VSW Presents Saturday Night Fever (Week 1)

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Ticked Off Texan

Pre-Show Stalwart

[The lights dim]["Six Feet From the Edge" comes over the speakers"][The entrance ramp lights up with an amazing scene of pyro][The crowd erupts with cheers]

JBL - Ladie's and Gentlemen! Welcome to Saturday Night Fever! I'm JBL with my partner Jerry Lawler

King - History is going to made tonight, An 18 man battle royal will give us the first VSW World Heavyweight champion!

JBL - And Chris Benoit will wrestle Kurt Angle for the Division X title.

[Stephenie McMahon's theme plays]

King - Here come's our GM Stephinie McMahon

Stephinie - We're here in Detroit for Saturday Night Fever's first event, and our tonights event will be one to remember. Not only will we see the 18 man battle royal and Benot vs Angle, but Ashley will take on Victoria. But let's get this show started

[Stephinie walks up the entrance ramp and thru the curtain]

Lilian - The following contest is an 18 man over-the-top rope battle royal. And it will determine the World Heavyweight Champion. A competeter is eliminated after he is thrown over the top rope and both feet hit the floor. The winner will be the last man in the ring!

[The superstars make there way to the ring]

King - Here we go!

---1st Match--- ::18 Man Battle Royal:: ~World Championship Match~

[All the superstars cirlce the ring and look around at there oppenents .. then a huge brawl starts off the night]
[Undertaker eliminates Sandman]
[Kane eliminates Super Crazy]
[JTG and Shad eliminate Brother Ray]
[Kenny eliminates Kurt Angle + Angle Eliminates Kenny]
[Sting eliminates Benoit]
[Helms and Mysterio brawl in the corner untill Mercury and Nitro eliminate both of them]
[JTG eliminates Nitro]
[Shad eliminates Mercury]
[Undertaker and Kane team up and start picking apart Devon]
[Kane eliminates Devon]
[Undertaker Eliminates Kane]
[Sting eliminates Hardcore Holly]
[Sting eliminates JTG]
[Sting eliminates Shad]

[Undertaker and Sting stand in the middle of the ring staring each other down]

King - This could get ugly

JBL - Either Sting or Undertaker will be our champion but dam it this is going to be a great face off

[Undertaker irish whips Sting into the corner and goes for a closeline but runs into an elbow]
[Sting hits a huge DDT on Undertaker and rests on the ropes]
[Undertaker hits a closeline and thinks he's eliminated Sting]
[Sting comes from behind and eliminates Taker]

Lilian - Here's your winner and the New World Heavyweight Champion. STING!
---1st Match--- ::Winner - Sting:: ~New WHC~

JBL - Well there you have it Sting is the Winner and the champion

[Sting celebrates on the turnbuckle before turning into a chokeslam from the Undertaker]

King - Oh my God! Undertaker just chokeslamed Sting to hell!

[Benoit's music play's]

Lilian - The following match is sheduled for one fall! And it is for the Division X championship! Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 220lbs from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Chris Benoit

[the crowd pops as he enter's the ring]

Benoit - For those of you who don't know. Kurt Angle's challanged me to a submission only match tonight. Well Kurt I accept your challange let's get this started!

JBL - Benoit and Angle are two of the greatest submission wrestlers of all time and we'll see them both in the ring in a submission match!

King - This will be a match of the year for sure!

[Kurt Angle's music plays and the crowd pops]

Lilian - On his way to the ring from Pitsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 250 lbs he is the only gold medalist in VSW history, Kurt Angle.

---2nd match--- ::Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit - Submission Match:: ~Division X Championship Match~

[Benoit hits Angle with a fury of chops before Kurt hits a german suplex out of no where]
[Benoit gits up and hits a headbutt and a snap suplex on Angle]
[Angle locks in the ankle lock on Beniot][Benoit manages to get to the ropes quickly]
[Benoit whips Angle into a corner and puts him on the top rope]
[Angle pushes Benoit off the rope and sets for a moonsault]
[Benoit hits a german suplex off the top robe][He signifiys that it's over]
[He goes to the top rope and goes for a flying headbutt]
[Angle rolls out of the way]
[After Benoit gets up Angle goes for the Angle slam but Benoit reverses into a DDT]
[He goes for the sharpshooter but gets kicked off]
[Benoit hits a german suplex and keeps his arms locked]

JBL - Benoit is going for the hat trick

[Benoit hits a second german suplex and keeps the arms locked]
[Angle hits a couple of elbows on Benoit but gets hit with a third suplex]
[Benoit locks in the sharpshooter]
[Angle looks like he's about to tap before rolling threw and locking in the ankle lock]
[Benoit kicks off Angle and then locks in the crossface]
[Angle taps out to the crossface after a minute of having the excruciating hold]

King - Benoits the champ! What a great match from these two.

JBL - I agree King, I expect to see a rematch soon.

---2nd Match---::Winner - Benoit def. Angle:: ~New Division X Champion~

----------For those keeping score Saturday Night Fever is sponsered by M&Ms and Red Bull-----------​
King - Welcome back to Saturday Night Fever! Before the break we saw two great matches. The 18 man Battle Royal, wich was won by the World Champion Sting and Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit in a submission match. Wich was won by Benoit who is the Division X champion!

JBL - But Jerry I can assure you that Taker and Angle will be in the hunt for those titles.

Lilian - The follow women's match is sheduled for one fall!

[Ashley's music hits][The males in the crowd pop]

Lilian - Making her way to the ring from Long Island, New York, Playboy covergirl, Ashley!

King - Puppies!!

[Victoria's music plays the crowd boos]

Lilian - And from Louisville, Kentucky, Victoria!

---3rd Match--- ::Ashley vs. Victoria::

[Ashley starts off with a closeline]
[Ashley starts punching Victoria before the ref breaks them up]
[Victoria suplexes Ashley][Ashley hits a spear]
[Victoria hits a power bomb and goes for a cover and gets a near fall]
[She then hits a standing moonsault]
[Ashley slaps Victoria and then hits a money flip]
[Ashley goes for a cover and gets kicked off]
[Victoria hits a Widows Peak and gets the cover and the win]
Lilian - Here is your winner Victoria
---3rd Match--- ::Winner Victoria def. Ashley::

JBL - Two of the sexiest women on televison, and the winner is Victoria.

[Stephanie McMahon's music plays]

Lilian - Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Saturday Night Fever's General Manager.. Stephanie McMahon

JBL - What's Stephanie out here again for??

King - Well she'll probaly tell us our next match up.

Stephanie - Well as you all know we have a new World champion in Sting, and our champion is going to be a fighting champion so Sting please come to the ring.

King - We can only asume that Sting will have to take on Undertaker.

[Sting's music plays and the crowd pop's]
[Stephanie slaps Sting]

Sting - What the hell do you want!

Stephanie - I'm here to introduce you to the number one contender to your title. Who you will face next!

[Y2J's music hits and the crowd erupts]

Stephanie - Ladies and gentlemen, the number one contened Chris Jericho!!!

JBL - Jericho returns as the number one contender!!!

---Main Event--- ::WHC Sting vs. Chris Jericho:: ~World Championship Match~
[Sting starts pounding on Y2J as he gets into the ring]
[Y2J locks in the Walls of Jericho and gets a very quick win]

McMahon - Here's your new World Champion Y2J Chris Jericho!!

---Main Event--- ::Winner Chris Jericho def. Sting:: ~New WHC~

King - Well John we have a new champion already.

JBL - Stephanie McMahon that bitch! Sting earned that title tonight!

[Undertaker's music hits and the lights dim]
[Undertaker appears behind Y2J and as he turns around Undertaker hits a chokeslam on both Sting and Jericho]

King - Well ladies and gentlemen this has been Fever thanks for watch and tune in next week
{The lights dim and SNF goes off the air}​

--- Wednesday Night Tsunami ---
--Location: Toronto, Ontario--
::Ring Announcer - Gene Okerlund::
:::Announcing - Jim Ross and Tazz:::​

The lights dim as "Stricken" by Disturbed plays over the speakers, The entrance way lights up with an amazing scene of pyro and the crowd in the Air Canada Center erupts as the camera shows Good Ol' JR and Tazz

JR - Ladies and Gentle welcome to the first edition of Wednesday Night Tsunami coming to you from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I'm Jim Ross here with my partner Tazz. And we've got a slober knocker of a show here tonight.

Tazz - JR the Gold Rush tournament is going to start tonight and I for one can't wait to see the match ups that were picked at random before the show!

JR - Well no matter what the match-ups we know that we'll have one hell of a show, we've got a roster jam-packed with amazing superstars!

"Ace of Spades" By Motorhead plays and the camera pans over to the entrance ramp. The chairman of VSW James Younge walks thru the curtain and the crowd pops as he walks towards the ring with the VSW title on his shoulder.

Younge - Let me be the first to welcome the Canadian fans of VSW to Wednesday Night Tsunami. Tonight as all of you know the 'Gold Rush Tournament' begins, a tournament to name the man that will get this golden accessorie on my shoulder... the VSW title.

The crowd cheers

Younge- But thats not why I'm here, for those of you who saw Saturday Night Fever last weekend saw that Stephanie McMahon screwed Sting out of the World Championship. I'm here to announce a huge match for next Saturday, it will be World Champion Chris Jericho {crowd boos} vs Sting {crowd cheers} vs THE UNDERTAKER {crowd cheers} in a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Y2J's entrance music plays and he makes his way to the ring with Stephanie as the crowd boos him

Y2J - Mr. Younge, I think that your a great buisnessman and on Saturday there will be one hell of a main event.

Younge - Well, thank you Chris.

Stephanie McMahon low-blows Mr. Younge and gets Jericho to hit a lionsault and lock in the Walls of Jericho.

Tazz - What the! That's the boss there disresepcting

Sting's Entrance plays and Jericho releases the hold on Mr. Younge. Jericho looks around the arena for Sting as the crowd cheers and Sting is lower to the ring in his usual fasion with a baseball bat in hand.

JR - It doesn't look like we'll have to wait until Saturday to see these too go at it!

Sting climbs in the ring but is quickly jumped on by Jericho who stomps on Sting until he takes out Y2J's knee with the baseball bat. He swings at McMahon but misses and she rolls out of the ring, Sting turns his attention to Jericho and the two of them exchange words in the middle of the ring standing face-to-face.
The Undertakers familiar bell sounds as the lights in the arena dim to blue, Sting and Jericho stop looking at each other and look around for the Undertaker.

Tazz - Where is he!

The bell sounds again and the Undertaker appears behind Jericho. Y2J turns around and Taker wraps his hand around his throut. Jericho delivers a kick into the mid-section and goes for a DDT but gets nailed by Sting with the bat. Sting then hits a huge DDT on Jericho then turns and gets hit by a chokeslam. The lights then dim and when they return to normal all three are no longer in the ring. The camera returns to JR and Tazz

JR - Saturday night is going to get brutal with those three in the same ring again.

Tazz - And next time those three meet it'll be a match... but JR we'd better get tonight started

The camera turns to Gene Okerlund standing in the middle of the ring.

Okerlund - Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is a Gold Rush Tournament match!

Mr. Kennedy's music hits and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to the loudmouthed superstar as he walks down the ramp

Okerlund - Introducing first from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in at 244 lbs Mister Kenne..

Kennedy graps the mic from Gene and climbs to the second turnbuckle

Kennedy - The Following contest is sheduled for ONE fall, introducing first, weighing in at 247 lbs, thats right I gained 3 lbs. I am from Green Bay, Wisconsin, MISSSSSSSTAAAAAAAA Kennedy (Kennedy looks around while on the turnbuckle) Kennedy

Kennedy thrusts the mic back at Gene. Then The Rock's music starts to play and the crowd erupts for the return of the peoples champion.

JR - My God! What a match we've got here, two of todays greatest superstars in one ring in on match.

Okerlund - Making his way to the ring weighing in at 250 lbs, from Hollywood, California. The ROCK!

The Rock climbs into the ring and stares Kennedy down.

---1st Match--- ::Mr. Kennedy vs. The Rock::

The Start
Kennedy and Rock start standing in the middle of the ring in a stare down then Kennedy offers Rock a strengh test and the two lock up, Rock and Kennedy battle for a while before Kennedy gets a headlock on Rock. The Rock the belly-to-back suplexes Kennedy. He gets up quickly and Rock starts hitting rights on him and winds up for a huge right hand thats blocked by Kennedy who kicks Rock in the mid-section and hits a snap suplex. Kennedy goes for an elbow witch connects and goes for a quick cover, 1 .. 2 .. and a kick out, Kennedy looks at the ref with anger on his face, he hits another elbow and goes for the cover again, 1 .. 2.. another kick out. Kennedy argues that it was a three count but well he's occupied with the ref the Rock gets up and hits a closeline.

Mid-Match Notes
Both superstars are back on there feet Kennedy whips The Rock into the corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle the crowd counts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 as Kennedy connects with Rocks skull. After seven punches Rock hits a powerbomb. And then he hits a few closelines that knock Kennedy off his feet and then a spinebuster. Rock goes for a cover, 1..2.. Kennedy gets his foot on a rope near by. Rock gets up and starts getting pumped up from the crowd, he prepares for the Rock Bottom as Kennedy gets to his feet. The crowd cheers as Rocky hits the Rock Bottom in the middle of the ring. He goes for the cover, 1 .. 2 .... Kick out, the Rock is visualy angry. He goes for another cover, 1 .. 2 .. Kickout again, another cover, 1 .. 2 .. yet another kick out from Kennedy, by now Rock is angry and starts arguing with the ref.

End of Match Notes
The Rock picks Kennedy up and whips him against the ropes, hits a spinebuster, and sets up for the Peoples Elbow. The crowd cheers as he bounces off the ropes and lands the elbow into Kennedy, the Rock goes for a cover. 1.. 2.. Kennedy manages to kick out. They both get to there feet Rock goes for another Rock Bottom but gets countered into a DDT, Kennedy then goes to the top and hits a Kenton Bomb. He covers 1 ... 2 ... 3 the ref calls for the bell!

Okerlund - Here is your winner by pin fall, Mister Kennedy!

JR - What a match, and Kennedy advances in the tournament

Tazz - Kennedy looked down and out there JR but somehow he pulled it off and got the win over The Rock.

Kennedy rolls out of the ring as the Rock looks to be unconsious and the ref raises Kennedy's arm as he walks up the ramp.
---1st match--- ::Mr. Kennedy def. The Rock::

-----For those who care we're sponsered by Wii and Burger King-----​
As we return from commercial the camera shows JR and Tazz sitting at the announce table.

JR - Tazz we witnessed a down right amazing match between The Rock and Mr. Kennedy

Tazz - Witch was won by Kennedy who advances in the Gold Rush Tournamen, and we've still got another four matches to go tonight, and after that match I think that this might be the best show ever.

The camera pans over to the ring where "Mean" Gene is standing

Gene - The following contest is sheduled for one fall! and it is a Gold Rush match!

DX's theme plays and the crowd pops as Shawn Michaels and Triple H appear on the entrance ramp and work there way to the ring

Gene - Introducing first weighing in at 225 lbs from San Antonio, Texas the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels.

DX enters the ring and poses. Triple H takes the mic from Gene.

Triple H - Are you Ready! {the crowd pops} ... I said ARE YOU READY {the crowd cheers louder} Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching at home, LLLLET'S GET READY TO ... {The crowd yells SUCK IT}

Shawn takes the mic.

HBK - Well ladies and gentlemen, we are D-Generation X, and we'll do whatever it takes to win this tournament and have one of us as the VSW champion.

Shawn hands the mic over to Okerlund. DX's music plays for a second time, Shawn and Hunter look at each other confused.

Okerlund - And from Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 270 lbs, The Game, Triple H.

HHH and HBK shrug and Triple H takes the mic and says.

Triple H - Well Shawn lets give these fans what they wanna see.

The crowd pops as HBK and HHH stare each other down.

---2nd Match--- ::Shawn Michaels v. Triple H::
Start of Match
HBK starts off hitting chops on Triple H and the crowd pops after each one. He backs HHH into a corner and continues to hit chops, HHH then reverses and throws HBK into the corner and starts hitting right hands on him.

Mid/End of Match Note
The ref makes HHH back off and then HBK whips him against the ropes. HHH runs back and foureth before Michaels growls at him and he falls. HBK lays on top of HHH and the ref counts 1 .. 2 .. 3.

JR - Classic DX, Triple H lieing down for Michaels, just like Michaels did years ago on WWE RAW.

Tazz - I've got to say that I'm dissapointed, that could've been another great match. Dam that DX, but I guess that Shawn Michaels advances.

Post Match
Triple H makes a fake sad face as HBK raises his arms in a hilarious celebration. Both members of DX get up and walk up the entrance ramp laughing and then at the top of the ramp they do there famous DX pose.
---2nd Match--- ::Shawn Michaels def. Triple H::

~~Backstage~~ The Rock is walking around and bumbs into DX as they walk thru the curtain on there way back from there match

The Rock - I am dissapointed in what I just saw from you two

Triple H - Why Rocky, I tried my best but Shawn was ..

Rock - What in the blue hell are you talking about, The Rock saw you lie down to Shawn Michaels in the ring. And we all know that's not the only place you lie down for the Heart Break Kid.

Triple H glares at The Rock

Triple H - Maybe your forgeting just who the hell I am! I am the Game! Th

Rock - The cerebral assasin, a 10 ten time world champion. Well Game how about next week you and the Rock get in that ring and the Jabroni beating, pie eating, electrifying, death defying, can put you in the ground without making a sound peoples champion can layth the smackth downth on your candy ass! If you smellellelelel what the Rock .... is .. cookin!!

Triple H - Your ON! Don't play a game that you can't beat.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels turn to leave but stop and look back at Rock

Triple H - and by the way, I didn't smell what the Rock was cookin.

HBK - No Rocky we didn't smell what you were cooking.

DX walks away as The Rock looks on with a disgusted look on his face. Then turns and walks in the other direction

JR - What a match we have for next week Tazz, The Rock vs The Game... it should be an amazing match-up

Tazz - I agree J.R. Triple H is gonna do what ever it takes to beat the Rock next week and I'm sure Rock will do the same.

The camera shifts back to the ring where 'Mean' Gene is about to announce the next match up.

Gene - The next match is a Gold Rush Tournament match.

Edge's music hit's and the crowd cheers wildly for the home town hero.

Gene - Indroduction first from Toronto, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 240 lbs, Edge!

Elijah Burke's Entrance comes over the speakers and the crowd gives him a mixed reaction

Gene - And from Big Bear City, California, weighing in at 230 lbs. Elijah Burke.

J.R. - I've never seen Burke in the ring before but I've got a feeling this is gonna be a tough one for Edge to win.

Tazz - Elijah is a great superstar and I think that he can beat Edge here tonight, but only time will tell.

---3rd Match--- ::Edge vs. Elijah Burke::
Start of Match
Burke and Edge start off in the center of the ring. Edge hits a quick close line on Burke, then another. He goes for an early pin fall, the ref counts 1 .. a kick out. Edge gets up and hits a suplex on Burke before dropping an elbow to his mid-section and going for another cover, 1 .. 2.. kick out. Both men get back to there feet Edge goes for a closeline but Burke ducks and hits a dropkick sending Edge into the turbuckel. Burke sets Edge up on the top turnbuckel and climbs to the second setting up for a belly-to-back superplex. Edge hits a couple of elbows but gets droped from the turnbuckle. The ref checks on both men then starts a 10 count, 1 .. he checks both men again 2 .. Edge appears to be out cold but Elijah is starting to get up 3 .. Edge starts to stir 4 .. Elijah is the first to his feet shortly followed by Edge. Burke sets up for a suplex and gets Edge in the air, Edge lands on his feet and hits a neckbreaker on Burke. Edge gets his arm over Burke 1 .. 2 .. a kickout by Burke. Both men start getting back to there feet and trade rights while on their knees and continue as they get to their feet. Edge hits a few right hands in a row before hitting a drop kick. Burke gets up quickly and is hit by another dropkick. Edge goes for a cover 1 .. 2 .. Burke kicks out.

Mid-Match Notes
Edge is visualy angered by the kickout and goes into the corner and prepares to hit a spear. As Burke gets up and turns around Edge launches himself at him, Burke sidesteps and Edge flys into the ring post, Burke rolls up Edge 1 .. 2 .. the ref sees that Burkes hand is on the rope. Burke hits a suplex on Edge then rolls and hits a second suplex. Burke goes for a third suplex and connects. He locks in a painful submission hold, the crowd starts chanting Edge and as they continue the chant Edge gets to his feet and then hits a belly-to-back suplex. Edge drives an elbow into Elijah's heart and picks up Burke, He sets up for a suplex but its countered by Burke. Burke hits a leg drop on Edge and covers him 1 .. 2 .. another kickout. He gets angry and holds his head in his hands while resting on the ropes, Edge closelines Bruke sending him out of the ring. Edge suicide dives Elijah. Edge gets up quickly and throws Burke back into the ring and rolls in himself. Edge goes to a corner again setting up for the spear. This time Edge nails him and covers. 1 .. 2 .. a kickout! Edge argues with the ref saying that he got the three. He stomps Elijah a few times then sets up for the spear again. Elijah gets up and turns into a second spear from Edge. Edge goes for the cover again 1 .. 2 ..Burke gets his foot on the ropes.

End of Match
Edge climbs to the top turnbuckle... as Elijah gets to his feet launches himself off the top and nails Elijah with a missle drop-kick. He picks Elijah up off his feet and goes for a suplex, Burke counters into a roll up 1 .. 2.. a kickout. Burke drops an elbow and covers again 1 .. 2 .. another kickout by Edge! Burke goes to the top turnbuckle and goes for a leg drop, Edge rolls out of the way and Burke crashes and burns. Edge locks in the Edgecutioner and gets a win by submission.

Tazz - Edge with the Edgecutioner! I've been in that and trust me it's not a submission you wanna be in.

Gene - Here's your winner by submission, Edge!

J.R. - Another great match, and Edge advances in the tournament over Elijah Burke. What a hard fought match from both of these competiters.

Tazz - J.R. I'm surpirsed by that win, I really thought that Burke was going to come on on top in this one.

Edge starts beating on Elijah before setting up for another spear witch he connects with before the ref raises his arm and he rolls out of the ring and celebrates up the ramp as the crowd cheers.
---3rd Match--- ::Edge def. Elijah Burke::

The camera zooms onto J.R. and Tazz.

J.R. - We've got a great main event next week as The Game, Triple H takes on The Rock in one-on-one action. The hometown hero Edge, Shawn Michaels and Mr. Kennedy have all advanced tonight and we've still got two more tournament matches to go tonight and the tournament continues next week.

Tazz - But right now J.R. it looks like Okerlund is about to announce our next to Champion hopefuls

As Tazz says that the camera changes to show 'Mean' Gene in the ring with mic in hand. "This Fire Burns" plays and the crowd pops as CM Punk walks threw the curtain.

Okerlund - Ladies and Gentlemen the following match is a Gold Rush Tournament Match that is sheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 220 lbs. C.M. PUNK!

The crowd goes silent as they wait to see who the next oppenent will be. Charlie Haas's theme plays and the crowd pops!

Okerlund - And weighing in at 240 lbs residing in Dallas, Texas. Charlie Haas!

Tazz - I like these two guys styles J.R. and I'll like to see who comes out on top of this one

J.R - Well I wouldn't be surprised to see if Shelton Benjamin gets involved in this one.

---4th Match--- ::Charlie Haas v. CM Punk::
Start of Match
Haas hits a quick closeline and then gets Punk in a headlock, Punk fights back then whips Haas against the ropes and raises his knee as he bounces off. Punk locks in a headlock, Haas fights his way back to his feet but Punk hits a DDT. He goes for a quick cover the ref counts 1 .. and a quick kick out. They both get up Punk kicks Haas in the knee, then again in the head. CM Punk goes to whip Haas but gets countered into a closeline. He picks Punk up and bodyslams him to the mat. CM Punk gets up and Haas sets up for a suplex that is countered by Punk into a german suplex. Haas gets up quickly only to get kicked in the head by Punk. Haas hits a closeline, Punk gets up Haas hits another closeline. Haas hits a bodyslam and goes for a cover 1 ..2 kickout. Haas whips Punk into a corner and climbs to the second turn buckel, Punk counters the punches that Haas was about to deliver into a powerbomb. Punk goes for a cover 1 .. 2 .. kickout. Both men get back to their feet Haas looks for a closeline, Punk ducks and hits a suplex on Haas. Punk hits a barrage of kicks on and Haas blocks one and shoves CM Punk back, and hits a dropkick.

Mid-Match Notes
CM Punk get's up slowly and hits a drop toe hold on Hass bouncing his head off a turbuckle. Haas pulls himself up using the ropes and then falls into the corner. CM Punk dilvers a knee to the face of Haas then hits a bulldog. Punk goes for a cover, 1 ... 2 .. a kickout. Haas gets up hits a closeline, another closeline, and then a suplex. Haas goes for a leg drop and connects, a cover and a two count. Haas sets up for the Haas of Pain and hits the painful move on the strait-edge superstar. He covers, 1 .. 2 ... a kickout! Haas asks what the count was. As Punk gets up Haas goes for another closeline but Punk avoids it and Haas takes out the ref, Punk hits a roundhouse on Haas, he sets up for a shining wizard. As Punk runs toward Haas, Haas hits a low blow.

End of Match
Shelton Benjamin runs towards the ring with a steal chair in hand. Haas and Benjamin double team Punk onto the chair. Haas covers Punk as Benjamin rolls out of the ring and takes the chair. The ref counts, 1 .... 2.... Punk kicks out, Haas and Benjamin both get infuriated. Punk bodyslams Haas and as he bounces off the ropes Benjamin grabs his leg, the ref saw and ejects Benjamin from ringside, with the refs back turned Haas hits another low blow on Punk and rolls him up. The ref turns and counts, 1 .. 2 .. Punk kicksout yet again! By now Haas is going crazy trying yo figure out how to beat this kid. He rolls out of the ring and grabs the chair. The referee trys to stop Haas from using the chair but gets knocked down again. Elijah Burke runs to the ring and drop kicks the chair into Haas's face. Burke nails Haas with the chair and rolls out of the ring. Punk hits a urinagy and locks in the andicondia vice. A new ref runs to the ring in time to see Haas tap out.

Okerlund - Here's your winner, C.M. Punk!

Tazz - Burke with the interferance, but you've gotta do what it takes to win. What an amazing match and CM Punk advances.

J.R. - CM Punk is an amazing young athlete and I think that he's got a great shot at winning the tournament.

---Check out Saliva: A bloodstained Love Story the offical CD of Tsunami---​
We return from commercail to see Tsunami GM Theodore Long is the ring.

Long - Ladies and gentlemen we've had a great show so far tonight! But I'm gonna give you one match better, the next match will take place in the structure above the ring

Long points up towards a steelcage as the crowd cheers wildly.

Long - And next weeks main event between The Game {crowd cheers} and The Rock {crowd cheers} will be a No-Holds Barred Match{crowd erupts} but back to tonight, Gene, please get this match started.

The screen shifts to JR and Tazz.

J.R. - What a main event we have here tonight, it will be the final two competitors of tonight, whoever they maybe in a 16-foot steel cage!

Tazz - Trust me J.R. a steel cage will test these next to wrestlers to there fullest.

The camera pans to the ring where Gene is about to announce the next match as the cage lowers. Matt Hardy's music plays and the crowd cheers.

Okerlund - The following contest is a steel cage match and is a Gold Rush Tournament Match! Making his way to the ring from Cameron, North Carolina, Matt Hardy, Version 1!

Sabu's music hits and the crowd chants E-C-W E-C-W as he makes his way to the ring with a steel chair in hand.

Okerlund - And from Bombay, India, weighing in at 220 lbs, the Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal, Death-Defying SABU!

---Main Event--- ::Matt Hardy v. Sabu:: \\Cage Match//
Start of Match
Sabu throws the chair into the face of Matt Hardy and begins to climb the cage. Matt gets up and powerbombs Sabu off the cage and hits a fist drop. Sabu goes for a drop kick wich Matt avoides, Sabu gets up and gets hit with huge rights until he's backed into the corner, Matt goes for a bulldog but Sabu counters and hits a face crusher. Sabu grabs the chair and goes to the turnbuckle, Sabu goes for a leg drop with the chair. Matt rolls out of the way and then hits a side effect on the chair. Matt picks Sabu off his feet and whips him against the side of the cage but Sabu holds on and hits a crossbody kicking off the cage. Sabu sets up the chair in the middle of the ring, as Matt gets to his feet Sabu uses the chair and goes for a flying calf kick, Hardy ducks and Sabu hits the cage. Hardy taunts for the Twist of Fate, Sabu gets up and gets nailed by Hardy's finisher. Hardy goes to the door but looks at Sabu and decides to climb the turnbuckle and go for a leg drop. He connects, and starts climbing the cage. Sabu throws the chair at Hardy knocking him off the cage, he sets it up again and hits a triple jump moonsault off the ropes.

Mid-Match Notes
Sabu starts climbing the cage with the chair in hand, he gets to the top of the cage, taunts and goes for an atomic aribian face buster and connects from the top of the cage. Both of the guys are down for about 6 seconds before Matt starts to stir followed shortly by Sabu. Matt is the first to get up and hits a suplex. They get up slowly, Matt throws Sabu head-first into the cage wich opens Sabu up. Sabu gets tied up in the ropes, Matt goes for a close line Sabu falls and Matt hits the cage hard. Sabu gets to his feet and drop kicks Matt with the chair into the cage. Matt stagers to the middle of the ring and then gets hit with a flying crossbody. Sabu quickly climbs to the top and goes for a moonsault. Hardy rolls out of the way and starts to crawl towards the door. Sabu comes from no where and pulls Hardy to the middle of the rings and locks in a camel clutch, Matt manages to fight his way up and hit an electric chair. Both men are down, they work there way to there knees and start trading right hands before Sabu gets up and drop kicks Matt in the face. Sabu fights his way up the cage, he gets his hands on the top of the cage. Hardy jumps up the turnbuckle and side effects Sabu. He's slow to get up and then picks Sabu up to his feet and goes for a Twist of Fate, Sabu counters and pushes Hardy into the cage. Sabu sets the chair up to get a flying leg lariat opening up Hardy. Sabu hits a bulldog, grabs the chair and hits an aribian face buster. Sabu forces Hardy to his feet but gets hit with a huge right hand sending Sabu into the ropes, Hardy goes for a crossbody, and connects. Hardy picks up the chair and smashes Sabu head, Hardy throws the chair to the ground and hits a Twist of Fate on the chair. Hardy rolls Sabu onto his back puts the chair on his face and climbs to the second rope and goes for leg drop. He connects!

End of Match
Hardy starts to skall the cage slowly, as he reaches the top of the cage he looks at Sabu's bloody and battered body laying in the ring. He throws his leg over the cage, looks at Sabu again. Hardy stands on top of the cage. Hardy does his classic version 1 taunt and launches himself off the top going for a leg drop. Sabu rolls out of the way at the last second. Sabu's the first to his feet and climbs the turnbuckle and hits a tornado DDT. Sabu fights his way to the top of the cage and jumps to the floor.

Okerlund - Here's your winner, Sabu!

J.R. - What a slobber knocker! Those two just risked everything in that match.

Tazz - Well Sabu, put his body on the line and thats what he's known for J.R.! What a great night but I've got a feeling that next week will be even better.
---Main Event--- ::Sabu def. Matt Hardy:: \\Cage Match//

The camera switches and shows Good Ol' J.R. and Tazz one more time.

J.R - My God what a night here in Toronto! But we've got another great event planned for next week as the Gold Rush Tournament will continue and our main event will be The Game, Triple H vs The Rock!

Tazz - VCW is now alive!

The lights dim as cage rises and the crowd cheers as WNT goes off the air.

>>Quick Results<<
Mr. Kennedy def. The Rock
Shawn Michaels def. Triple H
Edge def. Elijah Burke
C.M. Punk def. Charlie Haas
Sabu def. Matt Hardy - Cage Match.
Great first show, I really like your style of writing. You break your matches down and give a beginning, mid match notes, and the ending. You also give enough information on each of your matches to help paint a mental picture for your readers.

I'm liking this 10 man tournamnet idea you have, as it gives good credibility to whichever man you decide to crown champ.

I thoroughly enjoyed each match, except the DX match, I think that match could have been really good, and I felt bummed out when HHH laid down for HBK. however I am looking foward to HHH vs Rock next week.

I followed your opening as best as possible, as I havn't read your other show yet, But i'm sure your triple treat match will be entertaining.

The Rock vs Kennedy

Great first match. To be honest, I was expecting the rock to win this one, and I was surprised when Kennedy pinned the rock clean, I was expecting him to steal the win. Just a question but did the rock lose wieght? I remember him being much larger than 250 but thats just me.

Edge vs Burke

Good back and forth action in this fast paced match. Nice way to utilize Burke as WWE isn't doing much with him now.

CM Punk vs Haas

Another good match. One tip that I would piont out is, and Im not pionting it out to be a douche or anything but The Haas of Pain, is a submission, I think you were looking for the Haastile Takeover. One thing I do as i'm writing matches is I do research my wrestlers just in case I forget something to ensure the best quality of match I can write. I don't think you did this on purpose, people forget sometimes.

Sabu vs Matt Hardy

Very good main event, as both men were deserving and I think that you pushed them both to their limits, and you chose your high spots wisely, making for a great ending.

Overall, you had a great premiere for your first show.

I'll give you an 8.5/10, Keep up the good work
Ty, my other show wasn't as good as this one due to the fact that I didn't start writing until late on Friday evening and the show needed to be finished for the premiere. But check it out this saturday and it should a little better than this show... no promises.

And yes I meant the Haastile Takeover, I said Haas of Pain because thats what it has beem refered to on Heat lately.

Sorry about posting this late, I had technical difficulties ... also sorry about the length of the 3rd match, I was tired when I wrote it, but please injoy the show and feel free to comment and rate.


---Saturday Night Fever---
--Location: Pittsburgh, PA--
::Ring Announcer - Lilian Garcia::
:::Announcing - Jerry "The King" Lawyler and John "Bradshaw" Layfield:::​

"Six Feet From the Edge" By Creed comes over the speakers as the crowd cheers. The lights dim and Saturday Night Fever's opening pyro scene lights up the Mellon Arena. As the camera pans over to The King and JBL.

JBL - Welcome to Saturday Night Fever here in Pittsburgh. I'm JBL with my partner on the air Jerry "The King" Lawyler. And we've got one hell of a night here.

Lawyler - Well Bradshaw, tonight is gonna mark the first time Sting, Undertaker and Y2J will be in the same ring in a match. And it's for the World Title!!

JBL - We'll also see two tag team matches tonight and next Saturday the winners of the matches will fight for the Tag Team championship. And it all starts now.

The camera switches to the ring where Lilian is standing, about to announce the first match of the evening. The Dudley Boys' Music hits and the crowd pops.

Lilian - The following tag team Table match is sheduled for one fall and will only end after both members of a team have been thrown threw a table. Introducing first at a combined weight of 516 lbs, the Team of Bubba-Ray and D-von, The Dudley Boyz!

JBL - Did she say Table match!?

MNM's music plays and the crowd boo's loudly as the red carpet and paparazi lead Nitro, Mercury and Milina out to the ring.

Lilian - And at a combined weight of 388 lbs the team of, Joey Mercury, and Johnny Nitro. MNM!

Milina gets in the ring the Dudley's hit a 3D on the diva to keep her from any interference later in the match.

---1st Match--- :: Dudley Boys v. MNM :: [[Table Match]]
Start of Match
The Dudley's start off the match with closelines on MNM, Bubba rolls out of the ring, looks under the ring and pulls out a table. MNM dubble dropkicks D-von in the ring knocking him into the ropes, they whip D-von and look for a dubble team back drop, but Bubba hits a Bubba-bomb on Nitro and D-von hits a DDT on Mercury. Bubba whips Mercury into the corner and starts laying rights into him. Nitro looks to closeline D-von over the ropes but gets backdroped over and onto the table set up on the outside. D-Von goes to the top rope and goes for a splash, Nitro rolls off the table at the last second and D-von crashes threw the table to the floor. In the ring Bubba superplexes Mercury. Nitro pulls two tables out from under the ring and throws one into the ring and sets one up outside. Mercury hits a dropkick on Bubba then goes over the top rope and nails D-von.

Mid-Match Notes
MNM set up for the snapshot on D-von, but Bubba hit a spinebuster on Nitro threw the table on the outside of the ring. D-von fights his way off Mercury's shoulder and the Dudleys hit a 3D on him. Bubba rolls back into the ring and D-von throws Mercury in, the Dudleys start dubble teaming him. Nitro comes from nowhere and hits a missle dropkick on D-von but he's clearly in pain. Nitro trys for a suplex on Bubba, and hits it. Nitro helps his partner to his feet and they set up a table in the middle of the ring. Bubba's resting in the corner when MNM set him up on the top rope, Mercury knocks D-von down as he was getting up, MNM climb up and superplex Bubba threw the table. D-von powerbombs Nitro on Mercury and rolls out of the ring and gets three more tables, he throws two of them into the ring before Nitro comes over the top but is caught and powerslammed. Bubba slowly gets to his feet in the ring and sets up the a table, he picks up Mercury picks him up for a powerbomb, but his knee buckles. D-von throws a ladder into the ring, rolls in and sets up another table. Nitro gets into the ring grabs the ladder and hits D-von across the face. Nitro starts waiting for D-von to get to his feet, Bubba hits a belly-to-back suplex on Nitro threw a table sending the ladder flying.

End of Match
The ladder hits Mercury, the Dudleys get more tables and set them up outside of the ring, they throw a couple of them into the ring. Nitro sets up one inside of the ring and then dropkicks D-von off the apron onto a table and cracking it. Nitro hits Bubba with a baseball slide to the outside of the ring. Mercury climbs the now set up ladder as Nitro holds D-von down. Mercury reaches the top and corkscrew moonsaults D-von threw the table picking up the victory.

Lilian - Here are your winners Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury, MNM!

King - I can't belive MNM just beat the Dudley's in a Table match!

JBL - I've always belived that these kids could compete with the best tag teams around, and they proved that here tonight.

After Math
Nitro helps Mercury to his feet and they raise their arms in victory, Nitro whispers something in his partners ear. They hit the Snap Shot on Bubba.

---1st Match--- ::MNM def. Dudley Boys:: [[Table Match]]

The camera turns to show JBL and The King sitting at the announce table.

JBL - MNM are now in the title hunt but the Dudley Boyz won't forget about what happened here.

King - JBL for once I agree with you, the Dudley's won't just let MNM walk off without a fight thats for sure.

The screen cuts to show the events of Wednesday Night (the Sting, Taker and Jericho encounter) and then Stephanie McMahon's music plays, the crowd boos her as she walks to the ring accompanied by Y2J.

Lilian - Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Fever GM Stephanie McMahon!

McMahon - I give you your World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho! {Crowd chants A$$ HOLE}

Jericho - Shut up! No one cares what you stupid fat asses think, I won this championship fair and square.

McMahon - Well everyone saw the announcement about tonights triple threat main event. Well I've decided that that match will take place, but not tonight! ... The match will happen on April 22, at To Be Announced! Now I'll give you fans two great matches tonight instead. Sting will team up with The Undertaker {crowd cheers} to take on Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt {crowd cheers} and in the main Event, Chris Jericho will not defend the title, instead he will be against a Tsunami superstar, The Sandman! in a no disqualification match! {crowd roars} But first Mickie James will take on Melina and the winner will be in a match against Victoria next week and the winner will be crowned the Woman's champion.

Jericho holds the ropes as Stephanie leaves the ring and is followed by Jericho up the ramp. Lilian gets back into the ring. Mickie James' music plays, the crowd cheers.

Lilian - The following contest is sheduled for one fall and the winner will compete for the womans championship. Introducing first from Richmond, Virginia. Mickie James!

MNM's music plays and the crowd boos as Milina and Nitro come out following the red carpet and paparazi.

Lilian - And from Los Angeles, California, accompanied to the ring by Johnny Nitro, Melina!

King - I love Melina's ring entrance!

JBL - So do I King, she's the hottest diva on the Velocity roster.

----Fever is sponsered by something and something else but I'm too lazy to decide what----​
As we return from comercial Melina and Mickie are poised to start their match.

King - These two beautiful diva's will do whatever it takes to win, theres an oppertunity for gold here.

---2nd Match---::Mickie James vs. Melina::
Start of Match
James and Melina start off the match trading words, Melina whips James down by her hair and starts hitting her with right hands on the ground. Melina goes for a cover, the count 1 .. 2, James kicks out. Mickie gets to her feet and goes for a spinning mid-kick, and connects.

Mid-Match Notes
James looks for a tornado DDT but Melina pushes her off. Melina hits a suplex on James and goes for a cover, 1 .. Mickie rolls, 1 .. 2, Melina kicks-out. Both diva's get to their feet. Melina slaps Mickie, James hits a closeline and taunts Melina to get up. Melina gets up but Mickie hits a kick to the mid section and goes for a tornado DDT, she connects! She goes for the cover, 1 .. 2 Nitro puts Melina's foot on the ropes, the ref stops the count. Both diva's get to their feet and start trading rights and lefts.

End of Match
Melina hits a swinging neck breaker and goes for the cover. 1 .. 2 ... 3, Melina picks up the pinfall victory.

The aftermath.
Melina starts smashing James's head onto the mat, Nitro gets into the ring and pulls Melina off. Nitro picks Mickie to her feet and throws her onto his shoulder, Melina hits a snapshot! The Dudley Boys music plays as D-von and Bubba run to the ring. They start attacking Nitro and throw Melina out of the ring. Mercury comes from no where and hits a springboard dropkick on D-von. The two teams start to brawl before Melina rolls back into the ring and starts attacking James, The Dudleys throw Mercury and Nitro out of the ring and then hit a 3D on Melina.

Stephanie McMahon's music plays and she appears on the entrance ramp

McMahon - Everybody stop! I will not have this happen in my ring tonight. So at To Be Announced, it will be MNM taking on the Dudley Boys and Mickie James!
---2nd Match--- ::Melina def. Mickie James::

The camera turns to Jerry and JBL.

JBL - What a match we have set at To Be Announced. A mixed tag team match between MNM and the Dudleys and Mickie James.

King - But what will happen between now and April 22?

JBL - Only time will tell King. But whatever does happen there will be tension in the ring.

The camera switches to the ring where Lilian is about to announce the oppenents in the next match. Kenny Dykstra's music plays and he gets cheers skatter throughout the arena.

Lilian - The following tag team match is sheduled for one fall, introducing first form Worcester, Massachusetts, weighing in at 230 lbs, Kenney Dykstra!

Gregory Helms music plays and the crowd gives him a mixed reaction.

Lilian - And his partner, from Smithfield, North Carolina weighing in at 191 lbs, Gregory Helms!

Rey Mysterio's music plays and the crowd cheers

Lilian - And their oppenents, from San Diego, California weighing in at 140 lbs, Rey Mysterio!

Super Crazy's Music hits and the crowd slightly cheers.

Lilian - And his partner from Hidalgo, Mexico, weighing in at 195 lbs, Super Crazy!!

---3rd Match--- ::Kenny Dykstra and Gregory Helms vs. Rey Mysterio and Super Crazy::
Start of Match
Super Crazy and Dykstra start the match off. Super Crazy hits a dropkick, Dykstra gets up Crazy hits him with another dropkick. Kenny tags in Helms. Helms hits a snap suplex on Crazy and then his a flying wheel kick on Mysterio.

Mid-Match Notes.
Helms goes for an early cover, 1 .. Crazy kicks out. Kenny blind tags himself in and goes to the top turnbuckle and goes for a crossbody, Super Crazy hits him out of the air with a dropkick. Helms just decides to leave his partner and starts walking up the entrance ramp. Crazy goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault. He goes for a cover, 1 .. 2 .. Kenny kicks out. Crazy tags Mysterio in, Rey his a springboard wheelkick. Kenny gets up quickly and looks for a closeline, Rey hits a drop toe hold and Dykstra land on the ropes.

End of Match
Rey goes for a 619, as he gets halfway to threw the move Cryme Tyme's Music hits and they make their way to the ring. They start beating everyone and clear the ring.

JTG - Dam man, now you just gonna let these guys play the game for some bling man like com'on, we want a shot at the Tag Team titles

Shad - Ya know maybe sell that gold and get us some money,
Cryme Tyme - Money, yea, yea

Stephanie appears at the ramp.

McMahon - Seeing as how you to just ruined my match here, I'm not going to give you a title shot. Instead, you two will face Rey Mysterio and Super Crazy next week, and the winners will face MNM, and the winner of that match will be the tag team champions!
---3rd Match---::Kenny Dykstra and Gregory Helms vs. Rey Mysterio and Super Crazy::{NO CONTEST}

The camera shifts to Jerry and JBL

JBL - Cryme Tyme represents every negative black setrio type, and they don't desirve a shot at the tag team gold!

King - Well JBL they did manage to get a match to deiced if they'll have a shot, so they might not get it, but that'll be decided next week, right now tho we've got another great match!

The camera shifts to the ring. Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt's music plays and the crowd cheers for the team.

King - And one of the most epic matches in history is about to take place!

Lilian - The following tag team match is sheduled for one fall! Introducing first at a combined weight of 492 lbs, the team of Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt!

Sting's music plays, the crowd pops and he's lowered to the ring from the rafters.

Lilian - And introducing their oppenents, first, from Venice Beach, California weighing in at 252 lbs Sting.

Undertaker's music plays, the crowd cheers as the deadman appears at the entrance ramp and starts to make his way to the ring.

Lilian - And from Death Valley, weighing in at 325 lbs. The Undertaker!

---3rd Match--- ::Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt vs. Sting and Undertaker::

Sting and Taker trade words in their corner and it appears as tho they've deiced to put there differences aside and work as a team.

Start of Match
Kash and Sting start the match off. Kash hits a closeline, Sting gets up qucikly but Kash hits a dropkick. Sting gets up, Kash sets up for a suplex Sting counters into his own. Kash gets up, Sting closelines him. Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Drop, Kash twists his body and pushes Sting into the corner. Hoyt hits Sting with an elbow and tags in. Hoyt nails Sting with a huge closeline, he goes for a closeline on Taker but gets caught by the throught, Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Hoyt and goes for a cover, the ref counts 1 .. 2 .. Kash breaks up the pin then dropkicks Taker off the apron. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault, he hits! Taker rolls into the ring and chokeslams Kash and goes back to the apron. Sting picks Hoyt to his feet and goes for a suplex, he connects. Hoyt gets to his feet, Sting goes for a closeline, Hoyt ducks under it and hits an atomic drop. Hoyt hits a closeline after Sting gets to his feet, Sting gets to his feet again. Hoyt sets up for a powerbomb, Sting counters into a backdrop.

Mid-Match Notes
Sting gets the tag on Undertaker, Taker hits a closeline on Hoyt. Taker hits a standing legdrop, and then picks Hoyt back to his feet and whips him into a empty corner. Taker sets up for old-school, as Taker jumps off the ropes Kash hits him with a dropkick. Hoyt climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault, he hits and goes for a cover 1 .. 2 .. Taker kicks out. Taker gets to his feet Hoyt sets up for a suplex, Taker counters into a dragon sleeper. Kash gets the crowd behind his partner as Hoyt twists his body and hits a bridging suplex, Hoyt holds the bridge, 1 .. Taker kicks out. Both men are down Sting and Kash want the tag Hoyt starts to crawl towards his corner. Taker sits up and grabs Hoyt by the throught, Taker drags him up and goes for a chokeslam, he connects and drags Hoyt to the corner before tagging in Sting. Sting kicks Hoyt before dragging him to the middle of the ring and locks in the Scorpion Deathlock. Hoyt reaches for the ropes but Sting walks him back to the middle, Hoyt is about to tap out. Kash hits a springboard dropkick on Sting and hits a wheel kick on Taker knocking him off the apron, Kash then goes over the top. Taker catches him and hits a bodyslam. In the ring Hoyt sets up for The Blackout and hits it on Sting in the middle of the ring. The cover 1 .. 2 ... Sting kicks out!!! Hoyt starts to get angered and picks Sting to his feet, Hoyt goes for a chokeslam, Sting counters into a DDT and crawls to the corner and tags in Undertaker. Taker hits Hoyt with the big boot.

End of Match
Taker hits a running legdrop on Hoyt before taunting for the tombstone, Hoyt gets to his feet Taker throws him to his shoulder, Hoyt fights his way off and dropkicks Taker towards Sting who gets a blind tag. Hoyt tags in Kash and Taker goes for a Last Ride, he hits it Jericho appears on the titontron and starts to talk.

Jericho - Well look here, Sting and Undertaker still havn't turned on each other.

Sting says something thats too quite to be heard

Jericho - What you guys want me, I'm right here in the dressing room so come get me.

Taker leaves the ring and starts walking up the entrance, Sting goes to follow but gets rolled up by Kash, the ref counts 1 .. 2 .. 3.

Lilian - Here are your winners Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt!

Sting gets up and is visualy getting mad, he walks up the entrance ramp with Taker. They go backstage. Hoyt and Kash are in the ring celebrating.
---3rd Match---::Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt def. Sting and The Undertaker---

King - What a match JBL! Who would've expected that Undertaker and Sting could work like a team like that!

JBL - I for one thought that they would've turned on one another but I'm glad they didn't because they put on one hell of a match altho the ending was disapointing.

---Fever is sponsered by Dr. Pepper, mmm ... Dr.Pepper---​
Fever comes back for the break to show Undertaker and Sting backstage looking for Jericho. Sting bumbs into a refferee Tim White.

Sting - Where's Chris Jericho

White - He already left for his match.

Sting - Dam it!

Taker throws White into the wall and the camera cuts to the ring.

Lilian - The following contest is sheduled for one fall and it is a no disqualifcation match!

"Enter Sandman" plays and the crowd cheers and sings along as Sandman makes his way threw the crowd towards the ring with a beer in one hand and a singapore cane in the other.

Lilian - Introducing first from Philadelphia, weighing in at 240 lbs, The Sandman!

Chris Jericho's music plays and the crowd gives him a mixed reaction. Stephanie McMahon follows him and she gets booed

Lilian - And making his way to the ring accompanied by Stephanie McMahon from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 231 lbs, he is the World Heavyweight champion, Y2J Chris Jericho!

---Main Event--- ::Sandman vs. Chris Jericho:: [[NO DQ]]
Start of Match
Sandman starts by nailing Jericho with multiple cane shots to Jericho, Stephanie throws a chair into the ring then pulls on the leg of Sandman getting his attention. Sandman swings at her but Jericho hits him in the back with the steelchair. Jericho dropkicks Sandman over the ropes, as Sandman gets to his feet Jericho baseball slides into him. Both men get up at the same time, Jericho hits Sandman with a snap suplex on the outside.

Mid-Match Notes
Jericho throws Sandman back into the ring and climbs to the top rope and hits a missle dropkick. Sandman lays a righthand into the gut of Jericho as he gets to his knees, Jericho hits a dropkick into the face of Sandman. Jericho pulls Sandman to his feet before setting up for a suplex, Sandman pushes Jericho back and hits a closeline. He grabs his cane and starts beating Jericho with it. sandman throws the cane away and goes for a cover, 1 .. 2 .. Jericho kicks out! Jericho gets up and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Sandman fights his way towards the ropes and he barely gets his hands around the rope.

End of Match
Jericho releases the hold, he goes for a lionsault and connects, he grabs the chair and nails Sandman with it. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho again. Undertakers bell sounds, Jericho keeps the hold locked in. Stings entrace plays. Jericho lets go of the hold as Sting and Taker appear on the entrance ramp and start walking towards the ring. Stephanie start's bitching at the two, and they double chokeslam her and continue their way to the ring. Jericho goes for a sucide dive but is caught by the two who throw him back into the ring. Taker then hits a Last Ride and Sting hits a Scorpian Deathdrop. Sandman gets his arm across him and the ref counts, 1 ... 2 .. 3

JBL - Sting and Undertaker just cost Chris Jericho the match!

King - But you've gotta remember JBL they were just getting back at him for the match earlier tonight.

Sting picks Jericho to his feet and whips him towards Taker, Taker raps his hand around his throught and hits a chokeslam. Sting then locks in the Scoripion Deathlock and Jericho taps out.
---Main Event--- ::Sandman def. WHC Chris Jericho (Non-title):: [[NODQ]]

Mr. Younge's music plays and he appears at the entrance ramp.

Younge - Well Stephanie, I've got to admit even tho you changed my event tonight you put on one hell of a show. But now for next week, The Undertaker and Sting will take on Chris Jericho, and a partner of his choice in the main event! And Stephanie, if you change this match, I've got two words that were made famous by Donald Trump for ya.

King - My God what a great match for next week, and if Undertaker and Sting can work together again then it'll be one hell of a match for Jericho and his partner to overcome.

JBL - But King thats only IF Jericho can find a partner, if he doesn't then will we have a handicap match next week?

King - I guess so. Well this has been Saturday Night Fever, I'm Jerry 'The King' Lawyler signing out. We'll see you next week as Fever comes to you from Green Bay!

The lights dim as the camera shifts to the ring and shows Chris Jericho laying in the middle of the ring and Sting and Undertaker each raising there arms on the turnbuckles. The camera fades and Saturday Night Fever goes off the air.

:::Quick Results:::
MNM def. Dudley Boys [[Table Match]]
Melina def. Mickie James
Gregory Helms and Kenny Dykstra vs. Rey Mysterio and Super Crazy {No Contest}
Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt def. Undertaker and Sting
Sandman def. WHC Chris Jericho (Non-title) [[NO DQ]]
i say 8/10 really good but in my oppinion mabye the taker and sting match was a squash match too easy without jericho it was a dark match
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