Want to discuss the TNA and AAA storyline?


Pre-Show Stalwart
June 3
June 29
July 14

Posted Yesterday By Official TNA channel. The description TNA gives is that it is the AAA title Jarrett won.

So what I want to discuss is how this whole AAA/TNA thing is going to unravel. I've posted some videos showing you whats been going on in Mexico, for those interested.

Back in June, TNA guys like Jarrett, Anderson, Abyss, RVD, Beautiful People, and Mickie James competed at a big AAA event called Triplemania where Jarrett beat El Zorro for the world title (Zorro's been under contract with TNA since Oct 2010.)

Apparently, the AAA storyline is that all of TNA is invading AAA and their trying to rename AAA to TNA. The storylines and timelines don't exactly co-inside with TNA's current storylines(alignments), so this isn't spoilers, aside from Jarrett winning the title.

TNA seems to have been invading AAA for a while now as Hernandez (a year ago) was suppose to be a TNA representative there to take over. TNA has been much more active in AAA in the past year then AAA has been in TNA.

So how do you see this panning out? Obviously, Jarrett winning the AAA title means something. Could this just be a way for El Zorro to debut and try and win back his title? Jarrett vs El Zorro for the AAA title at BFG, to add a stake to the match and get Jarrett involved in something important.
I know TNA has done this in the past with like the IWGP tag titles.

I don't see many wrestlers from AAA coming to TNA anytime soon because TNA is focusing on BFG for now. There really isn't a need for an invasion and an invasion might not work well anyway.

If Jeff Jarrett and Zorro have a rematch at BFG, it better be a good match or else the Philly crowd will shit all over it. This is my only thought for now, I'll be back after catching up on AAA when Galavision doesn't pre-empt it for, ugh, soccer.

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