Vince VS HHH - How to Involve Steph.... and Shane?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, so for the past couple of months, we've seen a subtle power struggle between Vince McMahon and Triple H. The obvious climax is a power vs. power match at WM XXX.

Over the past couple of weeks, we've seen Vince emerge as the obvious heel as of now and H as the face. Stephanie, however, is floating in between. For me, Stephanie doing whatever is fine for now, but I really hope we see her turn heel on HHH around November. Let's look at the history - Vince and Steph are best as heels. It's true that HHH is a great heel too, but Vince and Stephanie are born for that role.

So come Rumble-time it's Vince and Steph vs. HHH. On RAW, after the Rumble some time, we see the voice of reason, Shane McMahon, come back and berate Vince about always treating HHH as more of a son than he ever treated him (imagine the pop "Here Comes the Money" would get). Kind of a shoot promo. So H has some help.

Vince proposes the power shift match at Mania, saying someone would represent him against HHH at Mania. The next week, he reveals the representative will be John Cena (met to a chorus of boos, making him heel (FOR THE TIME BEING).

This makes it HHH w/ Shane vs. John Cena w/ Vince & Stephanie at Wrestlemania.

I know I've left a lot of open holes here and this is kind of an open idea, but Mania is a long way away and I thought it might be fun to include Shane in the story as well as bring up potential heel turns and get some fun ideas from everyone. If you think of a possible way to include Linda, now that her senate business seems dead, go for that too.
Shane has severed all professional ties to WWE whatsoever. After he left the company several years back, he cashed in all the stock he owned in the company and hasn't been seen or heard from since. I don't know if there's any sort of personal rift between Shane and the rest of the family or not. The last I heard, Shane had signed a deal to become CEO of China Broadband, Inc. which provides broadband cable services to various parts of China. He's also on the Board of Directors for a sports management company with clients that include golfers Ernie Els and Rory Mcllroy. I remember reading something a while back in which Shane had either invested in an MMA company or tried starting up his own? I can't exactly remember what, but I believe it was something along those lines. At any rate, I remember reading that he'd lost several million dollars in the investment. If all this stuff is accurate and up to date, then Shane has other responsibilities that he can't simply set aside in order to be part of a pro wrestling angle.

As for Stephanie, personally, I prefer her in the role she's in right now, which is mostly sitting on the sidelines. Once this angle goes into WrestleMania season, it's probably going to wind up taking a lot more television time than it currently is. As a result, adding Stephanie into the mix on a level field as Vince & Triple H could potentially cause the angle to really start dragging. I have a feeling that she'll generally get a good deal of television time once this storyline really starts to pick up and become a major focal point for WrestleMania no matter what though.

It's an interesting idea but it's almost impossible when it comes to Shane McMahon, unless he suddenly decides to drop everything and come back to WWE. From a legal standpoint, I'm not even sure he can do that even if he wanted to. Again, if all the information I read about Shane is still applicable, he has certain responsibilities he can't just shuck. Also, as I alluded to earlier, maybe there's even some sort of personal friction between himself and the family for all anyone knows. I haven't read anything about that, at least not that I can recall, but that's not necessarily an indicator one way or the other.

As far as Cena being Vince's representative, I suppose it's possible but it's also pretty unlikely. Allegedly, there were plans to turn Triple H & Stephanie heel at some point but the idea has been nixed. If that's true, then that's the right call. Vince is far better as a heel in this particular instance, especially with his current, kayfabe, condescension of and repeated attempts to screw over Daniel Bryan. Vince as the mean spirited, tyrannical CEO is a perfect fit for him, as we all know. Right now though, Vince has stated that he doesn't want either Cena or Bryan as WWE Champion, kayfabe, but it's possible that Cena & Vince could mend fences between now and then. However, I just don't think it's likely and I personally feel that the one who'll ultimately wind up representing Vince's at WM will be Randy Orton. I think it's also possible that Batista could return for a big WM payday, he's reportedly been in talks about a part time return to WWE and Batista is someone who definitely fits the mold of a "Vince McMahon Guy".

As for Triple H competing in the WM match, personally, I'd rather he be on the sidelines as an executive rather than a wrestler. After all, the feud is going to be about who ultimately winds up in charge so, like Vince, it just feels right that Triple H have someone to represent his interests as well. At least, that's how I feel about it. Since Vince is going to stand for WWE's past and Triple H its future, it's natural that the surrogates for Vince & Triple H represent those aspects as well; "Vince McMahon Guy" vs. a "Triple H Guy". I suppose that Triple H could simply represent himself and compete but, for me, I simply like the other scenario a lot more.
It's highly unlikely that there's a personal rift between Shane and his family. Here's a picture of Vince and Shane together with a fan from February of this year:


He was also present when Vince got his star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame:


As for his professional commitments, I'm pretty sure that if he can get time off to go to golf tournaments, hang out with his dad at MSG, and attend the Walk of Fame induction ceremony, he can probably afford to take a Sunday off (he probably already has them off) to make a surprise appearance at WrestleMania. It's not at all out of the realm of possibility that it could happen, far from it. There's most likely little-to-nothing legally, personally, or professionally standing in the way of it, and it'd be a great "WrestleMania Moment," that Vince would surely handsomely reimburse his son for making happen.

As for how to make that happen, just like I said: a surprise. Either siding with Vince or Hunter (probably Hunter), it doesn't matter to me. At a vital point during the WrestleMania showdown between Triple H and whoever Vince's in-ring rep is, Shane comes out and either causes the distraction or interference necessary for whichever guy he's backing to win. Then, the next night on Raw, he can come out (of if he's got to fly back to Hong Kong, appear on a pre-taped "via satellite") and make a statement telling the winner (again, probably Hunter) to take care of the company or else he'll come back again. The fans pop, the winner (Triple Haitch) gets the Shane-O seal of approval, and Shane is free to go back to his current business ventures without leaving loose ends in the storyline.
How about this.

HHH turns heel at Summerslam, by screwing both Cena and Bryan to let Orton cash in. HHH injures Cena in the process, an excuse to have Cena take a leave for his elbow trouble. He joins forces with Vince and also sucks up to him. Steph is happy to see them get along and is also heel.

This carries on for a few months. Things get worse and they screw a face (Bryan) WWE champ out of the title for their favoured superstar (Orton).

Finally, Linda returns to try and talk sense into her family. She gets nowhere. Enter Shane around December, to support his mother.

By this stage HHH, Vince and Steph should be really over as heels. As a result Shane should get a massive pop.

Vince v Shane at royal rumble. Lets have Vince and HHH do a beat down on Shane. Only to be saved by Cena. Prefferably Cena would be MIA for a couple of months, so he gets a huge pop for his return.

Cena represents Shane and HHH represents Vince at mania for control of the company. I would have HHH win so shane can get his goodbye and go back to attending his own businesses.
The idea of Vince getting someone to wrestle for him at Wrestlemania to take on Triple H is utterly ludicrous. Vince has never backed down from a challenge and who cares how old he is, he can still go. Why would Vince put all his powers into the hands of someone else???

If they must go down this route then Triple H has to have someone representing him. It is still a poor idea and takes away from everything that is at stake here, almost like it is an afterthought.

Vince and Trips need to be in that ring sweating blood and tears for everything they believe in and everything they want to gain control over. I admit, a 1 on 1 would be strange given Vinces record at WM, it isnt very good, Shane, Hogan, HBK and Bret have all beaten him so I would definately go down the Team Vince vs Team Hunter route.

D-X, Evolution, Clique whoever you want can be on Triple H's team and Vince can pretty much have his pick.
shane recently voluntarily stepped down as CEO of his company few months back. I've always felt (perhaps more out of hope than anything else) that he did this to take up a high ranking role with the WWE in the near future. He always struck me as the guy who knew the business and storylines better than the rest of his family (with the exception of his father). He also doesn't strike me as being a "yes" man to his father.

That being said, tying him in to this storyline would be golden. Imagine steph siding with HHH, Vince can come out closer to mania and say that his company should never fall in the hands of someone who isn't a McMahon. Stephanie turned her back on him but its fine because she's not a McMahon, a real McMahon will always run the WWE and the real McMahon is... Shane! They can then play off Shanes professional background and they can go on and recruit someone big to face HHH at mania, perhaps the rock?
To be honest I don't want to see this blossom into a full McMahon family situation. The underlying "struggle for power" in the front office has kind of been in place since the "Big Johnny" era. It has developed to what it is now and I think that Vince and HHH with a small spattering of Stephanie is a perfect formula.

As far as who will back who I think they will wait as long as possible to show their hand and keep as many options open as they can. I think it would work best if they had full blown chunks of the roster in favor of either side. This could work a great program through the summer into Survivor Series and even the Rumble. I could totally see CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Cena supporting HHH while Orton, Sandow, and some other guys would go Team Vince.

The whole "real wrestling" angle that Punk used as a platform and now D. Bryan is latching onto could work into it real well.
If Shane wanted to be involved surely he would want all or nothing rather than letting his sister and brother in law getting the keys to a fairly lucrative company.

I'm not exactly excited about the McMahon/HHH feud, it seems unimaginative and it hasn't been drawing me in as a viewer. My preference is for Stephanie to remain face and be on the side of HHH. That way it seems to be a better balance: Vince vs Steph/HHH with VKM still being he most powerful man in he company. I don't think this needs Shane and I'm not sure where he would fit. Vince/Shane vs Steph/HHH is definitely getting to close to being a complete rehash of an old storyline and if Linda was involved it would become a little silly.

I don't mind rehashing storylines but if the personal are pretty much identical then it becomes ridiculous. Orton/Vince/Maddox/Vickie (possibly the likes of Ryback, Swagger, Ceasro, Barrett) feuding with HHH/Steph (Bryan, Cena, Punk, The Rock, Jericho) is something that I would much rather see that it becoming another McMahon-centric storyline.
Everyone is talking about Taker Vs Cena at Mania so why not incorporate the 2 scenarios into 1.
At present we have an obvious power struggle between Vince and Triple h which should lead to a power control match at Mania between the 2 or between the reps of both.
My idea would be to have Cena lose to Bryan at Summerslam,have him injure his elbow a bit more so his absence is legit then have him get pissed at all the attention Bryan is getting, have him turn heel return, join Vince,screw Bryan out of the title and be announced as Vince's rep for the mania match.
The same night that is announced Triple H comes out and says he has an announcement of his own about who his rep will be, then the lights go out, Takers gong sounds through the arena then he comes out and eyeballs Triple H with the people thinking he is going to attack him, but at the last minute he turns faces the ring and throat slashes at Cena thus setting up the Mega match at Mania Taker w/Triple H Vs Cena w/Vince with not only the power of the WWE on the line but Takers undefeated streak as well.

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