Was Sting Really That Great?


Getting Noticed By Management
All the talk of whether Sting will be in the WCW themed Hall of Fame this year has got me thinking. I know he was incredibly popular and great in the ring for a time in WCW, but is he really the legend that people make him out to be. Lately I've been starting to doubt that myself. Lets take a look at Stings career.

He got his first big push in the early 90's and won the World Title from Ric Flair. Sure he was over with the fans, but it was still the Ric Flair show in WCW. If you want to look at all of wrestling, he was nowhere near as popular as the Ultimate Warrior was overall. Sting had a good feud with Flair that was ruined by the riduculus Black Scorpion gimmick. Flair left shortly after this and Sting was made the face of the company. With Sting at the helm, WCW stayed the absolute deffintion of a second rate company when compaired to the WWF. Other than his feud with Vader and a good match with Cactus Jack, did he do anything worth remembering at this time. It seemed that every other WCW ppv was a horrible battlebowl where he was just in a random tag that ended in a battle royal. He also hung out with El Giante and Robocop, and had a horrible feud with Jake Roberts. Lets not forget that absolutly awful chamber of doom match at Halloween Havoc. One also cant look past the fact that the second Flair returned from WWF, he immediatly took Stings position as the top man in WCW.

The next big moment in Stings career came when Hogan arrived in WCW. If people thought he took a back seat to Flair, he didn't even exist compaired to Hogan. Now a lot of people will say that this wasn't his fault, and to a degree it wasnt. However, if he had been legendary and popular as people say, WCW wouldn't of needed to bring in Hogan in the first place. Over the next few years Sting did nothing of note and managed to take a backseat to everbody. Hogan, Flair, Savage, Luger, and the Giant were all in the main event scene more than Sting. During this time, WCW was horrible, and revolved around the Dungen of Doom of all things.

The next phase of Stings career occured when Hall and Nash arrived. He was in the main event when the NWO arrived and feuded with them for a few months along with the rest of the roster. He had a huge angle at Fall Brawl and then was gone. After that WCW became the hottest thing in the history of wrestling and completly dominated the WWF. During this time, Sting hung out in the rafters and started using a new dark gimmick while never wrestling one match. His gimmick was a complete ripp off of the movie the Crow. Im actually suprised WCW didn't get sued for copyright infringment. Very unoriginal. A lot of people would say that Sting didn't need to wrestle to be important during this time period. I disagree, thats like saying Ausin was just as good as RAW GM as he was a wrestler. People wanted to see Sting wrestle and he didn't. This all leads up to one of the biggest embaresments of his career at Starrcade 97. After a 14 month build up, Sting returned to face Hogan in one of the most embarrasilly bad, and poorly booked matches in wrestling history. He was 50% responsible for WCW loosing the Monday Night Wars. He finaly got the belt a month later, but it was too late. He was in the main event for a couple months before, once again, he was completly over shadowed by other stars. Goldberg, DDP, The Warrior, Booker T, Sid, Scott Steiner, and Jeff Jarret dominated WCW until it closed three years later. Sting stayed around and had horrible feuds with the likes of Vampiro and the Kiss Demon while WCW as a whole became a laughing stock and put on some the worst wrestling in the history of the business.

The next big question was whether or not Sting would go to the WWE. We all know he didn't. I've always laughed at Stings reasoning. He said he didn't sign because The Rock said "who the hell are you" to Booker T. The Rock said the same damn thing to Jerhico, and would of said that to anyone. It was his gimmick. He claims Vince didn't take care of WCW wrestlers. The truth is 90% of everyone he got was a total jobber. The good guys did get taken care of. Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Goldberg, and RVD all became main eventers and won the world title. DDP got a nice run with the Undertaker, but was already in his 40's and on borrowed time when he got to WWE. Same could be said for Scott Steiner. Everyone else that came over was a midcarder at best. Sting had the clout and respect to dictate his own deal and would of absolutly been in the main event and a world champion if he came to WWE. He could of given his fans the opportunity to see all time dream matches against they likes of Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, The Rock, Steve Austin, Kane, Edge, Jericho, John Cena, and Triple H. Not to mention that the merchanidise deals, DVD's, and Wrestlemain main events would of made him more money in a few years than he had made in his entire career.

This brings us to the end of Stings career. Instead of going to the WWE, he signs with TNA wrestling. The man that people claim to be an all time great chose to wrestle in a bunch of decent, but comptley forgetable, feuds in front of a few hundred people instead of helping to sell out a 70,000 seat Wrestlemania in matches that people would talk about for years. He's done nothing in the last six years to help his legacy, and was even trying to get people talking again by going back to his Wolfpac facepaint from 12 years ago. Not to mention the fact that in TNA Sting has once agian taken a backseat to everyone. Kurt Angle, A J Styles, Mick Foley, RVD, Mr. Anderson, and Jeff Hardy have all been more important than him. As of now, his legend ended at an unremarkable handicap match with a swerve ending in front of a couple thousand people at Bound for Glory. Another thing that really annoyed me was how Sting said he signed with TNA because he didn't approve of the content of the WWE. It's kind of laughable when you see that WWE is rated PG and strives for family friendly content, while TNA constintly has, bloodbaths, Samoa Joe threating to kill people with knives, profanity for the sake of profanity, Abyss branding people and attempting murder with spiked boards, and the Beautiful People being the biggest ****s in the history of wrestling.

So there's my take on it. Sure, Sting was good, but the simply hasn't done anything to be considered one of the all time greats in this business. At the end of the day I think Sting was almost always a big fish in a little pond who got famous off his feuds with bigger stars.Look at it like this, who did Sting ever make famous by feuding with them? The answer is nobody. Feel free to commint, agree, disagree, or tell me you think I'm an idiot.
I think you bring up some very good points. I’ve always felt Sting was a bit overrated. Not to say he wasn’t good, or even great, just overrated. He is recognized as the face of WCW because he was the one guy who never left the company. Despite that the company never seemed to be focused on Sting as the main guy. As mentioned above it was always Flair’s show. When Flair left for the WWF it should have been Sting’s time to shine. There’s no denying he was a top guy, but while Flair was away it was Vader time in WCW.

Despite having some great talent WCW was pretty bad in the early 90s. Sting always seemed to be involved in some kind of ridiculous angle. You mentioned RoboCop, but let’s not forget the bomb on the boat and the white castle of fear. I’m not saying those angles were Sting’s fault. He wasn’t on the creative team. It’s just those are hardly the things legends are made of. I will give Sting his props. The booking was so bad at this time it could easily be argued that Sting’s popularity was the only thing saving WCW.

Sting had a great career. No doubt it was a hall of fame worthy career. I’ll even say he’s a wrestling legend. I do however agree he’s not quite the legend he’s made out to be. He’s kind of like Scottie Pippen. Pippen was a great player and is in the hall of fame. He’s just not Michael Jordan.
Same thing can be said for Shawn Michaels. I think Shawn is the most overrated guy maybe all time. In the case of sting I think the only thing that saves him from being completely overrated is that he was the original John Cena. Short hair , face paint kid friendly hero type guy around the same size also as cena like 6 '1 240 these guys are very similar. Sting was also never the greatest in ring perfomer kind of like Cena. Steve Borden who portrays sting is really into the "born again" christian theme just like shawn michaels and both are guys who had problems during their young days. Basically they were the 'company guy' and they are associated in the regard. Sting itself was a marketing character. Covers of all the magazines and toys for kids , sting dolls and the sting halloween paint. He was John Cena of the 90's. Hulk Hogan was aging in the 90s and starting to lose his marketing power so thats why Hogan went Dark and Nwo to create new buzz. Anyway Sting is like 52 now and still looks around the same because of the character doesnt age kind of like the Undertaker. But I will never understand why Steve Borden never cut the hair and went blonde and brought back the pink and black scorpion tights. It would be huge because people love nostalgia.
To answer your question, yes...yes he was really that great. There are VERY few wrestlers that Ric Flair (arguably the greatest of all time) would rather have wrestled in those days.

As for the NWO days, yes, other people ended up taking the spotlight. And that's why WCW died. Because people like Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, and Booker T were getting the pushes instead of Sting.

As for TNA. Who the heck cares why he turned down WWE. Fact is, he did not turn down WWE for just that reason of the Rock. He turned it down because of fear of being misused. And WCW characters certainly were misused...unless Vince knew he could make money on them. Kronic (one of WCW's more famous tag teams) got the shit kicked out of them by the Brother's of Destruction week in and week out. Stone Cold became the face of WCW???????? DDP became a motivational speaker ("I'm gonna get me to like you, you to like me, me to like me, and you to like you" Remember that shit?) Goldberg was used for a few months simply to make money. That's it. That's why he wasn't misused. When Vince got every dime he could out of him, he was gone. Plus, the reason he chose TNA is that at that point in his career, what would he have to prove in WWE? Nothing. In TNA at least he could help a young company get some star power (albeit not making a difference because TNA will NEVER grow).

As for his in-ring work, yes, he's that great. As for his mic skills, yes, he's that great.

Yes...he's that great.
I do understand what your saying Mouthy Idiot, but I kind of disagree about the Shawn Michaels comparison. While its true that Shawn never became the huge icon of wrestling that people claim he is, he did have a few things going for him. The biggest diffrence between Shawn and Sting came in the ring. While Sting has had a few great matchs that people talk about, you have to think for a second on what they are. On the other hand, Shawn Michaels has had more 5 star matchs then almost anyone in wrestling. There is a valid point to the fact that around 96-97 he was the best in ring performer in all of wrestling. Another big diffrence is there recent work. While Sting hasnt done anything fantastic in TNA, Shawn has had some of the best matches in his carrer in the last 5 years. He wrestled better against Kurt Angle, Triple H, Jerhrico, Ric Flair, and The Undertaker than he did in his prime. Since both guys are around the same age and from the same era, I have to give Shawn the nod here.
This goes so far that I'm not even sure it's true, but it's worth throwing out there.

Sting is what Ultimate Warrior would have become if Jim Hellwig weren't batshit crazy.

Comparable mat technician abilities, comparable fan reaction in the early '90s. Both guys had great pro wrestling "looks." Both guys got to the top of the mountain.
My main critique would be that you seem to be talking about two different things under the same banner. Did Sting have a really long solid run in the top spot? Probably not. But is that really what makes someone an Icon? I ask because talking about spots and whatnot is not the same thing as how popular someone was. Look at Shawn Michaels. He did a lot of playing second fiddle but I doubt anyone is going to begrudge him his legacy. I do not quite think it is fair to judge someone who was as popular as Sting was for such a longtime solely off of WCW booking decisions. I do not think anyone is claiming Sting is in on that Hogan-Flair-Austin level anyway. Among that second tier group I do not see why he is such a bad fit there all things considered (meaning not just kayfabe). To me popularity is a better measure of perceived successes than how they were booked in wcw. There is little "political" influence in popularity.

This brings us to the end of Stings career. Instead of going to the WWE, he signs with TNA wrestling. The man that people claim to be an all time great chose to wrestle in a bunch of decent, but comptley forgetable, feuds in front of a few hundred people instead of helping to sell out a 70,000 seat Wrestlemania in matches that people would talk about for years. He's done nothing in the last six years to help his legacy, and was even trying to get people talking again by going back to his Wolfpac facepaint from 12 years ago. Not to mention the fact that in TNA Sting has once agian taken a backseat to everyone. Kurt Angle, A J Styles, Mick Foley, RVD, Mr. Anderson, and Jeff Hardy have all been more important than him. As of now, his legend ended at an unremarkable handicap match with a swerve ending in front of a couple thousand people at Bound for Glory. Another thing that really annoyed me was how Sting said he signed with TNA because he didn't approve of the content of the WWE. It's kind of laughable when you see that WWE is rated PG and strives for family friendly content, while TNA constintly has, bloodbaths, Samoa Joe threating to kill people with knives, profanity for the sake of profanity, Abyss branding people and attempting murder with spiked boards, and the Beautiful People being the biggest ****s in the history of wrestling.

This part to me hurts your credibility. You seem to be annoyed with him not going to WWE and makes me wonder about bias issues. Maybe those people are more important now but you are on crack if you think Mick Foley or RVD have been more important to TNA than Sting. Sting was instrumental in the SPIKE deal. In that regard you could make the case that other than Dixie Carter there is no person that has been more important to the company building its way up. Your point about WWE being PG is kind of dumb because at the time Sting made that decision it obviously was not PG. Also, if you think TBP are the biggest ****s in wrestling history then you must not be that familiar with what went down in the 90s, which is when Sting's popularity gave him his current status.
I can understand how you might think Im being biased here, and maybe I am a little. Sure, I would have loved to see Sting in the WWE. Most wrestling fans would have. Being a fan is the main reason i didn't want him to go to TNA. He is one of the few wrestlers ever to have the power to give the wrestling world true never before seen dream matches. Truth be told, your average wrestling fan that watched Sting in the 90's had no idea he was still wrestling in TNA. While I dont think he's one of the greatest of all time, I do like Sting. And I do think he still had more to offer the wrestling world than he what he did in TNA. As far as my comment on TBP. Yeah, I remember how the WWE got downright obscene in the 90's. However, they havent acted like that in years. During which Sting had constently resigned with TNA as they have gotten raunchier and raunchier.

P.S. Can anyone tell me how to quote someone so it shows up in the grey box with their name on it? I keep messing it up.
You seem to be pretty intelligent about what you say but TUffy54 can you please explain something to me the best you can. Shawn Michaels came back to the WWE after his 4 year mini retirement and I said this in another post but he only came back to feud with HHH and to put HHH over. Shawn ended up staying and wrestled for another 7 years but this is what gets me. Shawns matches themself might have been considered good and rated very highly but from my standpoint the matches themself only mean so much. Shawn lost most of his big matches in recent years and put the other guys over. He didnt event want to be the Heavyweight Champ anymore. WWE didnt even book him in that manner. They merely used his HBK status to make money and sell out arenas and get more PPV buys and later to sell DX merchandise. They even spoofed it on RAW with him and HHH constantly doing those DX merchandise skits. I just wanna know why a guy who was considered old back in 2002 when he came back and has jobbed to the BIGGER name talents constantly in the past 7 years , why is he considered so great. Everybody knew for a fact he was going to lose to Undertaker at Mania, 2 years in a row. There was no mystery at all. He jobbed to an old HOGAN at summerslam. He lost to Orton , Cena, Edge,Benoit,Angle,Hogan,Taker,HHH,Goldberg,Austin, just keep listing the names and Shawn jobbed to them. Its still jobbing even if the guy is a star. Sting never Jobbed like that in his career. Sting is older than Shawn and has still never jobbed that much. Because to be a legend and to be a company guy you need to be the main event world champ and other guys should lose to you. Regardless of the quality of the match he still wasnt the 'man' and he was scripted to lose all the time. HBK marks will say he wanted to help put younger guys over but he was in his late 30's when he came back and in wrestling guys in their early 40s are still in their prime. Shawn is the most famous jobber ever and highly overrated. John Cena is so far ahead of HBK in all areas. Cena has carried the WWE product for years and main evented and been world champ. Sting even did that for a number of years. Shawn simply didnt.
TUFFY54 said it best! During the 1st Reign as WCW Chamipion, Sting was white hot! The face of WCW! I remember when Jesse The Body Venturea came to WCW, he said "it is the wrestling of the future!" And WCW was for a few years! They had the most talent ever in one company, just didnt know what to do with it!

Sting lost his legacy by being selfish, and not thinking of his fans! I am not a fan of Sting no more, unless he finishes his career with WWE! We as fans wanted to see The HBK vs Sting DREAM MATCH! Also Undertaker, Cena, Kane, HHH would make awesome fueds. Sting is not very smart, and that is why his legacy is not very good! The TNA programming is trash! Nobody will ever want that crap on video! WWF, WCW, NWA, WCCW, AWA, and UWF were good. All the other stuff like TNA AND ECW is trash!
I do argee that Sting was a bit overrated but to say that the Warrior was more over is a joke. Everyone knew the Warrior was a hyped up jobber. He couldn't work, couldn't sell, and was a mess on the mic.
To use the early days of WCW as an example of Stings worth isn't fair to the man. The booking was horrible. Most of the creative team had no wrestling experience and there was a revolving door as far as who was in charge and when.
The only thing I will agree with is his time in TNA. Sting let himself go both in body and passion for the business. Hell even Scott Hall got into better shape during his last run with the company.
So yeah he may be a bit overrated but without him the entire Nwo storyline would have flopped way before it did and I will go so far as to say so would have the company.
I totally get your point about Shawn Michaels Mouthy Idiot. To be honest I don't really have a great reply to refute what your saying. Like a lot of things in wrestling, it probley just comes down to personal preference. I guess the only thing that gives Shawn the edge to me is the fact that, with the exception of Starrcade 97, all of Shawns big matches in WWE had a much bigger feel to them. In my opinion, he was just the better in ring worker of the two. I know that in ring work isn't the most important thing in wrestling (I'm a fan of Hogan, Nash, and Cena so I defenitly dont put all my stock in it), but I've always enjoyed watching HBK's matches more than Stings. Anyway, just my opinion. Thanks for the good debate.
To Czar76. I'll certainly agree with you that Sting was more talented than the Ultimate Warrior. But they both had the same kind of superhero gimmick that was aimed at kids. I was 7 years old in 1990 and lived in the south where WCW was strongest when they were both champions, and I can tell you that I saw a hell of lot more kids with in my school with Ultimate Warrior shirts and dolls than I ever saw Sting merchandise.
It seems weird that you don't consider him great, yet you mention that he could have been in some of the most awaited dream matches. Who would consider a dream match if a guy who is not that great is in that match? I think that is a little contradictory. He is one of the greats and a wrestling legend. His crow gimmick is what I think really made him appeal to a wider range of people and made him as famous as he is today. Is he overrated? Maybe, but that doesn't take away from his greatness.
while sting was certainly not on a par with hogan and flair i would say it is safe to say he would be on the 1a scale with shawn michaels,randy savage,kurt angle,chris jericho,etc.--the man got white hot without wrestling or speaking for over a year and i never see anyone doing that again and never recall it hapeening before that angle--its just sad that hogans need to be the top dog ruined the ending of that match but the whole angle showed just how over he could get.
as far as joining TNA instead of the E i dont blame him--i commend the fact that he made his name so big and never worked for vinnie mac--just try to name other big names in the last 30 years that never worked for him and some of the WCW wrestlers were used wrong--DDP having a nice run with 'taker?--i dont think so.
it couldve been great and given vinnie mac a new star but he just squashed him because the E was far superior to WCW talent in his mind.
First off, to be fair, who has become famous in TNA period? Hogan is there, and he hasn't made anyone famous yet. If you mean he never made anyone famous in WCW, look at the guys he was feuding with!

They were already famous in their own right. Guys like Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Harley Race, Rick Rude, Vader, The Steiner Brothers and the whole group, The Four Horseman. So for Sting to even compete with any of these guys shows his worth from the get go.

You talk about his popularity comparisons to The Ultimate Warrior. In the PWI's Most Popular Wrestler Of The Year Award, Sting never finished behind The Ultimate Warrior. NEVER!!! As a matter of fact, Sting won it twice in a row, in 91-92. He finished 2nd in 93 behind Luger, and won again in 1994. Sting also won one more time at the beginning of "The Attitude Era", in 1997, ahead of even "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. That made 4 awards saying he was the most popular, in the height of numerous "SUPER POPULAR" wrestler's careers. He finished 2nd and 3rd, many other times. Making him among the top few most popular every single year.

Sting was a 6 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. 2 time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, once in TNA and once when it was the REAL NWA in 1990. Ric Flair had just held the title for about a year and a half, and Sting took the title from him and went onto a solid 6 month reign. Sting won The TNA World Heavyweight Championship twice and both times was at TNA's biggest event of the year, Bound For Glory.

Sting also held numerous other titles. Tag Team Titles, US Titles, etc.

I would have to argue that Sting IS that great. He has been more than relevant for over 20 years. He gone face to face with, and defeated the BEST this business has ever seen.

There is a saying that goes for most occupations, and holds true more so in a business like this. "It's not what you have done, but what you have done lately." Sting gets judged a lot with his TNA persona, because it is what is closest to most people's memory.........

To quote myself from earlier in this post, "To be fair to Sting", he was well over 40 before he ever even debuted in TNA, and still captured whatever their World Title was 3 times.

Sting did things that no one could ever say they did. The times that were mentioned of his popularity. He was voted more popular than guys like Warrior, Hogan, Flair, Luger, Bret Hart, Undertaker, Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels.

Sting obviously can handle himself on the mic. And in an Age where so many people are popular, or over because of what they can do on the mic. Sting was the most popular when he didn't even say a word.

How popular was Sting? He won in 97 and I think he wrestled 1 match that year. I don't remember how many matches he wrestled before the year ended, after he wrestled Hogan at Starcade. All Sting said in 1997, was said with action and the pointing of his bat at the person he would do "action" to.

Sting's contribution to wrestling is far beyond most guys that have or will ever lace up wrestling boots and should never be questioned.

Hulk Hogan's Heel change and The NWO was not single handedly responsible for what WCW almost was able to accomplish against Vince and The WWF/E. Sting had A LOT to do with ratings and anticipation for WCW Monday Nitro. Hogan hadn't ever beat Sting and The NWO was on top and had run through all of it's opposition. Guys like Savage, Luger, DDP and many others had failed to stop the reign of terror brought by Hogan and The NWO.

But Sting hadn't had his chance to take them down. People were tuning into Nitro at one point, more for Sting appearances then for the NWO I would bet.

People would argue that The Monday Night Wars were wrestling's most exciting, relevant, and more importantly, BEST time in the history of wrestling! Who would be at the forefront as most relevant, popular, exciting, and great from those times?? Sting would surely be right at the top of the list.

80 something people have been inducted into The WWE Hall Of Fame. I would say Sting probably should have been inducted before at least 80 of them.

So, to answer your question again, YES Sting is that GREAT! For the reasons I listed above and countless more......... :thumbsup:
Sting lost his legacy by being selfish, and not thinking of his fans! I am not a fan of Sting no more, unless he finishes his career with WWE! We as fans wanted to see The HBK vs Sting DREAM MATCH! Also Undertaker, Cena, Kane, HHH would make awesome fueds. Sting is not very smart, and that is why his legacy is not very good!

Sting's legacy isn't yours declare "lost," jackass. You know how fans like to chant "YOU SOLD OUT" at heels who make decisions based on money rather their ethics? This was REAL LIFE situation and Steve Borden stuck to his ethics. He didn't want to work for Vince or partake in the perversion of WCW under his control. If you call that selfish then you're a worthless fan.
I was 7 years old in 1990 and lived in the south where WCW was strongest when they were both champions, and I can tell you that I saw a hell of lot more kids with in my school with Ultimate Warrior shirts and dolls than I ever saw Sting merchandise.

Do you not appreciate how much more marketing power the WWF had than NWA/WCW at that time? You're comparing the NFL to Major League Soccer. The Ultimate Warrior rode Hogan's coattails and was the second wave of major promotional backing for an individual wrestler in the WWF. And what's more, Vince was way more about selling t-shirts and action figures than WCW ever was prior to the NWO. Your argument is flawed.
Tuffy54 said:
I was 7 years old in 1990 and lived in the south where WCW was strongest when they were both champions, and I can tell you that I saw a hell of lot more kids with in my school with Ultimate Warrior shirts and dolls than I ever saw Sting merchandise.

Do you not appreciate how much more marketing power the WWF had than NWA/WCW at that time? You're comparing the NFL to Major League Soccer. The Ultimate Warrior rode Hogan's coattails and was the second wave of major promotional backing for an individual wrestler in the WWF. And what's more, Vince was way more about selling t-shirts and action figures than WCW ever was prior to the NWO. Your argument is flawed.

No, his argument is on point. You forget or ignore that pro wrestling is scripted entertainment, not athletic competition. The comparison is not NFL vs Major League Soccer, it's Pokemon vs Beetleborgs. If one sells 10x as much as the other, that's relevant. The fact that Warrior merch dominated over Sting merch in the heart of "WCW country" indicates that Warrior was more popular at the time and in that area.

Or are you saying that since WCW was bad at merchandising, that comparison underestimates Sting's popularity? What do you measure by, then? Ticket sales? Wrestlemania vs Starrcade 1991?

I don't think you can get around the fact that, during Ultimate Warrior's career before he left WWF, Warrior and Sting were comparable in popularity.
No, his argument is on point. You forget or ignore that pro wrestling is scripted entertainment, not athletic competition. The comparison is not NFL vs Major League Soccer, it's Pokemon vs Beetleborgs. If one sells 10x as much as the other, that's relevant. The fact that Warrior merch dominated over Sting merch in the heart of "WCW country" indicates that Warrior was more popular at the time and in that area.

Or are you saying that since WCW was bad at merchandising, that comparison underestimates Sting's popularity? What do you measure by, then? Ticket sales? Wrestlemania vs Starrcade 1991?

I don't think you can get around the fact that, during Ultimate Warrior's career before he left WWF, Warrior and Sting were comparable in popularity.

If McDonald's has ten locations and spends $500,000 on advertising in your city while Burger King only has three locations and spends $20,000, you're probably going to see more Big Macs in people's hands than Whoppers. I know that a very loose comparison, but I hope you get my point. The Warrior's popularity compared to Sting had way more to do with the availability of the product than its quality.

And as I said, Warrior and everyone else from the WWF was getting a huge boost from the work Hogan did making it a mainstream product. We so often credit Hogan for "making wrestling mainstream," but don't forget that he made WWF WRESTLING mainstream while NWA/WCW remained a much lesser entity. Unless you went to school in Ted Turner's backyard, then the WWF still had the edge in influence and product placement.
If McDonald's has ten locations and spends $500,000 on advertising in your city while Burger King only has three locations and spends $20,000,

Then Ronald McDonald--strike that, Grimace (Warrior) is going to be a bigger figure than BK's "The King" (Sting). What is your point?

Or are you saying that Warrior was a lot more popular than Sting? Because I really don't know if that's true or not. I knew Ultimate Warrior, but I had never heard of Ric Flair or Sting. But I grew up in New York, and didn't watching wrestling more than once or twice as a kid.
Then Ronald McDonald--strike that, Grimace (Warrior) is going to be a bigger figure than BK's "The King" (Sting). What is your point?

That's exactly my point! These guys are trying to argue that the Warrior's popularity makes him superior to Sting, but I'm arguing that the Warrior was simply a beneficiary of the added marketing power of the WWF and it has nothing to do with the actual talent/quality of the two wrestlers.
I've always been of the opinion that Sting's overrated. I Don't see him as the legend or Icon that most do, I like him but that's all. Solid worker and good charisma but that's about it.
Sting was the top babyface of the 90's, and when your the most consistantly popular wrestler for a 10 year stretch your a great worker. Austin worked most of the decade as a heel, Bret and Hogan had heel runs so in my eyes Sting was the definative face of the 90's. I will always prefer him to Cena as Sting is actually a great athlete who has believable offense.
I find the comparisons between Warrior and Sting funny, I think both were great, Sting more so because he is still a wrestler and didn't lose his fucking mind, but I'm wondering if anyone thas posted so far even realizes they were a tag team? but anyway, on point, Sting is DEF. that great, and comparing him to HBK is very fair, they did the same thing for the company they were in and that's having loyalty for who brought you to the dance, and not going to WWE to get the squash treatment? .... oh yeah, bad move, as hardly ANYONE escaped it, even if you think otherwise, Sting may not be as popular now as he could have been had he gone to WWE and not gotten squashed, which is unlikely, but he's still world famous, and I happen to think him snubbing McMahon and never working for WWE actually made his legacy greater as he's pretty alone in that category, his matches are easily on par with best of the best, his mic work was def good, he carried a company for awhile, not mention second biggest and biggest company at points, and he never sold his soul or career to Vinnie Mac.... yeah.. He's a Legend

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