Wasted Potential - Mark Prior


WZCW Veteran
Mark Prior has been officially been released by the San Diego Padres, which ultimately leads to the fact that Prior's MLB career is more than likely over. This guy had CY Young potential when he first entered the majors with the Cubs in 2003, I believe. He was dominating the league until he had 2 shoulder surgeries in the past 4 years. He was released by the Cubs and then signed a minor league deal with San Diego but showed no signs of improvement. What do you think is next for Mr. Prior?
I'm fairly certain I made a thread on this once, or I intended to. Simple thing is, Dusty Baker over-worked him. In September of 2003, he averaged 126 pitches per game. Prior was too young and was worked too hard. His arm couldn't handle the workload. He's been injured every year since 2002 and has missed approximately 21 months of game time. It's not that Prior didn't have the talent, it's just bad luck and bad management. Prior could have been elite. Instead, he's released.
yea its unfortunate that priors career has been derailed by shoulder injuries but IMO if he does comeback he would have to do it as a relief pitcher like his former teammate kerry wood who went through numerous injuries as well

hopefully he doesnt call it quits because he has been trying for 3 yrs to come back from the shoulder injuries but with that being said his chances arent looking good as each yr goes by

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