Wade Barrett - Next In Line?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The rumors as of right now are a Sheamus Orton match at Summerslam but I personally think Barrett should get the match against Orton at SS. Orton feuded with nexus so they have a history. A Orton Barrett match would also be more entertaining in my opinion than another Orton Sheamus match. Barrett also just lost the IC title so I think it makes sense.

So do you guys think Wade Barrett will challenge Orton for the belt at SS or do you guys think someone else will?
The problem with Barrett is, he has no credibility right now. His IC Title reign was shitty at best. Probably not worser then Kofi's last reign. At least with The Miz he had a decent run as United States Champion, he feuded/beaten MVP several times before dropping the title... he didn't have nearly the run Drew Mac had. At least with Drew when he finally lost the title you could make a case for him being #1 contender. All I've seen Barrett do is hold the belt, lost at Wrestlemania. Did not come out on the winning end of the Big Show/Kane war (which also included Santino, Kozlov, Kofi). Your group breaks up, you lose to your second banana. Grant it, losing to a powerhouse is not all that bad. But Barrett needs to look credible, in my eyes.

What has he done lately? Nothing.
I definitely see Wade Barett winning the MITB briefcase. Him or Cody Rhodes anyway. But yeah, Wade will probably get pushed back into the main event even if he doesn't win the briefcase maybe with a face turn because god knows, Smackdown! needs a few faces. If he goes face a feud with Sheamus (Battle of the British countries) would do wonders for both of them giving Sheamus more air-time and Barett soldifying himself as a main-eventer or an upper mid-carder
Orton to feud with Sheamus or Barrett...AGAIN! Fuck that for a laugh, Christian should win the world title at the next PPV and Orton should then feud with Cody Rhodes. A newly face Sheamus should feud with Christian over the title and in all likelihood, Wade Barrett should be left off the card. I just don't see anything for him on SmackDown at the moment bar a feud with Daniel Bryan.
I think it is Sheamus turn. Wade is now going through what Sheamus has went through for the past year if not longer. After debuting and getting the GOD push he is having to go through and earn his stripes. Vince and the WWE learned their mistake with guys like bobby Lashley screwing them over. They gave Lashley the god push and he turned around and shit all over them. They are making sure these new superstars are wanting to stick it out when they are at the top of the card as well towards the bottom.

I think once Wade proves he will not let his ego get in the way he will be a future megastar. Other then CM Punk I don't think there is anyone else with Mega Heel potential on the roster. I think Wade Barrett has all the tools. He has the size/look, and is good enough on the mic/ring to make it work.

I just hope that after Summerslam they start his build up once more. He is the only guy on the roster that I wouldn't mind seeing beat the Undertaker at WrestleMania. I don't think anyone ever will (Other then possibly Cena but that's another thread all together), but I think Wade has potential to be huge.
The thing about Wade is that right now he has no buisness competing with a World Champion, especially if he's supposed to be next in line. He just got his ass kicked and finisher no sold by the Intercontinental champion, so why should he get a shot at the WHC? He shouldn't. Christian will get a rematch at MitB by playing his "my foot was under the ropes the entire time" card. When Orton wins that, Sheamus will probably be the next heel challenger. Because, ya know he's somewhat credible and has a reason to go after Randy.

I wouldn't be shocked if Barrett won the Smackdown MitB match though. But that's the only way he's getting a top title shot any time this year. And even then, you're unlikely to see an actual title match if he wins the briefcase, because he'll just do what every other MitB winner's done and beat up someone who's already been beaten up for the title.
I think Wade is going to be a upper midcard and he will probably feud with Daniel Bryan or Kane!

If it is with Kane he needs to win the feud to be a believable main-eventer, and more, he actually needs to beat the crap out of Ezekiel Jackson, in a heelish way of course!
Barrett should already have been in the world title scene on Smackdown. He feuded with Orton last fall and that feud can be revisited. He will probably not be next but definitely will get a world title match soon. Maybe a MITB win? I don't think he is next as the Christian feud should continue or let Sheamus be next. I do hope he gets a world title shot and push soon though because he has what it takes and should already have been there by now given his push last year.
I would really hate to see Shemus vs Barrett. Both guys can have pretty good matches with guys smaller than them but put them up against other big guys and it's asking for trouble. HHH did do a good job teaching Shemus how to work with bigger guys but that was well over a year ago and with Barrett coming off a lack luster fued with Jackson, this match will suck.

I know people aren't talking about Shemus vs Barrett but if the plans are either of those 2 to go up against Ortan, then there will have to be a number one contender match between these 2 at some point which will ruin either guys credibility.

Prediction for the week, Cody Rhodes vs Barrett vs Shemus vs Christian for the number one contender for Ortan's title
Why should Barrett be anywhere near the World Heavyweight Championship? He hasn't been interesting since leaving Nexus, and he proved exactly how much he was worth last night. First he cut a horribly generic and emotionless promo, and then he put on a match that defined mediocrity. Why put Barrett in a major match when you have three heels (Christian, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes) that are more talented and more worthy of being in that title match at SummerSlam than he?
Why should Barrett be anywhere near the World Heavyweight Championship? He hasn't been interesting since leaving Nexus, and he proved exactly how much he was worth last night. First he cut a horribly generic and emotionless promo, and then he put on a match that defined mediocrity. Why put Barrett in a major match when you have three heels (Christian, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes) that are more talented and more worthy of being in that title match at SummerSlam than he?

I respectfully disagree, Barrett is probably the rookie superstar with more potential, he is very talented, both in the mic section and in the ring.
WWE has big plans for him, and I think that he deserves to be where he is.
His promo last night was pretty good, and got a lot of USA Chants, which is good.

SummerSlam will be probably headlined by Randy Orton vs Chody Rhodes, but I can easily see Randy Orton vs Barrett as a WrestleMania match.
He will have his title match this year, almost sure of that, tough.
I respectfully disagree, Barrett is probably the rookie superstar with more potential, he is very talented, both in the mic section and in the ring.

Did you watch his match/promo last night? Both were major stinkers. People keep on talking about his potential and ability, but he has yet to show me anything at all.

WWE has big plans for him, and I think that he deserves to be where he is.
His promo last night was pretty good, and got a lot of USA Chants, which is good.

His promo was crap. The only reason he got (moderate) USA chants is because he was in the nation's capital and was bad mouthing the government. Talk about cheap heat, sheesh.

And if the WWE has big plans for him, then why have they made him look like a chump for over a month? Plans? Maybe. Big plans? I think not. Even Sheamus's losing streak only resulted in a short midcard title run.

SummerSlam will be probably headlined by Randy Orton vs Chody Rhodes, but I can easily see Randy Orton vs Barrett as a WrestleMania match.
He will have his title match this year, almost sure of that, tough.

Oh shoot me now if Barrett main events Wrestlemania. He hasn't had a single good PPV match yet, and putting him in one of the main events at Mania is almost doomed to fail.
Im all for it, I love Wade. Hes very natural on the mic and hes got a great look.

I always enjoyed Barrett when he was in the Title hunt last summer and beyond when he was the leader of Nexus when they were still fresh, he can definetly hold his own with the other main eventers, thats been seen already. But i dont want to see him go up against Orton, that was just boring. Since hes on Smackdown Cena isnt an option, which is good too. So im excited to see Wade get pushed back into the ME instead of jobbing with the Corre.(Yes i know its disbanded,just saying)
Why should Barrett be anywhere near the World Heavyweight Championship?

As of right now, I agree with you. He's done jack shit to deserve it. After MitB he'll probably have a case for having a shot at the WHC.

He hasn't been interesting since leaving Nexus, and he proved exactly how much he was worth last night.

Both of which was the fault of the bookers. He's been saddled with a stable with no direction and his first singles match after he went solo was an excercise in putting Jackson over. Hence the false finish and post match interview. He can hardly be blamed for doing shit all interesting when he's been given nothing interesting to do. [insert jab about Zack Ryder here]

Two more thingswhile we're on the subject of Barrett's promo and his reaction to it, he got good heat afterwards (namely when his name was announced and during the match when he raised his hand mid match (i.e. when the crowd was cued for a responce, they did)) and the crowd was shit.

First he cut a horribly generic and emotionless promo,

I thought that was a good promo. So did Chris Jericho, for the record.

and then he put on a match that defined mediocrity.

Mostly due to Jackson being shit in the ring. Wade's ok in the ring, at best and he clearly tried to make the match as good as it could be. But he's not good enough to drag a good match out of someone like Jackson. Especially a match designed to put him over as much as possible. Which is what it was.

Why put Barrett in a major match when you have three heels (Christian,

is first in line by default, as he should be.

Second in line. And I completely agree that Barrett shouldn't have a "proper" title shot before him.

and Cody Rhodes)

Who has done less than Barrett to deserve a title shot and is currently feuding with DBD and Sin Cara. Also, there's the slight problem of him hanging around with Ted.

that are more talented and more worthy of being in that title match at SummerSlam than he?

You're right, all three of those men are better wrestlers than Barrett and aside from Cody, I agree that those guys should have title shots before him. So I won't try to justify them facing Orton after Barrett, because they shouldn't.

Cody on the other hand is fair game. So fucking what if he's a better wrestler than Barrett? That's not a good reason for him to get a World Title title shot before him. If it was, Justin Gabriel would have been facing Cena and Orton in the main events of PPVs last year, not than Barrett and DBD would have won the WWE title ahead of the Miz. Barrett can have decent matches when he's not having to compensate for a shitty opponent (see: Barrett vs Kofi on SD). So what if Cody's heel run on SD has been more interesting than Barrett's? Barrett's hardly been given chances to shine since his drafting, wheras Cody gets weekly promo segments and a crowd friendly gimmick. Hardly a fair comparason. Cody hasn't done anything as good as Barrett did last time he was given a ball to run with (i.e. the Nexus) either, so that's a moot point.

So tell me JGlass, why should Cody get a title shot ahead of Barrett. They're in (roughly) the same spot, in that neither have a reason to become Number 1 contenders. The only difference is that Barrett's proven that he can run at the top, carry big storylines and is now free to do so again, while Cody's mid storyline and has a smegger holding his coat tails holding him back.

I'm not saying Barrett should be next in line. I'm saying he should win the Smackdown MitB match, not Cody, Christian, Sheamus or anyone else. once he's got the briefcase he can build up himself on the mic again (which he can do) and cash it in like all those who have come before him have. Simply put, Barrett's the right guy to win MitB this year, because he's the right guy to move up the card. Cody will get his shot. But as it stands now, he's still tied down in the midcard while Barrett lost the last rope holding him back from the WHC.
Did you watch his match/promo last night? Both were major stinkers. People keep on talking about his potential and ability, but he has yet to show me anything at all.

Yes I've seen, first you need to realize that he isn't any Daniel Bryan or CM Punk, he is a brawler and his side slam for instance is a beautiful move, he needs to change his finisher that's I'm sure, but saying that he doesn't know how to work a crowd is a little bit stupid, he is a great talker, give me an example of a bad promo.

Chris Jericho Twitter Last Night:
Watching the PPV and @WadeBarrett promo. He has
such amazing presence. A future world champion for sure...

His promo was crap. The only reason he got (moderate) USA chants is because he was in the nation's capital and was bad mouthing the government. Talk about cheap heat, sheesh.

R-Truth got over with cheap heat ;) "What!?" Chants is cheap heat.
Cody Rhodes got over with cheap heat
The Miz got over with cheap heat. I can't see no reason to Barrett not get cheap heat too.

And if the WWE has big plans for him, then why have they made him look like a chump for over a month? Plans? Maybe. Big plans? I think not. Even Sheamus's losing streak only resulted in a short midcard title run.

R-Truth was a jobber at Superstars, and he just main evented a PPV!
Wade Barrett is going to be a big draw in the company, if you are a hater, I can't do anything about it.

Oh shoot me now if Barrett main events Wrestlemania. He hasn't had a single good PPV match yet, and putting him in one of the main events at Mania is almost doomed to fail.

He was supposed to be the one to fight against The Undertaker at Mania, he was one of the most over guys last year, he can still be this year...
I can easily see him main-eventing WrestleMania, The Miz did it, and everybody thought that there was no way for him to be there...
As of right now, I agree with you. He's done jack shit to deserve it. After MitB he'll probably have a case for having a shot at the WHC.

Doubtful. He's looked like horse crap for the past few months while guys like Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, and Sin Cara have been booked very strongly. I doubt DBD or Sin Cara will win, but I'd predict Rhodes or Sheamus winning over Barrett winning ten times out of ten.

Both of which was the fault of the bookers. He's been saddled with a stable with no direction and his first singles match after he went solo was an excercise in putting Jackson over. Hence the false finish and post match interview. He can hardly be blamed for doing shit all interesting when he's been given nothing interesting to do. [insert jab about Zack Ryder here]

That's bologna, and I hear this argument all the time. He's been in a ton of matches, and even though they are multi-man tag matches, he can still do his part to make it interesting. For instance, his 6 man tag match again Zeke and the Usos was good because the Usos did a great job.

Two more thingswhile we're on the subject of Barrett's promo and his reaction to it, he got good heat afterwards (namely when his name was announced and during the match when he raised his hand mid match (i.e. when the crowd was cued for a responce, they did)) and the crowd was shit.

That crowd was shit, but I can't really blame them. They told they were going to see a PPV, but all they got to see was a televised house show.

I thought that was a good promo. So did Chris Jericho, for the record.

Oh my, if Chris Jericho thought it was good than it must be true. He's never wrong about anything in professional wrestling ever.

And don't you hate Zack Ryder? You know Jericho loves him, right?

Mostly due to Jackson being shit in the ring. Wade's ok in the ring, at best and he clearly tried to make the match as good as it could be. But he's not good enough to drag a good match out of someone like Jackson. Especially a match designed to put him over as much as possible. Which is what it was.

I'd say Wade and Zeke are about equals in the ring, and maybe Zeke's even slightly better. At least Zeke has a few awesome moves. I can't think of anything Wade Barrett does really well in the ring, he's just average at best.

Who has done less than Barrett to deserve a title shot and is currently feuding with DBD and Sin Cara. Also, there's the slight problem of him hanging around with Ted.

The hell you talking about boy? While Barrett was jobbing to a thrown together team at WrestleMania, Cody Rhodes was putting on one of the best matches of the night with Rey Mysterio... a match he won. And since when is feuding with two of the hottest midcard faces in the WWE a bad thing?

You're right, all three of those men are better wrestlers than Barrett and aside from Cody, I agree that those guys should have title shots before him. So I won't try to justify them facing Orton after Barrett, because they shouldn't.

Cody on the other hand is fair game. So fucking what if he's a better wrestler than Barrett? That's not a good reason for him to get a World Title title shot before him. If it was, Justin Gabriel would have been facing Cena and Orton in the main events of PPVs last year, not than Barrett and DBD would have won the WWE title ahead of the Miz. Barrett can have decent matches when he's not having to compensate for a shitty opponent (see: Barrett vs Kofi on SD). So what if Cody's heel run on SD has been more interesting than Barrett's? Barrett's hardly been given chances to shine since his drafting, wheras Cody gets weekly promo segments and a crowd friendly gimmick. Hardly a fair comparason. Cody hasn't done anything as good as Barrett did last time he was given a ball to run with (i.e. the Nexus) either, so that's a moot point.

So tell me JGlass, why should Cody get a title shot ahead of Barrett. They're in (roughly) the same spot, in that neither have a reason to become Number 1 contenders. The only difference is that Barrett's proven that he can run at the top, carry big storylines and is now free to do so again, while Cody's mid storyline and has a smegger holding his coat tails holding him back.

Cody Rhodes deserves one WAY before Rhodes.

1) History with Orton
2) Hasn't been done in the past 9 months
3) Is a better wrestler than Barrett
4) Is getting one of the best reactions on Smackdown right now
5) Is better on the mic than Barrett
6) Would actually have a shot at Orton considering he'd be an interesting champion as opposed to Barrett
7) Has been the epitome of consistency since he debuted the Dashing Gimmick
8) His last feud with Randy Orton didn't suck donkey balls.

I'd be surprised if you could come up with 3 reasons Barrett is a better choice than Rhodes, let alone 8.
barret might challenge orton but most likely it would be orton winning. i would like to see big zeke go after orton for the WHC, he deserves it unlike barret. as for orton feuding with nexus, that was to put orton over more (somehow or something like that, but i guess it could have been for history as well).
Personally, I believe Barrett has the potential to be one of the best heels of this decade. He has fantastic mic skills, and his simple fighting style actually fits his heel style quite well.
His work as the leader of the Nexus was excellent, and I'm eager to see what the WWE holds in store for him as a single wrestler.

I really want - and expect - him to win a major belt sometime in the future, but I don't think it will be this year yet.

Also, I expect him to heed on the words that John Cena once told him: "you have what it takes to be a Champion on your own, stop trying to create shortcuts" or something to that effect. I would like to see him as the type of heel that that actually wins legitimate victories.
I definitely see Wade Barett winning the MITB briefcase. Him or Cody Rhodes anyway. But yeah, Wade will probably get pushed back into the main event even if he doesn't win the briefcase maybe with a face turn because god knows, Smackdown! needs a few faces. If he goes face a feud with Sheamus (Battle of the British countries) would do wonders for both of them giving Sheamus more air-time and Barett soldifying himself as a main-eventer or an upper mid-carder

I agree, I have Barrett or Sin Cara winning MITB, I hope Barrett. The guy needs cradibility and this would be a good way to build it. He doesn't have to be pushed into the main event, he can carry the briefcase for a while and have programs with say Kane and Daniel Bryan. Sadly this damn Corre angle is killing not only him, but I think Justin Gabrial as well. I really expected these two to be the breakout stars once the Nexus angle was over, instead they end up being the Nexus knock off on Smack Down, then they break up now they are fueding. It really seems like the writers have no idea how to book the end of this angle I would have rather have them break, face off in a fatal four way and then go into different programs.
His little backstage segment with Gabriel and Slater last night, about how he wasn't all too concerned about losing his Intercontinental Title rematch, and how he has "bigger plans", makes me think he might be. I don't expect Christian to win at Money in the Bank, and I really don't expect him to be given yet another rematch for the WHC. Sheamus might still be selling the punt into Summerslam, and he and Orton main-evented last year's event anyway. So, yeah, Barrett makes a lot of sense to get a shot at Orton. He's fantastic on the mic, above-average in the ring, and this feud should be new-ish considering the Nexus isn't involved this time. His biggest competition is probably Cody Rhodes who, while awesome, isn't quite ready for a title shot and/or feud yet. So, give it to Barrett. The guy knows how to work.

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