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Warrior/Vince 1991 letters, Summer Slam money hold-up.

Charismatic Enigma

Grand Slam Champion
Wrestlezone posted an article earlier today here

that has links to letters faxed between Ultimate Warrior and Vince McMahon in 1991, that offer up some very interesting insight to the infamous "financial hold-up" that happened around Summer Slam '91.

Unfortunately, because these are copies of faxes, the detail has become quite obscured making Warriors hand-writing very difficult to read. However, I've just spent a fair amount of time trying to transcribe it all so that everyone can check it out and discuss.

I have to say…over the years I've heard a ton of guys badmouth Warrior, but the more I find out about the guy I don't think he's as crazy or difficult as some people may lead you to believe. In fact, the more I find out about him, the more I've come to respect him (I've already long since enjoyed him as a performer, but that's a whole other topic). Anyway, check it out below and then weigh in on what you think. Do you feel Warriors demands were fair, was Vince's reaction acceptable, does he deserve the bad rap he's gotten over the years from this incident, etc?

Ultimate Warrior's letter to Vince McMahon from July 10 said:
Writing this as a different approach in expressing my feelings about the things we had “discussed?” the last 2 days under the pressure of TV. Knowing that any second someone would be knocking on the door, etc. Every other excuse we have tried, in person, face to face, myself still walking away with unanswered questions. Always put off till a later date. Always with the same result – no result.

Writing sometimes allows a person to express feelings or say things that don’t come in conversations ______. Some of the things we’ll once again become repetitive – As what I’ve heard “In an essence” at least a million times. I’ve tried to speak as a friend but somehow you don’t hear. I’ve ___ as a professional but the direction always gets changed. No you have never let me leave with-out a response, but the words you speak never have any definitive. My whole life for the last years has been no room for anything but ___ (Los Angeles on Thurs, San Diego on Friday, San Francisco on Sat. Sacramento on Sunday, Prime Time on Monday…) But you always have to have the luxury of time. Time to stew things over to work them your way.

I have been from day 1 different from the others, I have satisfied myself enough both in my personal life and physical well being. The fairness you say you want everyone to have is unfair to me. I grew in 5 (five) years to become what the “Ultimate Warrior” is today, Always questioning, but nonetheless taking him in the direction you wanted him to go at any particular time. Done what would and has taken other 10-15 years.

The point and suggestions you have made over the last five years were very well taken. Now I look at another individual with less time 1/3 the ____, desire and hunger I had (have) and wonder how you can look and see him as the one. For you as a friend I pray all the things you believe in rise to the surface and present themselves.

Then there is a side that says “what the fuck?” When I was thought of as the one the topic of consideration was – “treat the veterans with respect”. The veterans you speak are the very ones that will fuck it up for you. No matter I listened. I would go to the ring push myself to the brink of a heart attack and you would say “When down go to the corners – smile?!?! You spoke of the Ultimate Warrior, appealing to all, old, young, ugly, beautiful, fat, skinny, black, white.

A character who would show ups and downs, emotions and intensities, sensitivities, and cold-heartedness when it was needed. Like a yo-yo I obliged so I could be the one and where the hell are this man’s ups and downs. – Total jugular-vein popping, yelling at all times, is this the total picture, character, or presentation that can be the one? I learned with you to show integrity at this level, but also to show just as much intensity with the look of my eyes or with the whisper of my voice or even better – extreme intensity in total silence. I did all you asked.

Then this long ___ ____ changed. At first I was reluctant for what I believed where the right reasons – but once again I went with what I knew I could believe in “Vince has never fucked me”. I dealt with the changes out of only wanting to go with what you thought was best no matter what the cost to me. No matter the countless number of sleepless nights there were to come, no matter the number of times I had to knock on your door with questions I never should have had.

For the last 2 ½ years I should have never had the questions I did. To stand and make a videotaped apology for something I never did made me realize all the ___ in business.

Once again I was without sleep, If ever I do so again it will be because I elect to, not because, my wandering mind says to do so.

In reaching this conclusion I ask for these things. You say 500,000 for Wrestlemania is unfair. Then I say the last 8 ½ years of not being compensated equally when I meant as much or more to this company was total bullshit and most definitely unfair. I have satisfied more than 500,000 more than 1 million dollars even ____ in monies that should have been paid to me in receiving equal compensation as Hulk.

I paid my God-damn dues long ago. I need ___ pay anymore. I have given everything and never once was there a knock on my fucking door. Whether to bullshit as a friend or help me through my times of need or you trusting me to help you through yours.

I ask for these things Vince and the answers must come for the next event is upon us. It has been for me the last 5 years and for you to tell me you need to evaluate whether or not I’m cost effective and this takes time is unfair. A show rings at a given time and date – I have always been there never asking for time to see if I have the ____,or whatever it takes to make it. Now I ask the same of you.

1.) I want $550,000 release from the movies allotted me to the ___ my ___. This will suffice as my Wrestlemania VII payoff, but let it be noted it is not fair. I meant as much or more to that show as Hulk I deserve to be paid the same (I know what Hulk will get)

2.) 4 Days off every other time off period - Exceptions Pay Per View only.

3.) I want the same pay cut as Hulk gets on old Pay Per Views, SNME, Friday Primetime, house shows ) and proof as such. The same pay cut applies to what Hulk has been paid with relationship to past events Wrestlemania V, VI, VII. i.e. when Hulk was top draw.

4.) I want numbers and proof of monies drawn on 1-900-Hulk and like wise some pay cut.

5.) Same pay cut on all forms of merchandising.

Because I have had to always knock on your door words alone are not good enough. I understand Doug ___ is on vacation, call him take his days off away like you do the boys and myself and have it written. Every time I have had to knock upon your door upon leaving I have always apologized. I no longer feel I have any reason to apologize therefore I will not. I have tried to speak as a friend, but maybe I don’t have the qualities you require to seek me out as a friend. This video taped apology was the icing on the cake – you see it as business so whether I like it or not I must do the same. Whatever your decision I can and will live with it. Till then I remain home with one who cares. Jim-
It's never ok to hold somebody up for money...period...especially in this kind of business when a company puts so much behind a talent and then they turn around and say..."hey you know that match you been promoting me in for months now? Yea if I don't get X amount of money I'm not showing up to that so suck it".

Vincent reaction to it was classy and had the fans in mind...He swallowed his pride and went with it so he could full fill the event he was promoting...I dunno if I could do that I would a fired him on the spot.
If this is legit, it shows 2 totally different mindsets and attudes from Hellwig and 2 from Vince...

In Jim's case he may have a point in some places, he did rise extremely quickly from a newbie into the focal point of the company. There was not a lot of time for "respecting veterans" if that was to be the case as the wins had to come and come quickly. Guys like Andre did the necessary and stepped aside. However this also shows a very ugly side to Jim Hellwig, not the lack of "team play" but the almost dearth of gratitude for anything. The tone of this letter is that being the top guy in the WWF is an impossible burden to him, and the least Vince can do is lighten the load by equalling him to Hogan.

Now remember Hogan had been the top man for longer, but not much longer in reality... but during those 5 years he had immeasurably changed the business for the better. Warrior had been "on top" for 16 months when he wrote this letter and buy rates had not improved much or at all. Hogan hadn't left yet, the test had still to be made of whether Warrior was actually the Hogan equivalent or the short term fix... with this letter he proved neither.

Vince's response isn't on the thread but also shows a lot about the man.

There is no argument, he lists off and seccedes to each demand. This could either be cos he genuinely wanted to keep Warrior who he even calls his friend happy, or that his mind was made up - he would be fired as soon as he came through the curtain after the match. Two well known traits Vince posesses, he is your friend but he will nuke you of you're too much trouble.

It's easy to see why Warrior has the reputation he does, he's clearly a thoughtful, ponderous guy who felt the need to explain why he wrote a letter for several paragraphs rather than getting to the point, much as his promos were. Perhaps this was because he felt people didn't take him seriously. Some of his points are ludicrous, being asked to go till a heart attack? Then don't run to the ring you mug... work on your cardio... as most matches were less than 5 minutes if he was near heart attack at that point then he really needed to stop as he was in worse shape than Ax.

At the end of the day I read this letter as Hellwig realising the seas had changed, that the Warrior was not going to be the guy for long and he was out to bully Vince into sticking to what they had done and protect his position, or make as much in the short term in case it went south - which it did due to the letter.

I am sure both guys are embarrased this is out there now, and would do it differently but it's a fascinating thing to read.
I read that letter as a guy who was more talented than the top guy getting screwed, and not wanting to take it any more. It's not Vince's fault on a personal level, because a business man is always going to try and make the best deal for the corporation. But I don't see anything wrong with that the Warrior did here, and in fact, he could have and should have been requiring more.
In all honesty I think the Warrior made some excellent points in the letter but he shouldn't have proceeded with the actions he did. I'm in agreement with him that Warrior vs Savage was as big a draw as Slaughter vs Hogan for Wrestlemania, hell I think the Slaughter vs Hogan match pulled down PPV numbers if I'm talking openly. The rumour is that Hogan got paid twice as much as Savage or Warrior for that PPV and I'd agree with Warrior that that is wrong. The main event wrestlers should always get paid more but it shouldn't be double the next star attraction.

I also agree with Warrior that more respect was, and is, owed to a guy who became the hottest act in wrestling within four years of debuting. He could have legitimately knocked Hogan off the top spot for keeps had his title run been booked better.

That said, you should never hold a company up when it has genuinely put so much effort into your career. This letter was obviously the Warrior at the end of his tether with Vince and he could have said he was handing in his notice and getting his lawyers involved for any money he felt he was owed. Work out your dates, go to court if need be but don't sabotage the company on screen
It starts out as a very personal letter that makes it sound like two friends fighting. I think it gets angrier as it goes on, and eventually it gives way to just an outright demand for money. I don't think you can do both, and remain professional or even rational. Hellwig sounded like he wanted to play hurt friend while arguing for a raise as an employee...if it had been me, I probably would've fired him as well.

Regarding his demands, I think anytime you are presenting an argument for more money, and have to constantly refer to the compensation of another employee as a basis of comparison, you're automatically setting yourself up for failure. Particularly given the fact that all he is arguing is that he's poured his heart and soul into the business for X number of years. Well guess what? I'm sure everyone on that roster felt they had given their heart and soul as well. What made Hellwig feel so much more entitled than them? We could've probably made a better argument for him about how much he was worth to the company than Hellwig did in his letter.

I'm kind of curious who he was referring to in the line: "Now I look at another individual with less time 1/3 the ____, desire and hunger I had (have) and wonder how you can look and see him as the one."
That letter was some find im surprised it got out there for the masses to read.. So much info in that letter and after reading the letter i can see why the warrior had gripes about his position in the company..

The letter though,comes off as a very angry individual but he does have valid points.. Warrior made is sound like this was the last resort,as he tried phone calls,face to face meetings,videotaped himself... Exactly what THRobTraylor alluded too,in that letter warrior alluded too,having to go till he died of a heart attack? Really im sure even if Vince hated your guts,he didnt want that..

Most of warriors matches were 4 or 5 mins at best,as he was woefully out of shape zero cardio in his repertoire.. But that said,yes he did deserve almost x dollar amount as Hogan was getting at that time..

I think in warriors mind he surpassed Hogan as the man.... Not true,Hogan put you over because that was the right thing to do as Andre did for him.. But he did deserve at least 500,000 back then at the PPV! That request in itself was not unreasonable.. Hogan back then and to this day is still the man.. As far as his hotline numbers he wanted equal footing yes he did deserve that as well.. His other requests sure he deserved it..

Vince gave in to his demands,but the thing with Vince is,he is either your friend or will demolish you when you least expect it.. Im sure at least the warrior is embarrassed by what happened,I dont know if Vince gets that way,as his ego might not let him!
I read this and wonder what Warrior was taking drug wise. He paid his dues for 8 1/2 years ? Not in WWE, he had only been there 2-3 years at the time this was written. Also, its not like UW was a major star before he came to WWE. His only other notable success was a brief time in a short lived tag team in the UWF which went out of business. Its not like he was Ric Flair coming to WWE in 91 or Randy Savage joining WCW in 95. Warrior was an inexperienced nobody that most wrestling fans didnt even know. He may have felt he "paid his dues" but he had only rivaled Hogan as Top Star for maybe a year and only been above the mid card maybe a year longer.

Hogan by contrast had been top guy for almost 8 years at that point, plus he was main eventing in the AWA prior to that. Randy Savage had been among the Top 3 or 4 stars on the roster since 1986, and his year long run as champ was more successful than UW's. Warrior may have wanted more money but he wasnt on equal footing with either of those two in terms of star power and time served. One great year doesnt make you the greatest thing ever.

Now We dont know where UW's pay was in correlation to the rest of the roster so it's hard to say he was underpaid. Was he paid less during a year as champ than Curt Henning & Brett Hart were, two clear 2nd tier performers who at the time were not consistant main eventers ? Was he paid less than top villains like Ted DiBiase and Rick Rude who did main event and were prominently featured but didnt get World Title runs ? Without this knowledge its hard to even say Warrior, with only a little over a year as the company's top star deserved significantly more $$ than every other star on the roster.

Add in the criticisms of UW as a worker and the general complaint he was hard to get along with and I can see Vince reluctance to commit to this guy, especially after he was given a 2nd chance in 92 and again squandered it amid poor performances, injuring other wrestlers, and allegations he again wanted more $$. Vince maybe a lot of things but a bad business man is not one of them.
The worst part of it for me is that Warrior had not "paid dues". When he wrote this letter he was not even 7 years TOTAL into his career. Let alone into his WWF career which was only 3. He had, at the time lost 2 matches... One to Rude and one to Slaughter... neither was a clean win against him and only the Slaughter was without reply.

Worse than that, Jim had actually pushed some other guys aside who had been around longer and even affected Vince's decisions on signing guys like Flair in 1989... If that's not showing all the faith in the world to a guy then nothing was ever going to be enough.

The worst part of the letter for me is the "I'll stay home with someone who cares..." which is a total cut down to the entire roster and WWF machine of the day. Everyone had a family they were missing, doing extra shots that he wouldn't do and busted their ass for a lot more hours for a lot less pay? Why? COS THEY CARED ABOUT THE BUSINESS! The thing that leaves the worst impression of Hellwig and perhaps is why guys like DiBiase and Jake are so bitter towards him is that they cared about the business where as Warrior clearly only cared about himself and perhaps this letter was the thing that made Vince realise that and say "he can care about himself all he wants after the match, cos I don't anymore..." You could headline this letter "It's all about me" and it'd sum up every point Hellwig made and save you minutes or hours of your life deciphering the scrawl.
This getting out has to come from Warrior, it's not a Vince tactic and to be honest I am stunned it has as this is surely linked to their legal case and probably "sealed", whoever leaked this would be someone with VERY limited access... There is no reason for Vince to open up old wounds, he's rolling out the carpet... but perhaps these kind of things are the "knives" Warrior wanted to keep drawn... maybe it's to create some heat or buzz for a confrontation between the two at Mania or even the HOF... but it's very unseemly...
I'm kind of curious who he was referring to in the line: "Now I look at another individual with less time 1/3 the ____, desire and hunger I had (have) and wonder how you can look and see him as the one."

To me that seems to be about Sid. He'd recently arrived in the WWF and, from all reports at the time, he was seen as the next Hulk Hogan. Warrior might've been a git but even he could see that Sid didn't really give a toss about wrestling and, if you feel you're being jipped for money that you should have got, while being moved downwards because of an inferior guy, you're bound to be pissed.

I don't really blame Warrior for the letter. Vince and that have always given the impression that Warrior waited till the last minute to threaten to no-show Summerslam but, what I can see, Warrior had tried to talk to Vince and was always getting fobbed off with "umms" and "arrs" and no definite answers. I think I'd end up taking the same stance as him in the end too.

Still, in a wrestler vs promoter arguement (especially when the promoter believes he's actually signed "the next Hulk Hogan" rather than the "failed as the next Hogan Warrior") there's only ever going to be one winner.

BTW thanks OP for writing this down, I couldn't read the Warriors original letter because of his handwriting so, to me, it was pretty much like one of his promos!
at the end of the day, this is for behind closed doors between employer and employee. We dont know the real specifics of their financial or contractual arrangement from 23 years ago.
Basically Jim Hellwig feels he was as important enough as Hogan, and during that period he may well have been, but it isnt for him to hold his employer to ransom, there is a time and place and certainly a way to go about getting ones way, through compromise and conversation. Regardless of whether Hellwig was entitled to more money, the way he went about this was dead wrong and showed just how unprofessional he was back in the day.
The Sid angle is interesting, but flawed.... as Sid would have been primed to face both Hogan and Warrior, both would have known about him coming in and had their say.... It being Sid only makes sense if Jim was ignored, which I doubt he was.

Now who this could refer to, more interestingly is Undertaker, Papa Shango and Bam Bam Bigelow, two of which were signed in this period and one who Vince was making the moves towards during.

If you are Warrior and Undertaker suddenly comes in, with a "cooler" gimmick, a push and Hogan in his corner then you're going to feel threatened. Likewise you have Papa Shango, a guy at the time of similar shape and build to Warrior, with a much more interesting take on the "Parts Unknown" than Jim had...

What happened when these two faced off with Warrior, well nothing on TV or PPV... yet the "best" angles Jim was in of the era was the kayfabe "Warrior locked in a coffin by Taker" and the overacted but still interesting "Voodoo Vomit" of the Warrior... yet Warrior was basically a passenger or saboteur in both... Coincidence? Maybe till you realise that he never faced Sid either OR more importantly Jake... so basically he was binning off opponents left and right by refusing to work with them. Any of those matches could and should have been a major part of Rumbles, Summerslams, Survivors and Manias... but he never fought ANY of them on PPV... funny that... cos I doubt any of the opponents were resisting...
I think the most tell-tale sign of Warrior's status in the world of wrestling was the fact that he never attempted to prove his value over in WCW, who probably would've jumped at the chance to have him onboard (unless it was well-known how egomaniacal and bad a worker he was).

This competitor, who thought he was as valuable an asset as Hulk Hogan, and had given his heart to wrestling for however many years, had every chance to say: "Screw this. There's another company here that may be willing to make me the main event. C ya!" At this point, Flair was still in the WWF, and Luger was on the verge of leaving as well. I have never heard anything about Warrior's relationship with Sting, if there was any at all beyond their rookie years. It seems to me WCW was sitting there waiting for him.

But no, this guy was content to stay at home, minus the odd date with some random promotion here or there. In the end, Warrior cared less about wrestling and more about the marketability of the gimmick, and every decision he has made since that time has been based around that fact, including his abortive WWF return in 1996, and his final, laughable turn in WCW in 1998 (?). I think this was a guy who was set to milk that one moment in the Skydome at WrestleMania 6 where it seemed that he had finally arrived on stage as the king of the wrestling world, and subsequently never...ever...have to work hard at the job ever again.
It's really impossible to blame Warrior here. You can see that he had been strung along, promises were made and broken, he repeatedly tried to talk to Vince but kept getting the runaround...this was the only way he was going to get Vince's attention, get Vince to keep his word, and he did what he had to do. I'd say he handled the whole situation quite well, all things considered.
This letter was actually leaked around the time of the "Self-Destruction" DVD in 2005. I think Warrior's team might've leaked it to show that he wasn't simply "holding Vince up for money." There were genuine reasons behind it and it was several months in the making before it all came to a head at SS '91. It shows Warrior tried to resolve the issue long before SS '91.

With that being said, remember back them your entire year was based off of WrestleMania. There we no guaranteed contracts. You got paid what you were worth and obviously (and rightfully so) Warrior felt he was just as if not more so important to the WM 7 PPV than Hogan was.

A far as "paying his dues" I believe Warrior did pay his dues. He toiled in the Memphis, Mid-South and Dallas territories before making it to the WWE and even then he had to prove himself. Working his way up from dark matches and C-Towns to I-C and finally World title main event status. He deserved every penny he got from Vince.

And for those criticizing his way of handling it, how was he supposed to go about it? Obviously he tried every avenue to talk to Vince about the situation and Vince kept giving him the runaround. What was he supposed to do? What would you have done in the situation? There is no union. You have only yourself to rely on and he did what had to do. Plain and simple. I don't blame Warrior one bit for the way he handled it.
You see his opinion, not fact... He wrote a letter one month before a PPV when he knows that advertising is already being done and he "has Vince over a barrel.

Warrior refers to trying to talk to Vince in his office and deal with this, but remember this was right when the first rumblings of the steroid indictment AND the sexual misconduct scandals were brewing. The WWF and thus Vince were putting out fires left and right. While Warrior may have felt he needed to write, did he need to write THEN?

Indeed 6 days after the date of this letter, Hogan's professional suicide was broadcast on Arsenio with all the attendant damage to the WWF. The timing of the letter is either very unfortunate or very opportunistic... only Jim Hellwig knows for sure which.

I really doubt Vince was "ignoring" Warrior or even undervaluing him but he very likely had far bigger issues to worry about, like a potential scandal engulfing his top name and sexual abuse allegations against his right hand man... hence the "capitulation" almost of his reply... "Give him what he wants then I don't have to worry about him" but if that wasn't enough for Jim... and he still played around then yeah, Vince was gonna nuke out the problem as there were too many he couldn't just get rid of to tolerate Jim being an ass...

Lot's of guys have told stories about being unhappy with payoffs for Mania, simply raising it and it gets fixed by Vince. Jericho, Bret among them... if these guys could simply say "nah, that's not right" then why would Warrior need to go to all these lengths? Unless he was trying to fundamentally take control of the relationship and working arrangement... which I think is the real goal of the letter and the reason he was soon gone.
Thats an interesting point raised above, there are a lot of guys who have puclicly stated they had $$ issues with Vince and after approacing got a lot more money. Heck, Flair said Vince and Linda paid off his IRS debts for him after his accountant screwed him before WrestleMania VIII.

It does make one wonder why it was apparently so hard for Warrior to get money, unless Vince thought all the other guys were worth it and Warrior wasnt ?
There is no way it was about money... it was about ego and control... Warrior wanted the deal Hogan had, where he could call his shots and have a symbiotic relationship with Vince... but Warrior wasn't good enough or over enough to get it... so he focused on what he thought Hogan had and he didn't...

Vince has never been shy about changing a payoff if someone felt slighted... neither did his father... but what he had had issues with is guys trying to take the upper hand in their relationship and call the shots. The high profile leavers, the Warrior's, Brock's, Kurt have all gone that route and failed...
There are 3 contenders for the section about the guy with 1/3rd the time....
1)Flair was coming in or had been in for a little while by this time and while he had a lot longer time in the business, he didn't have much time with WWE.
2)Similar to Flair, could be a reference to the growing popularity of Undertaker. And the fact that Undertaker really dominated their feud.
3)someone mentioned Sid, and I suppose it could be him as well. But it could also apply to Luger who was coming in also around the same time.

One section was about UW not paying his dues only being around 7 years, I say if the fact he started in the territories with a ridiculous name as 'Dingo Warrior' and being partnered with Sting if more then enough to qualify as paying your dues.

I want to know about what he's talking about when he mentions his movies? Was he supposed to make transition like Hogan and get some movie roles? Mr. Nanny staring Ultimate Warrior? Santa with Muscles? Or the belated sequel to under rated "He-Man"?
This is amazing.

Warrior sounds batshit goddamn crazy. The way he talks sounds like those under educated spiritual pot heads trying to be business-like and unable to hide his gigantic ego.

Vince came across as professional.

I'm guessing Warrior didn't approach Vince as much as he thought. Or if he did, he demanded different things every time or just didn't communicate very well. Vince then said "send me a fax so I have exactly what you want in writing" and got it, sent his message back, met his demands.

Did Warrior have a right to these demands? No. Not at all. He was on top for a year. He was a very obviously machine-made star. He had some talent to get over, but I think Vince saw that he was a short term character. He didn't have the staying power, drive, or ability Hulk had. Still he met his demands for the short term, when it was proved Warrior didn't have the goods it was over.

More proof, as another stated, that Warrior wasn't worth what he said was that he never made another promotion. He could have made WCW. They probably approached him, he probably wanted too much. The fact that they wouldn't do whatever he wanted (like they did for Hulk years later when Hulk was seemingly done) shows that they thought the same thing. I know it was different management than 1995, but still, companies see assets and assess that value. If the asset thinks it's worth more, the asset doesn't get paid.

This makes me respect Vince a lot more. Warrior was like Ryback in why he was over and like Batista in attitude. I also don't think Warrior paid his dues. I mean, in a wrestler sense he did. Not in a "top guy" sense. Cena, Hogan, Rock, Austin, they all pay their dues to be the top guy. To be "one of the boys" you toil in the territories/indies, get ribbed, get paid shit, and wrestle hurt. To be a top guy, it's total commitment to the business and the brand. Warrior didn't have that.
Warrior was drawing better than Hogan despite Hogan having the belt in mid '91, so I think the letter was written simply because of that.
I respect the Ultimate Warrior much more than what the WWF made him out to be, but I have a major problem when guys feel they should be paid as much as ______.

I remember watching an NFL Films clip where Bill Parcells was talking about a guy who gets 8 sacks in ONE season wanting to be paid as much as Lawrence Taylor, who had been dominating as a pass rusher ever since he entered the league. One year as a great pass rusher, even if you did it better than Lawrence Taylor for one year doesn't mean you should be paid as much as he is. The same goes for wrestling. Hogan is the main the made it possible for a guy to have a million dollar pay day for Wrestle Mania. I don't mind him having the top deal in the company, particularly over the Warrior. If Warrior wanted that kind of money in my opinion, then he needed to be the man for a few more years before making that kind of demand. Had his position been the same say around 1993, then I believe he has more of a claim.

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