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Way Too Many Heels!


Occasional Pre-Show
Hey all,

So we've all known this for awhile. Smackdown is overloaded with heels at the moment, but after last night, I had to scratch my head and ask what the hell is going on?

The show has been dominated by the likes of Alberto Del Rio, Kane and Dolph Ziggler for the last four or five months. The only main event/upper mid card level faces on the show right now are Big Show, Mysterio, Edge and maybe Kofi. Even the Fatal Four Way match from last week was a 3 to 1 heel to face ratio.

Now we have Barret, Gabriel, and Slater coming over AND they turned Ezekiel Jackson heel. This is getting out of control, which leads me to my questions:

What do you think of the current heel/face situation on Smackdown?

Is there anyone that should turn face to help balance this out?

Is there anyone who can be drafted from Raw to help out?

It's fairly obvious that McIntyre might be the first in line for a face turn with him chasing Kelly Kelly. I can also see Ziggler turning if he splits with Vicky, and of course, Undertaker and Christian are coming back down the road,(assuming Christian doesn't face Edge at Wrestlemania and turn heel like I'm suspecting...) While I was typing, I was also thinking that maybe someone like Bourne can come over to the blue brand if the bookers decide to forget about CM Punk's attack since Punk's fully part of the Nexus angle now...

But what do you think?
Christian I hear is going to turn heel for WM. But yeah there aren't enough faces. Or at least main event faces and sadly I see none being developed other than Morrison.
I agree that SD! needs more faces. Just look at the first match of this week: they have 2 faces but on is from RaW (Truth). One guy I believe it could rise fast as a face would be Ryder. All that is needed for this angle is for Edge to need a partner at the last second and call Ryder for the job. In the interactions that they had when Edge was on Raw the crowd always responded good. But of course just one isn't enough, i believe some turns are in order.
If Christian comes back heel, WWE messes up badly. Let's just settle that.
They should get Santino and Kozlov over there. Just so we have more faces.
And, Randy Orton. If they can Draft HHH over there at the peak of his career, so can Orton. They have drafted MAJORLY before, so why not again?
Trent barreta will be on a fast rize for this reason. They dont have enough faces. If christian goes heel WWE will only add to the problem. So they release MVP and Matt hardy. Wheter you love or hate them they were, along with christian, the cornerstones of the mid card. You take out 3 faces out of a heel loaded roster and your screwed. Kofi, Barreta, and masters all have to be in a fued with 2 heels in order to make up for the lack of faces.

They shouldnt have turned big zeke heel. They shouldve used a heel instead of taking a face and making them heel. big zeke couldve fueded with McIntyre because of KOTH. But no, like the government, they just keep adding to the deficet instead of fixing the problem. instead of adding big zeke, who might i point out was at some of the nexus beatdowns, why not put in Cody rhodes, or Del Rio hell even curt hawkins wouldve been better.
I was also thinking about this why couldnt they just bring Zeke in as a face and have Swagger be with Nexus considering he is going to need something to do. Even Curt Hawkins would of worked just cause I can see Slater and Hawkins teaming up when the blue nexus disbands.
Hey all,

So we've all known this for awhile. Smackdown is overloaded with heels at the moment, but after last night, I had to scratch my head and ask what the hell is going on?

The show has been dominated by the likes of Alberto Del Rio, Kane and Dolph Ziggler for the last four or five months. The only main event/upper mid card level faces on the show right now are Big Show, Mysterio, Edge and maybe Kofi. Even the Fatal Four Way match from last week was a 3 to 1 heel to face ratio.

Now we have Barret, Gabriel, and Slater coming over AND they turned Ezekiel Jackson heel. This is getting out of control, which leads me to my questions:

What do you think of the current heel/face situation on Smackdown?

Is there anyone that should turn face to help balance this out?

Is there anyone who can be drafted from Raw to help out?

It's fairly obvious that McIntyre might be the first in line for a face turn with him chasing Kelly Kelly. I can also see Ziggler turning if he splits with Vicky, and of course, Undertaker and Christian are coming back down the road,(assuming Christian doesn't face Edge at Wrestlemania and turn heel like I'm suspecting...) While I was typing, I was also thinking that maybe someone like Bourne can come over to the blue brand if the bookers decide to forget about CM Punk's attack since Punk's fully part of the Nexus angle now...

But what do you think?

One guy who I think could be turned is Kane, not to a face,but to a psychotic tweener role (similar to Orton, but with all the classic Monster Kane qualities) basically have Kane go on a rampage against injustice and have him take out cowardly heels for their "crimes" or something...

I think Ziggler losing Vickie and turning face is another possibility. We saw hints of this a few weeks ago when Cena faced off against Ziggler. Vicki could
start putting Ziggler into matches that he can't win and such basically putting him on a losing streak, then bam he turns on her and instant face.

Dark Horse: Dashing Cody Rhodes...turn him face by having him stop being a narcissist and instead give grooming tips and such to the Divas. Have him be a gay-best friend almost (but without overtly calling him gay) and maybe give him a diva on screen girlfriend. He then uses his grooming tips to get over as a face by giving them to fans/superstars in a non-narcissistic way.

example: face diva on a losing streak: gets a make up tip from Cody, she wins thanks him and joins him as an instant face
You know, I didn't really notice the situation before you mentioned it, but shit..

The heel/face ratio is definitely a concern over in blue country.

So, who've we got; Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero, Kane, Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Wade Barrett and Dashing Cody Rhodes as the main heels?

The faces that stand out to me as being the biggest are Edge, Kofi Kingston, Big Show, Rey Mysterio and Undertaker when he's there. It's definitely a concern.

The only thing I can say is, I can't wait for the draft. Since the start of last year, Smackdown have been in dire need of some new guys, and to me, Trent Barretta just doesn't fit the bill. It's about time things were shaken up abit with Raw and Smackdown.

Here's what I have in mind for the rosters, draft wise.

To Raw
Drew McIntyre
New competition for him to give him more experience as an in-ring competitor, and to boost his character abit. He's a very mysteriously dry character at the moment and he isn't working whatever angle he's been assigned to very well.)

Jack Swagger
The same with this guy. New competition, and a boost in character to save him from being lost in the Smackdown shuffle. I don't know about anybody else, but I'd love to see this guy as the United States Champion. Oh, the stuff he could come up with.

Rey Mysterio
Although Rey has been drafted through both Raw and Smackdown in the past, I truly believe that he's ready for a draft again. What is there for him on Smackdown other than the same verbal battles every week with Alberto Del Rio?

To Smackdown
Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov
While these two aren't directly assigned to any particular brand and can show up on either one, I'd prefer them on Smackdown. Raw has alot of championships, and alot of championships that aren't doing anything. If anything, championships are just an accessory now. Not an achievement. Draft the tag champs to Smackdown. Smackdown can easily conjure up some teams, hell it might even bring some light back to the dark tunnel otherwise known as the tag team division.

Ted DiBiase
I really don't like this guy on Raw. One of the many superstars that I see getting lost in the shuffle and released in due time. I don't have the first clue on what I'd do with DiBiase, but drafting him would be a good start.
You know, it's not a great situation with the current face to heel ration on Smackdown, but Edge isn't the only main event face. Big Show is a main event face who has been dicking around the midcard and not really doing anything of much consequence lately. This feud with Wade Barrett and his new stable could push Show back into the spot light and reestablish him as a main eventer. Rey Mysterio is also a capable main event face who has had nothing but good feuds for about over a year now. If the WWE needs him to step into the main event picture he'll be able to do it.

I think the problem is not that there are too many heels, which there are, but that none of them are really main event quality, especially Wrestlemania main event quality. None of the heels on Smackdown are guys I would trust to put in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania, with Kane being the exception, but by the time Mania rolls around everyone will be very much tired of Kane in the title picture. Alberto Del Rio has the ability to put on an interesting feud for the title, but he's too new to the scene to put in the title match at Wrestlemania. At Mania you want to put two huge draws that attract both hardcore and casual fans, and the casual fans won't recognize Alberto Del Rio as much as they would, say, Edge vs. Triple H or even Edge vs. CM Punk.

The face and heel balance on Smackdown is certainly off, but I think it's more important that Smackdown acquire some high quality, main event heels before they worry about balancing the midcard.
If Christian comes back heel, WWE messes up badly. Let's just settle that.

No, it's not settled. Face Edge vs. Heel Christian could work very well. Christian is pretty boring as a face, where Edge is much more capable of playing that role at a main-event level. In fact, when Christian returns, I would love for him to go heel and feud with Edge going into Wrestlemania.

And, Randy Orton. If they can Draft HHH over there at the peak of his career, so can Orton.

Then why not Cena? Some may call me crazy, but I think it's a great idea. Raw is the established show. Over the years, Raw has shown it can draw ratings with just about anyone on the top of the card, so sending Cena to Smackdown can only help the B-show. I really believe sending Cena to Smackdown wouldn't hurt Raw, and would greatly improve Smackdown's numbers.

Trent barreta will be on a fast rize for this reason.

I wish this were true, but I'm not so sure. I think he's being used mainly to get Drew over (again), and might fall back into obscurity after this angle is over. I really hope this is not the case, seeing as though I'm a huge Barreta fan.

I think the ratio of heels to faces is a bit unbalanced, but I don't think it's hurting the show. Being less than creative with who they have is hurting the show.
SmackDown! has plenty of faces. Barretta, Rey, Edge, Show, Kofi, Masters, and a few others. And remember, during Raw's Nexus invasion the heels and faces had to join at times to fight them off. So that could lead to some other eventual face turns......

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