Vince finally figured it out


Dark Match Winner
At a recent WWE creative team meeting Vince yelled "God Dammit why can't we make new stars". Now I want your opnions on how to fix this problem. My solution goes like this

1.Expand the Ecw timeslot and move it to another channel they can also add a mid-card title it can give guys like TBK,goldust,Ezikiel Jackson, and Kozlov somthing to do.
2.Trips needs to step down as well as Cena then guys like The Miz and Mvp could step up into the main-event.
3.On SD! Its the Opposite they have a lite ME all they have is Jo-mo,punk,and the hardys you can also send some guys to SD! to fill the blanks.
4.Lastly the WWE needs to utilize there talent properly I.e put chavo to do something other than this hornswoggle crap but if it was jus him and mark duking it out for a shot at the US title than fine. Carlito is Razor Ramon reincarnated they need to make carlito look more like a heel than a backstabber(no pun intended)

Those are my thoughts and opnions so what are yours???
WWE in my opinion from a product stand point, ie RAW, ECW, Superstars and Smackdown have potnetial to be great, Smackdown is already there, Superstars seems to getting a fair brush of talent, ecw is going the right way building up the younger talent, but a 2 hour time slot would be awesome, along with the ECW TV title, and push ECW as separate to SD and RAW.

The Main event scene is lacking at the precent but it doesn't help when you're pushing one of the best tag team in the last 8-9 years (Miz/Morrison) only to get jobbed out to Cena, had Miz of won one match, he'd of been catapulted to the main event level, Morrison WWE are doing the right thing with him, pushing him, not rushing his title win, having 2 pinfalls over the champion, he looks strong.

I go back to the King of the Ring, bring it back, have it has a PPV, it's the easiest and quickest way to build a new star.
Your idea for ECW was ok, but the rest of them I have to disagree with.

2. Trips and Cena are the two biggest stars, WHY WOULD THEY HAVE TO STEP DOWN!?!? No. What they need to do is SHARE the spotlight with guys like MVP, Jack Swagger, and The Miz.

3. They only have ONE Hardy on smackdown, because it's almost certain Jeff is going to be leaving. They don't even have enough stars TO send to smackdown, unless they shut down ECW.

4. The only thing they can do for Chavo at this point is MAYBE make his character more like Eddie, but that might not even save him. They have NOTHING to utilize Chavo with. The only reason he's still in the WWE is because he can be used as a comedy relief.

I can barely see where you're going with Carlito = Razor Ramon thing. As a matter of fact, I'm getting really tired of all the modern superstars getting compared to the superstars from back in the day, or just a few years ago.

John Cena is NOT the Rock OR Hulk Hogan.
Randy Orton is NOT Steve Austin.
John Morrison is NOT Shawn Michaels.
The Miz is NOT awesome.

The truth, WWE, is simple. PUSH MORE WRESTLERS! Don't allow just three wrestlers in the Heavyweight title picture!
Here are my suggestions in creating new stars, AND making current semi-main event stars permanent main-eventers.

1-ECW does need another title...I think a mid-card title would be great
for ECW. Most people view the ECW title as a mid-card title, BUT
it has been elevated with the recent title reigns of Christian and Tommy

2-Smackdown has the best feuds in my opinion. Hardy/Punk will probably end
after Summerslam. I expect Morrison to feud with Punk over the title in
the upcoming months. Then, I hope that Jericho takes the belt from
Morrison. Then Jericho can feud with Edge around WM...hopefully!
John Morrison can make the "step up" to permanent main-eventer by
feuding with talents like Jericho and Punk. Smackdown is looking really
good in the future!

3-RAW needs the most work. MVP, The Miz, & Jack Swagger should all be
featured in regular main-events. If WWE will actually give these guys a
"consistant" push, they'll have 3 solid main-eventers in just a few months.
BUT, for this happen; Cena, HHH, & Orton will have to have feuds without
the WWE title always being in play. The top talents need to SHARE the
spotlight to help create new stars.
RAW - we all are tired of Cena, HHH and Orton but they are what we have. MVP would be a great star to move to the Main Event but he needs an overhaul. He needs new ring attire and something to boost his popularity. You can not base his fan base on the "BALLIN' elbow." He comes out and maybe 25% of the crowd goes nuts. Since we have a heel champion, we can not have Swagger up there yet but I know he's there. To me, he could be the next Kurt Angle. Mark Henry could be in the main event too if he would squash Hornswoggle and become an instant heel. The Miz goes without question. He needs to be booked to beat Cena at least once. So we have the following on Raw ready in my mind:

1. MVP
2. Jack Swagger
3. Mark Henry
4. The Miz

Smackdown - they need more heels. They had to take CM Punk and make him one to balance it out. Mike Knox can do it, Dolph Ziggler is there too. We have Jericho and Big Show sharing the tag belts so when they lose them, they are split. You have the Harts or Cryme Tyme win them you have more stars there. John Morrison would have more of a fan base if his face turn was more than just Miz turning on him. So there are 2 on Smackdown I can see ready for Main Event Status:

1. Mike Knox
2. Dolph Ziggler

ECW - They need more people. The roster only has a handful of guys. When they announced Regal as #1 Contender, I guess that right since there were only like one other heel they didn't have in a match that night. Zack Ryder is ready to contend. We saw that against Christian. Paul Burchill needs to be wrestling more and Katie Lea needs to be the reason why he is hated. She looks to me the next Sensational Sherri (look at the recent lightening bolt make up) so they need to be on television more to book him as a Barry Windam-type wrestler. Tough as nails, likes to beat people up, etc. They need to pair Yoshi Tatsu with the Hurricane like the Green Hornet and Kato and make them a tag team. Sheamus is my favorite in the new talent. Get him more of a gimmick and use the Celtic Warrior to it's full potential and you have a really good heel too.

1. Zack Ryder
2. Paul Burchill
3. Sheamus
your thread lost all credibility the moment you said "1.Expand the Ecw timeslot and move it to another channel they can also add a mid-card title it can give guys like TBK"

first off he wasn't even on ECW....2nd he was fired/released a week ago

I think all of your ideas would be a waste and no doing anyone any good....
you want to make new stars but want Golddust and Chavo to have more TV time?
I'm confused....

and you want to bury to two most popular wrestlers in the WWE in HHH and Cena....that makes lots of sense, you should email Vince on that one too....
First of all, I don't get it, how can everyone see The Miz as World Champ? I can't see him touching the WWE Championship with a 10ft pole. I think the only way possible would be if The Miz were to change his Gimmick. But right now, can't see it happening.


What you all seem to forget is, is that Triple H is no longer in the Title Picture, he is DX now, were he will probably stay for a good 6months if not more, so with that he and Shawn now can build up talent. While in the Main Event you have Orton and Cena, Swaggers gonna be coming in soon, MVP is gonna be there, and once Y2J/Show are done you then have Show. Plus in my mind I truly believe that Ted Dibiase jr. Is going to win the Rumble, so theres a 6th Main Eventer on Raw who's not named Triple H or Shawn Michaels. Not to mention that when Batista comes back that makes 7.

This one is hard to comment on, its hard because whenever I comment on ECW all I want too say is bring back the old ECW. Which I know wont happen. But it does generate good talent( Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, CM Punk). So I think maybe a network change, maybe over to TNT or Spike instead of Sy-Fy Network would do wonders for this brand, and increase its TV slot to 2hours, and for got sakes MAKE IT EXTREME!!!!!
But I think maybe adding a belt could happen but Ill tell you how after.

Smackdown! is currently the best show, lets not lie, it is as much as Vince hates the Idea it is, I meen its soo good that Vince is appearing more on Smackdown! then Raw. But Smackdown! problem isnt the talent, its the Main Event Talent thats the problem. Now the one big move that has to happen is Christian to Smackdown! When it will happen I have no clue what so ever. Smackdown has Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy,Matt Hardy, The Undertaker, John Morrison. Ill minus Jeff Hardy and add Chris Jericho and that makes 6 anyway. Difference of 3 Main Eventers. So what to do? Simple. Put Christian on Smackdown, maybe bring back Batista to Smackdown!,that gives you 8 guys on Smackdown and 8 guys on Raw. Fair and square. Plus Smackdown! is the brand were people can grow and become Main Eventers easier then on Raw.

Overall Change

Raw- Nothing. Don't change, Vince sees how bad it is over there right now, thats why DX is back because now they can develop tag teams with Y2J/Show. And that still leaves them with about 4-6 other Main Eventers.

ECW- Bring back RVD with the ECW TV Title, RVD isn't the ultimate Hardcore Original hes been in WWE before, bring him back and move ECW to a different Network and 2hours please.

Smackdown!- Just move a couple of guys around like Christian and Batista back, they have a good young core, I.E Ziggler's feud with Mysterio is gonna put him over, plus theres still R-Truth and The Hart Foundation.
well first off tbk is gone, second the ecw thing is ok but the whole point of ecw is to bring people from fcw to the main roster and get them noticed and adding another title would not work wwe has enough titles as it is i loved it when they united the tag titles cause now whats left of the tag divison has to work for a shot, thats y i think they should unify the two heavyweight titles and have it like when y2j won and get rid of the stupid divas title, and i dont think that everyone is ready for cena and hhh to step down maybe move them or have them set back for a while yes. and as far as carlito being compared to razor not this guy cant compete with razor he really has no gimick any more a midcarder for ever is what he will be.
I can see a 2 hour ECW. I know it is for up and comers but at the same time you want to have a few notible wrestlers like Christian, Regal, and Goldust to draw a fanbase that way people will see the new guys. I think with a 2 hour slot they can fit in more storylines. I agree with adding the ECW TV title, I'd give it to Goldust he needs a push because I think he still has what it takes and the storylines you can do with him are almost unlimited. That leaves a ECW title storyline, a tv title storyline, and still be able to push new guys in between. I like when new stars show up and ECW has already been the stepping stone for CM Punk, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingstong, amongst others.

So to close I think they should open up ECW (and yes maybe change the TV Station). This could help to push more stars, that seem to be left out of the loop by loosing all the time like Goldust and Burchill.
Smackdown, at the moment, is golden. They are doing these great things without Edge and The Undertaker, two bonafide Main Eventers. By the time they come back, Smackdown in its current form is going to be sitting pretty. I think it actually HELPS Smackdown that Jeff Hardy is leaving for a while (if he indeed does). That opens up a huge spot at the top for John Morrison, and then Morrison's spot will need to be filled as well. You could bump R-Truth up to upper mid-card, and have Morrison be a regular Main Eventer. Upgrade Knox to feud with Taker on his return, and then you already have a new handful of guys fresh and ready to go. (Morrison, Knox, Dolph, and R-Truth).

Raw, again, would be an easy fix. They have the talent, they just don't utilize it correctly. They brought over Mark Henry and gave him a pin over the WWE Champion. Now, he's teaming with Hornswoggle. Mark Henry was (and actually still is) very over, and a match between he and Orton at Summerslam would've made more sense. Not only does it freshen up the WWE Title scene, but it actually would allow Orton to win the feud in the long run without dropping the title. It elevates Henry to Main Event level, and keeps Cena/HHH out of the title equation. Guys like Carlito, MVP, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, now Chris Masters, and The Miz...that is a very strong mid-card. If they could get enough time to focus on matches, Raw would start to reap more profits in terms of guys getting over. What happens is they just rotate the main event, and never elevate anyone. They have the crop there TO elevate, they just have to pull the trigger.

ECW is perfect for what it is. Nationally televised developmental territory. They have tons of older talents on this show (Christian, Regal, Shelton, Goldust, Dreamer) and they have a wealth of young up and comers (Sheamus, Burchill, Ezekiel, Reks, Ryder, Washington). The show is weekly very good, and it wouldn't be hard to have a 1-hour show with about 10 legitimate title threats. They just need to book it like that. Instead of having Kozlov and Ezekiel pound on jobbers, give them matches. Have Christian defend the ECW title OFTEN on TV. Have a couple of titles changes ON TV. Create a real anything can happen atmosphere, where guys like Burchill could potentially win the ECW title on TV to create some buzz.
1.Expand the Ecw timeslot and move it to another channel they can also add a mid-card title it can give guys like TBK,goldust,Ezikiel Jackson, and Kozlov somthing to do.
I wouldn’t mind if ECW was given an extra 30 minutes or an hours, but it’s not something they desperately need. They are doing just fine with the hour they have right now and a lot of guys are getting featured. I like the ECW show and it tends to be entertaining most of the times, so I wouldn’t mind extra time for it, but adding more time to the show is not the solution to the problem and it’s not desperately needed.
2.Trips needs to step down as well as Cena then guys like The Miz and Mvp could step up into the main-event.
Your thread has absolutely any credibility it had. Are you actually suggesting that two of the biggest draws in the company step down to give guys who can’t draw a penny their spots? This is the silliest idea I have ever heard. The WWE is a business that makes money. John Cena and Triple H make them a lot of money with merchandise sales, pay per view buys, e.t.c. Vince McMahon loves money and he isn’t going to make his biggest money-makers step down from their positions to only be replaced by 2 current mid-carders. It just baffles me that you would even suggest for them to step down.
3.On SD! Its the Opposite they have a lite ME all they have is Jo-mo,punk,and the hardys you can also send some guys to SD! to fill the blanks.
Right now, Smackdown doesn’t need more main eventers. They have Matt Hardy who recently returned, The Undertaker who is going to return soon, Chris Jericho is an on/off main eventer, there is also guys like Mysterio and Ziggler who could main event every once in a while, and the guys you mentioned. What they need is more mid-carders. That’s the only thing I see the Smackdown brand is lacking.
4.Lastly the WWE needs to utilize there talent properly I.e put chavo to do something other than this hornswoggle crap but if it was jus him and mark duking it out for a shot at the US title than fine. Carlito is Razor Ramon reincarnated they need to make carlito look more like a heel than a backstabber(no pun intended)
I don’t think they are misusing their talent for the most part. They are something they could change like not having wrestlers job to Hornswaggle, but for the most part they are using their talent accordingly. Most have a purpose and they will continue doing what they do with them because that’s what they are there for.
Those are my thoughts and opnions so what are yours???
I think that they are doing a pretty good so far with building new stars and they haven’t done a lot of wrong. The only thing I would suggest is build up Legacy better but other than that they are not doing much wrong with the way they are making new stars.
in my opinion they should separate the shows more to even the Pay per views, back in the day when it was just one company and had no competition they had one world title, one mid card title and tag team titles, now they have 3 world titles, 2 mid card titles and one tag. It gives no credibility to any of the titles except maybe the tags. What they should do is if they want to keep all the belts separate the shows completely to where they even have their own pay per views and the compete against eachother cause that is all the competition they have.

Have Raw with the guys it has but make the US Title defended more often than just at ppv's.

Smackdown the same thing make the IC title what it use to be where stars would fight hard over it like they did with guys like Mr. Perfect and Bret Hart, these guys fought over the title like it was their life and these guys soared to the main event, granted Mr. Perfect never won the big title but he was a in the main scene.

These titles are supposed to be the 2nd biggest titles and they are treated with no prestige at all right now, with no hard fought back and forth storytelling matches.

For ECW i agree it need to be 2 hours long with a TV title brought back in to the mix because you cant have 12 guys trade spots for the world title it does nothing to the program to build from.

These are my opinions
ok smackdown is for right now in a good position punk and hardy are making it very interesting to watch and morrison is really gettin ready to make his peak and when edge and taker return smackdown might be the show to watch.
ECW i just got done watching it by DVR and lets see what is there to say Abraham Wasshington show what a waste of freakin time its dumb somebody puts some tights on him and lets see what he can do in the ring. A thing that bothered me about it was his dumb jokes its stupid. Also Jackson and Koslov im personally sick of seeing them beat up jobbers forever these two need to fight eachother thats what everybody wants to see. I mean how did Koslov go from versing HHH and Hardy for the title all the way back to beating up jobbers. Another hour would do them a tremendous help but the hour they got really needs to be perfected.

Last But not least raw personally i dont think any of those mid carders are readdy for main event MVP, Swagger, Bourne, Kingston i do not i repeat do not see them feuding with any main event name on raw lets say Survivor Series main event for raw is MVP vs Randy Orton for the WWE championship gimme a break while all four of those guys are talented none are quite ready to go against the maineventers

The Greatness,
J. Spivez
I see alot of people agreeing for once on this board - and Im glad. ECW does need another hour and title added to it - so we dont get abunch of squash matches - we'll be able to see more than one solid match. I think they also need to ship some unique talent who arent being used on the other brands. Like Chavo - he was top heel when he was on ECW - why not make him top face (or another heel either way)? And we can get people like R-Truth ( who I just read isnt getting a push because of his age ). He'd work perfect on ECW - helping younger talent get up there, well at the same time getting his spotlight too. Call me crazy but I wanna see a Helms ECW title reign ha

As for SD! - they really dont need much else - what their doing so far has been excellent. But with Hardy leaving soon - we'll definitely see a shooting star in John Morrison.

RAW - ugh - the talent they have packed on that show is gushing out of their pores. But maybe it's just alittle too much for the writers of RAW to handle - they should either shoot some to SD/ECW - or really get their asses writing ha
Evan Bourne - Swagger - MVP = not ready for a title but definitely ready to compete for it. Major feuds and finally winning it will light up the future for the WWE. They need to realize that they dont have to rush everything - its okay to take it slow sometimes. People want a hype - their fucking craving for it.
WWE needs to start taking some chances on some guys. Put some guys in ME on Raw or Smackdown and see how they do. Put R-Truth in a match with Punk. Could you imagine the promos between the 2? Its a storyline that would make sense. Put Henry in some more ME, as well as MVP and Swagger. Just try it. Everyone here is clamouring for change, so lets see some. Take the guys who are over, like the ones mentioned, and do something. Truth is still rediculously over and hes been doing the same thing forever. But if this happens, no bitching. Dont beg for new stars, then bitch about it.
The issue is not about whats wrong with brands etc... but theyre is not pushing what they are doing right enough...

This weeks RAW was a good step in the right direction, Regal as ECW contender is long overdue and will hopefully elevate Christian to the point where he is a serious contender to move to Smackdowns main event...

SD is quickly becoming WWE's most compelling show... through embracing their best traits... Great athleticism, great matches... but WWE still cannot capitalise on these positves yet...

WWE is clearly in an experimental phase. it shows in the fluid nature of the shows and the chaotic nature of the Guest host on RAW...

The one thing WWE has gotten totally right in recent months is the Unifying of the tag titles... it shows the direction they must go... Rosters should be set according to brand, but champions should ALL wrestle on each show... if that means unifying more belts, so be it... Show and Jericho on all shows is working great... so why should Rey and Kofi not follow suit... Then there is your 2nd title for ECW...

Superstars as a show... is working... the alternative is a TV title that is defended EVERY WEEK on the 4 shows.. It would be expected to have a much higher turnover of champions, but for most newer talent it would be their first chance to wield a belt, and to defeat a "star" to get it... Yoshi Tatsu v Birchall for example, if a TV title was involved... would be a very exciting feud...

The good thing WWE is doing is trying different stuff... they seem to know its stale and needs shaking up... but they are gonna have to experiment to get the right formula... for once it isn't innate in Vince McMahon's mind... THAT'S why he is freaking out...
I keep readin the same crap over and over again and its getting annoying.. Sry guys... Here's my opinions on each brand like everyone else:

ECW: the only thing I'd do is add half an hour.. That's it.. Ecw is here to groom stars for raw and smackdown and it has done nothin but a great job at doing so. No more titles.. I wish they had a mid title but if u think about it, just one title with over 20 guys going after it, it adds so much to that title.. And fyi, they can't go to spike cause of tna and can't go to tnt or tbs cause those stations don't want wrestling after wcw and they r now competition.. And guys just forget the extreme part of ecw.. That's over so drop it..

Smackdown: I have recently gone to a smackdown ecw show here in ny and I have to say smackdown is kick ass.. What do u want? Womens title has competition building with melina and eve dominating the faces and maria looks like shell be heal soon with layla and michelle.. Mid card for the ic title is perfect.. You already have kane khali ziggler mysterio r truth finlay and knox all taking care of it.. And as of right now you have cm punk and jeff taking good care of the heavyweight division with matt hardy and morrison lookin to add their names soon to that list.. That show is building.. The only thing I'd do to this show is add some more interviews and backstage segments to build more out of these future stars..

RAW: get new backstage crew.. Stop using grishem and mathews.. Spend alittle cash and use it to pay two new interview guys.. Build up new backstage segments and have john cena fued with swagger and orton fued with mvp.. Have henry and carlito fued cause imp they did a good job few weeks ago.. Primo bourne kingston chavo and others can fill up the us title seen and even santino should start being thrown into it because besides his crazyness he is a great wrestler and they need to learn how to put both in one.. The divas title will get better fueds with kim and mickie now going at it and kim being heel?? Thatll be great cause she was good as one in the beginning of her career.. That's my opinion
I think one thing the WWE needs to improve upon are the commentators. It's all just kinda bland mostly, there's no heel commentator anymore. It's all frictionless mutual dick suckery among those guys.

The WWE really needs to try and get Smackdown moved to a better network. From what I've read in the past, it seems that half the people on these forums don't get the My Network TV channel. I'm thinking that's the case because SD used to flirt with the 3's in the Nielsen Ratings most airings and since they're switch, they have to struggle to get a 2 despite the fact that the show is better than it's been in a long time.

As for Raw, I generally like the way things are going on Raw. Some people hate the guest host thing, I like it personally and it seems I'm not the only one. Ever since the thing started, Raw has been done above a 3.5 in the ratings. I think Piven's show was the lowest thus far at 3.55, which is still a pretty good number.
Sorry Jack, but I'm gonna have to disagree with your first point. It's McMahon's decree that the announcers be stoic. Lawler and JR are great: they have years of fantastic commentary to show for that. Striker seems to know plenty about the business and has a bit of personality to boot. Hell, even "Vintage" Michael Cole is good when he's put together with a big, bad color commentator a la JBL or Tazz.

I do agree with J-H, however, in believing that SmackDown! getting back on a better network could be crucial to making new stars. More exposure leads to more people recognizing someone, and it simply snowballs from there. More midcard talent from RAW (which could have come to SD! during the Trump Tri-Brand Trade) could also give the show a bit more depth.

Vinnie Mac has taken a step in the right direction by trying to revitalize the tag team division with the likes of DX, Jericho, Edge (well, for a short time), and Big Show. This will help give some exposure to new talent in tag team bouts until they reach the top of the ladder and go on to try and prove themselves against JeriShow or DX.
Why do people consistantly insist that the main event picture on Raw change? Yes, it's getting slightly boring having the three best in the show going at each other all the time, which is why this DX return is actually something I'm looking forward to... This is how it should be. Vets vs The Young Stars.

But to say that Cena and Triple H should step down? That's ridiculous.

Just look at Smackdown! People hated it when CM Punk was given the belt. His first run was terribly unsuccessful... his second was no better. I personally think it's a bit shit to see CM Punk who's been there all of 5 minutes beating Jeff Hardy for the belt when Jeff has had to wait 10 years for that spot. I'm sure other fans see it in the same way.

So should MVP or Jack Swagger win the WWE Title on Raw before the end of the year? Christ, I hope not. That would be awful.

CJ's Post SummerSlam wishes:

Orton, Cena and Triple H do need to do different things after Summerslam though.
Triple H could stay working with Rhodes and/or DiBiase (dependent on the future of Legacy - Preferably DiBiase).
MVP and Swagger should continue beyond SummerSlam and into a match at Breaking Point. That'd be a great match for Swagger to come out of with a win. He should be able to look fantastic and in turn set him up for a feud against Shawn Michaels or John Cena.
Cena's Immediate Post-SS plans should be away from Randy Orton... I really want to say another feud with Jericho based on Monday's actions and put him in a Tag Titles feud... but who as his partner? Not Orton before you start... but who else? The Miz? Maybe.
Shawn Michaels could go for a title shot after Summerslam... I fully expect Orton to retain at Summerslam by the way. It'd keep him with DX in the VS Legacy storyline and it fits with Triple H's comments before the NOC Triple Threat Match "I don't care who is champion as long as Randy Orton isn't" Who better that his best friend. I really enjoyed their Survivor Series 07 match. It can be better this time. Orton has a different character.

In the long run, I hope for Shawn to turn heel and go to Smackdown! I think a heel run with the belt would be awesome!
So im gonna start off with ECW since this is where the new guys are made into up incoming stars..

So i agree with moving CHRISTIAN to SD! i think he's established himself as TOP DAWG over on ECW and i believe he will fit in well with the main evet mix over on SD!
As for the ECW TITLE now, have Christian feud with Shelton Benjamin at the ppv after SummerSlam and drop the title to him and find some way to send him off to SD!
While all this is going on with the ECW TITLE Zeke and Kozlov can be feuding and eventually both go after Shelton for the title which will lead to a 3 Way feud that can go on till the end of the Year with either of the 3 coming out on top.
The ECW TV TITLE! bring it back and have a TOURNAMENT FOR IT
in the end have GOLDUST and SHEAMUS feud for it Sheamus winning the belt and eventually Goldust beating him for it (have sheamus lose it in a way where it doesn't bring him down so eventually he can feud for the ECW TITLE.
Have REGAL form a faction with Burchill, Gabriel, & Katie Lea he can feud for the TV TITLE while the other 2 work on the tag titles.
as for the rest of the roster something good can be made of them just stop burrying good talent..leave jobbing to the actual jobbers!

RAW: DX vs LEGACY seems to be set for the rest of this year
Randy Orton retains at SS continue the feud with CENA have MARK HENRY squash HORNY and then throw HENRY in the WWE title mix to elevate him as a monster main event guy
Keep up with the Swagger MVP feud to build them up to the main event level so they will be ready by the beginning of the year
US TITLE? Kofi vs the Miz feud with the Miz eventually coming out on top!
MID CARDER FACES? Bourne, Primo, Santino..
MID CARD HEELS? Masters, Carlito, Chavo(stop using him as a joke) he has so much potential..move him back to ECW and build him up there if you have to.

So sad that JEFF is pretty much gonna be gone for a while..i would have loved to see a FATAL FOUR WAY FEUD with the 2 HARDYS, JOMO AND PUNK! LADDER MATCHH??? that would be amazing or even at HIAC! im getting to excited for this.anyways

PUNK wil most likely get the title have him feud with either MATT OR JOMO
either way with JOMO coming out on top which will then lead a feud with either JERICHO (after he drops the belts). PUNK AND HARDY FEUD
KANE comes up over KHALI which brings TAKER back to beat up BROTHER
then EDGE & CHRISTIAN feud????

REY and ZIGGLER feud for the title up until HIAC with ZIGGLER coming out on top(make their feud personal to spice it up)
in the mean while have FINLAY, RTRUTH, KNOX, AND HAAS feuding as midcards to get someone ready for the next IC title contender!! preferably RTRUTH!

CRYME TYME as tag team champs either feud with HART DYNASTY again..or the englishmen over on ECW
YANG & FUNAKI? give them a japanese gimmick that is the same to make them a tag team
WWE can't just decide to move ECW and give it a longer time slot. They don't really get to tell networks to pick the show up and tell networks to make it longer.

It makes no sense to tell HHH to step down when he is still way over. People who say stuff like that don't seem to understand he is on top for a reason. Vince and HHH are businessmen, if HHH didn't sell anymore he would have no choice but to step aside. The point now is to use veterans to put over new guys, without that new guys will not look powerful. WWE needs HHH and all the rest of the old farts.

Carlito sucks and has for a few years now. Razor Ramon wtf? Just because they have accents?
There is clearly a plethora of very talented young guys on the roster who can becomes stars if booked properly, but they aren't being booked properly or given the chance to step out of the main event. Firstly, there are very few actual angles set up in the midcard, most of the storylines on the show involve the main event scene while there are generic rivalries for meaningless belts in the midcard. Also, if you look back in time you can see that midcarders used to garner larger reactions because they had some sort of gimmick, most people now have uninteresting gimmicks and vastly undeveloped characters so the audience barely gets to know these people. Once again, the booking focuses on developing the main event characters and no one else. For example in the attitude era they took wrestlers who basically were shit like the Godfather and developed an intriguing gimmick allow the audience to connect with them, that rarely happens today. In addition to the Godfather u had guys like Crash Holly, the APA, Too Cool and Rikishi, Al Snow and the RTC the list goes on and on. Most midcarders had something unique that stood out and could easily entertain the crowd, sure they werent the most talented guys but they still got better reactions than the people today. Sop ya my basic solution is create more interesting characters for the midcarders that are easily relatable to the audience, and give them a chance to show this character more through cutting promos rather than going out and working filler matches. I'm a big advocate for everything on the show having some sort of meaning or purpose so the filler matches in the midcard shoudl definitely be limited. Create an intriguing storyline to keep me interested in more than just the wrestling but in the consequences of the win or loss of a particular match.

As for which midcarders i think have the most potential to main event i'll provide a list.

RAW- the most talented midcarder on RAW is the Miz by far, he has superstar written all over him and it the total package and the ultimate heel. Jack Swagger has potential too but one guy i think is simply doomed to be a midcarder for life is MVP, something about his current character isn't working right now and maybe if they fix it he could get more over. Orton is pretty much the lone main event heel on RAW so some fresh heels in the world title scene would work well. Like its pretty muchh Orton as heel against Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Batista (when hes back)...

Smackdown- It is a complete shame and disgrace that John Morrison is not one of the biggest names in modern wrestling. He represents the direction that the WWE as a company needs to move in. Of all their talent he is by far the best and i hope to god he wins a world title. Cryme Tyme aren't going to main event but they could still be one of the most over things in the company, their track record shows this as when they were on RAW they got some of the biggest pops of the night. I'm very glad to see their recent push and i think they could be like a New version of NAO. If any team could step up and bring recognition to tag team wrestling it's Cryme Tyme. Mic skills, great gimmick, wrestling talent- they absolutely have everything you need to succeed.

ECW- Christian definitely qualifies as a midcarder who could step up to the main event. His mic skills in my opinion are more entertaining that Edge's and pretty much all his matches are solid. He could be a great heel as has been shown in the past. Christian is a great candidate to win the MITB and this perhaps could lead to a feud with Edge (who will return as a face), establishing him as a top star. Might as well give him a shot and see what happens.
OP, do not give up your hopes for the main event changing. All this means is that HHH will not be in the WWE title picture. John Cena, Randy Orton, and eventually Botchista will be in the main event. This is something that I need to see to believe. Plus, a stale main event is only one of WWE's problems. The guest hosts get more attention than any wrestler which is wrong and foolish.

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