Vince McMahon's Wrestlemania Opponent?


Getting Noticed By Management
As we've seen in just about every Wrestlemania, Vince McMahon has a match at his prestigious event. Whether it's not exactly in a match (i.e Donald Trump) or if it is in a match (Shane, HBK, Bret, etc), I think Vince will include himself again this year. I read reports on WZ that Vince is going all out this year and is 'more focused than he's been in years'. If that's the case, I'm sure he'll be in it. Who do you think he'll face if he's in this years 'Mania? My guess would be HHH.

I've seen people think HHH will face Taker to avenge HBK, I've seen people think he'll face Sheamus in King vs King type scenario, and I've seen people think he'll win the Rumble and face off for the WWE Title. But I haven't seen the thought of him vs Vince. I think this match would be ideal because a feud with Vince wouldn't take a toll on HHH's body, at least it wouldn't compared to being in actual physical feuds with someone like Cena or Sheamus. Feuds with Vince are more of mental and dramatic feuds as oppose to brawls. So this would give extra time for HHH to heal up. Also, depending on when HHH returns, they may not have a lot of time to build up a good feud for Mania. I think having Vince feud with HHH would be the right idea if they needed to build a HHH feud quickly because both men are so experienced and so great at cutting promos. It would just make sense.

Sure, something would need to happen to stem this feud because there is absolutely zero evidence that supports such a feud would happen. But, all it takes is one time for Vince to screw HHH out of a match or for HHH to piss off McMahon just once and this feud could ignite.

So who do you think Vince will face at Mania, if he has a match?
Actually, Vince McMahon has never wrestled at Wrestlemania. The Mr. McMahon character has. Unfortunatly, Vince said that after facing Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 26, the Mr. McMahon character would probably be retired for good. After all he is 65.
Vince McMahon's character 'Mr McMahon' should have died with his match last year with Bret Hart. Vince has no business being in the ring. He had to get in the ring because there weren't many guys cutting it in WWE over the past 10 years. To bring him back at Wrestlemania would prove once again that today's crop of 20 somethings aren't really all that good, since they're being overshadowed by an old 65 year old guy who isn't just past his prime, but was 10 years past his prime when his wrestling career began.

Hulk Hogan is 57. Randy Savage is 58. Kevin Nash is 51. Scott Hall is 52. Curt Henning and Rick Rude are dead. So is Andre the Giant, who'd be 65 this year. Yokozuna is dead. Shawn Michaels is 45. Bret Hart is 52. What do all these guys have in common? They are all much younger (dead or alive) than Vince McMahon. What else do they have in common? They are all REAL wrestlers, not promoters. What else? None of them are wrestling anymore, they are RETIRED, some of them for over a decade. And really, who wants to see a 65 year old promoter get in the ring and take a hall of famer 13 time world champ Triple H to the limit? Doesn't make any sense. All you WWE fanatics complain about the old guys in TNA holding it down, but then you turn around and go on about how you want Vince to come back at Wrestlemania. You know WWE is in trouble when all its fans want a 65 year old promoter to get in the ring and hog up a spot that could be used to elevate all the potential superstars WWE has like Santino and Dolph Ziggler. I mean, who wants to see Hulk Hogan or Jeff Jarrett in TNA, when you could see Dolph Ziggler or 65 year old promoter, (older than Andre the Giant) Vince McMahon. A guy whose wrestling career didn't begin until he was the same age as Bret Hart is now.
The only person I can see Vince wrestling at 'Mania would be STING. Of course, if TNA re-signs him, it won't happen. My feeling behind this idea is I can see Vince coming out to hype WrestleMania being in Atlanta and talk about how he destroyed WCW. It would lead to lights flickering, Sting's old Crow music playing, lights go out and either he's in the ring when the lights come up or he repels into the ring from above and Scorpion Death Drops Vince. This leads to Vince vs. Sting at 'Mania with Sting winning, getting some "retribution" for WCW. I could be wrong, but as a huge Sting fan, I'd love to see him make an appearance or do a short run in the WWE.
Actually, Vince McMahon has never wrestled at Wrestlemania. The Mr. McMahon character has. Unfortunatly, Vince said that after facing Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 26, the Mr. McMahon character would probably be retired for good. After all he is 65.

Actually, Mr McMahon never faced Bret Hart, nor has anyone else ever faced Bret Hart. They faced the character Bret Hart. :rolleyes: Did you really just post that? And considering that as at least the 4th time Vince was retired, that doesn't have a whole lot of credibility, now does it?

As for who Vince McMahon will wrestle at Wrestlemania, I'm sure he will be involved in a non-wrestling role somehow. I just have a crazy feeling Nexus isn't done yet, and something will happen with Nexus(or at least Wade Barrett), The Undertaker, and Vince at Wrestlemania.
Im not really sure who would face Vince at Mania. One thought that comes to mind is that creative re-hashes the Vince/Teddy Long angle. Perhaps Teddy gets tired of the abuse, and just goes beserk on Vince beating the living hell out of him. Set up Mania, for total control of SD. If Teddy wins, he has complete control over SD, if he loses, he is fired.

I wouldn't mind a Cena/Vince angle for Mania either. One because I think WWE is starting to push new talent to the top, and I am sick of Cena hogging the spotlight. They started to hint at a Cena/Vince angle during the Bret Hart return. If done right, it could work.

I don't know, in someways I dont even care. Vince is only entertaining when he is talking. Maybe Cena would be a good choice. When the match is on, I can go to the bathroom, and get more nachos.
Actually, Mr McMahon never faced Bret Hart, nor has anyone else ever faced Bret Hart. They faced the character Bret Hart. :rolleyes: Did you really just post that? And considering that as at least the 4th time Vince was retired, that doesn't have a whole lot of credibility, now does it?

Yeah, I really did just post that. I know how wrestling retirements go, but Vince isn't exactly an active wrestler. At a recent shareholders meeting Vince was asked if he would be getting back in the ring. He said that Bret Hart coming back gave him one last piece of business that fans would want to see. He then said that in all likely hood, since he was now in his mid sixties, he wouldn't be wrestling again.

As far as the character thing goes, Vince has always been very addament that Vince McMahon and Mr. McMahon are two very different people. As far as the "character Bret Hart", well read Ring of Hell, Sex Lies and Headlocks, or the Death of WCW. Every wrestler interview talked about how Bret had a very difficult time distiguishing pro wrestling from reality due to the fact that his father told him wrestling was real until he was in his mid teens, to the point that he was often made fun of by other wrestlers
The only person I can see Vince wrestling at 'Mania would be STING. Of course, if TNA re-signs him, it won't happen. My feeling behind this idea is I can see Vince coming out to hype WrestleMania being in Atlanta and talk about how he destroyed WCW. It would lead to lights flickering, Sting's old Crow music playing, lights go out and either he's in the ring when the lights come up or he repels into the ring from above and Scorpion Death Drops Vince. This leads to Vince vs. Sting at 'Mania with Sting winning, getting some "retribution" for WCW. I could be wrong, but as a huge Sting fan, I'd love to see him make an appearance or do a short run in the WWE.

There has been talk bout a WCW wing in the Hall of Fame starting this year. Also Vince does want to kick it off with Sting being the BIG ENTRY this year for it. So I would make one change with it and that would be have Sting reconize all the Big WCW names already in the Hall of Fame or that Vince has used in WWE. Then have Vince try to Discredit them and Sting respond by sayin well then WWE must be crappy itself to use them.
All you WWE fanatics complain about the old guys in TNA holding it down, but then you turn around and go on about how you want Vince to come back at Wrestlemania. You know WWE is in trouble when all its fans want a 65 year old promoter to get in the ring and hog up a spot that could be used to elevate all the potential superstars WWE has like Santino and Dolph Ziggler.

You made some good points, but please, don't generalize. One of the last things I want to see at Mania this year is Vince (and/or Mr. McMahon for that matter) stepping into the ring to wrestle AND I'm a "WWE fanatic". It's got "Bad Idea" written all over it & you pointed out some great reasons why, but I don't know where you got the idea that it's over with the majority, because I'm not seeing a whole lot of argument in it's favor in this thread. Only three people offered ideas for opponents, and two of them didn't do so until after you posted. So please, try to be considerate of the rest of us, otherwise, it's no different than a WWE mark going on & on about TNA recycling washed-up WWE talent & saying that all the TNA marks are fans of has-beens for example.

I'm sure Vince will have some on-air role, and I'm expecting it to involve Nexus & the anonymous Raw GM. I wouldn't be surprised if Vince gets hit with someone's finisher & takes a bump, but that should be the extent of his physical, in-ring involvement. Plus, we all know that he's trying to get an athlete or celebrity to do a guest spot, and whoever he's able to get could also very well determine what his on-air role will be. He definitely has a couple options as to how he can involve himself in the show of shows in front of him.
I don't know, I kinda think he should hang up the boots for good though. Even though he is in good shape, he shouldn't be wrestling at his age especially at the big show. Besides it should be the youngster's time to shine. The reports of him going "all out this year" probably just refers to the event itself, rather than him wrestling in it.
I think they should set up a Vince vs Stephanie type sitiution without having him wrestle. Here is a scenario I might like to see.

Triple H returns at number 30 in the Royal Rumble match and the superstars left are, Nexus including CM Punk, Randy Orton and John Cena. Triple H comes out but does not enter the ring. Nexus beats down Cena and Orton. They eliminate Orton then Triple H comes in with his sledgehammer. Nexus backs off and he plants Cena with a shot from the sledgehammer. He picks Cena up and eliminates him. All of Nexus jumps over the top rope and leaves Triple H as the winner. The next night on Raw Triple H announces that he wasn't the one who was behind Nexus but he certainly had something to do with them. He says that next week the mastermind of Nexus will be at Raw.

The next week on Raw, Triple H and the rest of Nexus come out to the ring at the end of the show. The mastermind behind Nexus comes out and it is Stephanie McMahon. She says, that she appointed Punk the new leader because Barrett couldn't get the job done. She said, she created the Nexus to kill the company her dad created. She claims that she was behind them taking out her dad, Cena, Undertaker, and everyone else.

At the Elimination Chamber, The Undertaker returns to win the World Heavyweight championship. Triple H picks Taker to face at WrestleMania because he wants to do what his friend couldn't do and end The Undertaker's streak.

Vince comes back and asks why Stephanie did it. She comes out and says that Vince and Linda favored Shane over her and that her parents were giving the company to Shane when Vince dies. She says if the company wasn't given to her then she wanted to step up and take it. Vince and Stephanie would feud and it is announced that Stephanie will be in Triple H's corner and Vince will be in Undertaker's corner.

Shawn Michaels comes back to wish Triple H good luck in his match but Triple H has Nexus come out and they attack HBk. Triple H and HBK and Taker feud untill Wrestlemania and HBK ends up refing the match.

So the outcome is Triple H with Stephanie vs Undertaker with Vince and HBK is the special guest referee.

Of course Taker would win becoming 19-0
Im thinking the RAW GM goes up against Vince because the gm let Nexus beat the hell outta Vince...maybe his representative is Brock Lesnar?

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