Warrior: A Day Late. A Dollar Short. Who Cares?


Getting Noticed By Management
Moderator Note: This is in the TNA section because it revolves around the man "running" TNA. Please move if you feel the need.

The other day I finally got around to watching the much hyped "bullet to kill Hulkamania" tell all video Warrior has been hyping. After watching it I can't help but wonder why anyone would give a damn. It was worthless. It might have been the most underwhelming "huge deal" since the Gobblygooker.

Warrior promised to reveal all of Hogans dirty secretes. He revealed nothing. The problem was that everything he said about Hogan had already been admitted by the Hulkster. He claimed that Hogan used drugs. Hogan admitted in a Rolling Stone interview that he used booze, cocaine, and painkillers for many years. Nothing revealed there. He claimed Hogan cheated on his wife, and that Linda was a ****e and Hulk knew it. Hogan has already admitted that he had numerous affairs and his marriage had been on the rocks for many years prior to Hogan Knows Best being made. Nothing revealed there. He claimed that Hogan held people back and was only out for himself. Holy shit I've heard that in 90% of the shoot interviews I've ever seen. Nothing revealed there. He claimed that Hogans kids where all messed up. Gee, everyone who has seen a tabloid article about the man in the last 4 years knows that. Nothing revealed there. He claimed that Hogan had trouble separating Terry from Hulk Hogan. Once again, that isn't a surprise in the least. Nothing revealed there.

That's the problem with Warrior's entire video. Everything he said has either been said before, or already admitted my Hogan himself. Warrior said in his video that he has basically hatted hogan for 20 years. Well, YouTube has been around for 6 years. Considering how you haven't seen Hogan in at least 10, that gave you a hell of a long time to get this out. The joke that makes Warriors video such a piece of shit is that Hogan isn't anyone's hero anymore. Sure, he's still a lot of people's favorite wrestler, but he isn't a godlike figure who can do know wrong anymore. All those kids (myself included) who worshiped him in his prime are in their late 20's and early 30's now. We all know he's just a man who has problems like everyone else. And we've know it for years. Hogan was the tabloid whipping boy for about two years after Hogan Knows Best ended. His sons wreak, all the weird shit with his wife, and his own substance abuse problems became well know to the public about four years ago. For Gods sake he made national headlines when he said he understood why OJ did it, and said he got drunk and put a gun to his head. Warrior didn't say one damn thing that hadn't been said before. Warrior only brought up two new allegations. The first was that he thinks Hulk had an incestious with his daughter based on what his new wife looks like. Warrior is a real fucking piece of shit for saying something like this. It's the absolute worst thing you could every accuse a father of. His only proof is that Hulk married a tall blond. Does that stupid piece of shit not realize that half the women in Florida fit that description? What a fucking scumbag. The other "new" info he brought up was his thoughts on the relationship between Hogan and Macho. The main thing Hogan said was that Macho was overprotective of her to the point of being completely paranoid. Once again, I've heard a ton of guys say the same thing about Savage for years in shoot interviews. Anyway, none of us were there, so its not really worth arguing about.

The thing that made me laugh out loud watching the video was the way Warrior kept saying Hogan was a walking cartoon character who thought he was Hulk Hogan 24 hours a day. THIS IS COMING FROM THE MAN WHO LEGALLY CHANGED HIS NAME TO WARRIOR! If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, nothing on this earth is. Is he too stupid to realize the irony of his main point?

The bottom line is that if Warrior had made this video 4 years ago it would have been huge. He really would have said things about Hogan that no one knew. He probably would have had a valid point about killing Hulkamania if he had done this back then. But he didn't He waited until the man had been a tabloid joke for a few years, and then made a video that did nothing but rehash every thing that had already been said about, and admitted by Hogan himself. At the end of the day I think Warriors video did nothing but make Warrior look like a bitter old has been.
Dude, you are thinking like a mark not a business man. Warrior changed his name so that he could legally prove some sort of ownership to the name Ultimate Warrior. It gave him the ability to market himself as Warrior prior to the conclusion of his lawsuit for the rights to the character. You think he wanted to be legally named Warrior for no other reason than to live a gimmick? That makes no sense. Apart from that, Warrior gave some great insight into what it was like working with Hogan and Savage back in the cartoon days. Who cares if it was 4 years too late, if thats the case then any wrestler who ever wrote an autobigraphy or did a shoot falls under the same label as "bitter old has been." I mean Hogan comes off as one, so does Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, Ric Flair just to name a few. I mean all those guys shoot on other wrestlers, what makes them different? Ill tell you one thing- those guys are still hanging on to being wrestling has-beens. Warror is using wrestling as a stepping stone to his next business idea- whatever it may be, good or bad.
Dude, you are thinking like a mark not a business man. Warrior changed his name so that he could legally prove some sort of ownership to the name Ultimate Warrior. It gave him the ability to market himself as Warrior prior to the conclusion of his lawsuit for the rights to the character. You think he wanted to be legally named Warrior for no other reason than to live a gimmick? That makes no sense. Apart from that, Warrior gave some great insight into what it was like working with Hogan and Savage back in the cartoon days. Who cares if it was 4 years too late, if thats the case then any wrestler who ever wrote an autobigraphy or did a shoot falls under the same label as "bitter old has been." I mean Hogan comes off as one, so does Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, Ric Flair just to name a few. I mean all those guys shoot on other wrestlers, what makes them different? Ill tell you one thing- those guys are still hanging on to being wrestling has-beens. Warror is using wrestling as a stepping stone to his next business idea- whatever it may be, good or bad.

A mark huh? Yeah, changing his name to Warrior did allow him to keep some of his Ultimate Warrior identity, but it wasn't just a business decision. Up until a few years ago he was still snorting and speaking in third person in public as the "Warrior". I'd say that qualifies as having trouble separating fact from fiction. You completely missed the point about it being 4 years too late. If he had just come out and said all of this it would have been fine. The problem was he hyped it for weeks saying he had the bullet to kill Hulkamania, and that he was going to reveal all of Terry's dirty little secrets. Everything he said was already public knowledge. It wasn't about him doing a shoot interview. He clearly said that he was going to reveal things about Hogan that nobody knew. He didn't. Every fucking thing he said about Hogan had already been said. Almost all of the "dirt" he exposed Hogan for was in a Rolling Stone article that was published over a year ago.

How the hell is Warrior using wrestling as a stepping stone for his next business idea? He hasn't been relevent or on TV in 13 years? Sure is taking his time isn't he? I wonder if his next great idea will be as successful as Warrior University, Warrior the comic, or the time he tried to be a political speaker and got laughed off the stage at the few speeches he gave. No one has said something positive about Warrior in 20 years, and he's been fucking obsessed with trashing the Hogan family since their TV show went off the air. Sounds pretty bitter to me.

Bottom line. Not one fucking thing he said in the boring ass video was shocking or new. It was an overhyped lie. It's funny that with all the rumors he was claiming to be true about Hogan, he didn't bring up the big one about himself. Lots of people have said the Warrior danced in a gay strip club and was an escort for men when he was in his early 20's. I would have loved to hear Warrior spend an hour on that.
I think I should start this by pointing out that I have never, ever been a fan of Hogan or Warrior, even was I was younger and they were at their peak I always cheered for others, they just didnt spark my interest. It does mean that I can look at this whole video thing in an un-biased way, after all I dont like either!
I think you make some interesting points and I have to say after watching the videos I was surprised at how little is actually revealed. Warrior had spent a long time building up the videos saying they were going go to kill Hulkamainia etc etc and your right, he said nothing we hadnt heard before. It doesnt take a genius to see that Hogan used drugs, or that he held others back or that he is an ego-maniac. This is nothing new. Same can be said of the stories of his affairs.
I dont mind or object to Warrior doing a shoot video, hell it may even be quite interesting, but he needed to be honest about what it is and not build the video into something its not. It most certainly isnt controversial!
The saddest thing about all this is the behaviour of both parties. When I see Hogan on Impact or Warrior doing his on-line rants I just see two pathetic old men who should just walk away, there is no doubt that they were great servants to the industry in the past, but their time has been and gone, they are losing their relevance and watching them desperatly trying to stay in the public eye is sad. In fact what they are doing is slowly destroying any legacy they had worked so hard to create.
Its time for these two old donkeys to retire and move on to pastures new.
OP, I agree with you. I wrote this in another thread but copy/pasting for you.

In a nutshell, the new videos made the following points.

- Hulk Hogan is a 'dopehead' who says "A day without smoking pot is like a day without sunshine." While that is a very funny quote to envision an 80's Hulk Hogan saying, I wouldn't condemn Hogan for this. Many wrestlers are and I would always prefer a wrestler to smoke a joint rather than take vodka/painkiller cocktails. Also, isn't Warrior good friends with RVD? Warrior also accused Hogan of cocaine use, which is possible as Hogan was from an era where over 90% of the wrestlers were using illegal drugs. Warrior implies Hogan still is a cokehead.

- Hulk Hogan has a massive ego, backstabbed other wrestlers and held talent down for his own gain. This one isn't exactly a new revelation. Hulk has always been a businessman for sure and had been involved in politics to keep his spot over the years. As far as ego goes, every wrestler has one, especially Warrior himself.

- Hulk Hogan got many other wrestlers hooked on deadly drugs, causing some like Kevin Sullivan to overdose. I think anytime someone overdoses on a drug it's their own fault for using in the first place. What did Hogan do, hold Kevin Sullivan in a headlock and jam a needle into his arm? Unfortunately, Warrior doesn't offer any further details.

- Hulk Hogan is the biggest reason for America's decline. Warrior says how perverted he feels Hulkamania is and rants about how it's the biggest reason for the downfall of American society. There are lots of problems here in America, and evidently Hulk Hogan is the reason for all of them.

- Hulk Hogan and Linda were swingers. Hulk Hogan and Linda both supposedly slept around with many partners. Hulk evidently offered Warrior himself a chance to bone Linda, and Warrior declined saying that he was probably the only wrestler at the time to have not had sex with Linda. I really hope this one isn't true, I don't want to picture the Road Warriors having a three-way with Linda Hogan.

- Hulk Hogan is a terrible father. Warrior says Brooke Hogan had talent and potential but Hogan ruined her career by trying to gift-wrap her success rather than making her earn it. Warrior also accuses Nick Hogan of being a spoiled brat and a monster just like his father, referencing the jailhouse phone calls between Nick and Hulk that were released.

- Hulk Hogan ruined Randy Savage and Elizabeth's marriage. Warrior accuses Hogan of always getting into Elizabeth's ear and encouraging her to divorce Randy, behind Randy's back.

- Hulk Hogan didn't actually reconnect with Randy Savage. I personally have to question this one, because there's no possible way for Warrior to know exactly what the current relationship was between Hogan and Savage. Warrior seems to be making a baseless accusation in this case as there's simply no way for him to know. However I think Warrior has a good point in saying that it was wrong for Hogan to air Savage's dirty laundry about his marriage with Elizabeth, etc.

- Hulk Hogan is not a real man. Warrior hates how Hogan went in interviews and talked about his personal problems and putting a gun in his mouth, etc. Warrior says something like, "What kind of man sits and tells the world all his whines and complaints and bitches? Real men don't do that, Terry Bollea!" I think Warrior forgot that here he was, sitting, letting the world know his whines and complaints and bitches.
I see your point, but I disagree. Warrior does have a book coming out, so the videos could have been made to pique more interest. I didn't really care about their personal feud, but after watching the videos, I do want to learn more. I think that was the point of the videos
In a lot of ways, Warrior & Hogan are like two peas in a pod. Probably the most obvious similarity is that both of them are tireless and 100% shameless self promoters. They never, ever get tired of hearing themselves talk and will indulge any opportunity to do so. Their favorite topics of discussion tends to be themselves and how generally important they've been to wrestling or slamming people that they worked with in the past and simply don't like. Everytime you turn around, when it comes to Warrior especially, has something negative to say about almost everyone he's ever worked with. Whether it be Hulk Hogan, Bobby Heenan, Rick Rude, Ted DiBiase, etc. Warrior almost never has anything positive to say about any of them. And if you happen to be someone that doesn't fit into Warrior's ultra right wing, conservative philosophy, watch out. He makes people like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter seem downright warm & fluffy.

As for this revelation of all Hogan's dirty secrets, meh. Nothing we don't already know. Like I said, it was just another opportunity for Warrior to rant about the same old stuff he usually rants about.
In my opinion the video didnt tell us anything that we didnt already know. Its only ridiculous that it took him 7 videos to get this point across. Theres no "bullet" there to kill Hulkamania, just facts that were probably true for Hogan, Warrior, as well as everybody else in the industry at that time. Heck, I'm surprised that Hogan stopped at Cocaine and pot, given the boom of drugs at that time like crack (although that wasnt so big until Hogan had left the WWE). Warrior should've kept his mouth shut, these videos just make HIM look like the senile old man looking for attention.
Mike Killiam wrote a really great article regarding the entire Hogan/Warrior sage: http://www.wrestlezone.com/editorials/article/ruining-pro-wrestling-the-hoganwarrior-saga-131737

He pretty much hit every point that everyone here is talking about:

Warrior bringing up things that most of us already knew regarding his drug use, politicking to keep others down, etc.

This video is nothing more than a way for Warrior to keep his name out there and have people talking about him.

Hogan may not exactly be in a great place right now as far as what he is doing in Impact. But unlike the Warrior, he is still keeping his name relevant.

Plus, Warrior needs to start getting his name talked about because he is coming out with a book. And like Mike wrote, it's going to be an entire book bashing others, making himself look good and rehashing everything that most of the fanbase knew years ago.
Hulk can dish out all the crap he wants without condemnation, but when someone else returns the favor he hides behind a lawyer! He changed his name to Warrior because of a lawsuit involving the character or something like that, so that insult is not even valid. Barbara (Macho's widow) should sue Hogan for talking utter sh!t about him, he spouted crap about how he and Randy "reconnected" if they "reconnected" why do a sit down interview and trash him? Hogan is a pr!ck, always has been and now he's a laughing stock. He still wears that ridiculous thing on his head and he's almost 60! The guy can barely move and he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a wrestling ring or promotion EVER AGAIN.
Honestly, it wasn't something I wasn't looking forward to. I was assuming that if anything interesting was to come of it, I'd hear it and then check it out. I wasn't waiting for it, and I didn't anticipate any big news.

The I got big news. Apparently, Warrior doesn't have any understanding of the Internet. Because if he did, he'd know that NONE of this was even remotely NEWs. So, someone not knowing about the internet in 2011 that has a website, is pretty big news.
The videos are long, drawn out and pointless. When you got to the end of the last one and the Warrior mentioned his new book. I thought he lost any credibility in his argument since he was just obviously using this as a sad attempt to sell a book. As much as I agree with a lot of what Warrior said, he still has a lot of skeletons in his closet and probably could of communicated his points better then he did...
These two cry baby bitches (Hogan and Warrior) better put up or shut up. If they don't have a last man standing match on IMPACT for a super ratings boost then they are all stupid as far as I am concerned. Neither one of them has done dick for the industry in years, except make it look bad, and if they aren't going to do this last match, and it really should be a LAST MATCH, they should both go the fuck away.
These two cry baby bitches (Hogan and Warrior) better put up or shut up. If they don't have a last man standing match on IMPACT for a super ratings boost then they are all stupid as far as I am concerned. Neither one of them has done dick for the industry in years, except make it look bad, and if they aren't going to do this last match, and it really should be a LAST MATCH, they should both go the fuck away.

do you really think this would boost their ratings? this would be like watching an 80 year old with a walker fighting a 90 year old who has cataracts.

no thanks.
I had posted much of the same elsewhere but i'll repeat it here. The ONLY reason U.W. made those videos including the Savage tribute is because he is trying to sell the book that has been "coming soon" for 13 years now. No other reason. He only pulls stuff like this when he has something to promote.

I also want to address real quick why he changed his name to Warrior: After his falling out with the WWF in 1992 he went to Hollywood to become an Actor. Jim Helwig didn't get him noticed. A 270lb bodybuilder with long hair walking around calling himself "Warrior" was supposed to. It got him noticed for about 5 minutes in a straight to VHS movie, but that is about it.

Now, onto his claims....

- Warrior states Hogan/Linda were swingers and that Hogan slept around. Maybe true, may not. However, this claim coming from a guy who admitted seven years ago that he used to cheat on HIS ex wife while in the WWF. That's right, he's slamming Hogan for something he himself did.

- Warrior claims Hulk Hogan is a major pothead. Big deal, who cares? Well there's just that little thing about Ultimate Warrior being friends with, hanging out with and making you tube videos with Rob Van Damme, the biggest pothead in the business. Not to mention as we found out from Sean Waltman after the fact, Warrior used to have "prayer sessions", which was code for going off and smoking pot. The funny thing about that is they only worked together in WCW, in 1998. During that era where U.W. was condemning the business for moral depravity and years after the "growing up and acting an adult" expectation he holds Hogan to.

- Warrior claims Hogan is a cokehead. Well Hogan already admitted to that one, he used coke in the 1980's. What Warrior left out however, which has been confirmed by Marty Jannetty, Honky Tonk Man, Missy Hyatt and Warriors own ex wife is that during that same period in the 80's Warrior was a heavy user of speed and painkillers.

- Warrior hammers Hogan for about 5 minutes for not going to a BBQ Randy Savage invited him to. Apparently this is a huge freakin' deal. Flipping it again, it is a huge deal from the guy who no showed a tribute event for his best friend Kerry Von Erich after Kerry killed himself. Yeah.

- Warrior hammers Hogan on "trash talking, negativity that's alllll youuuu doooo Hoke Kogannnnnn"...... Then proceeds to kiss HTM's ass on twitter. Apparently it is fine for U.W. and HTM to smack talk everyone in the business, but Hogan has to shit sunshine and rainbows 24/7.

- Goes after Hogan for talking about Savage and Liz. Hogan hasn't said anything the rest of the locker room hasn't already said, but apparently this time is worse. Even worse than the 50 times HTM has told the same stories in interviews.

- Hulkamania destroyed America. Everything wrong in America today is Hoke Kogans fault.

- Mentions the jailhouse tapes, drops a bombshell that Nick Hogan is really Hoke Kogan and continues on with the Hogan is evil and hates everyone vein. You can see in his glassy eyes Warrior is hoping everyone forgot he is the same guy that went off on Droz in an unprovoked rant referring to him as "the cripple."

- Infers that Hogan had/has a sexual relationship with his daughter Brooke, that his wife MAY be Hogans lovechild and that Linda may have hooked up with one of Hogans bastard offspring.

- Claims Hogan lives the gimmick 24/7 and cannot distinguish between Terry Bollea and Hulk Hogan. Flipping it one more time it is hilarious coming from the guy who had his face painted on the doors of his truck(Google Warrior Workout, in it you can see Warriors Ultimate 4x4, complete with his portrait painted down the sides of his truck), the gas tank of his Harley, was known to walk around Scottsdale AZ in t-shirts and jackets with U.W. airbrushed on them, went on a rant about some kid complimenting him on his Ultimate Warrior hat at the bookstore in a blog post a year ago and who opened a fucking Art gallery in Sante Fe filled with paintings of the U.W. character.

- Spun the Hogan/Savage meeting in the Hospital into Randy Savage hanging out with dying orphans and kittens while the evil Hogan was getting surgery, or something.

- Claims Hogan was passing around some super secret and evil drink that started killing off wrestlers including Kevin Sullivan(??). He never specified what the drink actually was and for good reason: It was an over the counter energy drink sold at GNC, according to Sean Waltman. Oh that evil Hogan, drinking and sharing an energy drink sold at a vitamin store that was assumed to be safe.

- Hogan still does Steroids.... Says the guy who is sitting there at 52 years of age with 5% bodyfat and about 240lbs of muscle. Yeah....

- Every wrestling death was Hogans fault, as was guys not being able to get over.

- Hogan held everyone back(despite being 2nd to only Flair when it came to putting guys over), nevermind that Warrior kept quitting and never put anyone aside from The Undertaker over in his entire career. Nevermind that he made Triple H job to him in under a minute.

- Noone likes Hogan and Hogan can't get along with anyone. Coming from the guy who has had a falling out with and/or sued EVERY PERSON he has ever worked for or with in the last 20 years.

See, that's the sad thing. Warrior is a hypocrite. He has two standards, one he holds himself to and one he holds everyone else to. He also projects his shortcomings apon everyone else. See, I was an Ultimate Warrior fan and followed his career inside and out. This is what he does. If he cannot use you to make money you're a piece of shit to him and he'll expose your dirty laundry. The thing about this shit with Hogan, after he left the WWF in 1996 he used every opportunity he had to kiss Hogans, Stings and Bischoffs asses. In any interview he did from 1996-1999 he would lick Hogans hemmoroids, because he wanted a job. As soon as WCW folded and he could no longer ride on Hogans coattails to the pay window he went on the attack.

Hogans ass, Stings ass multiple times, Goldbergs ass you name it. If he thinks he can angle a payday out of it he's your best friend. The wife thing is also his M.O. Linda Hogan, Linda McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Diane Hart... He loves, LOVES going after peoples wives and families. According to him BOTH Lindas and Steph all wanted to screw the Ultimate Warrior.

As for the rest? The guy did drugs, still uses Steroids and despite his claims would LOVED to have had Hogans career and bank account. He lives his gimmick worse than ANYONE in the business and his entire existence revolves around the Ultimate Warrior character. But the bottom line is this is all coming from a guy that gets along with noone. He's burned bridges with the WWF, GWF, NWC, WCW, ECW, WWA, TNA, WWE and NWE, be it from no showing, holding up several promotions for money or asking for outrageous contracts. This is a guy who used to beg for Indy bookings on his website.

But that doesn't stop there, not only has he burned bridges with eight different promotions in 20 years he also burned his bridge in Hollywood, burned his bridge in Politics and had a million falling outs in the business and out. We'll start from the early 1990's. The production company that was doing his workout vids? Falling out. The people that ran his mail order business? Falling out. Comic books? Had a falling out with a prominent comic company who kicked off his series and had plans to make a cartoon movie of Warrior the comic THEN quickly had a falling out with their replacements. Had falling outs with three different web designers. Had a falling out with CPAC, Reagan Ranch and the GOP. Had a falling out with several book publishers, including Regnery who were working with him on becoming a political author. Had a falling out with his agent. Apparently had a falling out with the reality show he was angling to sign a contract for.

Point is he can't get along with anyone. He's sued the WWE multiple times, sued the WWA, sued his own Agent and has falling outs with everyone he ever comes in contact with. A glimpse into his brief political career would explain why. For those unaware the guy spent his time belittling his hosts and his audiences. If you didn't bodybuild, read Aristotle and bash people you were a "Liberal." If you were a "Liberal" he wished you along with Scott Hall, Droz, Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, Sting, born again Christians, homosexuals, Arabs, Muslims, fat people, drug users ect ect ect to all go away and die horrible deaths.

That's not even getting into his constantly ripping off his fans on merchandise and never following through with anything.

Hogan while imperfect at least owned up to his mistakes and has been trying to change his life and Hogan is right, Warrior needs serious mental help. There's something not right in his mind that needs fixed. Maybe it's from the nervous breakdown he had in 1990, I don't know.
Hulk can dish out all the crap he wants without condemnation, but when someone else returns the favor he hides behind a lawyer! He changed his name to Warrior because of a lawsuit involving the character or something like that, so that insult is not even valid. Barbara (Macho's widow) should sue Hogan for talking utter sh!t about him, he spouted crap about how he and Randy "reconnected" if they "reconnected" why do a sit down interview and trash him? Hogan is a pr!ck, always has been and now he's a laughing stock. He still wears that ridiculous thing on his head and he's almost 60! The guy can barely move and he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a wrestling ring or promotion EVER AGAIN.

Congratulations on completely missing the point of the thread! It isn't about what you think of Hogan or Warrior. It's a bout the fact that Warrior said he was going to give a tell all that would ruin Hogan's career and he didn't. He hashed over the same old rumors and stories that have been going around about Hogan for years. Hell, half the fucking things he said about Hogan, Hogan had already admitted to himself.

I love your dumb ass logic about how the Savage estate should sue Hogan for slander. Hogan more or less said Savage could be a headcase at times, and was way to protective of his wife at times. Not exactly slander. However, you think Hogan is hiding behind lawyers? WARRIOR SAID HE THINKS HOGAN FUCKS HIS DAUGHTER AND AND LETS OTHER GUYS FUCK HIS WIFE. You don't fucking think that is a little worse than what he said about Savage. Jesus Christ. Despite his 20 year hatred of Hogan, Hulk is still remember as the biggest wrestler ever and is often in the mainstream media. Warrior is nothing but a total has been that people only remember was the guy in facepaint from the 80's. Nobody gives a damn about the Warrior in 2011, and he showed why in his video.
Wow just Wow, Warrior is really a piece of shit. For satan's sake everything Warrior said was either well known to wrestling fans or Hogan admitted to it himself. Oh and by the way, wrestlers are not saints so what they do outside of the ring is none of our buisness unless they are a proven pedophile or they pull a Chris Benoit. Another thing when Warrior said Hogan smokes pot, well big fucking deal almost everybody does it to the point that the US congress are debating over legalizing pot for medical use.
Hulk can dish out all the crap he wants without condemnation, but when someone else returns the favor he hides behind a lawyer!

Ok, so this is being said whether you are famous or not, but let's do a hypothetical here my good man. How would you feel if I went around and told mass quantities or individuals that you were a drug user/pusher and insisted that such things were truth and yet I had no real proof to make my claims. I am sure you'd want to make my life very comfortable and probably take me to court for trying to slander your personal character. Everyone's got a right to sue if they feel their image is being compromised by someone's controversial claims.

He changed his name to Warrior because of a lawsuit involving the character or something like that, so that insult is not even valid.

Bottom line the fact that Jim Hellwig changed his name to Warrior legally as well as his other stunts (please google his homophobic laden UConn speech and that should tell you everything right there) open him up to be a very questionable individual in regards to how accurate his statements towards Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea) are. The guy is an odd bird from what I am gathering as well as what others have gathered from over the years of listening to his diatribes and reading his blogs.

Barbara (Macho's widow) should sue Hogan for talking utter sh!t about him, he spouted crap about how he and Randy "reconnected" if they "reconnected" why do a sit down interview and trash him?

You or I don't know the Poffo family personally I take it, if we had you'd have referred to Barbara as Lynne since that's the name she actually goes by. Therefore you are not an authority on whether or not Hogan and Savage were mending their fences. I am not either, but let's not forget the history of these two. The Macho Man recorded an entire rap album called "Be A Man" in reference to Hulk Hogan, again I take it for all that it is, just an extension of kayfabe (the very nature that this is the wrestling business leads me to determine that you never BELIEVE everything you hear, especially if you are just a fan and not a part of the business itself, I assume you are nothing more than just a mere fan).

And are you seriously considering what Hogan said about Macho Man on that HDNet video to be trashing? All he said was the same shit we've always heard over the years, Macho Man was always aggressive towards people in regards to Elizabeth. That's nothing new. If you actually watched the whole interview, you'd know that Hogan spoke fondly of Macho Man as far as who his favorite opponents were to work with. So please find some other issue and a better argument to form your bitch session. Because your argument isn't holding a bit of merit right now.

Hogan is a pr!ck, always has been and now he's a laughing stock. He still wears that ridiculous thing on his head and he's almost 60! The guy can barely move and he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a wrestling ring or promotion EVER AGAIN.

First of all you stupid troll, Hulk Hogan has not wrestled since March of 2010, so he's nearing a year in a half since actually going in the ring. His role is merely an on air one that sees him not compete. So what if he's on television? Granted the days of Hulkamania's fever pitch are not what they were years and years ago, but unlike the Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan still has relevance in the business.

You truly do sound like an ignorant idiot that doesn't know a single thing as to what he's talking about. Again, just another one fine example of a smark troll worming themselves out of the word work. All I can say is that I am amazed to be reading words like yours because I never thought I'd find someone on this forum that could simultaneously put their foot in their mouth while sticking their head up their ass at the same time.
Congratulations on completely missing the point of the thread! It isn't about what you think of Hogan or Warrior. It's a bout the fact that Warrior said he was going to give a tell all that would ruin Hogan's career and he didn't. He hashed over the same old rumors and stories that have been going around about Hogan for years. Hell, half the fucking things he said about Hogan, Hogan had already admitted to himself.

I love your dumb ass logic about how the Savage estate should sue Hogan for slander. Hogan more or less said Savage could be a headcase at times, and was way to protective of his wife at times. Not exactly slander. However, you think Hogan is hiding behind lawyers? WARRIOR SAID HE THINKS HOGAN FUCKS HIS DAUGHTER AND AND LETS OTHER GUYS FUCK HIS WIFE. You don't fucking think that is a little worse than what he said about Savage. Jesus Christ. Despite his 20 year hatred of Hogan, Hulk is still remember as the biggest wrestler ever and is often in the mainstream media. Warrior is nothing but a total has been that people only remember was the guy in facepaint from the 80's. Nobody gives a damn about the Warrior in 2011, and he showed why in his video.

And Hogan isn't a has been? He's continuing to force himself into the wrestling world, before he went to TNA no one gave a shit about him anymore and now that he's fucked that company up people hate him! At this rate Warrior won't need to put that "bullet" into Hulkamania, Terry will kill it on his own. I agree with you when you say Warrior is a has been, but he contributed to WWF's financial success just as much as Hogan so calling him "the guy in facepaint from the 80's" is just disrespectful. Hogan didn't just say "he was protective of his wife" he revealed some really personal stuff that didn't need to be heard by the public like how he supposedly put a cage and locks around the door, WTF? You don't say and reveal shit like that about someone you "reconnected" with, Hogan is a prick and he always has been.
didn't bother to watch the stupidity that was and is the warrior and his videos, for what? it's the same old bullshit that the IWC has been bitching about hogan for years, so what if he so called held other talent back, he was the one that was basically carring the wwf/e on his back, ain't his fault that mcjackass made him the chosen one, while assholes like bore-rrior, wasn't talented enough to grab the fans interst, only in wrestling fans bitch, and moan, about him (hogan) not putting anyone over, i as long time fan never understood why it was so important that certain top stars put anyone over? what after it happens they get special powers? i mean really, you don't here shit like this in the music industry, or the movie industry? you never heared of someone saying the beatles should have put over the stones, after they ruled the music charts for nearly a half of a decade, you never hear someone bitching about robert deniro, or tom cruse, taking up the spotlight in hollywood, do you? so why was it so important that hogan put others over, that in my mind didn't deserve it in the first place, not to mention others that the fans didn't pay their hard earn money to see. personally i don't blame hogan for feeling and having that sence of entitledment they he made wrestling what it was and is, because he did.
And Hogan isn't a has been? He's continuing to force himself into the wrestling world, before he went to TNA no one gave a shit about him anymore and now that he's fucked that company up people hate him! At this rate Warrior won't need to put that "bullet" into Hulkamania, Terry will kill it on his own. I agree with you when you say Warrior is a has been, but he contributed to WWF's financial success just as much as Hogan so calling him "the guy in facepaint from the 80's" is just disrespectful. Hogan didn't just say "he was protective of his wife" he revealed some really personal stuff that didn't need to be heard by the public like how he supposedly put a cage and locks around the door, WTF? You don't say and reveal shit like that about someone you "reconnected" with, Hogan is a prick and he always has been.

Hogan was litterally on top for 7 years straight.

How is Warrior anywhere near his level of contribution?

He was on top for a cup of coffee ffs.

I also have to lol at all the folk bemoaning the "shameless self promotion"

They have a name for that in the wrestling industry. Its been around as long as pro wrestling has.

Its only one word.


Thats the job. You either live it or you quit.

Thats the reason there are no new Hulk Hogans or Ric Flairs or Steve Austin. No-one does it anymore.

You shouldnt be decrying it; as "smart marks" with an understanding of how it affects the quality of the work, you should be praying it comes back.
And Hogan isn't a has been? He's continuing to force himself into the wrestling world, before he went to TNA no one gave a shit about him anymore and now that he's fucked that company up people hate him! At this rate Warrior won't need to put that "bullet" into Hulkamania, Terry will kill it on his own.

First of all the OP (TUFFY54) can more than speak for himself, however I have to interject and continue giving you a piece of my mind you dumbass. You're seriously a stupid knobjob you know that right? It's no secret that Hulk Hogan has had his public disgraces, but just the same I as I am sure other fans that only care about the on screen product and not the bullshit rumor mill know enough to separate the man's personal life from his character. If you can't make that separation then you are one sad sack. Plain and simple.

I agree with you when you say Warrior is a has been, but he contributed to WWF's financial success just as much as Hogan so calling him "the guy in facepaint from the 80's" is just disrespectful.

Ok, so if you consider what Hogan said to Warrior about being the guy in the facepaint from the 1980s, then what do you call the Warrior referring to Darren Drozdov as a cripple? Please tell me that oh good sir.

Then Warrior contributing to the WWF's success on the same level as Hogan...yeah fucking right. The Warrior if anything probably cost the WWF money in the long run by all these false start returns. You're seriously a stupid knobjob you know that right?

Bottom line Warrior was a guy on the cusp of immortality in professional wrestling when he beat Hulk Hogan. It's not Hulk Hogan's fault or anyone else's if he couldn't live up to the hype. But there's no way shape or form that you can attribute the WWF's MAJOR successes to the Ultimate Warrior, not a chance in hell.

Hogan didn't just say "he was protective of his wife" he revealed some really personal stuff that didn't need to be heard by the public like how he supposedly put a cage and locks around the door, WTF? You don't say and reveal shit like that about someone you "reconnected" with, Hogan is a prick and he always has been.

Oh for Christ's sake, Hogan is not dropping bombshells here. Anyone that claims they are a fan of the WWF in its heyday, know that controversies or the rumors that imply such controversies regarding Macho Man and Liz. You are the embodiment of internet trolldom, you stupid cunt. Bottom line you are not on this thread to make a constructive argument you are on it to inflame other users with your bullshit postings. That is why I can not stand the majority of IWC dilettantes like yourself that always look to troll and not contribute to topics.

Please just go fuck yourself, your stupidity is tiring.
Hogan was litterally on top for 7 years straight.

How is Warrior anywhere near his level of contribution?

He was on top for a cup of coffee ffs.

I also have to lol at all the folk bemoaning the "shameless self promotion"

They have a name for that in the wrestling industry. Its been around as long as pro wrestling has.

Its only one word.


Thats the job. You either live it or you quit.

Thats the reason there are no new Hulk Hogans or Ric Flairs or Steve Austin. No-one does it anymore.

You shouldnt be decrying it; as "smart marks" with an understanding of how it affects the quality of the work, you should be praying it comes back.

Honestly dude, a great post, it's just too bad that you're replying to some stupid mark cunt troll that can't understand or truly appreciate the artform of wrestling. Honestly PlayTheGameHHH is just some idiot who wants to inflame other users and piss them off. Talk all you want about Hulk Hogan there PlayTheGameHHH but I bet you're probably some out of shape, pathetic little slug of a man who would get broken in half even by a Hulk Hogan who's a fraction of what he was physically during his prime.

PlayTheGameHHH, it just never fails with your type to believe everything you read and hear about behind the scenes in the wrestling world and take it all as gospel. Go find another home to troll at, your kind isn't welcomed here...bitch.
ah....tisk-tisk Ultimate Warrior AND Superstar Billy Graham. Yep, I'm bringing Superstar into this because Warrior, Mr. Helwig that is, must've studied from the Superstar Billy Graham School if Idiots and Bitter, Washed Up Former Stars. The thing that got me about Jim's video is probably the same thing that got damn near everyone else. He didn't say anything that nobody else has already said about Hogan. As far back as 1995 people knew Hulk Hogan was out for self, and that's some of the reasons for the heel turn. Hulk was just being Hulk when 1996 came along and he decided to turn heel. That post match interview at Bash at the Beach '96 was about the realest shoot interview WCW ever had until Vince Russo did him one better at Bash at the Beach four years later. With that being said, The Ultimate Warrior basically got what he wanted off his chest, great for him. And he also won due to the fact that we're all talking about this idiot. Nobody cares, Jim. Nobody cares about you, your woes when it comes down to Hogan or whatever. Look, you beat the biggest name in the company on the biggest day of the company, at the biggest event in the company, why on earth are you STILL bitter? Your ticket was bought and paid for by Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon, all you had to do was show the hell up to the train station.

And does he honestly think Vince McMahon will induct him into the Hall of Fame now? I doubt it, if he even cares. The whole damn time while he's downing Hulk Hogan, who's no saint, don't get me wrong, Jim is sitting in a den it looks like, with all this stuff surrounding him and the stuff is his. I mean, his pictures, even a painting of both Jim AND The Ultimate Warrior and yet he says that Hogan can't separate himself from Terry. Are you freaking kidding me, Jim? Dude, you are a grown man with a stuffed animal of yourself sitting directly behind you. I mean, what ego juice are you drinking because I'd love a shot of it. I don't like Hogan, never have, never will. But for Jim to basically put out stuff that everyone already knew and could've cared less about is about as silly as a person waking up tomorrow and going around to tell everyone that Kennedy got shot in 1963. Everyone knows. Move the hell on...
Oh he got what he wanted alright. He's getting more attention now than he did for his one night only "comeback" match against Orlando Jordan. And big shock, the videos were nothing but a segue to his long-threatened book. He pretty much said "If you like what you see here kids, buy my book & I'll tell you more!" Of course shameless self-promoting is part of the business, but for fuck's sake, don't tear down one man who does it in excess when you're just as damn bad. On Earth, we call that kind of behavior "hypocrisy".

Now I have no love for Hogan, none whatsoever. I appreciate his contribution in his early years, but lately, he's become a scourge of pro-wrestling & I think his ego drives him to obnoxious acts. Warrior however, he's still on a different planet. Watching those videos, looking into his eyes, you can tell he truly believes every word coming out of his mouth. There's no question in my mind that he's being sincere. But he is sincerely touched. Yes, it's been posted a dozen times already, none of his allegations were news, I guess he's saving the juicy stuff for the book. And that's probably the reason right there why he didn't reveal anything new, because he wants us to buy his book for the REAL dirt.

I don't know that I'd pay money, but I would read it. I'm definitely curious. So good job Warrior, mission accomplished. But seriously. Pot? Kettle being called black? Hello? Not only were his walls adorned with portraits of himself, HE FUCKING PAINTED THEM HIMSELF! Now that's something that every artist does a couple times within their life. Draw or paint a picture of themselves. I'm artistic professional & I've done it myself. Maybe three times in the 34 years I've been alive. Warrior only recently started painting (Have you read that part of his blog? Good for a laugh if you haven't) and he's done dozens of self-portraits already. And credit where it's due, he's actually not bad. But the EGO! Lord! Smothering! It's a wonder the moon wasn't fucking eclipsed back when him & Hogan shared the ring that night!

I knew that there had to be some kind of angle, some hook, somewhere within all of this Bullet for Hulkamania hype, and I'm sure most of you guys figured it too. And behold, the book announcement. Honestly, I thought, and admittedly hoped, that this was all just a work, leading up to Warrior debuting on Impact, which I suppose could still happen, but I doubt it. I do have to question why there haven't been any further lawsuit rumblings coming from the Hogan camp though. First he was gonna ignore it, then he called him a jabroni, then he was gonna ignore it, then he was gonna file a lawsuit, then he told everyone to pray for Warrior & called for a truce. Where does he stand now? ESPECIALLY after Warrior hinted at him having impure thoughts about Brooke. If Hogan wanted, he probably could've had his lawyers get those videos yanked hours after they went up, but alas, they're still there. Still being viewed. Still getting the idea that Hogan is an incestuous pedophile into the heads of thousands. That's not something most people would sit idly by & allow to happen. Not without DAMN good reason. Has anyone thought about that?

If, by some strange planetary alignment, twist of fate (or hate), act of Goddess, whatever, Warrior shows up on Impact... What if...?

But... that was probably nothing more than a promo for his book & Hogan's just not acknowledging it in order to keep it from spreading further....

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