Viper Strike- Punk goes down

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
So for my next wrestlemania predicition I have decided to do Punk Vs Orton. Before I start I know Randy Orton will face Punk one on one. So put that aside and listen to why Orton will win.

Randy Orton is better than Punk. At the moment Orton is a bigger superstar than CM Punk. True fact he has more sucess more pop and generally delivers better in the ring. He is the one who people think will come out on top and for sure he will. Punk right now seems a little dry right now and really hasn't done anything big lately. On the other hand Randy Orton has been punting people in the head eliminating Nexus members left and right. He is on a rampage and doesn't look like he is going to slow down anytime soo. Nexus honestly has been quiet recently and I think Nexus as a group will be ending soon. Randy Orton has been picking up several big "wins" on Raw be it in the form of an attack or match sucess and he is the one who is on top right now. If it is true that the top dog wins then in this case Randy Orton should come away with a victory.

Nexus has run its course. I might get some serious hate for this but I feel it is time for Nexus to go. Personally I think CM Punk killed Nexus. Instead of the classic "we walk alone" entrance theme we get Punk's music. It is sad but true. There is no way that if Nexus wins this match at mania they will disband any quicker. So in this scenario it is more than likely that Orton wins. There isn't a use for Nexus anymore and it seems that the other Nexus members aren't doing anything at Mania if the rumors are true that their will be no Nexus VS Corre at Mania. If they were involved in this match however I think I would give the win to Orton but considering they probaly won't I feel WWE is wasting them. They use to be so big but now they are lacking. I feel this could be the beggining of the end and possibly a Punk loss makes them lose faith in their leader. Anyways Orton wins,

Orton needs to look good. He is a badass face right now and I feel if they don't let him win then it ruins his reputation. He has two recent loses to the Miz at PPV's and it is clear he needs to get back on the PPV winning track. He needs to prove himself and what better way than to do it at the biggest stage of them all at Mania. I think this could cement his bad ass character and it could easily make him more of a face than he already is. Likewise if Punk wins he will become more of a heel. I would love it if this match ended with a punt to Punk's head but most likely after the match is over Nexus will make the save. Anyway I strongly believe this is Orton's match to win.

This will be the result of every Nexus member by the end of it.
Punk needs a big win waaaaaaaaayyy more than Orton does. What will an Orton win do? Nothing. What will a Punk win do? Hopefully shoot him into the main event.
Nice to see you Hamler. I think Punk needs to get out of Nexus for main event. I think a loss gives him that and then he can move on from there. Have him win some number contender matches or let him go in at Fatal Four Way. He need to "walk alone" before he can become champion. Fact no Nexus member has ever won a singles title when involoved with Nexus. Had to make that a little longer cause in theory Daniel Bryan was in Nexus.
The thing is, if Punk gets out of Nexus, the rest of the group would flop which would defeat the purpose of forming the group in the first place. Punk needs the win. Orton is very over. And losing a couple matches at PPV's isn't going to hurt him like it would Punk. Orton is already at the main event level, and he isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. However, Punk hasn't tasted the main event spotlight in a good while. Punk winning would benefit both Punk, Nexus and the RAW brand. God knows they need a good heel on RAW along side Miz. And Punk winning would do just that.
I would be ok if he would win with assistance of some sort. Otherwise I think Orton looks weak if he loses clean.
I think though they have to make him look some what weaker than what he is right now if Punk wins or Punk has to step it up. Punk just doesn't seem on the same level right now. He has to do something big I feel. Or make Orton look vulnerable. Right now it looks like Orton is unstoppable and Punk is weak. I wouldn't mind a new Nexus member debuts at Mania his name Brodus Clay...
Punk doesn't look weak at all. At least in my view. Punk has defeated the man going to challenge the Miz at WM three times. Punk couldn't look stronger right now. The way Orton has been tucking his tail and running from Nexus has brought him down a bit to where it wouldn't hurt for a clean win.

And Brodus Clay in Nexus isn't a bad thought. I haven't seen enough of him to comment but from what I've seen, he could be someone 'big' in a couople of years.
In agreement with Hamler here. A win for Punk would do a lot more for him than if Orton won. Not only would it push Punk into the Main Event, but it might put him back into the Title Picture. Punk should definitely get the win here. Guaranteed it won't be a clean one, but he will. I still believe Otunga will make it to Wrestlemania, somehow. Maybe Clay helps him out there, still as an unofficial Nexus Member? Anyway, I still see it as Punk winning. Orton winning means nothing.

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