WarGames - Now is the time!


What's the craic?
Watching the finish to the post match RAW, I watched on as we had two warring factions in the Authority/ Evolution and the Shield/ Daniel Bryan and all I could think was "Has there every been a better time to introduce WarGames to the WWe?"

For the youngsters among us who might not know about WarGames - it was a concept were there was two rings attached with a topped steel cage encompassing them. Into this you would have two warring factions (generally the top heel stable against the babyfaces whose lives they were making a misery) enter one by one at two minute intervals usually leading to the heels having a handicap advantage when there was an odd number of combatants in the ring. Once all entrants are in the ring - only then can a team From Monday night, we'd have Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista & Kane versus Daniel Bryan and the Shield. To give the heels an added advantage, bring Naitch back as a manager as he was well versed in the format.

The fanboy booker in me would add something else if a certain rumor is true (and if there is no lingering 'no compete clause' to worry about). With the steel cage concept, I'd have Triple H recruit Brock Lesnar due to his octagon experience PLUS it'd give his team the added advantage of having Paul Heyman's brain given that he also once had his 'Dangerous Alliance' take part in WG. As a counter, the faces recruit a rough tough toppish guy like Big Show or Sheamus. Come the night of Extreme Rules, we discover the recruit laid low by the heels in the backstage area meaning that the poor heroes are now going to be in a handicap match. Come the final stage of the match, the good guys are getting right royally destroyed... the end is nigh... the lights go out... and a certain Icon stands among the heels and proceeds to kick ass as both Flair and Heyman lose their minds outside the cage having both suffered at the Stinger's hands in this very concept. I dare anyone to tell me the roof wouldn't lift off the IZOD Centre!

What do you all think? Is it time that WWe finally bring in this concept? I know some believe that they have enough cage matches with standard, HiaC and EC, but the beauty of WG is that it allows that added room for two (or three) groups to fight without the detriment of too many people in a small area detracting from the visual effect.

Give me your opinions folks... and this is non-spam so put some meat on the bones!
I always wondered why WWE never capitalized on some of the more gimmicky PPV's that were really over such as Fall Brawl (War Games), Hog, Roar, Road Wild, Slamboree, etc. Introducing the GAB was pretty sweet but I always hoped they would replace No Way Out (now Elimination Chamber) with Starrcade. I mean what could be a better lead up to Wrestlemania than the "grandaddy" of WCW?
But yea the WarGames concept was awesome but the matches always sucked because they were full of Hogans and Lugers. With todays talent, they could put on a heck of a match. However I would make it elimination so you can actually try and pin each other before everybody enters the cages. Your idea is pretty sweet but could you imagine Sting beating the crap out of HHH, Batista, Orton, Kane, AND Lesnar? Me neither. However I would have the Authority win the match, THAN the lights go off, come back on with Stinger in the rafters, and he points his bat at HHH, setting him up as Vince's new "authority figure".

It's been rumored that Sting's on air persona is going to be that of an Authority figure to go up against THE Authority (a la Mick Foley and Stone Cold), so I wouldn't mind seeing something to do with Sting at Extreme Rules, teasing a match with HHH.
I think it would be a good idea. However, I don't think it should be a setup for Sting to return, and the Authority shouldn't win.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
I think it's a great time to introduce the War Games concept to the WWE audience, but I think if they were going to do it, it would have been done by now. It's been 13 years since WCW closed its doors (scary isnt it?!) and we still havent seen War Games make its debut as a gimmick match in WWE, because people say that Vince McMahon doesnt like to see ideas from other companies used in WWE.

With the Authority and The Shield + Bryan there is the perfect opportunity to make it happen, and could lead to the members of the Shield solidifying themselves as top lovel wrestlers. These guys deserve it.
Reports came out earlier this week regarding talk of bringing back the War Games concept to use in some sort of feud regarding The Shield vs. Evolution for Extreme Rules. The problem is that in order to do it the old school way, with two rings, WWE won't be in an arena with the necessary floor space until SummerSlam. Also, allegedly, the idea has been brought up several times over the years but Vince has shot it down.
Lethal Lockdown is essentially War Games, just with one ring (and more weapons). . .

I think it'd be cool to see Elimination Chamber done as a 3 on 3.

Thank you, that is all.
i like the idea with one tweak, instead of lesnar wwe should add sheamus to the authority, playing off hhh and sheamus real life friendship. (hhh orton batista sheamus vs the shield and bryan) i also think instead of two rings wwe should create a new cage similar to elimination chamber, with the similarity being the extra cage bottom around the outside of the ring
I'm all for it. And it could happen too. Especially with Flair in HHH's ear. It would keep things interesting and different from your Hell in a Cell and Elimination Chamber matches
Lethal Lockdown is essentially War Games, just with one ring (and more weapons). . .

I think it'd be cool to see Elimination Chamber done as a 3 on 3.

Thank you, that is all.

I've always wanted to see that as well, and I really wish they would have done it this year with The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family. Like a normal Elimination Chamber match with timed entrances and eliminations, just with three man teams. Basically WarGames + Survivor Series inside Elimination Chamber.

I think with all the time that has passed since the purchase of WCW, I don't think we're going to see a WarGames match. They could've done it when Evolution was around, they didn't. The idea of adding Brock and then Sting is kind of cool...but a 78 year old Sting cleaning house against those five? I don't know about that. I'd rather reveal him some other way, on Raw...or, better yet, if he comes in as some type of authority figure, have him be the one that makes the match. That, I'd like to see.

Would I like to see it? Sure, why not. Do I think it'll happen? No, never.
Not only do I think this is the right time to do it with the current angle which is perfect for the match concept, I also think it may actually happen, with Triple H gaining more and more control over booking.

Triple H was very audible in yelling "This is War!!!!" at the end of Raw and Rollins said The Shield were preparing for war in his promo on Main Event that they showed again on Smackdown tonight. Now it may mean nothing but using the word in the way they did was ideal foreshadowing to book the match off the back of, not to mention the group battle finish to both Raw and SD.
The best part of the War Games matches was always the early part, especially when the heels had a 2 on 1 or 3 on 2 advantage. I disagree that the matches sucked, the early ones in 87 & 88 mostly were very good and the 92 match was awesome. However, its been a long time since WCW ended, not sure the concept would still draw heat, especially with the very similar Elimination Chamber is basically just WWE'S version.

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