Vince McMahon on Twitter: WHATTA MANEUVER!?


Team Finnley Baylor
Tonight, we found out that Vince McMahon has a Twitter account. He then used Twitter to say he'll be making a "big reveal" Friday night. I, for one, think that the WWE's use of Social Media's too much, because pro wrestling as a whole has depended on 'the less we know, the better' kinds of booking for a while. Now with Tout, Twitter, and other Social Media outlets, it's as if the WWE's becoming too exposed.

Guess this is a two part question.

1) What are your thoughts on Vince McMahon being on Twitter?

2) Is WWE's exposure on Social Media too much? Why or Why not?
What makes you think it's McMahon himself using his Twitter and why does it matter if he does?

Yes, WWE is shoving social media down our throats too damn much. Social media out the ass. It's like someone told Vince it's good and, since he has no clue on how it works since he was born in the 1920's, he decided that moderation is for stupid people and that the sheep will automatically latch on to this "hip" thing social media.

They're not using it in a clever way, they're not being creative with it and there's no particular use of it. What does WWE do on social media that is so great? Nothing.

I wish they would shut the fuck up about it and stop thinking it actually changes that much. So you were trending on Twitter. Big deal, so was #dickcheese the other day.
It's technology, it's the future. They're trying to cater to everyone and let's not forget that social media is a good way to spread the word for various things. Sports atheletes use social media, and hell even their respective sports team they play for has different social media accounts from Twitter to Facebook. They do it to reach out to fans more and keep them more in the loop with things etc. Another example is, it's no different than someone trying to make it big (like an artist or web designer for example) and using social media to get their face out there. It's nothing but positives IMO. Then again, I don't think it's a big deal, but some people will find anything to whine about.
It's technology, it's the future. They're trying to cater to everyone and let's not forget that social media is a good way to spread the word for various things. Sports atheletes use social media, and hell even their respective sports team they play for has different social media accounts from Twitter to Facebook. They do it to reach out to fans more and keep them more in the loop with things etc. Another example is, it's no different than someone trying to make it big (like an artist or web designer for example) and using social media to get their face out there. It's nothing but positives IMO. Then again, I don't think it's a big deal, but some people will find anything to whine about.

There's a difference between usage and usage 'till annoyance. They've had entire segments plugging Tout or Twitter, it's inserted in segments at random killing the flow of a promo or whatever's going on. It's taking away from the program with the crappy little plugs. It's no different than them plugging Subway sandwich or whoever's sponsoring them.

It's definitely good for business, but it's damn annoying when it's overdone.
It's technology, it's the future.

What does that have to do with the fact that the WWE overdoes it on their television programs?

Of course I expect them to utilize twitter to keep fans' interest in between shows and to promote certain things. But the force-feeding of it on RAW has gotten ridiculous.

Now, on RAW we see Michael Cole holding up his cell phone camera and recording Jerry Lawler doing a "tout". If you're watching RAW, what is the point of then going on "Tout" to see the stupid 15 second video that you just saw being recorded?

I also think the "twitter feed" at the bottom of the screen is useless. Mostly because the "tweets" are useless. Nothing of substance. If the guys used twitter to push storylines and trash-talk each other, thats one thing, but there seems to be no point to it OTHER than to use twitter.

This isn't "finding a reason to whine about anything". Its a valid complaint. Again, this board is filled with apologists who act like defense lawyers anytime someone criticizes something in the WWE.
You know if any of you have seen WWE Legends Roundtable: The Most Important Moments, you will surely remember what Ric Flair listed as his. It was when McMahon came out and basically admitted to an international audience, that his genre is scripted. Looking back this does look like somewhat Nostradomous by McMahon as in the coming era, media was gonna so overexpose the industry, to an extent where posing it as "real" would be absolutely impossible.

I appreciate the Punks of today who have to stay in character most of the time to make sure people think of him as a prick, so he does get some genuine heat. Now you have to go that extra mile to make believe boo you as 'a bad guy'. It is tougher than the olden days where media and coverage wasn't this huge and expansive.

Coming back, I think what VKM did then was genius, or a great stroke of luck, or a calculated necessity. These days the Touts and Tweets get on my nerve, but some guys are genuinely funny on twitter (from what I read), and it's here to stay for a while.

Till Hologram laptops take over!!!
Haven't watched Raw yet but I think it would probably be a WWE employee operating the Twitter account and not Vince himself. He likely has a shitload of stuff on his plate as it is. If it was Vince, he would probably be the worst at "RTing" or replying to tweets. (Unless you're saying really great things about current day WWE, but even that is kind of "iffy.") He would probably be bombarded with tweets saying "End the PG era" and the like. Could he deal with that? You can't even comment on some of their Youtube shows (And the ones that do have to be approved so we have to play nice.) so I kind of wonder. Vince doesn't seem like he'd be a big internet guy either.

Yes, the social media crap is overbearing. Those damn tweets that scroll across the bottom of the screen during Raw are so distracting. I can't even read them unless I'm wearing glasses. (Damn vision is going to Hell.) Social Media Smackdown, Touts involving fans (Does anyone care about that?), the announcers talking about social media and involving the WWE Universe on Twitter that determines a wrestler's opponent between three choices. Enough is enough. Some people don't even Tout or Twitter accounts.
1) What are your thoughts on Vince McMahon being on Twitter?

About time, old man! Now make a facebook page so we can be friends!

2) Is WWE's exposure on Social Media too much? Why or Why not?

Not at all. They were pushing it too hard, too fast at first, but now it's well integrated. It still annoys me at times, but I can't help but think that Twitter is stupid, and I only have a Facebook because it's an easy way to collate the friends that I've made throughout my myriad travels.

This is a new age, and WWE has moved into it. While many in the IWC still look at TV ratings like that means as much as it used to, WWE and most media organizations have realized that the attention of the modern American/Canadian/Aussie/Western European is irreversibly fractured. That means, the only way to grab a lot of eyeballs is to be everywhere- TV, online, print, what have you. Frankly, my hat is off to WWE. They derided the internet for as long as they could, but once they woke up to it's power, they made a full-court press, and now they've even got the old man himself a Twitter account.
And by the way, they need to stop showing fans' touts on RAW. It's cringe-worthy. It's like they go out of their way to find the most pathetic marks they can find and show those touts.
Vince on twitter is the end of those nice rants from people like Ziggler and Ryder unfortunately. Big Brother is watching now lol. However this technology is 13 years too late. I would have loved for the mcmahon that was feuding with WCW and tried to divorce his wife to have been on Twitter.

WWE's plugging of social media would probably go over better if before they mention it they say

"And now a word from our sponsors"

What everyone fails to get is they aren't mentioning this for the sake of name dropping. They are being paid, not innovative. As stated earlier, the whole core of wrestling revolves around less is more. I hope they are doing this for the kids because it is overkill how much it's integrated into their product now.
Tonight, we found out that Vince McMahon has a Twitter account. He then used Twitter to say he'll be making a "big reveal" Friday night.

So he's finally stealing Dixie Carters schtick, took him long enough.

1) What are your thoughts on Vince McMahon being on Twitter?

I don't really care I follow a handful of wrestlers on twitter, & that's about it, Vinnie Mac is not a guy whom I would ever care enough about what he has to say off camera to follow him on my twittah machine.

2) Is WWE's exposure on Social Media too much? Why or Why not?

Yeah, it's a bit annoying, but this is what they do, they do it with anything they're involved with, we've seen it with video games, movies, Sonic, Subway, etc. WWE is always gonna be a company that shoves their projects & sponsors down your throat, at a certain point you get used to & just zone out on those segments, or change the channel for few mins.
Tonight, we found out that Vince McMahon has a Twitter account. He then used Twitter to say he'll be making a "big reveal" Friday night. I, for one, think that the WWE's use of Social Media's too much, because pro wrestling as a whole has depended on 'the less we know, the better' kinds of booking for a while. Now with Tout, Twitter, and other Social Media outlets, it's as if the WWE's becoming too exposed.

Guess this is a two part question.

1) What are your thoughts on Vince McMahon being on Twitter?

2) Is WWE's exposure on Social Media too much? Why or Why not?

For me personally, the Social Media stuff does get to be a little much sometimes. But, then again, I'm someone who doesn't really avail myself of Social Media all that much. I don't do Touts or have a Twitter account and I probably never will. As for Vince, hell, I had no idea he wasn't on Twitter. As much as he's been slobbin' the knob of Social Media the past few years, I figured he was right smack in the middle of it himself.

That being said though, look at how crazy damn near everyone else seems to be over it. Television networks and movie studios make constant use of Social Media to promote their products. Damn near every actor, athlete, reality television star, reality television show, animated shows, etc. uses Social Media like Twitter and the various other outlets.

On top of all that, Social Media itself is about to have a massive impact on how television ratings are measured. Beginning this fall, Nielsen is going to start incorporating viewership not only from television but from the various other outlets that are available like I-Pads, smart phones and various other mobile devices. I don't know how they're able to do it but Social Media outlets & devices have made so much of an impact on television that ratings are going to be changed to include that.

If all this goes down like it's supposed to, based on what I've read, then WWE could see an overall massive increase in viewership. WWE has positioned itself extremely well during the Social Media revolution and it looks like Vince's foresight could pay off big time for WWE.
Vince McMahon is priceless, both the character and the real man. I just have my fingers crossed that he personally uses the account instead of it being in his name and he has a lackey using it on his behalf. I eagerly anticipate his first faux pas.

The constant plugging of social media can get tiresome, but it's just a phase. I put up with a lot of annoying things in WWE, promoting Twitter is just one of them.
First off, I hate all this social media crap, like this # that, its just bollocks really. But the main point I would like to make is that Vince has been on Twitter for weeks now and other wrestlers have been tweeting him (or whoever runs the account) so the only thing that makes me wonder is why has it taken so long for WWE to acknowledge it? I also cant believe out of 10+ posts on this thread that no one else has even picked up on it
1.l I fast forward through all the bullshit anyways so it doesn't affect me. Raw is always on my DVR...rarely watch it live. But knowing them...yes they probably do advertise it too much.

2. They have 3 hours of programming on Raw...there needs to be filler and lots of it. Don't watch Smackdown, do they advertise it on there too? Vince didn't get to be where he is by being dumb....he's a wizard when it comes to promoting and advertising. The XFL and WBF...not so much.

3. Vince does the best job he can with keeping the product current. By that I mean keeping it mainstream. Whats IN. What's hip. Of course, like Shawn and Hunter once said in an interview, Vince doesn't know what's cool anymore...and they had to show the way. (Regarding AE.)

4. Twitter is just a phase...until something new comes out. Anyone remember the WWF Hotline??? :D

5.. Lastly......I'll be a monkey's uncle if that's actually Vince himself on the other side of that twitter account!
I will applaud the WWE for moving with technology. However they are pushing it too damn much. It feels forced as opposed to natural. When you have Jerry Lawler give a tutorial on how to download an app, you're forcing it.
I use to be huge into social media and "technology" however the older I get the more and more I hate it. I can understand WWE craming Tout down our throats over and over and over again. WWE is an investor in the company. Ofcourse they want it to succeed so they are going to shove it down our throats to make sure it does. WWE fans/kids don't know that so they follow along.

That is WWE's quick cut of their panel at this year's South by Southwest Festival/Conference. I wish I could find a video of the panel discussion itself. I maintain that what WWE is doing isn't too much. Like I said, I'm (and probably many of you) are relatively old fans. If not old in age, then at least in the mindset towards pro wrestling. The thing is about that is, though, we're still just fans. No disrespect to anyone or even to myself for that matter, but I doubt many of us have the knowledge or have done the research to say that what they're doing is too much. We can say for ourselves that we don't like it, but what they're doing is probably going to pay dividends down the road. When things are "forced down [people's] throats" people may complain at first, but eventually those people swallow what they're being fed. It's at the same time subliminal as well. If they say it enough, just casually, it'll get stuck in your head without you wanting or trying to recieve what they're saying.

So yeah, it's annoying at times, but such is marketing. I can't stand Flo, the Progressive Insurance lady, but put her in a line-up with a dozen other pasty, smiley, brunette women, and I bet I could pick her out on the first try... and I don't even watch that much TV.
I love that Vince is on twitter

Am I annoyed? Not at all. I listen to Jim Rome, I watch tv, I like sports. It's hash tag mania. It's just a part of being a media company. Get over it if you're behind the times. It's never going to he 1998 again, make your life today better and stop wishing for the past.
Vince on Twitter is no where near as bad as Michael Cole teaching us how to use the WWE Active app, atleast 5 times on Raw!
I honestly hate any wrestling personality on Twitter or any type of social media so I'm not huge on Vince being on Twitter. I understand that its the way of the world and I don't blame Vince or anyone for being on Facebook or Twitter but it takes something away from wrestling in my opinion and its other things as well. I'm just saying its hard to hate Henry when one moment he's beating on some face then I see him combating bullying in the be a star campaign, in a way I feel its counter productive to trying to make Henry a top heel.

In todays world how an athlete or celebrity carries himself in the real world greatly affects public perception of them, I don't agree with that thought process, I feel people should separate work on tv from real life but it doesn't work that way. Take what happened to Vick or Tiger Woods for example, or Jeff Hardy, in all cases their popularity was greatly hampered by their real life problems.

Twitter is a problem with that too. Call me old school but I liked not knowing how Piper was in real life or the Million Dollar man, I wanted to know but it sucks when you find out Piper is a good human being for example, you immediately don't hate them as much. The suspension of disbelief is what makes wrestling truly great in my opinion and Twitter destroys that in my opinion. Wrestlings a lot better when you believe Hogan is the greatest guy ever and Rick Rude is a cocky, arrogant prick, my opinion.

If they always stayed in character and used Twitter to reinforce what you see on TV I wouldn't mind but that doesn't happen and its a simple psychology thing that takes the believability out of wrestling. In the old days you may not have believed wrestling was real but you believed something about it was, even if it was a certain wrestler was a jerk.

Best way i can put it is this: When I was 8 bret and owen feuded, my 15 year old step brother knew they weren't kicking each others asses for real but he believed they really hated each other which made the feud more captivating.
They might be pushing it a tad too much with the social media.

But for them to not use it would be stupid. It helps spread word of there product and connect with fans. You do realize that all major television shows and networks are now intergrated with social networking? Turn on NFL Network or ESPN and they are looking and showing fan tweets all the time. It's good to engage the people in your product.

Vince McMahon could turn his company around if he listened to our tweets. I know the only reason I even tweet is an attempt to change the world. Usually I tweet at Vince, Stephanie, or HHH and complain to them about what I hate. Usually John Cena or Michael Cole. I like to think I have the power to influence them, and if they read my tweet, then chances are I have.

If a bunch of people tweet to Triple H and Steph about what they want changed, they'll take note. Unless it isn't them, in which case their twitter accounts are tv channels attempting to sell to us constantly.

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