Was Bad Influence vs the Dirty Heels a Wasted Opportunity?

Bad Influence, the best tag team in the BIZ-IH-NESS, (three syllables!). And the Dirty Heels, the "Wet dream team" of Bobby Roode and Austin Aries. Both amazing tag teams that made the division highly entertaining in the first half of 2013. All four men excellent in the ring and all four excellent on the mic. But why did they never properly feud?

We saw occasional flashes of what could've been

Go to 3:05 just a brilliant back and forth! Do you not see the potential?

And here also. A shame Chavo and Hernandez had to ruin such great segments.

We did actually get a match between the two teams, but it was a brief one on Impact with James Storm as a special referee, who ended up Last Calling everyone, and walking out so there was no winner. I was really hoping this would lead into a match between the two teams at Slammiversary (which would've made the PPV even better!) but sadly no we ended up with a four way elimination tag instead.... ultimately it was Chavo and Hernandez, the aptly named LAX-atives (thanks for that one IDR :lmao:) that held onto those titles which is why we never saw this potentially fantastic feud. IMO they should never have won those belts back.
I mean, yes and no. From a purely talent-perspective? Absolutely. You are talking about three of the most talented performers in the company in Daniels, Aries and Roode (sorry Kaz, but you're the black sheep here, much as I love you). Naturally that should translate well in terms of crafting matches, but if you are looking for a longer-term feud here, ultimately you're pitting heels against heels, and that doesn't last long in terms of fan interest because it's somewhat unnatural. Crowds need/want to cheer for someone, so you risk ending up actually turning a team face in the process, even if you never intended to.

And yeah, LAXative is shit.
I like Bad Influence. They seem like the type of team that could be turned face pretty easily, by pitting them against a slew of other heel teams. Kinda anti-hero-ish but not quite. They remind me a little of DX, but where neither one has previously been in the main event spotlight, unfortunately (long overdue for Daniels to get a shot, imo). I think they would have gotten that turn chance in this feud.

But then again, I'm a smart ass, and I root for other smart asses almost always. But, they don't quite give me increased blood flow in this region right here...

Kaz:"That means boner..."

I really wish this feud would have happened because it would have produced comedic gold and a series of exciting matches. But at the same time, I think that the so-called "experts" would criticize TNA for creating a "heel versus heel" feud or for turning one team face (which probably would have been Aries and Roode).

I'm so happy that Hernandez and Chavo haven't been on tv for a while. Seeing them get booed at Slammiversary was GREAT!
I remember Roode and Aries together at one point were so damn uber-over that the British fans cheered them when they defeated The Mexicans.

I think I would loved either a feud between BI and DH or them teaming up and becoming a group of sort...?

Here's the thing though, at one point the Christy Hemme-Aries thing happened and he was in the dog house and who saw less and less of Roode-Aries. And when Aries came out of the dog house, they booked him and Roode in individual matchs. And then Aries reemerged as the masked man having replaced Manik. And that was all over.

It was plain and simple bad timing.
I like Bad Influence. They seem like the type of team that could be turned face pretty easily, by pitting them against a slew of other heel teams. Kinda anti-hero-ish but not quite.

Indeed, I guess I should've elaborated on this but if the feud were to happen I'd have rather Bad Influence play the faces. I would like to see Bad Influence have a face run at least once, while thwey are obviously great heels it would be a new concept to try. I think it would've also played into the part Kaz mentions in the second video about Aries and Roode being imitations of Bad Influence.

I really wish this feud would have happened because it would have produced comedic gold and a series of exciting matches.

Exactly! If they'd had a match at Slammiversary it would've been a MOTY candidate I guarantee it!

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