Ways WWE Can Improve Live Shows For Fans

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Occasional Pre-Show
These are a few ways I believe WWE can help improve the experience of a live arena show. Feel free to add to my list.

1 Sound Quality. I don't know if WWE is to blame or the hosting venue but how many of you have went to a raw and have no idea what is going on since the sound quality is so horrible. It sucks when you can't hear the promo and it sorta takes you out of the show. This isn't a problem for all venues though but WWE should demand a certain level of audio quality.

2 Handicap Control. I have no problems with handicaps attending live events but their should be a limit of how many handicaps can attend and they should have their own section. I don't want handicaps taking up ring side areas just because they can't fit anywhere else. It also sorta sucks when you run up to ring side to get a high five but a handicap is blocking your way.

3 Perks For Long Time Fans Such As Myself. WWE should have a fan club that rewards good fans like myself. You could send in information from cable bills that show you bought a ppv. If you bought every ppv that year maybe you can get 25 percent off or something. It doesn't have to be exactly like that but something along those lines.
This is a horrible thread...esp. the handicap part.
1. You are in a huge building, what do you expect? Go to a basketball game, any difference?
2. These people have been dealt a rough hand, and because you don't get a high five you want to complain and bitch about them. How sad. If I ever see you, I won't give you a high five, but I will give you one ..l..
Human Diginty + Compassion = Peace
3. Are you gonna save your bills from everything WWE you buy to save $20 off a ticket? Seems like a lot of work. What if people get together and split the bill, how do you split the savings?
This is just for the main shows and and not house shows.
1. More dark matches. It seems like their are alot of wrestlers that dont wrestle and could easily be fit in for and it gives an extra hour of wrestling.

2.less shitty wrestlers in dark matches. I understand a ezekial jackson on tv, but to pump up a crowd, you could easily slip in a tyson kid vs hunico, or some other exciting face paced matchup.

3.For the best sign segment, don't choose the signs with absolutely no thought or creativity. I want to see sparklys.

4.have longer dark match main events. Don't just have kane vs cena and have it end by dq in 5 mins. Have a nice longer 20-25 minute match atleast.
This is a horrible thread. And will probably be shut down. Your ideas are terrible, especially the handicap one. I suppose you also complain that handicappers took all the parking spaces that are closer to the doors, right?

But I'll bite. My one and only complaint that I have, is because of Raw last Monday in OKC. Now, I don't know if this is a regular occurrence, since it has been quite a while since I went to a live Raw / Smackdown event but it wasn't a very good experience for me. They had way too many commercials and video promos for the live crowd. I swear I sat there for almost 40 minutes with no in ring action whatsoever, after 20 minutes went by of WWE commercials, I finally texted a friend that was in the other part of the arena and said, "holy crap, this is getting ******ed." And yeah, he got pretty tired of the commercials as well. John Cena wasn't even on the show, he was the dark match against Kane. Let's see. If they shut those damn commercials and promos off, the Cena vs Kane match could have made it onto TV. Yeah, it was annoying. My nephew enjoyed the show, so that's all that matters to me, but seriously, enough with the commercials. :(

I can't tell you how annoyed I am at commercials. It's one thing having so many on TV, but c'mon. The commercials have now gone to theaters, now my live wrestling event and I just recently watched a DVD that someone rented and guess what was on it. No, not movie previews, a damn commercial. If I wanted to watch commercials, I'd just watch regular TV. :(
wow you again... before this thread gets shut down let me just say you had a potentially decent thread then you ruined it by being the same total fucking loser that you were the last time you went on about how your life was ruined because a disabled person took your seat... grow up man
2 Handicap Control. I have no problems with handicaps attending live events but their should be a limit of how many handicaps can attend and they should have their own section. I don't want handicaps taking up ring side areas just because they can't fit anywhere else. It also sorta sucks when you run up to ring side to get a high five but a handicap is blocking your way.

This is the only part that I'm going to reply to since I don't have alot of chances to see WWE live in my area.

Do you actually read what you type before hitting the submit button? This has got to be the most ignorant thing I've ever seen on these forums. These people struggle everyday of their lives just to be treated as equals and then someone like you wants to put them in their own section? If they have the money to pay for ringside seats, who are you to say they can't have them? The WWE would have a PR nightmare on their hands if they actually even considered doing what you suggest here. Especially the part where you want to limit the number of handicapped people attending the show. Are you going to be the asshole that tells the 26th handicapped person with money in his hand that he can't buy a ticket? "Sorry kid, there's already 25 of 'you people' in the building, that's all we allow."

Come to think of it, I think I remember another thread about this issue. I wonder if it was you that started that one. If it was, you got flamed then, and you're gonna get flamed again. Prepare yourself for that.
Disgraceful comments about people with disabilities, you clearly show little knowledge of the issues. People shouldn't be "running for high fives", it actually is annoying for most of the crowd and can often mean you don't see things.

People with disabilities ARE limited to the number of seats available, as someone who has worked in ticketing, I can tell you it's soul destroying when you have to tell someone their kid can't go cos all the accessible seating is gone already.

You do not have a divine right to ringside or a high five or to even attend a show. Like everyone else you take the seats you can get and be grateful that you don't have to worry about where you sit cos of your crutches or wheelchair etc.

Maybe next time instead of bitching, you could give up your seat if its better for someone who is struggling. Would certainly get you more respect than the tripe you posted here.

As to the question... here in the UK I feel that the live experience would be improved by ensuring top talent is always there. The last show I attended featured Percy Watson beating Primo... not something I wanted to see. Yet Undertaker was not there...
This is the only part that I'm going to reply to since I don't have alot of chances to see WWE live in my area.

Do you actually read what you type before hitting the submit button? This has got to be the most ignorant thing I've ever seen on these forums. These people struggle everyday of their lives just to be treated as equals and then someone like you wants to put them in their own section? If they have the money to pay for ringside seats, who are you to say they can't have them? The WWE would have a PR nightmare on their hands if they actually even considered doing what you suggest here. Especially the part where you want to limit the number of handicapped people attending the show. Are you going to be the asshole that tells the 26th handicapped person with money in his hand that he can't buy a ticket? "Sorry kid, there's already 25 of 'you people' in the building, that's all we allow."

Come to think of it, I think I remember another thread about this issue. I wonder if it was you that started that one. If it was, you got flamed then, and you're gonna get flamed again. Prepare yourself for that.

I'm just saying accessible seating shouldn't be anywhere near ringside. There should be around 3 or 4 rows right at the entrance ramp that way they won't get in anybody's way and we wouldn't have to wait behind them to leave after the show is over. That would be best for everybody.
"Handicap control" You act like they are animals in a zoo. I can not believe you have the mind span to get on the internet

How can you bash the people that can't help the issue they have, then have the balls to say "Perks for long term fans like myself"

Terrible tread by a terrible person
Normally I just ignore threads that are stupid/offensive so as to not perpetuate the cycle, but this one I couldn't let pass.....

I mean, good God....... Do you realize what you're typing? I'm sure all the "Handicaps" are very sorry their struggles, which in most cases are life-long, are inconveniencing you and preventing you from getting a high five or leaving the arena in 20 seconds. I mean, why would they choose that lifestyle, right? Oh, wait......

At first I thought you must be like 13 years old, but then you had the part about being a long time fan. I shudder to think an adult thinks this way. Or would run to the front row to get a high five. Have you considered how that inconveniences people? People who paid to sit that close, and they have to deal with someone like you sprinting to the ring to be able to touch Kofi Kingston. Yikes.

Just to say something on topic, I'll second the motion about fewer commercials, I guess.

I doubt this thread will be up long, but I suggest you reconsider how you look at the world and other people.
I'm just saying accessible seating shouldn't be anywhere near ringside. There should be around 3 or 4 rows right at the entrance ramp that way they won't get in anybody's way and we wouldn't have to wait behind them to leave after the show is over. That would be best for everybody.

Get in anybody's way? Are you freakin' serious? And they shouldn't have a chance for a high-five? To you and me a high-five from a WWE superstar is "cool". To some of them it could be the greatest feeling in the world. If you want that high-five so bad, get up earlier on ticket sale day, maybe camp-out in front of the arena and get yourself some front row seats. Those are the people that truly deserve the high-fives, not the guy sitting 8 rows back.
Get in anybody's way? Are you freakin' serious? And they shouldn't have a chance for a high-five? To you and me a high-five from a WWE superstar is "cool". To some of them it could be the greatest feeling in the world. If you want that high-five so bad, get up earlier on ticket sale day, maybe camp-out in front of the arena and get yourself some front row seats. Those are the people that truly deserve the high-fives, not the guy sitting 8 rows back.

I've done just that genius but just because you're first in line doesn't mean you get first row. If I pay the same amount for the 7th row then I deserve the same benefits the guy in the 1st row because we both paid the same amount of money. Trust me...I always look out for Mr number 1 because nobody else is going to look our for me. When I run down to ring side I'm always around the 7th or 8th row and I paid for that benefit. Some of you are making it seem like I run down from the rafters which isn't true and I never said I did that. I have no problem with handicaps attending events as long as their out of the way and don't take away my benefits that I paid extra money for.
This is the most ridiculous thread ever, and as I write this I am watching Raw....I look up just as R-Truth throws his shirt into the crowd and I can't help but wonder how many handicapped persons or little kids you would have run over to get that shirt! How about you just sit at home and watch on TV......that way no handicap person will get in your way and you can turn the audio up as loud as you want. Make a stop at Wal-Mart to get a stupid Zach Ryder shirt and you're all set!

Now, I have been to several hundred shows from various organizations, from PPV's to house shows and I have to say the best overall experience for a fan has to be a TNA event!

1. TNA lets anybody sitting in the first 6 rows in thirty minutes early for a meet & greet with their stars.
2. They always offer a "Brown Bag Special" which is a brown TNA backpack with a t-shirt, 4 8X10 pictures for autographs. and 4 DvD's..........all for $20!
3. They sell passes for $20 that allow you to go backstage during the intermission to get another meet & greet with the stars....and they talk and pose for pictures.
4. After the main event, they offer for $20 for you to go in the ring (with every person in your party) and get a picture with one of the stars.....last time I attended in was Jeff Hardy.
5. Most of the TNA wrestlers come out for autographs & pictures after the show!
6. Nobody in TNA leaves until every fan has got a picture or an autograph!

If WWE ran house shows like this, they would sell out every show!
If you're able to buy your own tickets, and drive yourself to the event, you're probably a little too old to run people over for a "high five."

Do you still order happy meals or play in the ball pit at chuck e cheese?
This is the most ridiculous thread ever, and as I write this I am watching Raw....I look up just as R-Truth throws his shirt into the crowd and I can't help but wonder how many handicapped persons or little kids you would have run over to get that shirt! How about you just sit at home and watch on TV......that way no handicap person will get in your way and you can turn the audio up as loud as you want. Make a stop at Wal-Mart to get a stupid Zach Ryder shirt and you're all set!

Now, I have been to several hundred shows from various organizations, from PPV's to house shows and I have to say the best overall experience for a fan has to be a TNA event!

1. TNA lets anybody sitting in the first 6 rows in thirty minutes early for a meet & greet with their stars.
2. They always offer a "Brown Bag Special" which is a brown TNA backpack with a t-shirt, 4 8X10 pictures for autographs. and 4 DvD's..........all for $20!
3. They sell passes for $20 that allow you to go backstage during the intermission to get another meet & greet with the stars....and they talk and pose for pictures.
4. After the main event, they offer for $20 for you to go in the ring (with every person in your party) and get a picture with one of the stars.....last time I attended in was Jeff Hardy.
5. Most of the TNA wrestlers come out for autographs & pictures after the show!
6. Nobody in TNA leaves until every fan has got a picture or an autograph!

If WWE ran house shows like this, they would sell out every show!
I went to one TNA house show and it was crap in my opinion. Everybody rants and raves about the autographs but the whole time you're in line some security guy is yelling at you to hurry up. The only people that I met were Mick Foley and RVD. I didn't even get to have a little conversation with Foley, I gave him my program and I was able to tell him that while I enjoyed some of his work I felt he was a little overrated while the whole time some fat bald guy was yelling at me to hurry up. I said screw it when I met RVD since he's the only person I respect in TNA and took my sweet time. Overall it was the worst live show I've been to and that includes some indy shows.
Did I read this right he wants people who are handicapped to have there own section good lord man do you think your going to wind up in a wheelchair if your sitting right by a person in a wheelchair, I have a vision problem so what do you not want me to see the matches if we were in the same place, TheStud77 Your just a straight up punk and a bully why would you not want someone who is physical challenged to high five there favorite wrestler just so you can sit front row I truly hope they close this page and kick your ass off of here god your a bastard.
Hey there "Stud" when you die and are burning in hell, I am going to get some handicap people and collectively we will piss on your grave. Have a shitty life
I went to one TNA house show and it was crap in my opinion. Everybody rants and raves about the autographs but the whole time you're in line some security guy is yelling at you to hurry up. The only people that I met were Mick Foley and RVD. I didn't even get to have a little conversation with Foley, I gave him my program and I was able to tell him that while I enjoyed some of his work I felt he was a little overrated while the whole time some fat bald guy was yelling at me to hurry up. I said screw it when I met RVD since he's the only person I respect in TNA and took my sweet time. Overall it was the worst live show I've been to and that includes some indy shows.

wow so not only are you whining like a little bitch about not getting to run up to a wrestler, when you do finally get your big boy pants on and make it to meet one you actually have the nerve to disrespect them to their face... great guy you are... Are you sure rvd is the only guy in tna you respect or the one who gets your panties the wettest? This whole discussion is just sickening, it's hard to believe someone can think that way
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