Video Games = Better Eyesight

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wtf u doing on a wrestling forum talking bout b.s. video game articles
well this is the non wrestling entertainment part of the forums *crowd murmus in agreement*
Listen, we are all on here talking about wrestling so deny your nerd status or don't, nobody really cares. It is childish to go on calling everyone else nerds because no one wants to hear it. So the guy likes video games. Does it matter? Does that make him a nerd? And if so, who cares? Does it make him any less of a person? Does it make it harder to post on here for guys that are apparently Mr Cool?

I don't play video games but that is because I don't really care too much for them. There are plenty of adults out there who play video games. Some for fun, some because of addiction, and I really don't care if they do.

As for the topic, I think that these things can definitely ruin your eyes but they do have some benefits, although they contribute to obesity levels around the world though. So basically they have positives and negatives but the negatives outweigh the positives in my opinion. Playing too much of any video games is bad for your eyes, and it is probably just video game players making up stories so that they can tell themselves that they won't need glasses.

Come to think of it, I haven't played a video game for ages, and the last one was SD vs Raw 07 and that was around Christmas. I guess I have just grown out of that stage, although that could just be that I don't feel like playing the games because there is nothing good to play.

By ages you mean 2 months?

hahahha. I'm sorry but the rest of your post was leading me to believe it had been years.

I actually played it maybe once or twice and that was because my brother had gotten it for Christmas but otherwise, I hadn't really played much because I had grown out of that stage.
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