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Walking out of the cage?

That Don Guy

Occasional Pre-Show
The 1/3/11 RAW ended in a cage match where Orton won by walking out of the door of the cage. Has this happened often recently?

I don't remember Hogan ever walking out of the cage - he always climbed out. Even in footage from the 1970s, the winner climbs out of the cage. Why the sudden need to change? (Is there some hidden Orton injury of which I am unaware, in which case, why have the cage match in the first place?)

(Personally, I don't like "escape the cage" rules - something tells me WCW and TNA had them because of Hogan, and they should have told him, "That's not the way we do it" - but that's just me. I remember the late 1970s Los Angeles NWA TV shows, where they had cage matches where you won by pinning your opponent and then climbing out of the cage.)

-- Don
I can't actually remember if it happened recently. I don't really take not of cage matches more than I do any other kind of match. Certainly, people attempting to leave via the door isn't a new development - it's been going on for at least as long as I've been watching.

That said, it doesn't really make sense and really destroys suspension of disbelief for me. Why bother climbing over the top when you can just ask for the door to be opened and win by flopping through the ropes like a dead fish? It can at least be used to show that the face has balls three times the size of his heel opponent(s) but they didn't even use it for that last night.

I suppose the cage match has always been one of the more surreal and nonsensical concepts though. The fact that people cling onto the outside of cage when they could easily just let go, flop to the floor and win, for example - or how sometimes pins and submissions are allowed but other times they aren't. Full of more holes than a chain link fence.
I don't remember Hogan ever walking out of the cage - he always climbed out. Even in footage from the 1970s, the winner climbs out of the cage. Why the sudden need to change? (Is there some hidden Orton injury of which I am unaware, in which case, why have the cage match in the first place?)

Walking out of the door isn't nearly as pointless than when they win by pinfall or submission. At least they are escaping with the door, winning by pinfall completly destroys any logic there is to having the cage. All that does is limit the guys in the ring to working in the ring. How does that add to the match ?

The cage really has lost its magic over the years, and I think its days may be numbered. It was great back in the day because it was essentially the only gimmick match, but with Hell in a Cell , the Elimination chamber, and all the other gimmick matches out there now, it really isn't all that special anymore.
Kurt Angle beat Mr Anderson at Lockdown by walking out of the cage, actually stomping on his nuts, and then walking out, lol. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen
To me climbing the cage keeps the suspense. Simply walking out the door of the cage just isn't as viable as it should be. anyone can walk out a steel cage but, to actually climb over and out of the cage makes it just a bit more suspenseful to me. I remember back in days where they had to climb the cage rather then escape through door. Few years ago i witnessed Eddie guerrero vs. Jbl back in 04. Jbl won by climbing outta the cage. But, now or days we simply have the option to exit through the door. Why Have the option to climb out. if you can also, just walk through the door.

Either way, I would perfer if they climbed out the cage rather then through the door. Because with the door you get no suspense at all. Its not even what the cage match should be about. Let the hell in a cell have a door thats ok cause they don't win by walking out but, make the steel cage focus only on them climbing out because thats the point of a steel cage match is to win by both feet touching the ground after you've CLIMBED out of the cage.
I have no problem with winning by going out of the cage door but you should only do that because:

a) you totally destroyed your opponent who can no longer ever move.


b) you should be so beaten yourself that you can't muster the strength to climb out of the cage and basically, fall, crawl, or stumble out of the door.

I prefer the cage door to be used as a weapon, to smash skulls with, like what happened to Flair and Kerry Von Erich.

Last night what Orton did made the whole match look lame and wrestling look stupid as a whole. He basically no-sold the entire match when he just popped up hit the RKO and strolled out of the ring like he had just woken up from a nap. One of the many reasons that I hate Orton more than any wrestler in the history of wrestling.
I may be off the wall here (I usually am) but I believe Randy Orton WALKING out of the steel cage under his complete power while BOTH of his opponents laid in the ring and were unable to stop him...just showed his dominance. I enjoy the fact that Orton won the steel cage match in a way that hasn't been done (at least not for a long time as far as I recall). We've seen guys "flop to the floor" on some occasions...but I really don't ever recall a "low-blow" (as far as I'm concerned) as looking at both of your downed opponents while you walk out to win the match.
uhhh, walking out of the cage makes the most sense to me! :) it drives me crazy when a guy will climb the cage, which is way more difficult than just opening the door and walking out. it makes the most sense.

the cage match is supposed to be brutal. two men trapped, who can use the cage to their advantage by throwing and bashing their opponent into it. of course they are supposed to be telling a story, but it is mostly just for flash and show.

i wouldn't mind a stip where you have to pin your opponent and then escape. could make for much more drama.
I have no problem with winning by going out of the cage door but you should only do that because:

a) you totally destroyed your opponent who can no longer ever move.


b) you should be so beaten yourself that you can't muster the strength to climb out of the cage and basically, fall, crawl, or stumble out of the door.

I prefer the cage door to be used as a weapon, to smash skulls with, like what happened to Flair and Kerry Von Erich.

Last night what Orton did made the whole match look lame and wrestling look stupid as a whole. He basically no-sold the entire match when he just popped up hit the RKO and strolled out of the ring like he had just woken up from a nap. One of the many reasons that I hate Orton more than any wrestler in the history of wrestling.

I agree. Using the door as a weapon is a great way to destroy your opponent and I agree with destroying your oppent before walking out the cage. But, the way Randy looked walking down the steel steps didn't seem to exausted even though he'd just went through a steel cage match with two other guys. It would of been better had he actually been exausted looking. They could have had Randy crawl out the cage and lay again the steps showing exaustion on his face. I like the old Days where everyone involved in a steel cage match destroyed eachother just to get the win.

it really shows that the best cage matches end with the opponent exausted. But, i must say Randy did infact destroy his opponents. Sheamus took out Wade which in turn got him a RKO out of no where. What I would have liked to have seen was suspense involving Randy mustering strength to crawl out of the steel Cage, With Wade or Sheamus struggling to stop him only for Randy to crawl out.
I can always remember just like in a Hell in a Cell match the Cage Door would be padlocked and chained closed.

Stunned me last night when I saw Orton escape the door.
I think the reason orton was able to walk out of the cage was to hype his rumble match with the miz. If one man can lay out both sheamus and barrett(assist cm punk). How can the miz walk out of the rumble wwe champion? It all plays into the "miz can be defeated anytime for the wwe title". I think we all know miz is not losing the title. It just kinda makes you feel like maybe he will. The miz is actually growing on me. I think he is earning his run as champion. He is the guy you love to hate. Perhaps the new ric flair. I remember watching him as a kid. He would always cheat to win and retain the world heavyweight championship. I see miz doing the same thing.
randy walking out of the cage fits his type of character...the viper....doesnt need to climb to the top..he can walk out because he's the smart one :)

AND...makes the most sense....instead of climbing all the way up the cage, instead just be smart and walk out lol.
Nearly EVERY cage match since the Attitude Era - and even before that - has had someone at least attempt to leave the ring through the door. Most of the times it backfires, but it does happen.

I can't remember who it was last though, before Randy Orton on RAW.

And Big Show made his debut throwing Stone Cold Steve Austin THROUGH the cage instead of OVER it. I guess as long as both feet hit the ground, you win the match... which is why I also don't care much for pins or submissions being allowed in some cage matches.
The door stipulation has been around for quite some time. The first match that I can remember it being an option was Summer Slam 1994 with Bret Hart vs Owen Hart. I doubt that was the first time that stipulation was used, just the first time off the top of my head I remember it.

I also just found this Youtube video that I think happened before Summer Slam 94 (I couldnt find an exact date for it) of Hart vs Yokozuna where Yoko wins by going through the door.

I'm glad someone bought this up. Escaping the cage through the door is stupid, and, especially in traditional two on two match ups, there's no reason that the wrestler can't take out his opponent and make a mad dash for the door.

Let's say it takes about 20 seconds to scale the wall, swing your leg over, and drop out... it would take about 2 seconds to get to the door, 1 second for the ref to open it, and 2 seconds to jump over the rope and jump out for a grand total of 5 seconds. Is there any reason superstars don't attempt to escape through the door every time?

Truthfully, the door worked in the match's favor last night. Orton had a chance to escape earlier in the match, but instead turned around and got into his viper pose, which was his way of saying, "No, you guys aren't in enough pain yet." Then, at the end, he emphatically walked down the ring stairs before planting both feet on the ground, which even I will admit was pretty freaking cool.

So the door isn't entirely devoid of merit, but it still throws another logical monkey wrench into the already flawed concept of Steel Cage matches. This isn't to say that I don't like Steel Cage matches, they provide for some great spots and solid wrestling, but there is definitely a huge lapse in logic when it comes to making them remain interesting.
It suited his character and made great sense - don't expend all that energy climbing when you can just walk out.

And what about Austin, escaping through the cage itself? :lmao: :p Ok I admit that was with the aid of Big Show, but it was still an impressive way to exit :)
it was just to make randy look more dominant. the two top heels in 2010 were barret and sheamus and they wanted the fans to see orton walking out of the cage easily while those two lay flat on the mat. at the same time barret didnt look weak because of what had happaned to him by cm punk. it was beautifully done
The original purpose of the cage in the old NWA / WCW was to keep people from intefering in the match. You settled your differences one on one and the only way you won was by pinfall or submission.

When I first saw the WWF's version of the cage match it was disappointing because they had the blue cage and you had to crawl out to win. I may be dating myself, but that was what I was brought up on.
Well for me, I like the cage door used when both or all competitors are down, and they have to crawl to it.
The door stipulation has been around for quite some time. The first match that I can remember it being an option was Summer Slam 1994 with Bret Hart vs Owen Hart. I doubt that was the first time that stipulation was used, just the first time off the top of my head I remember it.

I also just found this Youtube video that I think happened before Summer Slam 94 (I couldnt find an exact date for it) of Hart vs Yokozuna where Yoko wins by going through the door.


The first time I remember there being a door option for a steel cage match was the first steel cage match I remember: Wrestlemania 2- Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy. I remember Bobby Heenan insisting the door be big enough to accommodate Bundy, since he said there's no way Bundy could go over the top.
I remember bob backlund walking out the door vs greg valentine and wiping his feet before he did it, i think it done to make the winner look more dominant.
The 1/3/11 RAW ended in a cage match where Orton won by walking out of the door of the cage. Has this happened often recently?

I don't remember Hogan ever walking out of the cage - he always climbed out. Even in footage from the 1970s, the winner climbs out of the cage. Why the sudden need to change? (Is there some hidden Orton injury of which I am unaware, in which case, why have the cage match in the first place?)

(Personally, I don't like "escape the cage" rules - something tells me WCW and TNA had them because of Hogan, and they should have told him, "That's not the way we do it" - but that's just me. I remember the late 1970s Los Angeles NWA TV shows, where they had cage matches where you won by pinning your opponent and then climbing out of the cage.)

-- Don

I couldn't agree with you more. In fact, as I was watching the match & hearing the rules, which btw I pretty much knew the rules would be as such, I was thinking to myself that their cage matches are so generic. How does someone get beaten in a cage and yet walk out? Just doesn't make much sense. I really liked the match, especially the ending but the way Randy Orton just "walked out" of the cage...hmm...also, another side note, I hate cage matches with NO blood. I know we're in the PG era and all, but goodness, you can't hit someone with a fence in the face & not expect the guy to bleed. Just saying...
I may be off the wall here (I usually am) but I believe Randy Orton WALKING out of the steel cage under his complete power while BOTH of his opponents laid in the ring and were unable to stop him...just showed his dominance. I enjoy the fact that Orton won the steel cage match in a way that hasn't been done (at least not for a long time as far as I recall). We've seen guys "flop to the floor" on some occasions...but I really don't ever recall a "low-blow" (as far as I'm concerned) as looking at both of your downed opponents while you walk out to win the match.

It's one thing to look dominant and other thing to make the match look ridiculous and thats what Orton did last night. Had he struggled to get out of the ring a little instead of walking off like he had not even been in a match that would have been better, but what he did just made everyone else look stupid.

I agree. Using the door as a weapon is a great way to destroy your opponent and I agree with destroying your oppent before walking out the cage. But, the way Randy looked walking down the steel steps didn't seem to exausted even though he'd just went through a steel cage match with two other guys. It would of been better had he actually been exausted looking. They could have had Randy crawl out the cage and lay again the steps showing exaustion on his face. I like the old Days where everyone involved in a steel cage match destroyed eachother just to get the win.

it really shows that the best cage matches end with the opponent exausted. But, i must say Randy did infact destroy his opponents. Sheamus took out Wade which in turn got him a RKO out of no where. What I would have liked to have seen was suspense involving Randy mustering strength to crawl out of the steel Cage, With Wade or Sheamus struggling to stop him only for Randy to crawl out.

Exactly! All three guys had destroyed each other, well with a little help from Punk, and all of them should have barely been able to get out of the ring either going through the door or over the cage. Orton just jumping up and hitting the RKO then strolling out of the cage, looked horrible. He should have had to struggle crawl over and make it look like he actually went through hell to get there.

randy walking out of the cage fits his type of character...the viper....doesnt need to climb to the top..he can walk out because he's the smart one :)

AND...makes the most sense....instead of climbing all the way up the cage, instead just be smart and walk out lol.

I am not disagreeing that walking out is dumb, it is the smart option, just the way Orton walked out like he hadn't even been in a match looked bad on everyone inlvolved.
I have to say, the Barrett thing on Raw was odd...his arm hurts, so not only does he climb instead of using the door, he does so in the center of the ropes, instead of using the turnbuckles? That was a bit strange. I have no problem with using the door, as long as it is announced or understood that it is a viable option. I'll admit that it CAN get odd when someone tries to use the door, and has to obviously stall to let his opponent stop him in time...kind of like ladder matches where the competitors all of a sudden can't use a ladder when they've been leaping off turnbuckles all night.

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