Ways to avoid accepting a job


Gentleman of the Old School
So for those who don't follow the Gelgarin saga - I spent most of the last year working in Russia as an EFL teacher. It was pretty mediocre, but I did meet a rather nice young lady who would qualify as comfortably out of my league anywhere with a warmer climate.

Anyway, since moving 2000 miles for the sake of a woman is exactly the kind of moronic decision that I love making, I'm working on heading back to Siberia for a second run. The old language school is off the table after I called my boss a hateful bigot, so I'm shopping myself around other places in the region.

It's not hard, I'm pretty well qualified and phrases like 'published novelist' and 'CELTA B' carry a fuckton of weight in the EFL community. Essentially I'm guaranteed as interview at any school on the continent that I apply to, and my odds of getting any particular job are favorable.

Anyway, did a couple of interviews this week. One for a really nice language school, one for a considerably more shitty language school. The shitty one got back to me straight away offering me the job - whilst the nice one is having to partition their head office in Moscow to let them take me one.

Problem is, this will take them a little while to do, and the considerably more shitty language school is already throwing contract offers in my direction. This brings us to the crux of the matter...

When someone is offering you a job, what are some good techniques to stall them that aren't transparently obvious and don't make you look like a fuckin' buffoon?

I've already done a fictional camping trip, and am now taking a really deep interest in apartment rental in Yekaterinburg asking lots of relevant questions. The time different gives me licence to spent 24 hours composing each and every email I send. Still I'm running out of material and probably need to kill the best part of another week.

Any ideas? Or cynical but entertaining one liners, those are good too.
What's CELTA B if you don;t mind me asking? Google brings up Celta de Vigo B.
So you are in the conundrum of not wanting to refuse the job, but not wanting to refuse the job in the event the good job says no.

Can you just tell them that you need to think about it, and will get back to them in a few days with an answer? I mean it's not like it's a local job or anything, it's the exact opposite.
E-mail account being deactivated?

Sick parent that you need to tend to?

Injury/disability that you insist they pay for?

"I'm sorry but my girlfriend has been playing a joke on me and using my e-mailt o talk to you. I am already employed."

I don't flippin know.
Is it really necessary to respond to a job offer right away?

I feel like a forthright "I'd like a few days to consider" is the best course of action.
Don't bullshit a potential employer. It's transparent, and it's generally not a good way to start a career either. You're possibly moving across the world to take a job, so if you can't honestly say "I've applied to several places and I'm looking to make the best decision for my future, and where I fit in" then the job isn't worth taking. Any reasonable adult should understand that.
Any way that you can just accept the job and when/if the other job makes an offer, just quit the shitty one and take the good one?
I'm with those telling you to go the honest route. Is the pending offer so urgent that they can't wait a week? If they're "throwing contracts" at you then they probably want you enough to wait. Lies lead to more lies; don't weave that web. If that's isn't an option, then go with Coco.
"Barbera Walters, Oprah, your wife - you gotta fuck one, marry one, kill one!"

"Hello, Mizz Lady... I think I can help with the Pam/Pan-situation"

Interview as a team.

"I thought it was gonna be silent!"


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