War Games: Raw vs Nexus


Pre-Show Stalwart
Just wondering if theres a possibility of seeing this and if anyone besides me wants to see it?With the 7 on 7 match at Summer Slam on the horizon I cant help but wonder what the rematch may have in store because we all know this thing aint getting settled at SS.There has been rumors of possibly bringing War Games back and Vince seems to be in love with the theme ppvs of late. Bragging Rights had the team concept last year may be a good place for War games?
I think this could be a great idea. I wonder who would be the team captains? If Cena does the heel turn, which I'm pulling for, then he could be the leader of Team Nexus. Umm, who could be team Raw's captain? Chris Jericho? What do you think?
I would like to see this earlier this year when they were replacing Judgment Day:)() War Games was one of the options for the fans but Over The Limit was the Final decision. But I don't see this happening so I think this is just a case of Fantasy Booking, but anything can happen in the WWE.
I think this could be a great idea. I wonder who would be the team captains? If Cena does the heel turn, which I'm pulling for, then he could be the leader of Team Nexus. Umm, who could be team Raw's captain? Chris Jericho? What do you think?

I like the idea of cena being heel but i dont want him as captin of "team nexus" (even tho he most likely will).... "team raw's" captin is a more difficult pick, jericho leaving when his contract expires means he probaby wont captin them.... I still think orton is to much of a heel so i really donk know, unless you have bret heart as a out of ring captin so to speak
^Why would Cena turn heel and join Nexus? That's ******ed, both in storyline and in business. Cena's their biggest draw and it doesn't pay for them to turn him right now because he's fighting against the Nexus. It's a hot angle and you don't need a twist with him being the leader because it isn't logical. If it was Vince Russo's booking there may be an outside chance at Cena being named the leader, but he's not. And the Nexus doesn't need a leader anyways. Wade Barrett is perfect as a leader.

As for the War Games, I'd like to see it make an entrance into the WWE, but I doubt that they will have one. And they'd need to make a little more room for the two rings then what WCW had b/c WCW's rings weren't as big as the WWE's are.
I've thought about the 2 ring taking up some seats thing,but I think that the ppv buys for a War Games would more then make up for the loss of some floor seats.One thing I do know is there is definetley an audience for it fans of wcw have been deprived for a decade and I gurantee WWE War Games sells more then Over The Limit
War games is the greatest wrestling match in history and You cannot destroy the legacy of War games by doing it in a pg era....War Games without blood is entirely ridiculous....Cage matches especially War Games just cant be bought without blood in my opinion...Allow the blood and it would rule
Id rather see War Games with no blood then not see it at all.WWE already does a Elimination Chamber and Hell In a Cell ppv with no blood so im sure they could get around the pg thing with War Games.Id love to see an old school NWA style War Games but its not gonna happen so I'll be happy to settl for somthing over nothing.
You know, there has actually been a bit of discussion on this within the WWE, not with Nexus mind, but having war games in general. Couple that with the fact that Vince hates Survivor Series and wants to revamp it, I would have said you had your perfect chance for this happen...Unfortunately, two major things putting a stop on this...one being, they are using the elimination feature on the initial match, so I doubt they do it on another match....second being, this would require them to maintain the storyline aaalllll the waaaayyy to November, which is a fucking eternity in modern pro wrestling.

If by some wild chance something like this does go down, it wont be called War Games...it will be called elimination team match HIAC.

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