Ways to hate The Shake

I want to give you people things to use agaisnt me. Cause to be honest the flames tossed at me are lame.

Maybe make jokes about how I dropped out of high school.

Make Pot-Head jokes.

Maybe make some kind of jokes of how my mom left when I was two.

Make fun of my taste of music(Ke$ha,Taylor Swift,etc)

Call me a hick for liking Nascar.

Call me a video game nerd

Say how I got no life I'm am online about 15 hours a day.

Let me see what else.

My hair is messy.

I need to really shave.

more to come.
Your name has a symbol in it. Ha, what a loser.

And I have more posts than you, wrap your mind around that.
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I hear it's not that hard to get a GED nowadays. (Get it? Cause you didn't finish high school. hahahahahaha)

Really though, you suck.
Too bad your mom won't come back any time soon.


Alright. Here's something: You go on here 15 hours a day, according to you, and I have more posts than you, and I have been banned twice, and you've been here longer.
Umm, you have a TNA avatar.
You listen to awful music.
You suck donkey ass for money.
You look like my genitals, only much less attractive.
Does that satisfy you, you choad?
You seem to be a fucking tool for wanting people to bash you, are you that fucking lonely to need to reach out on a wrestling website posting your shitty life wanting them to hate you just so you can get a little attention? Honestly wtf?
You're a ******, and the fact that you have the Racist Leafy in your thread is characteristic of just how much you fail. Go get fucked in your rotting asshole by a methhead. I hear they don't know their own drugged out strength. Maybe you'll be fucked so hard your brain gets impaled on his AIDS dick. That'd actually make you smarter. Fucking asshole.

And, to close:


--One of they many, many people who are smarter than you; Razor

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