Wade Barrett - The NEW Intercontinental Champion!

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Wade Barrett just pinned Kofi Kingston on Smackdown to win the Intercontinental Championship!

I for one am happy for this move. I love Kofi, so this lets him move up, which I'm really looking forward to. He's floated around the midcard enough and is over enough and talented enough to main event. He just needs that one last rocket-fueled push and he'll be there. I also like Barrett, so to see him win his first title in the WWE is great. Their match was very fun, and that counter of the Trouble in Paradise into the Wasteland was smooth as silk.

On top of all that, this gives the Corre more power - They now own both the tag team titles and the Intercontinental Championship. Could Zeke be the next one to capture some gold?

What do you think? Good move? Bad move? Keep all discussion of this topic in here!
Said in two other threads and I'll say it again on this one.

Watch that match and tell me Wade Barrett is a poor wrestler. You can't, because he's not. So to anybody who doubted his wrestling abilities after his feuds with Cena and Orton - Fuck you!

Second, I'm very pleased with him finally being handed a Championship. Deserves it. But I'm more happy that Kofi is no longer Champion. He's too much of a babyface and is as boring as watching paint dry.

Good decision on WWE's part. Makes you wonder what they got planned for Barrett now at Mania?
I think this was a smart move by WWE.

The Corre needed some titles to stay dominant. They lost most of their momentum after ending their feud with Cena and getting drafted to Smackdown.

I don't think this could demote or de-push Wade Barrett since he never won a title except for his current one. I would have him hold it for a while and defend it at every PPV like Dolph Ziggler did. That would boost him into the main event scene and hopefully win the World Championship.
I like this move. Barrett hasn't really found his niche on Smackdown and I think this helps a lot. I find the timing kind of odd. We're only nine days away from mania and neither of these guys have a match. Why didn't they just start a program and have this match at mania? It would have been perfect for both guys as they both deserve to be on the show. Either way I'm happy to see Barrett as champion and hope it leads to better things.
Edit: So this got moved. I apologize. The thread wasn't up when I started working on this.

So we just saw that Wade Barrett is the new IC champion. But I read the spoilers earlier this week on another forum, so I knew it was coming. One person on another forum was bitching and moaning about this title win. This is someone who is a huge Barrett fan. He didn't like how Barrett was the hottest heel in the company and now is IC champion on the "B" show.

Well, personally, IMO, this is a career defining moment for Barrett, as Cole said. You watch, this is going to be the best thing that ever happened to Wade Barrett. Not everyone can main event Wrestlemania. Del Rio is facing Edge and Cena facing Miz. Hell, I think it's great as it is we have two new guys main eventing. Barrett will get his chance, don't you worry. In fact, this makes me like Barrett more than I used to because he seems to be getting a traditional booking push. Not to mention he is leading a cool faction.

In just one year, Wade has already established himself quite well and has some credibility.

#1 Led an invasion faction on the flagship show
#2 Feuded with the face of the company for six months.
#3 Main evented three of the big four WWE PPV's- Summerslam, Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble
#4 Though he never won the WWE title, he also had shots at Bragging Rights and the next night on RAW.
#5 Though he didn't win the Rumble, he was one of the final four.
#6 He has the size, look, marketability and believability. He can be believable as IC AND WHC.

There are a plethora of guys who have been in this position before.

-Shawn Michaels

He was IC champ in 1992 and unsuccessfully challenged for the WWF title at Survivior Series 1992. Then he opened WM in a curtain jerker spot against Tatanka. Did anyone complain then? Did Shawn get the strap in 93? Nope. He stayed in the IC title picture and put on a classic at WM 10 vs. Razor Ramon. Did he win the strap then? Nope.

He wins the 1995 Royal Rumble at #1. Does he win at Wrestlemania? Nope. Diesel retains in his year long reign. Shawn captures the IC title a third time and puts on another ladder match with Razor at Summerslam, some who argue, was BETTER than the Mania 10 match.

Then he wins the 1996 Royal Rumble. Does he win the WWF then? Finally. After four years of hard work and constant trying, in one of the most iconic moments in the history of the company, he comes down from the rafters and wins the championship in sudden death OT.

-Stone Cold Steve Austin

Austin wins the 1997 Royal Rumble. Did he win the belt at WM? Nope. Didn't even challenge as he lost the right the next month. Had quite a few title shots in 1997. Did he win the title? Nope. Won the IC title and won 3 IC championships for the second half of 1997.

Then he wins the 1998 Royal Rumble. At Wrestlemania 14, the iconic call by J.R.: "The Austin Era has begun!" What a great moment!

Some other guys too.

RVD challenged for the WWF title in 2001 as part of the alliance. Didn't win. And this was a guy who was a heel but got massive babyface pops. He also challenged HHH at Unforgiven 2002; but he won the European title just months before and won numerous IC titles. Then he won MITB in 2006, cashed in fairly and what a great moment in the Hammerstein ballroom.

Booker T was a five WCW champion and main evented Mania 19; but he lost and went on to capture U.S., I.C. and Tag Title gold before finally winning the big one in 2006.

Chris Benoit won the WCW title for one day in 2000. Then he came to the WWF. He won the IC title. Then challenged Rocky for the title at Fully Loaded 2000. Won but then the decision was reversed. Back to the IC title. Even though WWE has erased him from their memory. I haven't. Wrestlemania 20, the celebration, my favorite moment in wrestling history.

Y2J- IC champ, wins on RAW but the title change reversed. Like Benoit back to the IC title picture then finally becomes undisputed champ.

So we have seen numerous guys with loads of credibility take the same route Barrett has taken. Yet I see complaints because of Barrett's recent direction. I couldn't be happier for him. Just hang in there folks. Because when Barrett finally does win, it'll be a great moment.

And I'll gladly wait with others- if Christian wins, look how great of a moment that'll be. Same with Morrison. They're taking their time. No rush. We have recently seen the US and IC titles elevate Miz and Zigger, respectively, even if it was only a brief time for the latter. I love Kofi and Danielson and while the U.S. title elevated Danielson in the sense that he was booked strongly, Kofi continues to float in the midcard despite three IC title reigns.

I am really hoping this elevates Barrett and I think he will. I think he'll be a good champ.

But some people have a problem with this. It's a good thing the IWC doesn't run wrestling or it would be a clusterfuck. I'm not saying there aren't intelligent IWC posters or that some IWC'ers couldn't do competent booking; but as a whole, the IWC seems to be a bunch of professinal moaners.

But Go Wade Barrett. Totally ready to support him as IC champion.
Why, tremendous! After that impressive match, I'll be high on both men for, ooh, about another twenty or so minutes. Better finish this post before I'm hit by the cold sobriety that is reality.

I cannot praise that finish enough. Smooth as silk is an understatement. I haven't witnessed a finish that good in a long, long time. The match itself was pretty bloody smooth. No missed cues, no rough edges. Just, like I've said, a very impressive showing. Oh, gush, gush, gush.

Barrett as Intercontinental Champion has some promise, particularly now that he's destroyed my assumption that he was total gash; perhaps just a result of his work with Randy Orton in the first place. This is his first rung of what I predict will be a long but inevitable climb back up the ladder.

As for Kofi, well, the future is open for him to go up or down. He's relinquished the lead weight of midcard gold. He'll now either float to the top or reveal he's taken on too much water and finally drown.

Metaphors, fuck yeah.
This is just the beginning for Barret as far as Championship's go.

Trust me, Barret will be a World Champion in the future. He's got the look, mic skill's, and presense. Hell, he was the biggest heel in WWE a good 4 month's ago.

He's got a long illustious future ahead of him. Counltess Title reign's and main event's. Yes, A am that optimistic of Barret. There's just something about him, like Ziggler and Del Rio, that you know they'll be big time player's in the future.

This is #1 for Barret's Title reign's.
I'm okay with this move. I thought Barrett would eventually win World Championship gold first, because the guy did spend most of 2010 feuding with John Cena and Randy Orton. Barrett isn't bad in the ring, and he can be a solid heel, so I'm looking forward to his reign as IC Champion.

The Corre has been riding a nice wave of momentum lately. Slater and Gabriel are the Tag Team Champions, Big Show and Kane were demolished by The Corre recently, Wade Barrett just became the IC Champ, and now The Corre is holding the majority of the gold on Smackdown. The Corre doesn't have a Wrestlemania match yet, and it is kind of odd, because Mania is right around the corner. I thought the stuff with Show and Kane might be going somewhere, but no match has been announced yet. Still, things are looking up for The Corre, and this title win can only help them move forward on Smackdown.
I was actually surprised that Wade Barrett won. I expected Big Show and Kane to interfere or something instead of the match actually ending cleanly. I think that it was cool that Wade finally won a title, but it was out of nowhere. How did Barrett get a match against Kingston for his IC title? Anyway, I seem to be one of the only ones who actually questions this move a little bit but it is definitely a harmless move and it makes Wade Barrett look even better than he did. As long as the WWE now moves Kofi Kingston on up into the main event scene then I will feel that this was a great move.
I absolutely love this move!!!! For one it gives some credibility to the IC Title. I don't think Kofi will ever be more than a midcarder. I've always thought that this title should be used as a springboard to the Heavyweight title. Barrett is that next guy who should ascend to that next level. I've always felt that the IC Champion should at least be believable if there were ever a Title vs Title situation. I don't think i could believe Kofi as a serious threat to Edge or Del Rio. Whereas i would love to see Barrett versus either one of those guys!!!
See, but the thing is, Kofi isn't going to move up. He will forever be a mid carder. That's just the way it is. He might feud with Del Rio if he wins the belt at Mania for a bit, but creative is just going to use that as a way to push Del Rio more as a heel.

Then Kofi will be pushed back down to the mid card.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you could see into the future. You mind forking over next weeks lotto numbers?

I loved the match. Wade Barrett winning gives the title credibility and the title gives The Corre credibility so everyone wins.

Hopefully, Christian turns heel on Edge at Mania, and they feud for a few months while Kofi Kingston challanges ADR for the belt.

In the current state of the WWE, with so few young quality babyfaces, they can't afford to leave a heavily over, talented babyface in the Mid-Card scene for too long, because for one, its a waste of talent and two, eventually fans get bored of them. Just ask Matt Hardy....
So I just saw his match with Kofi and HOLY CRAP! Okay so if Kofi became WHC within the year, I'd hope he and Wade could go at for that title too someday! This match was pretty good and anyone who doubted Barrett before can shove it! Barrett looked great and that reversal into the Wasteland was VERY nice.

The Corre def needed some titles to stay relevant and it's going to be very interesting to see what route Wade goes with the I.C Championship. I do hope he gets to defend it often and maybe even a rematch at Mania. The Show needs matches and why not put the I.C title on the line. To my knowledge the I.C. Championship hasn't been defended at Mania since it was reactivated in 2002. That is a shame and and considering the long history of that title, it damn well should have been defended several times on there by now.

Good luck Wade and congrats. Let see what you do with this!
When Wade Barrett won the IC championship I was extatic. FINALLY the WWE is giving a wrestler the proper push. Leading a stable, being around the main event scene, holding a mid card title. When he finally gets to the main event it will be completley believeable. To anyone in the IWC that hates this move : you are an idiot. Thats all I have to say.

As far as a Mania match goes, maybe a winner takes all 3 v. 4 tag match. So have the Corre put their titles on the line against Kane, Big Show and Kofi. I would want to see the Corre go over though.
I really want to believe that this title change means Kofi is finally moving up to the next level but history has shown Kofi will still be stuck in upper mid-card range again. His problem now is he is face while almost all the established stars are playing faces right now. Even Kane turned recently to feud with the Corre. There is no Kurt Angle or HHH for Kofi to play off of right now. Hopefully he will end up in a mid card feud with Barrett that will make an impression and they can carry the rivalry to the main event in the future.
^ I dont understand peoples problems with Kofi being in the upper mid card. Not every WWE superstar has to be a main eventer. He has his place which is occationally feuding for the world title/in the main event to get a mega heel over, giving the fans someone to cheer for and being an IC championship staple. I would only have a problem with it if Kofi was demoted to the lower mid card. However I think he is in a great spot right now. He is like a better version of Shelton Benjamen.
Poor Kofi. Already 3 years or so into his wwe career he has been relegated to kane status of upper mid card jobber. Its like he pretty puts over every guy in a feud. And even if he goes back and wins the IC title back, he will never be elevated to the next level, while the other guys goes up to main event and possibly WHT status.

Anyways I'm not nearly as high on Barrett as some of you guys are. I think he's good and has potential but I'm not going to sit here and say he has it all to be a big star. I havent seen that yet. Lets hope WWE actually gives him a legit IC title run. No not some 2 or 3 month reign. Maybe 5 or 6 months. Really establish him as a big threat in that scene. Take time with his push, it makes him look more like legit contender. Dont just use the title as a prop as an excuse to push him right to the next level if doesnt do anything with it.
The interference was minimal, Both Barrett and Kingston looked good in the match, and we now have 2 heel mid card champs that have either feuded with main eventers or won the title themselves. This could be a good thing for the mid card division if played right.

But in any case definitely a sign of big things for Barrett. I actually like that didn't put the title on him when the Nexus first started on against Orton and Cena. This has been smart to help Barrett's credibility and should be done more often.
I'm happy with this move, it gives Barrett and The Corre alot more credibility and make them look really dominant, Wade will be World Champion soon enough, he has already accomplished alot in WWE with out winning any titles so far. But as I said he deserves the title. And as forKofihe will get his big chance.
I personally feel that Ezekiel Jackson should have won it, and not Barret...

But this is great too, since he was the Leader of the Original Nexus :worship:, that he deserves some tittle reign, but lets face it, he didnt need this to estabilish himself, he will be a major star in the WWE!!
He was the leader, he forced Otunga and Cena to lose against Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel, he never claimed any championship!!
And suddenly, the bigger porpuse was out, and Wade Barret start to focus on the WWE Tittle!! I was really high with that Bigger Porpuse, and they put that in the garbish, fucking creatives !! XD

But as far as i see, they are really pushing Barret, and if The Nexus stayed with him, WrestleMania was so much bigger!! Instead of having Punk vs Orton, they could really do: CM Punk vs Wade Barret - the winner becames the leader of Nexus!! and put Orton in the WWE Tittle Card by a double pin-fall at EC!! (a fan can dream right?)

Well they are really building him well, he as already feuded with John Cena, Randy Orton, semi-feud John Morrison, Chris Jericho!!

And now he is taking out the monsters of the WWE - Kane and Big Show!!
I just hope that the WWE, dont make The Corre lose, I mean Big-Show as a awfull ratio at Mania, a win is not going to do anything for his future, however for the Corre guys, it as to be one hell of a push!!

I'm really hoping that he has a great Championship run, anybody thought of that move, so they have to make him be very well estabilished, as far as i remeber, Original Nexus merchandise was very well sold!! Even here in Portugal i saw teens using Nexus shirts and Armbands :) so they must be concerned about Wade Barret future in the WWE, and in 2 years we can really see him fighting for the big one at SummerSlam or Wrestlemania!!
I really hope they give him a long run with this belt so he can firmly establish himself as a serious force for when the Corre (inevitably) splits soon. I thought this was a great match as well, sure there was some slight outside interference but both he and Kofi put on a great show with the time they had and I look forward to future matches between them as their different styles really made in enjoyable.
I'm still skeptical whether Kofi can hang in the main event as a legitimate contender though. He's a solid mid carder and probably will be for quite some time but as someone said earlier, he's too much of a babyface for me to take him seriously at the moment
Great match and a great decision in my view. I'm not sure what this might mean for Kofi, possibly a character turn or elevation above the mid-card ranks. He's been buried really since winning the IC title for the 3rd time and I'm hoping he's not on the bubble.

But yeah, the title needed to be taken off Kofi and it was a great win for Barrett. He won the match cleanly and it just gives The Corre a little more credibility. It's also great to see Barrett get the win on his own. Even though there was some degree of interference, it was just enough that Kofi took his eye off the ball for a moment.
great match. What the fuck was the point of putting the title on Kofi in the first place? How many times did he even defend it? twice?

Anyway, fucking pumped about it. Barrett is definately title worthy and can bring heat and credibility to the IC belt. hopefully some semi strong mid card faces can head to SD soon

anyway barret makes a better ic champ even though he sucks in the ring. He has the charisma to carry a good promo they just need to start using the corre better.

Zeke has got to feel left out but i dont see him goin for heavyweight belt anyitme soon
This is going to bring the Intercontiental Championship back to greatness.

Well the title was looking good for a while with constant feuds between Ziggler and Kofi and Kofi and others on Smackdown.

but Wade Barrett is a whole nother level, he's got more main event experience than Kofi.. so whoever takes the title from Barrett is without a doubt going to be legit, because taking the title from Barrett will be no easy task.
Great move to put the Intercontinental Championship on Wade Barrett. I have a feeling, Wade will definitely do some good with the championship. The belt has been a bit stale since Kofi won it from Dolph Ziggler and god knows Kofi will never do anything productive while being the Intercontinental Champion. This match was definitely a great match. It shows Wade Barrett can work a good match with any particular style and that's a great thing to bring to the Intercontinental Championship. I can see Kofi Kingston getting involved with the Kane/Big Show and Corre rivalry to end at Wrestlemania possibly. I'm certainly glad to have a fresh face holding the belt.

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