Ways WWE Could've/Should've Improved Its Number of Faces On Raw


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think its quite right for me to say that right now WWE are lacking on number of Face main-eventers on Raw. The only 3 are John Cena, CM Punk and Triple H if you are counting him as a full-time superstar. After these 3 you are left with a list of names that are somewhat very irrelevant in terms of challenging for the WWE Championship. I have some ideas for how and what WWE should and could have done to improve on the issue.

Not have Daniel Bryan win SmackDown Money in the Bank

When Daniel Bryan reached up and grabbed the briefcase the IWC went crazy with happiness. Daniel Bryan is of course what WWE likes to call 'An Internet Darling' and so finally Bryan gets the deserved payback from WWE management by becoming Mr MITB. However he has ever since gone on some sort of losing streak, missing out against the likes of Sin Cara and Wade Barrett. For me WWE should have given the MITB win to Barrett who could have done with that sort of push more so than Bryan because a face is always thought about by the fans. They are loved so they are wanted in the main event picture and especially someone of Bryan's ability. I feel Bryan should have lost out at Money in the Bank gone into some feud which brings him onto Raw like Big Show was brought onto Smackdown and gone on from there and then finally got a run in the Raw main event picture.

Ignore John Morrison's backstage antics and finally push the young star

John Morrison who I call a young star isn't all that young anymore. A former Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion has had a rollercoaster of a WWE career and it feels like it hasn't even kicked fully into gear. Sources all over the IWC have stated that Morrison isn't a favorite backstage and that he can kick off a lot of drama. And to add to that recently his long-time girlfriend former diva Melina was released by the company. Now WWE have to look at their suffering numbers of faces on Raw and finally decide to push the Guru of Greatness.

Turn someone face

This is usually always the answer for WWE except it always only works for a face turning heel (R-Truth turned heel back in May and immediately was pushed to the moon, Christian turned heel against Orton and became World Champion). But the only two other guys that turning face has worked for are CM Punk and Sheamus but then again I'm sure they were already getting a ton of support. Now, the question is which superstar/superstars would turn face? My answers have to be well-thought out because the face guys have to be main event material so I'd probably go with The Miz, Christian and have him join Raw or Ziggler but for me none of these should be turned face because they work so well as heels. So its hard for WWE to just suddenly conjure up a turn.

Use their idea of "Part-Time" superstars

Again I don't think this is a great idea because its sort of unfair on guys who have worked their asses at House Shows and training but WWE are so dire on resolutions for the lack of faces. Guys who I would look at having main event 1 or 2 PPV's are Jericho, Taker or Kane who could return for one main event or something against maybe Del Rio. Its really hard to think of.

Lastly, just give up and start doing heel vs heel feuds

I don't like this but I can see how it would work. They could easily have Ziggler vs Del Rio with fans deciding which one is tweener so to speak.

Overall I can tell right now WWE just want to use faces as their champion with heel challengers because there are far more interesting and entertaining heels than faces.
First of all, you have to remember that Raw is now in Supershow format, which means there really are no top faces of either brand. Of course John Cena and Randy Orton are the TOP faces of their respective brands, but everyone else pretty much comes and goes as creative sees fit. Meaning the whole roster of faces is open for consideration... When Randy Orton is wrestling a match EVERY monday, you have to also consider him a top face on Raw as well. Sheamus too!

On that note, there's about as many faces as there are heels (if not more) on top of roster right now. I love that Cody Rhodes is bringing meaning to the Intercontinental title by feuding with a "main event" talent like Randy Orton. I love that a lot of mid-card guys are actually getting used. The WWE doesn't really have a choice right now. There's only so much time and a LOT of talent that needs to get over. They're doing what they can. You're seeing a lot more of mid-card guys than you are TOP faces and that's a great thing. People complain about how Cena, Orton, Triple H are taking up too much time, but they actually take up less time than most of the mid-card roster on each episode of Raw. Not a big deal...

Point is, you can only have so many TOP spots on a brand.
These are the list of faces on Raw:

Alex Riley
CM Punk
Air Boom
John Cena
John Morrison
Mason Ryan
Triple H
Zack Ryder
(Mysterio and Santino are injured)

While I understand Raw is doing Supershows so Smackdown faces are often used, I don't think a turn is necessary. CM Punk & John Cena are the main eventers, and I'm sure after Cena loses at Vengence, CM Punk will win at Survivor Series and hold the title for a few months (meaning more emphasis will be on building heels). HHH I would consider a part-timer, mainly because putting the title on him does little-to-nothing for the company.

As far as the second-tier of faces go, I agree John Morrison should be given a few more wins, even if its over JTG, but I'm pretty sure what's holding him back is his contract situation - does anyone know if its been resolved yet?

The wild card in this whole situation is Alex Riley. He has a great look, has some in-ring ability and although he's not the best at cutting a verbal promo, he's getting better IMO. I don't think he's fully lost the momentum from his feud with The Miz from earlier in the year, and after a couple months, he could be a legitimate face. Its unfortunate that Mason Ryan is getting pushed down our throats while someone that's closer to being established (Riley) is M.I.A.
Umm...I would like to suggest having them stop getting their ass handed to them by a heel for most of the match. And....stop acting like heroes or whatever and act like..idk batman or someone more realistic.
"Push Morrison"....they've tried, he never gets more than midcard over. Maybe force him to expand on things other than what he's good at (flipping).

The number of faces on Raw isn't that bad. Mysterio will be coming back. Mason Ryan will be, at worst, a solid midcard powerhouse. Riley has a TON of potential. Santino is over enough you can put him with anyone in a midcard feud.

Your Daniel Bryan idea doesn't even make sense. Him winning or not doesn't really change the number, it's a supershow, he could wrestle on there if they wanted him to, he's just not over enough (I'm the biggest DB fan on here).

You could turn someone face and I'm guessing it's going to be Ziggles. They teased it for a bit and have continued building animosity between Swag and Ziggler on and off.

"Part time" superstars have always been around. In fact, Taker has pretty much been part time since I can remember. even in like 1995 it was a big deal for him to be on a show.

heel vs heel doesn't really do it.

All in all I just don't think there's a real problem. It's not about numbers, if you have 15 heels and 15 faces on your roster that doesn't make it a better roster if you have 5 heels and faces that are each super over then a bunch of other guys thrown in there for the midcard that you can mix and match. It's about weight. Cena, HHH, Punk, Air Boom, etc all carry a lot of weight because they are very over. I can't think of a single heel except maybe Miz and Truth that are on the same level of overness as Cena, HHH, and Punk.

What the fuck did the guy above me really just say "stop getting your ass handed to you most of the match"? Do you not understand wrestling? Did you start watching yesterday? That's how it works. Babyface shine, heel cut off, hope spot, cut off, hope spot, cut off, comeback, finishing stretch, finish. Been that way for 100 years because it works. No one gives a shit about the babyface who isn't facing adversity.
They have plenty of faces on raw they just arent using any of them... can someone please tell someone to PUSH ALEX RILEY!!!! i think dolph should stay heel for another year or so, he is really picking up steam when he gets to a certain point then turn him face
They have plenty of faces on raw they just arent using any of them... can someone please tell someone to PUSH ALEX RILEY!!!! i think dolph should stay heel for another year or so, he is really picking up steam when he gets to a certain point then turn him face
I'm thinking Riley is battling a leg injury.

If you think about it, you have HHH, Punk, and Cena who are pretty damn over. Air Boom and Morrison are pretty established. Then you have a mix of Ryder, Ryan, Riley, and Santino to fill out the show. That's pretty healthy.

On the Heel side it's ADR, Miz, and Truth at the top, then Ziggler and Swagger, after that who is it? McIntyre and Otunga?
I think they should pull the trigger on something that Vince has been expecting to do for some time now..

Turn Miz face

That's right, Miz is already very over and let's face it, he's a very likable character. So turning him face and giving him a feud with R-Truth before giving him a WWE title feud again is the way to go the way I see it.

They've got nothing to lose of they turned Miz into a babyface. Not only would it add a big babyface to the roster but I think it would be the most interesting turn in quite sometime. And I'm not talking about a turn like Punk where he slowly becomes a tweener and then a full babyface, I'm talking about a huge, full babyface turn without the "tweener" part getting in the way.

John Morrison is a guy they've tried to push to the moon countless times but it seems like Vince just doesn't see anything in him and to be honest, neither do I. 2009 was the last time I was ever interested in John Morrison.
I think they should pull the trigger on something that Vince has been expecting to do for some time now..

Turn Miz face

That's right, Miz is already very over and let's face it, he's a very likable character. So turning him face and giving him a feud with R-Truth before giving him a WWE title feud again is the way to go the way I see it.

They've got nothing to lose of they turned Miz into a babyface. Not only would it add a big babyface to the roster but I think it would be the most interesting turn in quite sometime. And I'm not talking about a turn like Punk where he slowly becomes a tweener and then a full babyface, I'm talking about a huge, full babyface turn without the "tweener" part getting in the way.

John Morrison is a guy they've tried to push to the moon countless times but it seems like Vince just doesn't see anything in him and to be honest, neither do I. 2009 was the last time I was ever interested in John Morrison.
There wouldn't be enough top heels if you turned Miz. Punk and Cena are already super over. HHH is just as over as they are. Miz would likely be at least close to them just because he's really good at getting over. So you'd be left with basically Truth and ADR as main event heels. Unless you elevated Ziggler, but it looks like they're turning him face with the tension with Swags and the stuff when vickie first started looking at Swagger.

I agree that Miz will eventually be a face, but not for a while. You'd have to turn someone else heel.
From what I've read, Morrison has said he is not re-signing w/ WWE.

There are a lack of faces, so what they would need to do to fix that problem is this...

1. When Chris Jericho returns, have him reinvent himself once again as a major fan favorite. Jericho is great at getting over as a face or heel. Have him come back as the Ayatollah of Rock & Rollah. Have him say he found over the course of his tour with Fozzy, he realized how much he missed the fans and give him free reign much like CM Punk to go out there unscripted. He could very easily win them over with his joke-cracking, fun-loving personality.

2. Have a couple top heels turn face. They did it with Mason Ryan, but he's nowhere near a main eventer yet. I really hate to see them do it with Dolph Ziggler or The Miz, but they might have to. I just think it would be hard to believe as they're such great heels. But the best wrestlers are the ones who are equally great as a face or heel. An easier top level wrestler to turn face would be Christian. All it would take is for him to come out and apologize for being such a whiner the past 6 months, have him make ammends with Edge, maybe even have him team with Orton in some matches, and he'd be over as a face with the crowd. He'd have the "peeps" back in his corner in no time.
Honestly I think the person who made this thread is confused. You're saying WWE should have MORE babyfaces? Are you kidding? Babyfaces are supposed to be a commodity in wrestling; you're supposed to have more good guys than bad guys, that way when the good guys win, it looks more impressive and when the bad guys win, you can chalk it up to numbers. It's as simple as that.

Honestly, at this point, I think the best "turn" the WWE can do for Monday Night Raw is to turn John Morrison heel. He's getting some great pops but he still isn't over enough to be a top main eventer, and he was always a better talker as a heel. Turn Morrison heel and as soon as Dolph Ziggler loses his US Title to a babyface, line Morrison up after Ziggler's rematch clause as the first obstacle for the fresh babyface champion to overcome.
Honestly I think the person who made this thread is confused. You're saying WWE should have MORE babyfaces? Are you kidding? Babyfaces are supposed to be a commodity in wrestling; you're supposed to have more good guys than bad guys, that way when the good guys win, it looks more impressive and when the bad guys win, you can chalk it up to numbers. It's as simple as that.

Honestly, at this point, I think the best "turn" the WWE can do for Monday Night Raw is to turn John Morrison heel. He's getting some great pops but he still isn't over enough to be a top main eventer, and he was always a better talker as a heel. Turn Morrison heel and as soon as Dolph Ziggler loses his US Title to a babyface, line Morrison up after Ziggler's rematch clause as the first obstacle for the fresh babyface champion to overcome.
Morrison is a friggin paradox though. He isn't smart enough in the ring to wrestle a heel style. He just does a bunch of flips and shit. Heels need to be really smart about how they do stuff.

However, he LOOKS like a heel. Pro wrestling fans are blue collar people. They hate the pretty boy wannabe rockstars.

So he's a contradiction to a lot of them I think. You can't change his look, because he really does seem to lack confidence so he hides behind all this bling and glamour.

With Morrison, he's been a "half" for so long (meaning he's only good at half of being a pro wrestler, good look, but bad talker, good athleticism, but bad at putting a coherant match together). You almost need to put him in a team. I think him and Dibiase would be cool because they're both seen as the Marty Janetty of their teams. However, they both pretty much excel and lack in the same departments, which is bad.

Morrison confuses me. He seems willing to work on and add a million new flips but he is still basically just as good at carrying a character and talking as he has ever been. Working hard means working what you're not good at.
Morrison is good, but he won't turn heel or anything since he's about to go bye bye anyway. I think Joe is going to replace him since he's singing with WWE soon. Joe could be a good badass face they need.

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