Vince will screw Undertaker

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
I'm 100% sure that Vince McMahon will screw Undertaker at Hell in a Cell Pay-Per-View, one week from Sunday.

Theodore Long and CM Punk have already stated that they wered obliged to do that. CM Punk has already pointed out that it was "Vince's idea" to all this "conspirancy" that ended up at Breaking Point screwing Undertaker from the belt.

It makes sense, McMahon appears at SmackDown! every single week, and he will end up feuding with the Undertaker, my guess is that he will screw Undertaker from the title at the PPV. With that, CM Punk will retain the belt and feud with other people while Undertaker is busy with Vince McMahon.

I'm not sure how will this play out, there is also the possibility that Hart's future appearence in the WWE has something to do with his someway or another, Vince will be the "one" behind this whole kayfabe screwjob. Drew McIntyre can also be the one screwing Undertaker at HiAC, being ordered to do that by McMahon.

This also explains why the whole CM Punk vs. Undertaker has being rushed by the WWE, they fought two times (Breaking Point and this week SmackDown!), this match at Hell in a Cell will be the third, I'm pretty sure it will be the one to end the feud between this two.

What do you think?
You know, I never saw that coming, but I think I agree with you man. I just thought Undertaker would win, but all that shit you said makes sense. Vince has been appearing on Smackdown for the last few weeks, putting down Long and 'putting him on probation.' And Long and Armstrong both said that their jobs were 'on the line,' and that's why they "screwed the Undertaker." I absolutely expect Vince to screw taker here, and plus Punk's reign wasn't all that long yet. They wouldn't ruin that yet, would they?
I wouldn't be suprised at all if Vince screwed Taker at HIAC. I've been thinking the same thing for the past couple of weeks. If it does turn out Vince is going to screw the Undertaker, I wonder where will WWE go form there? I can't see Vince wrestling Taker one on one like they did at Survivor Series 2003 again. Maybe they will go the route of what they did with Vince and Shawn a couple of years ago. Vince will go out of his way to destroy and humiliate the Undertaker. Until Taker has to enlist the help of Kane! This would reunite the brothers of destruction, and give Kane something elese to do besides being invloved in squash matches with the likes of Slamaster J.
Sadly I think you're right. I really wish these two would've feuded for a few months, but now it seems like that won't happen. Vince will screw Undertake and then continue to mess with him. Maybe Vince will use Kane as his mule to fight Undertaker. It would make Kane useful again and put him in the spotlight.
Fuck! I knew WWE wouldn't just let The Undertaker win the World Title this easy. It's not that I don't like seeing C.M. Punk as the champ, it's just that I really want to see Undertaker have one more long, dominant reign before his retirement. Anyway, I can really see Vince screwing Undertaker out of the title. If Vince had nothing to do with the screwjob at Breaking Point, then he would have been furious at C.M. Punk, Theodore Long (more than usual), and Scott Armstrong. He seemed very laid back, like he didn't care.

How many times do we have to see Vince McMahon fued with The Undertaker? We saw it at Survivor Series 2003, and because of Kane, we didn't see the fued properly end. I wonder how it will end? If Kane does get involved again, I hope to see him on Undertaker's side.

We will just have to wait and see what happens next Sunday and the upcoming episodes of Smackdown.
I could see it tying in with all the Brett Hart things going on - Although I didn't know that they were close enough to a deal with him to do this as soon as the end of the month...

Will be interesting.
I really hope this doesn't happen, it's been done too many times and seems repetitive.

I think Undertaker gets screwed out of titles more than anyone........Summerslam against Bret Hart and michaels as guest ref, which ironically set up the first HIAC match.

The 2000 survivor series with Eric and Kurt Angle.

No Mercy & Armageddon 04 with Heidenreich.

94 Rumble against Yoko

Not to mention 3 different royal rumble match screwjobs.......93-giant gonzalez, 97-Austin, 09-Big Show........etc, etc, etc

It's been old for a long time now

If they do go the screwjob route again, I'd rather seem them use the Bret Hart/Diesel Cage match finish from In Your House, which was great by the way.

But I'd rather them just have Undertaker beat Punk.
I like this story so far. A scenario I see happening is Taker winning the World Title sometime between HIAC and No Way Out (or whatever they are going to call it in Feb.). Then at Mania it’ll be the World Champion, Undertaker vs. Vince McMahon for the World Title. That’s where I see Vince really screwing the Undertaker, with Vince winning the only World Title in the WWE that VKM hasn’t won yet and being the MAN to break the streak. Oh, how mad would everyone be if this were the case?? #@#@#@#@!!
Ok, I was wrong about Hell in a Cell.

But watching this week SmackDown!, I wont spoil you anything for the next PPV, but Mr. McMahon showed us once again that everytime that Punk or Long tried to explain themselves about what happened at Breaking Point they were interrupted by Vince.

So I think that this "screwjob" was just the beggining between Undertaker and Vince McMahon, Vince will be for sure the man behind all this.
I have an idea (and call it wild).

Cena loses to Orton at the next PPV. Orton wins cleanly, but Cena flips out afterwards, attacking Orton with a chair.

Cena then goes to Smackdown, where he will eventually be turned full-on heel to feud with the Undertaker for the World Championship (because aside from Punk, no one else on Smackdown is of the caliber to take the title from the Undertaker).

Cena needs a heel turn'd really shake things up and make WWE interesting again. It would also bolster Orton's credibility as he'd be able to say that he rid Raw of John Cena.

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