Wade Barrett's Return


Mr. Wrestling
Watching Raw tonight I was fully expecting Wade Barrett to return and throw his hat in to the MITB match, but that moment never happened. Raw came and went with out an appearance from Barrett. He's due back from his injury anytime now.

So when do you think he will return?

And how would you book his return?

Since The WWE Title MITB has been announced as a Fatal 4 Way with only Former WWE Champions I can see Wade being put in the WHC MITB Match with Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Christian, & Maybe Rey Mysterio. I would have Barrett Win the briefcase then go on to battle with Sheamus. I feel these two have the potential to have a great summer feud.

Your Thoughts?
I think he will be a surprise return sometime in the coming weeks, perhaps even after MITB and going straight after Sheamus, would have liked to see him do a program with Punk going after revenge after what happened with Nexus but it looks like Punk will be feuding with Cena hopefully we will get that some time in the future preferably over the WWE title. Jericho would also be a good feud for him upon his return obviously they have history and I'm sure Y2J would have no problems putting him over, this could buy him some time till the WWE title picture clears up a bit. Or if William Regal were go get the GM position (fingers crossed) i would like to see him make Wade his main man playing on the English connection and push him from there.
I was just wondering this the other day aswell, maybe they'll hold off and wait until the 1000th episode to bring him and Mysterio back on the same night?

I was hoping he'd be in the MITB match and then win it as he does seem destined for Main Event Status.
I don't think MITB is a fatal 4 way. I think they've only announced 4 participants. They'll probably add Miz, Mysterio, Orton, etc. The other match will be the newbies and it'll be Wade's or Ziggler's to lose. Since that'll be the Smackdown MITB match, maybe Wade will be back tonight at Smackdown.
Wade wasn't at Raw because he is of the Smackdown roster. I know it's called Raw Supershow but as it was stated last night, Raw's MITB match will only feature former WWE champs.

I think the earliest he will return is next Monday after they announce a few Smackdown MITB participants at the Smackdown tapings.
I think he's ready to get back in the ring, but they want to make his return a big deal, and they should do that, the guy is showing that he's great, in my opinion, as soon as they have almost all the participants, out of nowere Wade will show up and become the last entry to the MITB match, or take someone out of it and gets himself involved, that's how i see it.......
Wade's probably going to be involved in the SD MITB. As you can remember he was scheduled to win it before his injury, which inevitably caused the PPV to be pushed back to July. As for winning it I'm not sure if he will due to the amount of momentum he lost during the injury.
According to a report put out by F4WOnline.com, Wade Barrett is set to return to action after having been out for several months sidelined with an injury.

Prior to the injury, Barrett was in line for a major push and it's being said that he'll get that push once he makes his return. As of right now, WWE officials are working on how they want to bring him back.

As of right now, there's no word if Barrett will be at the MITB ppv, though the talk a few months ago was that he'd win the match and then go onto challenge Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship.

I'm predicting that Barrett will be a surprise, last minute entrant into the WHC MITB match.
I agree with your prediction, and I think he'll win it.

It just makes sense, with none of the other competitors (so far) in the WHC Ladder match legitimate contenders for the title. (imo).
Either he wins the Battle Royal tonight and name himself in the match on SD next week or Regal as GM does. Those two ways would get him back into the match. I do think he should still win it, much as everyone is clamouring for Ziggler, it was Barrett's spot before the injury and Dolph caused it (albiet accidentally) so he should be put back where he was.
I predict Barrett will be pushed into a big time fued with Sheamus upon his return to WWE. While I am not a big fan of Barrett he is better and more watchable than ADR. I think Barrett maybe what Sheamus needs to elevate this WHC title run. Up until now who has he faced?? Daniel Bryan,Dolph Ziggler and ADR all three of whom are at least 40 pounds smaller than he is. Sheamus needs a Stiff challenge someone who is his physical equal and even though Barrett is not one of my favorites he can make Sheamus's Title run interesting. That why I like Mark Henry's WHC title run and his push leading up to it. He took out the biggest monsters in WWE befor gaining the title. I loved the Hall of Pain and I really Hope WWE pushes him back into the Main event picture upon returning from injury. For a long Time Henry didn't show much in the ring or character wise. But his last WHC run and his push leading up to it he showed ALOT. I think he could be a very dangerous addition to either Sheamus or CM Punk once he returns as well.
I hope you are right. As a matter of fact, I really hope he somehow gets into the WWE MITB... thought I doubt it.

I've been really excited lately for his return, and I'm hoping desperately that he comes back and wins the championship and gets into a good feud.

I hated the guy when he first showed up, but he grew on me. He's one of the few heels who I can take seriously on the mic, and can actually back it up in the ring. It's time to get this ball rolling, and get the newer characters (I refuse to say "young guys" for guys that aren't "young") a push and re-develop the WWE landscape!
I could see Tyson Kidd maybe getting beat up before the Money in the Bank and then Wade Barrett being a surprise entrant taking his spot. Kind of like what they did with kofi Kingston in the Elimination Chamber a few years ago.
I could see Tyson Kidd maybe getting beat up before the Money in the Bank and then Wade Barrett being a surprise entrant taking his spot. Kind of like what they did with kofi Kingston in the Elimination Chamber a few years ago.

No! I hope not Kidd, he is finally getting a push, well kind off. Just let him return tonight and win the Battle Royal and then add himself to the MITB match.
I hope he does.
I dont think that me being English has too much to do with my opinion on him, but I think he is fantastic. Good Mic work, great Heel Persona and a good Wrestling look.

He could go far in WWE's main event circle and I believe the MITB could be a great way to kick start that part of his career.
Coming back and winning a number one contenders match before the briefcase is cashed could also be a great way of getting him into a tripple threat feud also.
Before or after the case is cashed ofcourse depending on weather or not a Heel or a Face wins the Match at the PPV.
Sheamus, Barrett, Ziggler anyone?
Sheamus, Barrett, Mysterio anyone? (or Tyson Kidd anyone).....we should be so lucky!
Wade Barrett should def make a surprise entrance into the battle royal, and name himself a contender in the match because honestly that WHC MITB match is the WEAKEST card for a WORLD TITLE opportunity. He should win it and then feud with Ziggler as well saying that he was the reason he missed his first WM moment and all that jazz
Out of sight; out of mind. Many of you have heard that expression and if you have, then you know it applies here. Barrett's been gone for ages. And no one really knows it. In a kayfabe sense, he's practically in a coma. Remember when Orton hurt his shoulder during his early run in the WWE? He milked that thing for weeks on end. Yet, Barrett's made no appearance on WWE TV in any facet. Why not? Why not call out whomever injured him and build a story that way? Why not have Barrett accompany someone to the ring?

For God's sake, get him back on TV. Vignette's have to start soon for Barrett to be built into the star the IWC wants him to be.
As long as he doesn't win MITB. That's Cody Rhodes' (or Dolph Ziggler's) time. They're more over than Barrett and to be honest they're more exciting. I like Barrett but at this point him winning Money in the Bank would screw over other talent, especially considering he doesn't really need MITB with the momentum he could get from a sudden return.
Agree but maybe not straight away. Out of all the younger guys, only bryan,sheamus,ziggler and rhodes are ready for the glory IMO. The others including barret need to change their gimmick and work good as a face. Most people don't do that good as a face but good as a heel. To be a good superstar you need to be able to do both. Also when people like barret and drew mcintyre started, they were great, months after their debut they got so boring. I think they need a better look, have the ability to be a good face and heel and then the creative need to check if they've improved by putting them in the higher division.
I was really upset when I read he was supposed to win MITB and then got injured, now it's hard to even imagine him being back as it feels like we haven't seen him in years. I'm a huge Barrett fan though, and before he got hurt he was riding a great push that was heading straight for the World Heavyweight Championship. I do feel like things have worked out well timing wise though because now Sheamus is a solid WH Champion and the likes of Ziggler and Del Rio have had their chances, now it'll be all clear for Wade when he steps back in. I'd like to see him return at MITB and I think he will, while there are some good names in the match already nobody in there really deserves it like he does and I think it would be a great building block for his future as a world champion. Barrett returns at MITB, wins the match and goes on to beat Sheamus to become World Heavyweight Champion...I hope.
This thread is not actually just a Barrett's return thread. If we look at the current programming and the heels in those programs, apart from Bryan and ADR, there doesn't seem like any challenging heel in the main event scene. And it's not like ADR is getting over much. Ziggler is on off and floating in the upper mid card with no real chance of being consistently in the ME or title scene, at least for now. While Cody looks like ready, he is busy with Christian and has to wrap it up before he gets a real shot. Kane is again in a tweener mode and only other option remaining is Big Show, who I think is there just because Cena has something to do before his next feud.

Does this make Barrett's return and a big push a necessity more than anything else? He can come back, and either win MITB or return without needing briefcase in some sort of no. 1 contender and have a feud with Sheamus (which I think would be a very solid and entertaining feud).

So my questions are:

Has it become necessary for WWE to push Barrett to the ME, especially on SD?

If yes, what route do you see WWE taking to push Barrett (MITB, no. 1 contender match surprise entrant, a random return and beatdown of Sheamus or anything else you can think of)?

PS. Should Barrett return with a new entrance theme (I personally hate his current theme)?
Yes, because if Wade Barrett doesn't return next week the entire WWE is going to crumble... :disappointed:

Anyways, back to reality. No it hasn't. Not even close. While I fail to see why people love Barrett so much, if he can get over let him try. It is by no means a big deal though. It's not like they can't push Ziggler or Rhodes in his place.

The reports are saying that he is in line for a push when he gets back though. So how would I do it? Well it depends on if he can make MITB. Though people around here will cry for their lovers Rhodes and Ziggler, if you want to push Wade Barrett, a MITB win is a great way to do it. It's not like he hasn't been in main event feuds before. However, I see a better option. Bring him back at the same time they bring Orton back and let them reignite their feud that was going well until Barrett got injured. A program with Orton is not going to hurt Barrett as long as he's not destroyed in it. This would also give either Rhodes or Ziggler their time in the main event to see how they do (since it seems that only Rhodes, Ziggler or Barrett, all heels, are the only ones people around here talk about pushing :rolleyes:)

And yes, he should definitely get new music because his last 2 even have been pretty bad.
The main reason that the IWC loves Barrett so much is that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Most any wrestler who has been away for quite a while is bound to get instant love because they're not the "same old names in the main event picture". When Barrett was wrestling constantly with the Nexxus and the Corre, most people were complaining that he was getting pushed down our collective throats. Now that he's been gone for 6 or 9 months, he's going to be our savior. I think his addition can't be anything but a good thing, I just don't believe he'll be the savior everyone else is thinking of. On a side note, in another month or two, we're going to be hearing the same thing about the Miz, when he wraps up shooting The Marine 3.
The main reason that the IWC loves Barrett so much is that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Most any wrestler who has been away for quite a while is bound to get instant love because they're not the "same old names in the main event picture". When Barrett was wrestling constantly with the Nexxus and the Corre, most people were complaining that he was getting pushed down our collective throats. Now that he's been gone for 6 or 9 months, he's going to be our savior. I think his addition can't be anything but a good thing, I just don't believe he'll be the savior everyone else is thinking of. On a side note, in another month or two, we're going to be hearing the same thing about the Miz, when he wraps up shooting The Marine 3.

I think part of the reason is because he's an eloquent speaker and a natural on the mic. IWC (using the term collectively and not to represent 100% but a majority of forum responses) tends to jump on the bandwagon too quickly with Barrett. But one thing I'll say about Barrett is he doesn't have much range. In his promos, in the ring, it's the same. If he finds a niche great but he hasn't really found that good of one yet.

When he returns, WWE should push him a different way. Take some time, invest in his character and get him to the World Heavyweight Championship scene by October. They should NOT give him MITB. People say he deserves it more than anyone. Ziggler and particularly Rhodes deserve it more. When Barrett was injured he was less over than both of them and both Dolph and Cody have suffered WWE's constant destruction of a heel's momentum while Wade, while unfortunately injured, has avoided that. Wade will come back with momentum on his side. Why give him a briefcase which would be better suited to Ziggler or Rhodes? And having said that I think Rhodes would do a better job with it than Barrett. He'll devote an entire gimmick towards being Mr.Money in the Bank and is just as good as Barrett on the mic so getting over with promos shouldn't be a problem.

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