Victory Road: World Heavyweight Championship RVD (c) v. Abyss v. Hardy v. Anderson

Who walks away TNA World Heavyweight Champion?

  • Rob Van Dam

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Mr. Anderson

  • Abyss

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
RVD (c) v. Abyss v. Jeff Hardy v. Mr. Anderson


Officially announced on iMPACT! tonight.

Following the disqualification last week on iMPACT!, Hogan announced that the match would be a four-way at Victory Road since no contender was named through a win the week prior.

Your thoughts on the match? Predictions for the winner/loser?
I think this is a good main event for a PPV. Good star power, personally I think they should make it a Monsters Ball, that would be great but I doubt it.

Jeff Hardy wont win because of his court issues. I would hope TNA isnt that stupid to put him as their main guy, with these issues going on.
Mr. Anderson, who I hope wins, but I dont think they will push him there right now.
Abyss could be logical to win, to really push his new monster gimmick, but it seems they might be going a different route with him and the EV2 faction
RVD will probably win, reason I say that is because I think TNA is gonna build up to Bound For Glory with the main event being RVD vs Kurt Angle. By then Angle will have moved into Number 1 Contender posistion
I think Mr. Anderson wins this match.

1. Jeff Hardy won't because of legal issues.

2. Abyss will not win, but he will interact with the ECW guys at the end of the match and clear the ring of everyone.

3. RVD will also be beat down because he is Hogans guy.
With the booking going the way it is, I can't imagine this doesn't go to Abyss. He's definitely the top heel in the company at the moment and will undoubtedly be so for a good while. He's going to feud with Hogan and his boys and needs a way to have his dominance established. What better way than having the world title? RVD's title reign has really meant nothing at all and it's time to change him over. I don't like Abyss being champion, but I can't see another outcome here.
I still cant believe TNA went through with a four way after WWE just had a Fatal 4 Way Event. It will only be surprising if RVD keeps his title or Jeff Hardy magical gets it but the title changing hands seems likely if they wanna copy WWE. I think the title will change hands tho because i smell an 'ECW' invasion happening. I like TNA but recently i've been doubting the reason I like TNA a lot besides Kurt Angle, Wolfe and AJ. I hope something interesting happens during this match like Tommy dreamer attack his old ECW RVD for conforming and they take Abyss into their group. I dont know, TNA 'Surprise' me, and for real this time because saying surprise 100 times doesnt really help anything. I still look forward to sunday.
This is actually a Fatal Four Way being booked properly. When did TNA switch writers with WWE? You have a ton of different aspects to look at in this match, and oddly enough all of them feature the Champion at a dis-advantage.

First off; You have the recent pairing of Hardy & Anderson. Will one try to screw over the other to gain the highest Championship within the Company?

Second; You have Abyss, who recently (apparently) had a huge heel turn on Hulk Hogan. So you have the guy who was given a Hall of Fame ring, told it has the power to help the individual wearing it to never lose, and its now in the hands of someone who's becoming more violent than he's ever been. Great combination.

Finally; You have your Heavyweight Champion (apparently) being booked to look like a weak Champion, who constantly gets beaten up and destroyed, coming into his toughest challenge yet. Not 1, but 3 top contenders all looking for his title.

The only thing that would make this match even greater - is to make it an Elimination style Fatal Four Way.

At this point, I don't truly care who comes out with the Championship. I'm just shocked and happy that this match is being booked better than any other Championship match they've had on Pay per view in over a year's time it seems.
WOW..another good match..i want this to go down nice and smooth...I expect a long match, with every getting a near for the winner??

Abyss - I doubt he will get the win..he is feuding with Hogan as it is...

Mr. Anderson - Possible winner here..I don't mind him getting the title considering how over he is now...

Jeff Hardy - Nope...Court Issues..

RVD - I think he will retain the title in this match..TNA want him to go along way i think..and him winning this match (which is hard, look what happened at WWE F4W ppv)'s a difficult match where anything can happen...

I am looking forward to the interferances from someone in the back..(I say this because all TNA main events have backstage interferance):)
Anyone can win this one, really. I'd actually say RVD has the smallest chance in this match. His championship has been unispiring thus far. People will obviously pin it on him for not being able to carry a company or whatever, but it's not his fault he was given virtually nothing to work with. What a shame.

It certainly looks like Abyss could be coming home with the belt at this point, which isn't as terrible as many people will think. You can't expect too much from Abyss. A crazy monster heel who destroys stuff and wrestles hardcore matches decently with some big spots is what he is, and that's just fine. It's not like he'll hold the belt for 2 years or anything.

Both of the Asshole Brothers have an outside shot at this one as well, with Anderson having the bigger chance, the way I see things. I don't think either of them will win, as it would just lead to the two of them having a title match for respect and whatever. The whole bromance storyline is pretty stupid overall, especially with Anderson being so clearly ahead of Hardy at this point.

The match itself will be a clusterfuck of epic proprtions. Expect Hardy to dive off something tall and Abyss to bleed for no apparent reason. Him slamming an opponent threw the floor is likely as well.
After iMPACT tonight, im starting to get hyped for this one. 4-way matches are usually filled with some cool spots especially when you have guys like RVD and Hardy. I feel like we saw seeds planted for an Anderson heel turn with Pope talking about how he's basically bs'ing being a "good guy", and then he hits Hardy (inadvertently?) with a steel chair but afterwards looks like he intended to do it. I still think the title comes down to two guys though: RVD and Abyss. I can't see Anderson getting the title here, Hardy is a longshot here but maybe. RVD seems to be losing steam as world champ. We don't see him in action much on iMPACT, and tonight he's special guest referee?

I can see Abyss winning here due to the ECW invasion and how they are really pushing him as a monster heel, but I can see RVD somehow retaining.
I'm a bit dissapointed the way this has been booked - it's like RVD was the spare part in this 4 way match. Anderson and Hardy had their own thing going on, and Abyss has his problems with Hogan. RVD has played a very minor role in the build up for this match.

I expect him to win, and hopefully we will finally see EV2 debut.

Jeff won't win, Abyss I pray won't win (see the Abyss/Hogan thread for my thoughts on that). Anderson could, that definitely isn't out of the question. But I'm still going for a RVD win.
Kenderson is a brazenly obvious and clear perfect choice here, which means he won't be going home with the title, this is TNA, after all.

Probably ends up with Abyss and his spike bat that he never hits anyone with, for a showdown with Hulk Hogan, at BFG and such. Im not even kidding, either.

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