sierra. Adams, being the gentleman, extends his hand out, looking for a pre-match handshake. Sierra goes in for it, and tries to suckerpunch Adams, but the Brit blocks it and goes to town on Sierra, causing the referee to hastily call for the bell. We have a long extended section of amateur-style mat wrestling, with both men trading holds. Sierra ends up looking like he's about to be crotched in the ringpost, but this is the gentleman he's facing! Adams decides to be sporting and wrap both of Sierra's legs round the ringpost instead, leading into a comedy spot where Sierra howls and staggers in pain. Adams dominates for a few moments until he goes up top for a double-chop only for Sierra to shoulder him in the midsection. Typical heel posing as Sierra chokes Adams, much to the audience's displeasure. The end looms as Sierra goes to the top turnbuckle and gloats for a moment. This gives Adams valuable time to recover and reach the ropes, causing Sierra to slip and crotch himself! Adams goes upstairs and hits a SUPERPLEX! Sierra groggily makes it to his feet... SUPERKICK! Adams gets the pinfall! Much better than last week.
Winner - Chris Adams via Pinfall @ 6:25


THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE 'SHU BUSINESS. Horshu is in the house with his utterly atrocious haircut taking on Larry Santo, who it seems has been freshly thawed from his cryogenic freezing chamber in the basement of the Universal Studios next to Sonny Trout and Black Blood. Horshu dominates the entire match, with L. Santo (HA! See what I did there?) maybe getting a few punches and a dropkick in at the very most. Santo is slammed about, before eating a butterfly suplex. Horshu goes up top and walks along the top rope, before coming off with an impressive elbow drop to the chest of Santo, sealing the victory for himself. After the match, Horshu makes the sign of a horseshoe and celebrates in the ring, before killing Santo with another Butterfly Suplex. It's back to the lab and the eternal winter for you, Mr. Santo.
Winner - Horshu via Pinfall @ 2:21


Swinger starts us off with an armdrag takeover. Hale comes back with a shoulderblock, but Swinger counters with a second takedown. Hale levels Swinger with a clothesline and then proceeds to stomp him down in the corner. Swinger takes control back by kneeing Hale in the face. Leg drop from Swinger gets a one. Swinger is able to slam Hale, and goes up top for a flying elbow drop, but Hale dodges it. Hale knocks Swinger down with a headbutt, before hitting him with a snake eyes and a scoop slam for a one. Hale goes up top himself, but Swinger crotches him, giving him a ride on the ropes for good measure. Swinging neckbreaker gets a two-count as Hale kicks out easily. Hale nearly decapitates Swinger with a lariat, before hitting him with a splash and a sidewalk slam. It's time to finish this as Hale lifts Swinger up for a jumping piledriver that he calls "Hale's Bells". The pun doesn't really work, but the move certainly does. 1-2-3! Victory for Emory Hale!
Winner - Emory Hale via Pinfall @ 3:51


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