Video Games are evil.....yet again

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

I was going to post the whole article but that would've too long to post. Anyways, apparently we have all these child molesters going out buying Nintendo Wii's and playing Animal Crossing. If Viva Pinata were online I'm sure they'd be saying that was a target for pedophiles as well. Not only this but they say if you're an adult, you shouldn't be playing Animal Crossing. Why not? I played the original on the Gamecube and it was a decent game. We live in an age where grown 30-40 year olds are playing Pokemon religiously. So not only are we not supposed to play violent games like GTA etc, we're not supposed to play more family friendly games because we make look like child molesters? Hell let's just get rid of video games, music, and movies while we're at it because God forbid we may need to watch a children's movie because we have a kid or kids. Even better idea, let's just create a bubble around everyone and shut out any form of contact so we can all stay "pure".

This is getting ridiculous, first video games create maniacal murderers because of GTA, now they apparently give child molesters a channel to contact children. How about we go blame America's Army for teaching people how to fight wars while we're at it. Hold that thought, I need to go eat some mushrooms because Mario taught me to, I'll be right back.
I don't really think that video games have the influence critics say they do. Firstly, if a 10 year old is playing a certificate 18 game, who can you blame? Not the people who created the game, but the parents, who should take note of what their children are doing. But anyway, this article is stupid. The truth is, predators could be anywhere - even inside your own home. A sad thought, but it's true. They can also be at the school your kids go to, the TV shows your kids watch, the shops your kids go to. You can never be 'safe' from this thing, not completely, and saying a game is increasing this is pointless. Shall we stop MSN and facebook as well, in case a predator is there? I don't think so.

Teach your children about safety, and not talking to strangers (In person or on the net), and it'll be so much more effecitve than pointless articles like this one.

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