Vince Russo's return TNA interview; Candid words for Hogan & Bischoff


Pre-Show Stalwart
What do you make of Russo's interview on reaction of downgrading Hulk and Eric Bischoff syaing they havent changed and they always have and always will be about money. Also when asked if he could get rid of them he admitted if it was his call they would be out the door.

What do you guys make of it?
EB is the producer of Reaction so is this just a work?
Do you think it has anything that will effect TNA?
Do you think Russon will be on camera anymore?

He's baaaaaaack!

That's right — the man everyone loves to hate will be live in the iMPACT! Zone next week for the live edition of iMPACT!, and according to ReAction, he'll have "shocking comments" for TNA Championship Committee member Eric Bischoff.

How do you spell controversy without Russo?

If ReAction is a prelude to any of this, expect fireworks, because the kayfabe walls came crashing, and Russo had plenty to allude to with regard to his tenuous (at best) relationship with Hogan and Bischoff. He spoke rather candidly when he noted that if the call was his, Hogan & Bischoff would be out the door.

I mean, come on, what would Daytona Beach be without a little Vince Russo, eh?

Thoughts on this? Concerns? Non sequitur insults?
I have a bad feeling about this one. In real life though everything seems to be right as rain with Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo. They are spinning it in the kayfabe world that Russo has legitimate beef with Hogan and Bischoff which may actually be a reality. I just wonder why now? Hogan and Bischoff have been with a company for almost a year now and Russo is just now coming out of the wood work?

I wouldn't be surprised that by the time Bound For Glory is over with that we see a heel Bischoff, Hogan, and Russo raising the new TNA Heavyweight Champion's hand.
I do have some concerns about seeing Russo on my television and with BFG being at Daytona Beach something really bad can happen that includes Russo, Hogan, and Bischoff turning heel, I hope that this does not become ugly and overbooked, like the last time these guys were at Daytona Beach. Adding Russo into this equation could be a good thing or something Very Bad.
I think if anything Russo is just going to add to the deception on next impact, I dont expect to see him at BFG its the biggest PPV of the year for TNA for them to do something with hogan, bischoff, and russo would be ratings suicide.

I look for him to verify sting and nash's point and add more speculation to the deception angle, Im hoping to see Russo as TNA executive producer Russo, not let me throw you some knuckle balls so i give you an ending u never predicted Russo or you dont know if im shoot'n or if im in character Russo.

Hell he could all but verify a change is coming to TNA but he is not at liberty to say what it is because the ramifications would result in losing his job.
To me the wild card in all this is Jarrett though i still dont understand what or why the hell he would be on hogan ans bischoffs side maybe Russo reveals that?
Vince Russo was the reason Ted Turner's wCw died. And I remember when he made Double J lay down for Hogan and then said you'd never see that piece of sh*t again or I'll go to my grave. And supposedly it wasn't a work? The fingerpoke of doom was one of the worst ideas in the history of wrestling. Goldberg the only undefeated superstar gets beat by Nash (who has three moves; big boot, elbow drop and jackknife) because Scott Hall interferes. Then the "BIG" return of Hogan and he's supposed to face Nash, then Nash lets Hogan pin him. What a joke! Vince Russo was completely full of crap, he killed Ted Turner's wCw and he's going to kill TNA. Two things need to be done, keep Dixie Carter OFF TV for good, and quit using guys 45-65
I swear this guy will shit on that show. It's a Live show. I don't trust that asshole. I respect his creativity, I respect that he's trying to think out of the box ( even though he sometimes goes so much out of it, the box looks like a little dot to him ), but I don't trust the guy. If he takes a big shit on TNA at a Live show, two-three days from Bound For Glory, someone should get Janice and shove it up his ass, for real. That'll draw some ratings. Who's gonna hate on that? Noone. Cuz we all wanna see it.
Vince Russo was the reason Ted Turner's wCw died. And I remember when he made Double J lay down for Hogan and then said you'd never see that piece of sh*t again or I'll go to my grave. And supposedly it wasn't a work? The fingerpoke of doom was one of the worst ideas in the history of wrestling. Goldberg the only undefeated superstar gets beat by Nash (who has three moves; big boot, elbow drop and jackknife) because Scott Hall interferes. Then the "BIG" return of Hogan and he's supposed to face Nash, then Nash lets Hogan pin him. What a joke! Vince Russo was completely full of crap, he killed Ted Turner's wCw and he's going to kill TNA. Two things need to be done, keep Dixie Carter OFF TV for good, and quit using guys 45-65

You do realize all of that was done prior to Vince Russo's WCW arrival, right? Russo was still the lead writer of Raw is War at the time.
You do realize all of that was done prior to Vince Russo's WCW arrival, right? Russo was still the lead writer of Raw is War at the time.

LMAO, poned. Well, he didn't have any stunts like that in TNA so far I believe. I don't think he'll start NOW. I'm more worried about next week than anything else.
no .... for the sake of god .. i hope somebody break his neck in the show ! i hate this man more than anybody but however i know in wrestling buisnes if u loved or hated so much u can deliver ! the only problem is if russo want to be in the whole show ! if he's on one segment great , if not ... Fuck u russo !
I mean come on, this is controversial that's what people want to see or at least that's Bischoff's train of thought. I think this is a great storyline as it is very realistic and adds to the deception angle. Not many people like Russo, but I think that he will be a face along with Sting, Pope, and Nash after they reveal the deception and politics backstage, by Bischoff and Hogan.
As weird as it sounds this is the realistic part of wrestling that draws the interest of many wrestling fans. What goes on behind the scenes and while it may be kayfabe it'll still be interesting. Everybody that knows the history between these three should be in favor of this storyline. I don't think they will over do it, just like I feel they have did a great job not overdoing EV2 as now that has dropped to the background some what. The "They", "Deception", and WHC angles seem to be getting more air time than the EV2/Fortune angle, which is good to me.

Either way this is going to be a positive, with Russo returning to the air IMO. I like the little bit of his on screen character in which I have seen. The big thing now is just not overdoing it and I think that has just as much as to do with Dixie, Eric, and Hogan as it does Russo in this case.
i'm suprisied it took this long. like or not the guy can pull it off if he is controled. i like russo and i hate him. guess that's the point of his character but my feeling goes more to the booking style.

like stated eailier if he doesn't go overboard he's fine. problem is give russo a chance and he will. it seems like he writes a script, hands it out to everyone and then goes out and changes everything when the time comes. seems this is all leading to the company bieng split a dozen different ways. on one side is russo, on the other hogan and bisch, then dixie and whoever, and of course "they". by the way did anyone else catch the scrol on the screen? to memory they have never done it in spanish. may be a hint. with the rumor of the AAA guys comming.

anyway, all of this can work if done right and if russo can keep from taking it to far.

and by the way " russo killed wcw" is a joke. the company was in trouble long before he came on board. goldberg loosing and the finger poke were nash's ideas when he was booker and bisch was still in charge. russo helped put the nails in the coffin but he far from killed the company. it was over long before that.
Vince Russo was the reason Ted Turner's wCw died. And I remember when he made Double J lay down for Hogan and then said you'd never see that piece of sh*t again or I'll go to my grave. And supposedly it wasn't a work? The fingerpoke of doom was one of the worst ideas in the history of wrestling. Goldberg the only undefeated superstar gets beat by Nash (who has three moves; big boot, elbow drop and jackknife) because Scott Hall interferes. Then the "BIG" return of Hogan and he's supposed to face Nash, then Nash lets Hogan pin him. What a joke! Vince Russo was completely full of crap, he killed Ted Turner's wCw and he's going to kill TNA. Two things need to be done, keep Dixie Carter OFF TV for good, and quit using guys 45-65

As was already pointed out the events you posted happened before Russo was in WCW. I actually wonder how many people know when Russo was actually booking, it's really easy info to find, but right here's a prime example of someone blaming Russo when he wasn't even there.

Sounds good to me, dude draws instant heat as it is. With all the changes that have been rumoured and some recent ones that have been put in place (Tessmacher) I can see this being a great benefit to the show.
So Vince Russo makes his television return next week. Actually, technically speaking, didn't he make his television return this week on Reaction? Granted he wasn't in the ring, it was merely a backstage interview, but he was on television nontheless, but I digress.

Of course Russo will be a part of next week's live iMPACT heading into Bound For Glory next weekend. And I fully expect him to play a somewhat pivotal role at the PPV as well. Judging by his comments last night, TNA is going to try to do what they have always done, blend reality and kayfabe into a storyline to add a little more intrigue into the equation. And if they do it well, it could actually be pretty interesting. However, if they screw it up, which is also possible, it'll be WCW all over again, and we know how that all went last time.

I have absolutely no idea how things are going to ultimately play out at Bound For Glory. I guess that's a good thing, keeping the fans guessing and interested, providing they are able to deliver, which is questionable. But I feel that like Jan 04, TNA will throw it all out there, using all they have at their disposal to try to stir the pot. And Russo will be a piece of the puzzle, however significant. Whether he's with "them" or against them, whether he's part of "deception" or opposing it, or whether or not these two storylines become one and the same, he'll be there, you can count on it.

Like the old saying goes, TNA is putting all of their eggs in one basket with respect to the Bound For Glory PPV on 10/10/10. I fear, however, that the breakfast menu on 10/11/10, the day after, may be scrambled eggs.
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First they bring back 'ecw' that did nothing and now theyre going to bring up something from 10 years ago....when instead we could have a good tag team/xdivision match. I think the best thing will be is what Jim Cornette says after it happens.
As was already pointed out the events you posted happened before Russo was in WCW. I actually wonder how many people know when Russo was actually booking, it's really easy info to find, but right here's a prime example of someone blaming Russo when he wasn't even there.

Sounds good to me, dude draws instant heat as it is. With all the changes that have been rumoured and some recent ones that have been put in place (Tessmacher) I can see this being a great benefit to the show.

Absolutely!!! i think TNA would be crazy not to capitalize on this. Could he be involved with 'they'? Could he be bringing someone with him? Remember Abyss was told to get rid of Eric and Hogan first....

If this was the case, I reckon it would be great. The man is hated more than anyone in the wrestling business (rightly or wrongly) and this could be a great way to generate 'HEAT' for Abyss. IMO!

Or he could be going another route and be involved in the deception angle. With reference to WCW a couple times through out impact, there may be/will be reasoning behind his appearance next week which may have reasons dating way back.

Im actually looking forward to it. Will be very interesting!


When I saw Russo, I instantly started singing that song... and almost instantly, that clicked into my mind that SEX is "They"... For those who don't know, SEX is Sports Entertainment Xtreme, and damn near the BEST faction to ever enter TNA. Hell, it's probably why TNA exists.

Anyway, Russo returning to TV IMO is the best thing that TNA could do right now. Yes, Bischoff and Hogan have been here for over a year but this only makes for a "Biting my tongue until the right time" storyline. In recent weeks, we've seen Hogan and Bischoff BOTH overturn a decision made by Dixie Carter and now you have Russo who can come in and be on her side to give her an even playing field.

And then, there's the fact that Russo can be on the side with Sting and Nash and we can find out just wtf they mean by deception... speaking of which, expect the Pope to join their ranks.

Honestly, people bashing Russo are mindless sheep who probably worship Bischoff and don't realize that Bischoff (as proven by Flair, Sting, and others) was the one who let WCW sink. Russo has been the man behind TNA since day one and they haven't fallen into the pits yet. The guy knows how to book to perfection and he's not exactly an in ring performer so he's not looking for another reason to stroke his ego... I'm looking at you Hulk Hogan.

Russo to the iMPACT zone is like God to the planet Earth.... only not quite as big... but the point is that this will only equal more ratings for TNA and possibly give them a high PPV sale that could keep them ON ppv for a while.
SEX is the best faction ever in TNA and probably the reason TNA exists? I want what you're smoking because it clearly distorts your vision as to facts. Sex was good, no doubts, but it was good in a small-time setting, which TNA was back then. You put that faction, led by Vince Russo, in TNA today and it would die a death because, it looked small time.

People who bash Russo for WCW are, in general, well aware of the damage that Bischoff and the gang did to WCW, but they're also aware of the unrepairable damage that Russo did to the company. People agree that, with the filter he had back in 1998, he could book some serious good stuff. But, even then, he let a lot of crap get through (such as GIMPdust). Saying Russo doesn't want to stroke his ego leads me remember a recent book I read called "how WCW killed Vince Russo"

Russo to the Impact Zone is the same as X-Pac heat. Like I said at the start, when TNA was small-time, his character came across as big and dynamic but, in the current TNA, he would be like a minnow swimming in the ocean and to me, not really help TNA in a way that'd be able to move the company forward. They've had him on-screen, wasn't a success then, very much doubt it could be now.

Ooooh, although I would love to see Russo on screen if it meant that they were gonna bring in Cornette to head the guys against him. An on-screen verbal dual between those two, at the start of a card, could be very interesting.
Basically, what we're going to see will be a lot like what we saw from Foley and Flair last night. They are going to bring up real-life subjects (in a total kayfabe manner) and real-life problems. They are going to scream and talk over one another for about 15 minutes, and it will be over with.

Am I complaining? No, it's going to be entetaining as hell, just like Foley/Flair was. Does it help improve TNA in any way, shape or form? No.

I really hope Russo isn't returning to television in a weekly capacity. I can't stand listening to that guy for more than 20 minutes in any given year, so seeing him once per week might make my head explode. He knows what he's talking about, and he's a successful writer..but that doesn't mean I need to see him.
You do realize all of that was done prior to Vince Russo's WCW arrival, right? Russo was still the lead writer of Raw is War at the time.
That was all Nash booking, actually. He got Goldberg's streak in exchange for giving Hogan the gold.
Attention... your attention please... The End of Days has arrived, wide-spread panic, looting and debauchery may now commence....that is all

Yeah... I got a real funny feeling bout this, I hope it goes REALLY well... but something in my head keeps saying "you've seen this before haven't ya... how well did it play out last time? think, damn you, think!" ...I'm scurred
Russo as an onscreen character fits in well with my They-are-Bob-and-Janice-Carter theory. Bob and Janice fire Dixie, give Russo full control as TNA President, and let him do as he sees fit with Hogan and the rest of the roster.

Russo will have huge heel heat. Or will he have change-the-channel heat? I guess we'll find out.

BFG runs something like:

Fourtune over EV2

RVD over Abyss in some sort of no-DQ fashion, partially due to AAA talent/goth stable interfering, beating down Abyss, and then announcing that "They are coming!" (Two swerves in ten minutes there for the folks in the audience--"They" turned on Abyss! Wait! Those guys aren't "They" either! WTF?)

Sting, Nash, Pope vs Joe, Jarrett, and Hogan's Mystery Replacement.
Nash betrays Sting, because Sting always gets betrayed, revealing himself as Hogan's Mystery Replacement. Pope and Joe are confused, Jarrett smirks. Maybe Joe and Pope lay out Nash just for the hell of it. Jarrett bails.

Oooh, better. Nash takes off his shirt, revealing a Hulkamania shirt. Powerbombs an unsuspecting Sting, starts beating him with his own bat. Pope bails. Russo comes down the ramp, gives a signal, and Joe attacks Nash and Pope attacks Jarrett, with Sting already down.

Main event, TNA World Heavyweight Championship, Angle vs Jeff Hardy vs Anderson.

As soon as someone looks like they're down, Fourtune storms the ring and starts laying out all three participants. Styles, with the Red Belt, proclaims himself the Real TNA Champion. RVD tries to make the save, bringing out Abyss, bringing out the AAA talent.

Bob and Janice Carter come out, Fourtune stands in respect, Abyss drops to his knees. Bob fires Dixie, appoints Russo TNA President, camera cuts to Russo at ringside somewhere, aaaand fade to black.
Russo as an onscreen character fits in well with my They-are-Bob-and-Janice-Carter theory. Bob and Janice fire Dixie, give Russo full control as TNA President, and let him do as he sees fit with Hogan and the rest of the roster.

Russo will have huge heel heat. Or will he have change-the-channel heat? I guess we'll find out.

BFG runs something like:

Fourtune over EV2

RVD over Abyss in some sort of no-DQ fashion, partially due to AAA talent/goth stable interfering, beating down Abyss, and then announcing that "They are coming!" (Two swerves in ten minutes there for the folks in the audience--"They" turned on Abyss! Wait! Those guys aren't "They" either! WTF?)

Sting, Nash, Pope vs Joe, Jarrett, and Hogan's Mystery Replacement.
Nash betrays Sting, because Sting always gets betrayed, revealing himself as Hogan's Mystery Replacement. Pope and Joe are confused, Jarrett smirks. Maybe Joe and Pope lay out Nash just for the hell of it. Jarrett bails.

Oooh, better. Nash takes off his shirt, revealing a Hulkamania shirt. Powerbombs an unsuspecting Sting, starts beating him with his own bat. Pope bails. Russo comes down the ramp, gives a signal, and Joe attacks Nash and Pope attacks Jarrett, with Sting already down.

Main event, TNA World Heavyweight Championship, Angle vs Jeff Hardy vs Anderson.

As soon as someone looks like they're down, Fourtune storms the ring and starts laying out all three participants. Styles, with the Red Belt, proclaims himself the Real TNA Champion. RVD tries to make the save, bringing out Abyss, bringing out the AAA talent.

Bob and Janice Carter come out, Fourtune stands in respect, Abyss drops to his knees. Bob fires Dixie, appoints Russo TNA President, camera cuts to Russo at ringside somewhere, aaaand fade to black.

Interesting development. I like it a lot... I'm expecting something like this to happen. People keep saying that THEY are Hulk/Bischoff... I don't think they are THEY. Don't know if Russo is going to be that involved... maybe... Let's see what happens.

BTW. I posted on another thread that the AAA deal was done a long time ago... it was announced by AAA President around March 2010. People were saying that it is impossible for AAA to be THEY because they just made the alliance, but that's not true. And it's interesting that Bischoff said in an interview that the THEY angle was something they came up during that time (Feb/March). :D
TOTAL NONSTOP MANAGEMENT WRESTLING! If Russo and Tessmacher become important authority figures that do a lot of backstage "reaction style" promos, I'm out. Its barely watchable now because there is so little focus on personal issues and real feuds. Its all gaga, management/backstage BS. Who cares who's in charge of the wrestling show when there's barely even a wrestling show?
Well, the turd has risen to the top of the punchbowl. We haven't seen his mug on the TV screen in a long time and suddenly he shows up 10 days before BFG. Hopefully this will be a one time deal to back up Nash & Sting on the Deception storyline. Russo piling on will give more credibility to Nash & Sting since he publicly dissed Hogan and Bishoff. However, I agree with Zeven_Zion, I respect the man, but he scares me & I don't trust him. One thing for sure, his presence adds a new dimension to this storyline. I think the deception storyline will end up being the whole reason for "They" getting involved in the first place.


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