Watching Spirited Away


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Love this film. Watched the Japanese version this morning, now watching the English version.

I already noticed one problem, the mother goes "We really are in the middle of nowhere, I'm going to have to go to the next town to do the shopping". Erm, wouldn't this have been an issue dealt with before moving house?

Still got to love it anyway.
Jeez, is this film really 9 years old? Certainly doesn't look it.

Just coming up to one of my favourite parts, where the Spirit World comes to life.
I love how in the Japanese version, Haku's voice is a younger boy and in the English version he's more of a teen.
Kamajii is one of my favourite characters, interestingly he's voiced by the guy who did Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast.
I can never tell if Lin is a human who was trapped here, or just another Sprit, I assume the former.
Haven't seen that one yet.

Ponyo is another good one that you should see if you haven't, its got Liam Neeson in it.
Spirited Away is one of my favorite movies of all time. I highly suggest Castle In The Sky and Naussica Of The Valley Of The Wind as well. Ive never seen a Miyazaki movie I didn't love

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