Watched "Tangled" tonight with the girlfriend


Excellence of Execution
Surprisingly great movie. Held my attention all the way through, was full of laughter and had a good ending. I recommend it. It's a kids flick and a chick flick, but still has enough to interest males too.
You went to the movie with Slyfox-ina, eh? Anyway, I was going to take my little cousin to watch it, she wants to see it, so this actually helps.
I LOVED Hoodwinked.

Also, Tangled looked good but I got so abused from spending over $20.00 taking the Family to "Megamind". Only good part of that movie was the GnR song at the end. Okay, I lie - it had a couple good parts; but not over $20.00 worth.
I LOVED Hoodwinked.

Also, Tangled looked good but I got so abused from spending over $20.00 taking the Family to "Megamind". Only good part of that movie was the GnR song at the end. Okay, I lie - it had a couple good parts; but not over $20.00 worth.

well thats a downer i've been wanting to see that movie...oh well life goes on

so Tangled was actually a good movie? every time i see the trailers i want to kill myself but i might actually see it now
You have a girlfriend? When did this happen?! Are you back with old girlfriend? Is this someone new? Why aren't you on MSN?!
Could it possibly be to avoid questions like:

You have a girlfriend? When did this happen?! Are you back with old girlfriend? Is this someone new? Why aren't you on MSN?!
For those asking if Tangled was really a good movie, my answer is yes. Rotten tomatoes also has a score of 86% for it.
Tangled had me interested, but I don't know if I'll see it.

I thought Megamind was really good. It wasn't as laugh-out-loud as most animated kids movies; it was more wrapped around the story than the comedy. I still really liked it though

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