Was 2002-2003 A Good Era For Wrestling?


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  • Somewhat

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  • Fuck No

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Let's face it. Going into Survivor Series, everyone know that Jericho, Booker, Kane, and RVD didn't have a chance in hell of winning the title.

Everyone didn't know; but WWE creative did. And that was their mistake to make. Just like their piss poor writing is likely going to cost them today.
I'm getting sleepy. I'm just going to start calling you Nyquil.

It's been fun owning you. Get a good night's sleep or two and hopefully you come up with something that makes more sense.
I'm getting sleepy. I'm just going to start calling you Nyquil.

It's been fun owning you. Get a good night's sleep or two and hopefully you come up with something that makes more sense.

You didn't actually own anyone, first you said that a dog used for comedy was more important that the champion. You complete neglect the clash of two generations on Hogan vs. The Rock. You hate HHH because you believe he's a maniac that was whispering at Vince's hear that he was the shit, and more, you believe that McMahon would push him if the move was bad for business. oh and more, you actually believe that HHH was the only thing going in 2002-2003, fuck the others.

I also have a new nickname for you and it's quite a shitty one like you: "Dumbass" - Get it? Because that's what you showed to be today. I mean i can't literally say anything else from a guy that believes that The Great Khali can still be relevant enough to be a World Champion.
Can’t we just say 2002-2003 had plenty of both ups and downs? Isn’t that the case for every year? It’s easy to point out a few bad angles like Katie Vick and HLA but those don’t represent the entire year. That’s like saying all of 2000 was awful because of Naked Mideon. In hindsight maybe Triple H should have put over RVD or Booker T. I say hindsight because at the time I had no problem with Triple H. I still don’t looking back but some of you guys make a good point about RVD and Booker (not so much Kane). Despite some bad angles and missed opportunities there was still some good during those years.

I thought 2002 gave us the best SummerSlam of all.
I thought 2003 gave us the best WrestleMania of all.

Some matches that stood out from these years:

Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock (WrestleMania X8)
Edge vs. Kurt Angle (Judgment Day 2002)
Rob Van Dam vs. Eddie Guerrero (Raw ladder match)
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (SummerSlam 2002, one of my all time favorites)
Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero (Smackdown streetfight)
Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Unforgiven 2002)
Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit (No Mercy 2002, another of my all time favorites)
Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar (No Mercy 2002 Hell in a Cell)
Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Royal Rumble 2003, considered to be an all time classic by many)
The last five matches of WrestleMania XIX were all great, especially Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero (Vengeance 2003)
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (Final Raw of 2003)

That’s just off the top of my head and it’s a lot more than I can name from the financially successful 1999. I’m sure there are others I haven’t mentioned. There were things I didn’t like about both years as well.

Katie Vick
Mr. America
Zach Gowen
Vince vs. Stephanie
Al Wilson

Honestly, after WrestleMania was over the rest of 2003 was pretty weak. 2002 > 2003.

Once again, the point is there is good and bad every year. From a business standpoint 2002-2003 was not as good as the previous few years. In that regard you could argue it was not good. Personally I don’t care about that. I don’t care how many people bought the pay per views. I don’t care how many people watched the television shows. I don’t care how much money WWE makes as long as it’s enough to stay in business and keep producing shows for me to watch. I was able to find some enjoyment in 2002-2003 whether WWE made $1 of $1 billion.
It sucked so much dick it's unreal. People must be delusional if they think otherwise.
Don't fucking patronize me. These guys have also given us some absolutely putrid turds and passed on a lot of guys who could have been huge. Let's not pretend they're geniuses who are beyond rebuke because they've gotten a few right and are in the trenches. On a long enough timeline, they were bound to get some right. That doesn't mean there's nobody on the outside looking in who has better ideas.

No wrestling booker deserves the borderline hero-worship you're dolling out here.

The fact of the matter is that these people were dealt a very difficult hand and you're hammering them for milking Rock/Austing and using HHH in the transition to a new generation of wrestlers.

That was probably Gerwitz and Prichards proudest moment because by 2005 they had two faces that could carry the two tv-shows and the numbers started to go up again.
Somewhat. Raw was dreadful for the most part, largely because the show became dominated by rank stories and a Triple H reign of terror nobody was interested in (whoever said Nash was a draw can fuck right off). SmackDown had plenty of good to offer. Excellent tag wrestling, solid main event scene (Big Show and Taker had their moments even) and decent stories. Obviously that had its issues as well (Vince vs. Stephanie for example) but for the most part SmackDown was fairly awesome.
You didn't actually own anyone, first you said that a dog used for comedy was more important that the champion. You complete neglect the clash of two generations on Hogan vs. The Rock. You hate HHH because you believe he's a maniac that was whispering at Vince's hear that he was the shit, and more, you believe that McMahon would push him if the move was bad for business. oh and more, you actually believe that HHH was the only thing going in 2002-2003, fuck the others.

I also have a new nickname for you and it's quite a shitty one like you: "Dumbass" - Get it? Because that's what you showed to be today. I mean i can't literally say anything else from a guy that believes that The Great Khali can still be relevant enough to be a World Champion.

Must have taken you all night to come up with that nickname. I'll give you a week to think of a better one.
Yet you just forget to mention that Goldberg actually won the championship from HHH.

In a terrible match.

Newsflash, he didn't quite work out as people said he could so they change it back to their franchise guy.

Thank god they put the title on Benoit in 2004 but he was always overshadowed by the wankfest that was HHH vs. HBK. Not surprising.

His rivalry was great, the story was great. the matches are not the thing to see in their rivalry, but the thing with the award for whomever eliminates Goldberg, the Goldberg chase for the title itself, it all gave us good TV.

Nothing about that feud was great.
You didn't actually own anyone, first you said that a dog used for comedy was more important that the champion.

He was and he was also basically Stephanie's errand boy. That's what you get for aligning with a McMahon.

You complete neglect the clash of two generations on Hogan vs. The Rock.

The match itself and the buildup was average. Repeat and rinse.

You hate HHH because you believe he's a maniac that was whispering at Vince's hear that he was the shit, and more, you believe that McMahon would push him if the move was bad for business. oh and more, you actually believe that HHH was the only thing going in 2002-2003, fuck the others.

Well, business was terrible for those years and who was the "franchise guy"? It was HHH.
In a terrible match.
Who in the blue hell had a good match against Goldberg? What would you want? It was a brawl like half the matches they both had in their career.

Thank god they put the title on Benoit in 2004 but he was always overshadowed by the wankfest that was HHH vs. HBK. Not surprising.
Thank god? Benoit title reign was also a try, and whomever thought that Benoit could be bigger than a uppercard should get shot in the face. HHH vs. HBK was great, you are blind by hate and everything you say it's crap.

Nothing about that feud was great.
Says who? The guy that hates HHH for everything he was without no real reason? Don't embarrass yourself.

He was and he was also basically Stephanie's errand boy. That's what you get for aligning with a McMahon.
Yeah, you get a title run that's still talked about to this day and the main event of a wrestlemania. You are an idiot, nobody even remembers the dog besides you, which is a proof that you are wrong.

The match itself and the buildup was average. Repeat and rinse.
It was not average, well maybe for you that can't see the value of the match, but I'm pretty sure that the crowd was going nuts with the match. I know it wasn't anything surreal, Hogan and Rock aren't exactly the best wrestlers in the world, but they had a big name, they brought the big feeling and that's worth more than any crappy 5 star match given by Meltzer.

Well, business was terrible for those years and who was the "franchise guy"? It was HHH.
A good business decision since everyone there couldn't quite make it. Unless you are an idiot of course and believes that Rob Van Dam could have been the face of the WWE. And blaming HHH for the fact that the two biggest stars probabably ever, left the company is.. I can't even describe it... oh and more, the fact that WCW ran it's course, well you gotta believe that it affected the market. WWE needed time to re-push wrestling and they did in no less than 3 years since WCW close it's doors and that is an accomplishment.
Who in the blue hell had a good match against Goldberg? What would you want? It was a brawl like half the matches they both had in their career.

I could say the same about HHH in 2003.

Thank god? Benoit title reign was also a try, and whomever thought that Benoit could be bigger than a uppercard should get shot in the face. HHH vs. HBK was great, you are blind by hate and everything you say it's crap.

You mean the snoozefest that was their Hell in a Cell. I'll take Benoit getting a good match out of Kane of all people over that 45-minute bore.

Says who? The guy that hates HHH for everything he was without no real reason? Don't embarrass yourself.

I don't hate HHH for everything. Seems like you're getting bad information.

Yeah, you get a title run that's still talked about to this day and the main event of a wrestlemania. You are an idiot, nobody even remembers the dog besides you, which is a proof that you are wrong.

Nobody talks about Jericho's title run. They do talk about how he was just keeping the belt warm for HHH. Also, anybody can go on Youtube and look up the build to that feud.

HHH > Stephanie > Lucy > Jericho

It was not average, well maybe for you that can't see the value of the match, but I'm pretty sure that the crowd was going nuts with the match. I know it wasn't anything surreal, Hogan and Rock aren't exactly the best wrestlers in the world, but they had a big name, they brought the big feeling and that's worth more than any crappy 5 star match given by Meltzer.

I saw the value of the match. I just think that it was average.

A good business decision since everyone there couldn't quite make it. Unless you are an idiot of course and believes that Rob Van Dam could have been the face of the WWE. And blaming HHH for the fact that the two biggest stars probabably ever, left the company is.. I can't even describe it... oh and more, the fact that WCW ran it's course, well you gotta believe that it affected the market. WWE needed time to re-push wrestling and they did in no less than 3 years since WCW close it's doors and that is an accomplishment.

Didn't say he could have been the face of the WWE. He could have been a strong face challenger which they desperately needed at that time. Instead we got Steiner, Goldberg, and Nash. Even Big Show participated in the same amount of good matches HHH did and Big Show was terrible back then.
It was transitional years. Wouldnt call it bad because those years had their moments but somewhat bad. You cant expect that both of your biggest stars(Austin and Rock) be at sporadic apperences and to be good in terms of everything. And burden felt on "family guy" HHH. Think of it like this, how bad it would be for the product if Cena and Punk today will make sporadic apperencess and to burden to fell on lets say Sheamus or even Orton. They would have to immediatly push some guys on the roster and it would take them at least couple of years to catch up. Sure, for those years they had pretty solid roster and it could have been done better but "Attitude era" who many glorify as the biggest and the best era in wrestling could have been done better if you look at some crap that was done at that time. :)
I could say the same about HHH in 2003.
No you really couldn't. He had a good match against Booker T at WrestleMania, which he won thank god in a good feud which he as an heel was booked as a big asshole and that's how heels should be booked, not as random guys who likes to say mean things about a town like CM Punk nowadays.

The Elimination Chamber in 2003 was highly entertaining with Orton getting the opportunity to be in the ring against the likes of Goldberg and HBK. "TheWrestleReview awarded the elimination chamber bout the best score of the night with a match rating of 8.6 out of 10"

He had average matches with other average performers, but you expect that he went on to do some crazy RVD monkey flip and stuff. The best wrestler isn't pretty much since ever the guy that main events PPV's, unless we are talking about Kurt Angle and we pretty much agree that Angle's matches in 2002-2003 were great, pretty much all.

You mean the snoozefest that was their Hell in a Cell. I'll take Benoit getting a good match out of Kane of all people over that 45-minute bore.
I really don't, since I couldn't care less for who makes the better moves. I care about the storylines and HBK vs HHH was pretty cool to watch. Most fans enjoyed it, minus you of course.

I don't hate HHH for everything. Seems like you're getting bad information.
It's everything you showed here, since you actually believed that HHH was forcing McMahon to make him the star or that he gave McMahon excuses like "C'mon Booker T is black, I should get the win."

Nobody talks about Jericho's title run. They do talk about how he was just keeping the belt warm for HHH. Also, anybody can go on Youtube and look up the build to that feud.

HHH > Stephanie > Lucy > Jericho

Everybody had to hear Jericho talk about his Undisputed Championship for more than two years, where he all know he defeated both Austin and Rock in the same night, and went one to defeat both of them separately and main event WrestleMania. It's like the highlight of his career pretty much

I saw the value of the match. I just think that it was average.
I'll take a match with Rock x Hogan feeling any day of the week over any CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe.

Didn't say he could have been the face of the WWE. He could have been a strong face challenger which they desperately needed at that time. Instead we got Steiner, Goldberg, and Nash. Even Big Show participated in the same amount of good matches HHH did and Big Show was terrible back then.

He was a strong face, ence his victory in the main event of WrestleMania XX in 2004, also his career highlight. Weird how HHH was in so many of these highlights of other people's career. You are just lunatic, I won't even respond anymore. If you think 2002-2003 were bad years than keep it, good for you, but the only reason you gave was that you HATE HHH, nothing more.
No you really couldn't. He had a good match against Booker T at WrestleMania, which he won thank god in a good feud which he as an heel was booked as a big asshole and that's how heels should be booked, not as random guys who likes to say mean things about a town like CM Punk nowadays.

That match was mediocre and that was an understatement. I did love HHH taking 30 seconds to pin Booker after a Pedigree.

The Elimination Chamber in 2003 was highly entertaining with Orton getting the opportunity to be in the ring against the likes of Goldberg and HBK. "TheWrestleReview awarded the elimination chamber bout the best score of the night with a match rating of 8.6 out of 10"

Other than Angle/Lesnar, did you see what else was on that card?

I didn't give a fuck about Orton that match except for when Goldberg destroyed him. You would have thought Goldberg would have went over then, but they had to protect The Franchise and his groin injury which was the main reason why it was an Elimination Chamber match.

Everybody had to hear Jericho talk about his Undisputed Championship for more than two years, where he all know he defeated both Austin and Rock in the same night, and went one to defeat both of them separately and main event WrestleMania. It's like the highlight of his career pretty much

He only talks about beating them at Vengeance. He doesn't talk about beating them separately. Don't know which Jericho you've been watching.
That match was mediocre and that was an overstatement. I did love HHH taking 30 seconds to pin Booker after a Pedigree.

It was an average match to a PPV, they weren't even close to the main event of that year since they had other great matches there.

Other than Angle/Lesnar, did you see what else was on that card?

I didn't give a fuck about Orton that match except for when Goldberg destroyed him. You would have thought Goldberg would have went over then, but they had to protect The Franchise and his groin injury which was the main reason why it was an Elimination Chamber match.

Yes I did, I also think that the Elimination Chamber match was great, but I do prefer Angle/Lesnar as well, so two great matches, both in the **** line, so that don't make them anywhere near bad.

He only talks about beating them at Vengeance. He doesn't talk about beating them separately. Don't know which Jericho you've been watching.
I'm pretty sure he talked about his title run more than once when he was on SmackDown.

But when it all said and done the years 2002-2003 were good, I'm not saying they were the best years ever or something down those lines because that would be just insane to say, but they were two good years to be a fan, and obviously they had some crappy things, but in 2012 I had to endure a Sheamus vs. Del Rio feud as well, and I consider this year good too. As much as I think that CM Punk's the most overrated wrestler, I can also see that he produced some good matches but I also think that he should have dropped the title against someone like Daniel Bryan at Over The Limit, or even Ryback at Hell in A Cell, but even though that the year ended up as being pretty good.

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