Videogame Hacks


Lord And Master
Staff member
Special Note: This post contains videos that may be considered against the rules of this forum. If so, I apologize and will accept full punishment.

I am the kind of gamer that likes to explore the farther regions in gaming. Most of which should be left unspoken. The topic of MUGEN and video game emulation are always controversial but they've been done already. I've been (trying) making basic instruction manuals on each. However research has always been my best bet to re-motivate myself into doing them. Throughout my "research" I've made some curious discoveries. Games that have been tampered and/or reconstructed. I was amazed at some of the work. An example is this:

Most people do this for the fun of it, and its truly amazing how they do this knowing they won't earn anything. So whats your opinion on video game hacks? Do you consider it right or wrong?
[QUOTE="The Kill Joy" Robert Morales;1646297] Throughout my "research" I've made some curious discoveries. Games that have been tampered and/or reconstructed. I was amazed at some of the work.

Most people do this for the fun of it, and its truly amazing how they do this knowing they won't earn anything. So whats your opinion on video game hacks? Do you consider it right or wrong?[/QUOTE]

I did a hack for Final Fantasy 6 once. I never got around to finishing it because of a huge glitch that occured due to me saving then editing further. (Don't EVER do that, I learned the hard way!!!!) All the characters had re-colored sprite sets, I renamed the abilities to their modern counterparts (Bolt 3 became Thundaga, Pearl became Holy, etc), inserted funny lines into the text, changed character skills (Locke had Shock, Gau could actually "fight", etc), and replaced a few monster graphics (one being a cartoon version of one of my teachers, who went on to inspire a boss in my game Division Blade).

I got to the part where Setzer first joins and you are going to the empire, then a huge glitch ruined everything because I went back to edit more after saving game data during my test play. It helped me learn how to edit games though and if it wasn't for working with hacks like that one, it would have taken me MUCH longer to learn how to use software like RPG Maker 2003 (which is what I am making Division Blade with), so game hacks can be a good thing.

My opinion is that game hacks are a good thing but only if you do them for fun and do not try to sell them for a profit because they are not your original works. It is only ok if you do them for fun and/or fan service and still give credit to the development staff of the original game.
Hacks, when done well, are a ton of fun. I think that some fans do hem for enjoyment and because they love the game they're hacking. I have no problems with well-done hacks provided that the hacker doesn't try to sell them.

Hacks can extend the life of a game and make you want to play it again. I have played so many Sonic The Hedgehog hacks because of remixed levels or the ability to play as other characters makes it feel like a whole new game.

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