WCPW - What Culture's British Promotion


of the Le'beau family
So has anyone else heard of these guys? I've never been one to follow indie promotions, but I was a fan of What Culture before they decided to throw a promotion together. And they're really stepping up their game. They've got a pay per view coming up called Refuse to Lose with JR and Jim Cornette on commentary. The promotion is running stuff like

Kurt Angle vs Cody Rhodes

Jay Lethal defending the ROH title against El Ligero

And they've been building up their own talent with guys like Rampage Brown, Big Damo, and The Local Hero Joe Hendry, Martin Kirby. It's shaping up to be big, partially because their staff got big on YouTube before they even tried to do a show. I've never been excited about an indie show before until now.

Thoughts? How does this compare to other indie promotions you've seen? Do you even give a damn about indie wrestling?
I think the biggest problem, I guess it's a problem? With British promotion is that there's a lot of groups that use the same pool of talent. What Culture also has NGW on their channel and El Ligero, Joe Hendry, Rampage Brown and others are on it. They're also regulars on RPW and PROGRESS. Some go to ICW. That's a lot of territories, all with media exposure.

The WCPW idea is a pretty bold one given all the talent they're bringing in. I do feel it's a losing investment. I don't think what they make is enough to cover all of these talents, but it is a very entertaining project. The What Culture guys have some of the most entertaining wrestling videos on Youtube.
I was actually going to do a thread on this yesterday when I saw Kurt Angle was going to be there. They are pulling up some big names and it's sick. I know they had Jay Lethal before and El Ligero but pulling Kurt Angle for a couple matches is absolutely massive. I never would have imagined, at this point into WCPWs career, would they get someone of kurt Angles status. Amazing.

I've watched a few of WCPW matches, I was quite impressed. They're doing a good job building Joe Hendry for that eventual main title they have. I think they did a good job in bringing the Adam vs Adam thing into the company as it was something people enjoyed on the YouTube, so obviously it translated well.

I'm with KillJoy though and I'm not sure if it's going to work long term. It would be cool if it did because I think the majority of stories, matches and just all round product will be good 95% of the time. They are going very big very early I think so how big or how fast they grow in the next year is very important.

I still watch their YouTube videos more than the show itself (which I know is YouTube as well) but whenever I see a few decent names go up against each other, I will chuck on a match or two.
I wouldn't call it a problem. Most indie promotions have to share talent. But I do question how they're paying for everything. Though considering they've been doing show after show, they must be getting something back. Or at least coming close to breaking even. But big names like Kurt Angle are a huge gamble. Still. I'm pulling for them.
The only thing worse than Dixie Carter having a promotion is a Youtube Channel that's built from fans with no prior experience having a promotion. Seriously, who in the world told these idiots it would be okay to have a wrestling promotion? They still think CM Punk leaving was because he was mad about how Daniel Bryan was treated and not about him not being the top star anymore. They have no clue what to do, and their so called "Authority Figure" proves it with how terrible he was on the mic while announcing that piece of shit championship. Speaking of championships, have you seen that shit?


The damn thing looks like it belongs in the trash, and not to mention it's puny. Imagine the TNA Knockouts Championship, but 30 times smaller. It's that small. How the hell is a grown man going to look when walking down the aisle with a belt no bigger than a damn toy belt?
They don't all collectively share that opinion about Punk. And you're really just blowing over the health issues thing there, so it doesn't make you look any more competent.

Pacciti's half ass work on the mic and the appearance of the belt are good criticisms. But so far the matches have been good, they've got good talent, and at least average booking.

And hey, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But shitting so hard on an indie promotion that's already better than a lot of the stuff out there just seems like running on to a court to tell a kid that's trying to play basketball that he's not allowed to because he watches NBA.
They don't all collectively share that opinion about Punk. And you're really just blowing over the health issues thing there, so it doesn't make you look any more competent.

Pacciti's half ass work on the mic and the appearance of the belt are good criticisms. But so far the matches have been good, they've got good talent, and at least average booking.

And hey, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But shitting so hard on an indie promotion that's already better than a lot of the stuff out there just seems like running on to a court to tell a kid that's trying to play basketball that he's not allowed to because he watches NBA.

How many independent events have you attended? I'm willing to guess very few. I'm also willing to assume that aside from ROH, NJPW, and maybe PWG you don't really follow independent wrestling. I attend at least three independent shows a week. One on Wednesday, one on Friday, and one on Saturday. And if I can, I look for more independent companies on Youtube and Ebay. There's a lot of great talent out there with promotions that book way better than I've seen in WCPW. The talent in WCPW is nice, I'll admit that. But I just don't agree with their booking, and that's going to lead them to being in bad waters.
The stream for their iPPV had major issues tonight which is a shame as I really want them to succeed, but a lot of fans are pretty pissed right now.

They are, fortunately, beginning to move away from the WC presenters and placing more focus on the wrestlers but if their stream quality isn't up to scratch then there's no point attempting to watch it. I hope they resolve these issues.
The only thing worse than Dixie Carter having a promotion is a Youtube Channel that's built from fans with no prior experience having a promotion. Seriously, who in the world told these idiots it would be okay to have a wrestling promotion? They still think CM Punk leaving was because he was mad about how Daniel Bryan was treated and not about him not being the top star anymore. They have no clue what to do, and their so called "Authority Figure" proves it with how terrible he was on the mic while announcing that piece of shit championship.

Every now and then, on this very site, people talk about booking this, that and the other thing the way they like it. Every now and then, you get someone saying "Spend your money, and open your own promotion!" Guess what? The gang at WhatCulture put their money where their mouths were. As for Adam Pacitti? Count me in as a member of the "Pacitti Club". Sure, he is not Jeremy Borash or Howard Finkel. He is EVERY FAN that ever wished to be in that squared circle. That is what the whole beauty of WCPW is: It is by FANS for FANS! Does everyone running a company need to be a businessman/woman like VKM or Dixie? Former wrestlers like Harley Race? School operators like Booker T or Brian Myers (Curt Hawkins)? Coming from a FAN means they love the business. And, that goes a long way.

I also do not agree that having cards over on YouTube is a losing proposition. WCPW is a part of WhatCulture. As long as it does not become too much of a parasite, WCPW will be around. They just cannot keep having technical glitches like this past week. Loaded was also not on yesterday. They have issues to deal with. However, this is going to be a fun promotion. Sit back, and enjoy the ride.

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