Vikie Guerrero Pregnant??

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For Reals! just announced that Vickie Guerrero is "pregnant".

Based on the verbiage used by the WWE's site, it's possibly a new storyline twist leading into the Wrestlemania World championship bout between Edge (Guerrero's husband), Big Show (her secret lover) and John Cena - who's the daddy?

Or, it's just an EXTREMELY lame April Fool's joke. Time will tell.

I find it funy that Big show is involved in an illegitimate son story line AGAIN. Anyone else remember the Bossman feud?

If this is legitimate, it will probably signal a Cena win, with this two feuding afterwards, but dear goodness I hope it's an April fools trick.
Damn you CKO i was just about to post this lol. I hope to god this is just an april fools joke otherwise this has just turned an average storyline into a crap storyline. I mean the option would be to lose the baby probably after an AA from Cena which could further the storyline, but why would the WWE do this it serves no purpose especially in Wrestlemania week.
i totally i agree. Logically i dont think she can even have kids anymore....ok ok back to wrestling time...

i think they did it to add some "fire" into the match, which i think is stupid. i'm totally going with what you said that cena will accidently hit her with an AA causing a miscarriage...meh

better be an april fools
why didn't they announce this on raw two nights ago? What sense does it make to put this on where most people probably wont see or hear of it. This addssome sizzle i guess to the storyline they were better off anounncing that on raw rather then wasting it on
This adds some sizzle i guess to the storyline

i dont agree, what can this possible add to the storyline with Mania a few short days away, now we will have to sit through more annoying promos by Vicky explaining it all while we watch Edge and Show fight over her. i really think that all this is pointless and pray for an april fools joke
who knows, maybe they might edit it into smackdown? no? i didnt think so either. i think that's why they announced it on there's no other way to get it out there since raw had already aired, and sd and ecw have already been taped...

all i know is that it's creeps! :weird:
Or maybe she is actually pregnant! I don't know what her personal life is outside of wrestling is. It's been a few years since Eddie's death, maybe she found someone new. Or maybe it is just a stupid storyline. Who's baby is it Edge or Big Show? Who cares ? Maybe she will have an abortion or miscarriage or an alien will take it who knows.
What the F*ck? How the hell is this possible? Well if it is real, would there be another paternity thing like with Vince's illegitimate son? It was really annoying and pointless because that storyline was scrapped soon after it was revealed that hornswoggle was actually Finlay's son and not Vince's. Maybe they thought that this was a better way of conveying that storyline, Having 3 men that being John Cena, Big Show and Edge, fighting for Fathership of Vickie's son. This isn't a well constructed storyline at all, and this has to be the absolute worst build up to a Wrestlemania storyline ever since Brock VS Goldberg. This is the second time around with the pregnancy storyline. I don't see this one ending any better than the last one with Lita and Kane. The most disgusting thing I have ever seen was when Lita kissed Snitsky after the miscarriage. It made me sick
Back in November (or somewhere similar, i don't remember where), i looked at how Vickie was acting with Big Show and Edge and I had a feeling that they might do a Vickie's pregnant storyline. It's just I thought they would say she was pregnant back then. I think there was an episode where she said she felt sick or something.
I agree. I hope this is just for April fools day. Heres what they are saying on

Vickie Guerrero is the wife of WWE World Heavyweight Champion Edge, the lover of Edge’s rival Big Show and now, surprisingly, an expectant mother.

It was confirmed early this morning that the acting General Manager of SmackDown and interim GM of Raw is pregnant. According to eye-witness accounts, Guerrero visited the El Paso, Texas office of obstetrician/gynecologist Dr. Michael Keys Tuesday afternoon seeking pre-natal care. Due to patient/doctor confidentiality, Keys’ office could neither confirm nor deny that Guerrero is a patient of the ob-gyn and is seeking pre-natal care.

Although our wishes for a healthy pregnancy are extended to Guerrero, would be remiss were it not to acknowledge the awkward situation in which Guerrero may now find herself. After all, it was revealed just three weeks ago that Guerrero was carrying on an extra-marital affair with her husband’s rival and one-third of the Triple Threat Match at the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, Big Show.

The affair will undoubtedly lead some to speculate on the paternity of the expectant child.

Neither Guerrero, Edge nor Big Show have responded to repeated requests for comment. Check in with for the latest on this breaking story.
All I know is that I really hope it does not end up like it did with lita. With matt hardy being edge in this situation kane being big show and lita being vickie. It just seems that wwe is trying to use to many old storylines today.
The only thing we can hope from this is that its Cena's baby and it brings a heel turn. But hey WWE aren't that stupid...

Or maybe they are??
The only thing we can hope from this is that its Cena's baby and it brings a heel turn. But hey WWE aren't that stupid...

Or maybe they are??

I was just about to suggest that. Cena sucks as a face, so a heel turn would at last be something different.
Vickie Pregnant ? This couldn't get any better ! Cena can't win cause Vickie has said that whoever won at Mania would get her. That is, unless she's having an affair with Cena too !
Thank god for that, it was just an april fools prank by John Cena, yay.

In keeping with the April Fool’s Day tradition – not to mention, having some fun at the expense of his opponents in the Triple Threat Title Match at WrestleMania, World Champion Edge and Big Show – John Cena has confessed to being the mastermind behind the story of Vickie Guerrero’s pregnancy.

Long known to have a wicked sense of humor, Cena called the offices to suggest that, as an April Fool's Day gag, we publish an article stating that Guerrero visited an El Paso, Texas obstetrician/gynecologist’s office for pre-natal care.

With April Fool’s Day landing so close to the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, Cena’s prank will undoubtedly reverberate with Vickie’s husband Edge and her lover Big Show, both of whom had reason to question the paternity of a potential child.

If either Edge or Big Show needed any more motivation to pounce on Cena, that motivation has arrived. Especially since we join Cena in wondering what Vickie's offspring might look like if fathered by "The Ultimate Papa-tunist" ...
Its an April Fools joke

In keeping with the April Fool’s Day tradition – not to mention, having some fun at the expense of his opponents in the Triple Threat Title Match at WrestleMania, World Champion Edge and Big Show – John Cena has confessed to being the mastermind behind the story of Vickie Guerrero’s pregnancy.

Long known to have a wicked sense of humor, Cena called the offices to suggest that, as an April Fool's Day gag, we publish an article stating that Guerrero visited an El Paso, Texas obstetrician/gynecologist’s office for pre-natal care.

With April Fool’s Day landing so close to the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, Cena’s prank will undoubtedly reverberate with Vickie’s husband Edge and her lover Big Show, both of whom had reason to question the paternity of a potential child.

If either Edge or Big Show needed any more motivation to pounce on Cena, that motivation has arrived. Especially since we join Cena in wondering what Vickie's offspring might look like if fathered by "The Ultimate Papa-tunist" ...

Kinda lame in my opinion
i dont agree, what can this possible add to the storyline with Mania a few short days away, now we will have to sit through more annoying promos by Vicky explaining it all while we watch Edge and Show fight over her. i really think that all this is pointless and pray for an april fools joke

I was being sarcastic.

I'm glad that its just an April fools joke cause the last thing we need is 9 months of baby daddy drama.
If this is all true, then what should happen is doring a promo on SmackDown, Maury Povich should come out with the Paternity tests. "Big Show, you are NOT the father!" That's what I wanna see!

Either that, or they just have the whole "give birth to a hand" all over again.
Why would they do something like this on, and not even have it last for the full day? Did Joey Styles run this and not inform Creative ... with Vince blowing a gasket when he heard about it? Just very odd, especially since it didn't even last for half the day.

On a side note, this is yet another move that tells people that is not the place to go to for any legitimate news on the company.
Why would they do something like this on, and not even have it last for the full day? Did Joey Styles run this and not inform Creative ... with Vince blowing a gasket when he heard about it? Just very odd, especially since it didn't even last for half the day.

On a side note, this is yet another move that tells people that is not the place to go to for any legitimate news on the company.

That's the same thing I was doesnt make sense to run a storyline on, considering not as many ppl who watch the shows go on to begin with..

I had a feeling it was a joke, it is April 1st afterall..but aint this funny: Xmen origins is out...on the internet! No joke! :blush:
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