W.W.E. H.D.: High Definition or Highly Disappointing?


[This Space for Rent]
So, the World Wrestling Entertainment Corp. finally moved everything to HD about two weeks ago, and they've successfully ran every television show they have (including their Raw A.M. if anyone cares) and the Royal Rumble, all in HD.

In an age where we're coming to a turn for technology for viewing programs on television, I ask the question.. does it really make a difference? I currently am not with W.W.E. HD, I currently do not subscribe to USA HD, and I didn't order the Royal Rumble.. in HD.

Thus far, on my "regular" television, the only thing I've noticed thats any different.. is they enlarged the screen, so the stuff to the left and right gets cut off to people without HD t.v.'s.. they've added new sets, with a ton of lightbulbs, so people without HD t.v.'s get screwed with a huge piece of blur whenever wrestlers come through the entrances now.. and from what I understand, due to the "technology" of HD, when a camera is too close to the ring, you can clearly hear the wrestlers talking to each other about how the match will progress.

So I ask.. anyone who has an HDTV, please chim in and explain how much better this is to those of us without it. Because to me, I feel like its absurd and ******ed to shell out over $1,000.00 to buy an HDTV, then have to pay that much extra for the programming and stations (be it to the satelite, or cable companies) to broadcast in HD. Especially when I recall a day and age, when watching t.v. didn't used to cost me over $200.00 a month.

SO, W.W.E. HD.. good, or bad? Discuss..
I don't have the USA or Sci-Fi HD Channels cause Time Warner Cable sucks but I do get Smackdown in HD and it, like everything else that is in HD is a huge difference. I feel like im sitting in the arena when I watch it on HD. Raw and ECW don't look that bad in standard definition but I really can't wait to watch them in HD as well. I really haven't heard anything call wise on the HD broadcasts. HD is the way of the future right now so I think the WWE did a good job of switching over to HD, of course since they are all working with new equipment that they probably aren't completely familiar with they still have to get some kinks worked out, like cutting out some of the stuff in the view of the ring on the standard definition tvs but give them a few months and they should have everything running smoothly.
The thing that annoys me the most is.. it slices off the left and right portions of the screen on SD. (Standard Definition) I understand you don't honestly lose anything from it.. but what if I enjoyed watching the guy in the 4th row, to the far upper left corner, holding up his sign? What if I laughed at the official in the lower right hand corner, who just stood there not sure what to do, because the two guys were in a rest hold?

The point, to me is.. I dispise that they've basically enlarged the screen.. so to anyone without an HDTV, everything looks a bit more blurred. At least to me. And it drives me insane. I'm very picky when it comes to watching a crystal clear picture.. and I seriously used to get that, before they switched. But due to the switch, I have to go spend a fortune on a t.v. that'll waste out in 5 years (tops) just so I can see better, again.

I get that we have to go with the flow, and move along with the new wave of technology and all that.. but I don't think new products should be expensive. I think they should at least make it remotely affordable, because to me, $1,000-2,000.00 for a fricken television, is outrageous. (However, yes, I'll spend it to get the beautiful quality that is Anal raping me through the wallet.)
I don't have HD, and don't see the point to HD. I loved watching wrestling before, and never thought omg I need to see every hair on that guys body whilst watching it. Everyone seems to be going nuts over fixing something that wasn't broken to begin with.

Also the idea of being able to hear the wrestlers talk about the match at points has put me off the idea of HD. We all know they do this, but when we're watching it we don't want to be put off by hearing everything. I love the WWE, and everything about it. I don't understand the need to change everything.
Money has run everything for a good while and I don't figure it to stop right in the middle of the consumerism era. The stupendous HD/THX combo is all about money, considering it's pretty much about shelling 3 to 5 grand on a TV and home theater so you can oh so enjoy a 2-hour show or movie like there was no tomorrow. Is there a difference? Some, yes. Is it worth months of my salary, notwithstanding the fact that I have other expenses like you know... LIVING? I've enjoyed wrestling for years on end and never once have I thought that I would so like to feel like I'm walking next to the guy/girl. If that was an obssession of mine, I would have gotten in the wrestling business somehow.

That's how it is now. Although HD is so far a luxury technology, it is forced down the throats of us consumers/suckers so that we have 2 real options: make a big hole in our budget so we can "enjoy" this marvel or just plain feel shitty about what we have which is more often than not pretty good to begin with. To me, WWE in HD is absolutely unnecessary, the product quality has prior to HD been very decent and it shows us they're just taking another step in the questionably dishonest world of consumerism...
The thing that annoys me the most is.. it slices off the left and right portions of the screen on SD. (Standard Definition) I understand you don't honestly lose anything from it.. but what if I enjoyed watching the guy in the 4th row, to the far upper left corner, holding up his sign? What if I laughed at the official in the lower right hand corner, who just stood there not sure what to do, because the two guys were in a rest hold?

The point, to me is.. I dispise that they've basically enlarged the screen.. so to anyone without an HDTV, everything looks a bit more blurred. At least to me. And it drives me insane. I'm very picky when it comes to watching a crystal clear picture.. and I seriously used to get that, before they switched. But due to the switch, I have to go spend a fortune on a t.v. that'll waste out in 5 years (tops) just so I can see better, again.

I get that we have to go with the flow, and move along with the new wave of technology and all that.. but I don't think new products should be expensive. I think they should at least make it remotely affordable, because to me, $1,000-2,000.00 for a fricken television, is outrageous. (However, yes, I'll spend it to get the beautiful quality that is Anal raping me through the wallet.)

I wouldn't make too big of a deal out of it. It's not like the cut off on your TV set is taking away from the wrestling. I mean, when you are really into a match, is the fact that you can't see a few extra fans on the side really going to ruin that experience? And if you don't want to drop the money for a HD TV and all that jazz, wait it out a year or so...By then, HD will probably be a standard. That also is why WWE moving to HD is a good idea. HD is the future, and WWE being a huge business, needs to keep up with the future.
I wouldn't make too big of a deal out of it. It's not like the cut off on your TV set is taking away from the wrestling. I mean, when you are really into a match, is the fact that you can't see a few extra fans on the side really going to ruin that experience?

YES! I want the whole experience. If I wanna see a guy in the 16th row, section C, picking his damn nose while a rest hold is going on.. what happens if I miss that due to HD cutting it off? Then what do I have to watch? Two guys sitting in the middle of the ring, while trying to make it look like they're doing anything other than just sitting there resting?!

And if you don't want to drop the money for a HD TV and all that jazz, wait it out a year or so...By then, HD will probably be a standard.

Yeah, I've heard about the atrocious, outrageous crap about how HDTVs are taking over via 2009 or some crap like that. About how no other television will run regular cable/satelite programming. You know what, its ******ed that I have to pay a fortune to get great quality picture and sound.

I don't think it should be something that we should have to spend a fortune on to begin with. Its basically like they're holding the ability to watch television as their "chip" to bargain with. Whats next, radio stations gonna start running non-stop ads and claim if you wanna listen to music, you have to spend a ... wait, thats what XM is, isn't it. Ah hell....

That also is why WWE moving to HD is a good idea. HD is the future, and WWE being a huge business, needs to keep up with the future.

I'm not disagreeing that its not a nice step up. I love great picture and quality. But like others have said, its hurting the production value of wrestling if you start hearing them talk to each other about the match.

I used to love seeing the camera not cut away quick enough when one of them blades themselves. I always found it funny how they'd grab their head, acting hurt, then you'd see the hand slightly run back and forth. That just cracked me up. But I don't want anymore than that, in having to basically "see" and "hear" (as I watch it) that its fake.

I know its scripted and all that, but it ruins the overall experience to have to sit there and actually hear it.
YES! I want the whole experience. If I wanna see a guy in the 16th row, section C, picking his damn nose while a rest hold is going on.. what happens if I miss that due to HD cutting it off? Then what do I have to watch? Two guys sitting in the middle of the ring, while trying to make it look like they're doing anything other than just sitting there resting?!

Haha, well that is a bit ridiculous...It's not like you can't see any of the fans (unless I am not reading correctly).

Yeah, I've heard about the atrocious, outrageous crap about how HDTVs are taking over via 2009 or some crap like that. About how no other television will run regular cable/satelite programming. You know what, its ******ed that I have to pay a fortune to get great quality picture and sound.

I don't think it should be something that we should have to spend a fortune on to begin with. Its basically like they're holding the ability to watch television as their "chip" to bargain with. Whats next, radio stations gonna start running non-stop ads and claim if you wanna listen to music, you have to spend a ... wait, thats what XM is, isn't it. Ah hell....

I'm not disagreeing that its not a nice step up. I love great picture and quality. But like others have said, its hurting the production value of wrestling if you start hearing them talk to each other about the match.

I used to love seeing the camera not cut away quick enough when one of them blades themselves. I always found it funny how they'd grab their head, acting hurt, then you'd see the hand slightly run back and forth. That just cracked me up. But I don't want anymore than that, in having to basically "see" and "hear" (as I watch it) that its fake.

I know its scripted and all that, but it ruins the overall experience to have to sit there and actually hear it.

I agree with you, that the whole concept is pretty ridiculous, but there isn't really much we can do about it, sadly.

It definitely would be nice if WWE programming was a perfect fit to all TV's while still showing in HD, as well. I don't really know anything about TV production so I am not sure if it is possible. However, I have not noticed any cut-offs on my TV set while watching WWE programming since the HD switch...So perhaps it may just be your TV or maybe I didn't realize it...I will definitely have to look out for it, though, while RAW is on tomorrow night.
Haha, well that is a bit ridiculous...It's not like you can't see any of the fans (unless I am not reading correctly).

I'm picky and greedy like that though. I wanna see the fans I can't see, in the nose bleed sections. Apparently I suppose thats the whole point though. If I had HD, I'd likely be capable of making them out. :lmao:

I agree with you, that the whole concept is pretty ridiculous, but there isn't really much we can do about it, sadly.

It definitely would be nice if WWE programming was a perfect fit to all TV's while still showing in HD, as well. I don't really know anything about TV production so I am not sure if it is possible. However, I have not noticed any cut-offs on my TV set while watching WWE programming since the HD switch...So perhaps it may just be your TV or maybe I didn't realize it...I will definitely have to look out for it, though, while RAW is on tomorrow night.

Regarding the cut off. A prime example would be.. if you don't have an HDTV, but have an xbox 360.. and the game Madden. Look at how close to the edges Vince Young is on the opening start up. Then, take the 360 to a HDTV.. and notice how much wider the screen gets. THATS what W.W.E. has done. They've enlarged everything, because I think HD is nothing more than just enlarging everything to make you think its 'crisper.'

And honestly, the new sets are crap. They're nothing more than big screens that blind the crap out of me if the camera hits them wrong. All those bulbs together, on my SDTV (Standard Def) just makes them blurred.. and its hard to see anything "in" the ring, when the camera is focused on that side, because they're creating a major distraction.
I'm picky and greedy like that though. I wanna see the fans I can't see, in the nose bleed sections. Apparently I suppose thats the whole point though. If I had HD, I'd likely be capable of making them out. :lmao:

Regarding the cut off. A prime example would be.. if you don't have an HDTV, but have an xbox 360.. and the game Madden. Look at how close to the edges Vince Young is on the opening start up. Then, take the 360 to a HDTV.. and notice how much wider the screen gets. THATS what W.W.E. has done. They've enlarged everything, because I think HD is nothing more than just enlarging everything to make you think its 'crisper.'

And honestly, the new sets are crap. They're nothing more than big screens that blind the crap out of me if the camera hits them wrong. All those bulbs together, on my SDTV (Standard Def) just makes them blurred.. and its hard to see anything "in" the ring, when the camera is focused on that side, because they're creating a major distraction.

I don't have a 360, but I understand what you are saying with the enlarging.

I don't mind the new sets...I think they can look pretty awesome. I wasn't so sure at first with them not having any concrete elements to them, but they are pretty fancy and I'm sure it makes it a lot easier on the crews to have one set for all 3 shows...However, I do not want to know how many blown bulbs they will go through a year.

I like how the new sets make it easier so that every person on the roster has his or her own, very unique, entrance packages. I'm so waiting for them to put some pyro around that huge smoke stack looking tower on the far left of the set...I think pyro flying out from all sides of that would look pretty insane.

In theory, they are probably capable of doing a lot of crazy insane things with the new set that simply look cool but don't really have much of an effect otherwise.
eh, the HD doesnt really make too much of a difference really, depending on the angle really. When its in the close up corner angle, it looks absurdly real and clear, its almost like your there, really. I havent noticed any of the talking, calling spots really. I like the set in that everyone gets to have something pretty highly unique, but at the same time I dont like how they use the set for all the shows, and it does look kindy cheesy and hokey at times. Overall its a nice upgrade, but not near as nice as it is for other things, like football.
The reason why it cuts off is because HD broadcasts are in widescreen, and most standard definition televisions are fullscreen. (My standard def. has a widescreen option, but because of the broadcasting procedure for HD, it still cuts off the screen even in that mode. Guess I'll need to buy a new TV... in a year. When I can afford it.)

As for the calling spots thing... I'm assuming WWE would just adjust the volume of the mics on the cameras so they don't pick up too much of the noise. I never thought it'd be that huge of an issue.
I don't have HD cable, although I do have a TV that has HD capabilities all the way up to 1080p. I haven't noticed anything wrong with my Raw show, but then again I have a widescreen TV.

As far as buying a new TV Will, I have a 32" LCD HD TV that I bought for $500 dollars. I got that on sale, but you can regularly find them for $600. You're overexaggerating the prices.

On a side note, when my financial situation becomes a little more comfortable, I will DEFINITELY have a HD cable, and will buy a huge freakin' HD TV.

I can't wait.
As far as buying a new TV Will, I have a 32" LCD HD TV that I bought for $500 dollars. I got that on sale, but you can regularly find them for $600. You're overexaggerating the prices.

On a side note, when my financial situation becomes a little more comfortable, I will DEFINITELY have a HD cable, and will buy a huge freakin' HD TV.

I can't wait.

I wasn't overexaggerating the prices. However I also didn't realize about the lower inch Televisions. Where I'm at, the Wal*Mart store in the nearest town only goes down (LCD HD wise) to 37" I believe.. in which they're $700-800.00.

I seen a Visio (sp?) on sale for like $849.00 with 1080p capability, but I'm not understandable in the ways of all that. I just see clear picture clarity and say "I want that one." My friend (who's a television expert, in the ways of understanding all that) is going to go along with me in helping me find a good one.

He said Wal*Mart sucks with carrying anything worth it though, since a lot of times they don't carry the highest quality versions.

Now.. On Topic I have noticed my picture getting better each show. Because of that, I feel its W.W.E. slowly adjusting to using their new found abilities. However, I don't have a widescreen television, (I think I can set the picture to widescreen, however) but as I've said I'll be buying one soon. And the point I was getting at, is everything on the sides is still getting cut off.

I suppose I'm the only one who's picky enough to notice that though. I get annoyed by the smallest things. lol
One thing that has become exceedingly aggravating has been the glitchyness.

The program consistently glitch, on ECW this week, it was to the point were it looked like some of the matches were in slow motion. Extremely distracting. I like the new clearer picture, but like I said, its not THAT much of an upgrade, but certainley not enough to make up for the constant glitchyness. This has been an issue ever since the first broadcast on HD, but it reached its most noticeable high point on teusday. I realize its prolly just a part of them working out the bugs in their new technology, but its still aggravating, and I hope it gets worked out very soon.
Overall its a nice upgrade, but not near as nice as it is for other things, like football.
Thats my feeling on this as well. The first day I got my plasma there was a UFC ppv that night and we ordered it in HD. Pretty cool but not worth the extra 10 bucks IMO. However, I did notice that it looks like Mania will be an extra 15 and I probably will shell out for that because, well, after all it is Wrestlemania and I want the best experience I can get with that. Combat sports like wrestling or UFC are a little better with the HD, you can tell an obvious difference, but I agree with mighty norcal here, football, basketball and hockey, even fricking golf looks amazing on an HDTV. Once it becomes more wide spread and comes down a little more in price hopefully everyone can see what we are talking about.
We're only two or three shows into the process, and from all of the reports that are saying, the WWE has some pretty revolutionary stuff going on in their production truck. There will be glitches but give it a month or so and it should be alright. I am waiting to see if the Rumble is going to be released on Blu-Ray or not. I don't have USA in HD, damn you time Warner, no NFL Network, no Big Ten Network, nothing worth a damn, but anyways I can't be a judge yet. If it's just glitching, that's the dawn of the digital age, and the rough spots that have yet to be worked out yet.
If you are willing to wait, you will see a significant price drop in HD TV's within a year. HD is becoming the standard for more and more channels. The more this goes on the closer you are getting to a cheaper HD TV.

My brother moved in with me at my new house and we split a TV so I only paid roughly $400 for my half. As for WWE on HD, I could care less. It doesn't do anything for me at all, I only have it for my Xbox 360.
well i think its much better... i download the shows but now i download them in HD, and my pc monitor is LCD so it gets HD also, and the image is much better... about hearing what the guys say i think its bullshit cuz i dont think the sound changed much.. i couldnt hear anything different...

but the image is really great.. much less blurs and the action is much better to see.. u may think that sharper image and brighter colors doesnt make that much of a differance, and i didnt think it would either, but after watching the royal rumble, man i felt like i was watching it in MSG...

but HDTVs are good, but just to watch a better image on a wrestling show is harsh... u gotta have some other reasons... like i also have a xbox360.. and the games are 100x better in HDTV then on normal ones... and remember its really good to watch movies on too... try and find a better deal on the internet....
Meh I have an HD TV, I watched Raw on it once, and figured it's not worth the extra money to get in for a PPV. It does glitch alot, at least in my area it does. Picture will blck out, or it'll go into slow motion. That's generally typical for all sports in HD, football and hockey games do the same for me. As far as the picture goes well... Snitsky broke the yellow projector in my tv... you can literally see every strand of hair on the guy's bodies, but I noticed that the blood looks a lot less real then on standard tv, which annoyed me a bit. Though WWE is now in HD, I still think that they're is a lot of work to be done with it before fans can truly say that they are getting the whole experience. I myself feel the same as will in the fact that it seems that the standard definition broadcast's picture seems to be improving as well.

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