Vince vs. The dead Whats up with that?


Rated ''R'' Superstar
Brian Gewirtz was the person who wrote the line about the late Steve Irwin on Tuesday's ECW show, of course the idea was green-lighted by Vince McMahon.

Speaking of that, issued this today: The following is a statement from the Chairman of the Board of WWE: "We at WWE apologize for the remark alluding to the death of Steve Irwin which was made on ECW on Sci Fi Tuesday night. The remark was, in the least, disrespectful to Mr. Irwin's fans and family."

Im not bashing WWE here...He says he sorry but is he really sorry..I mean look at it this way..When you say sorry it means you wont do it again yet he keeps putting the dead in story lines and i bet if bret was still in WWE they would be using owen hart in there story lines from then up to now...Your thoughts...
What he said was... "I'm not stupid enough to swim in the ocean with sting rays" and then he grabbed his chest...

As for Vince... No hes not sorry... Guy is a low life... If he was really sorry he would of thot it over before using it as an attempt to get heat for Striker.. Tho I dont think he's the one to blame for it... But that like I said somewhere else was low..
What do you expect its called cheep heat to put tha guy over...... Vince and tha Writers are so fuckin' brain dead tha they use real life situations in there shows...... Gotta be honest i have no respect for tha WWE what so ever.... Never have never will either..... When Vince decides to drop dead i hope they do an angle on him.... But then again he wont be alive to make tha extra profit off it so i doubt it....
I thought it was disrespectful, but they are apologizing, let's just hope they mean it.
^^^^^ I dont think they meant it what so ever...... Tha WWE is jus tasteless they did tha exact same thing with Eddie's dead..... It's jus Vince in panic mode cause his product is gettin' shitty and he thought tha the media would have made a big deal out of it..... Thus drawin attention to his products..... Tha all if was.... Drawin' attention...
I posted this in another thread, but it can apply here as well.

With Eddie, even though the comment and certain other things were tasteless, they weren't literally personal shots on the guy, rather odd ways of furthering a storyline. In a sense, as tasteless as the comment was it can essentially be seen as a tribute, depending on how you view it. How is an insult a tribute? Looking beyond it, Eddie was actually amongst WWE's most pushed stars (in a sense) for awhile, even after his death. The fact that he was still considered important enough to be included in storylines says a lot of positive things towards what WWE thought of him, even though the comment is technically negative. I'm not sure if that will make sense to anyone, but it's a different way of looking at it. I don't think that Eddie's wife would willingly appear on television on several occasions if she felt that the comment had the intended purpose that you guys seem to think. Not that her opinion has to change anyone elses

I'm not trying to say that it wasn't a tasteless comment, rather that there's probably a deeper, more positive connotation to certain things than some people realize (as strange as that sounds). That's in regards to Eddie and certain other things, not the Irwin comment.
Well, I thought the Irwin comment was completely tasteless and disrespectful. They have no f*cking right to say something like that about the now deceased greatest wildlife presenter ever. F*ck the WWE.
It's in bad taste but it was purley to give someone who WWE fans dont give a shit about some cheap heat. It's not the first time somebodys death will be exploited and it wont be the last. I think the point of it was to gain some mainstream media attention. If you think about it how much free publicity will that one comment given WWE.

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